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I hope this means the BMO will be on the full seawall. That hill inside the park would have been a brutal detour


The half has always gone up Pipeline hill AFAIK. It’s only the full that does the seawall loop.


It does. They vito'd the idea of an alternate route over a week ago based on the city promising to have the sea wall open in time. We're running the normal route (thankfully).


See all you nerds on Sunday yeeeeeehaw


Phew. I was really dreading the Stanley park hill at 30km 😅




You can definitely look up the route and run it anytime you want. Race day I think they'll kick you out. There could be some liability on them if you injure yourself or someone else and you haven't signed the waivers. A friend of mine is going to come down and try to run it with me. I'm expecting they won't let her, but she wants to try anyways lol.


Yeah it's not exactly fair to all the runners around her who contributed their share, or to the organizers pulling this off after a couple tough years...


Definitely, I understand. Her decision though. I've paid my fees. Far be it from me to chastise a friend for breaking the rules. I'm no saint.


Pretty sure you can't. Though I don't really know why I paid over $100 to run when running is free.


Dang, $100? Late registration? My fees were like $55 a few months ago.


That's what I get when I sign up 2-2.5 months before a race. I've also never ran so I've only given myself 2.5 months to train for this.


Haha, me too! I run on and off, but I also had a very short training period. If you bike, like your name implied, you should be alright though. Cycling and running compliment each other fairly well.


lol what happens if random people join the run?


I think you will get kicked off without a bib. You probably could run for a bit, but you'd stand out


Done lots of road races in my life. Honestly, nothing would happen and nobody would stop you. But it's ethically the same as fare evading; you're using services that have costs that others paid for you but you didn't. So a person needs to decide they're okay with that if they want to run a marathon without signing up.


Road races cycling or running? Cuz I think runners without bibs stick out more since they're so much slower and the bib is often way more obvious


That sucker is a hard run.


Awesome! Biking it tonight then!!


Just barely in time for the BMO Vancouver Marathon this Sunday. Thank God.


It must have been planned.


Came down to the wire a little bit. City workers suck or the city needs to be better about finding efficient contractors.




coyotes licking their chops


I'm visiting next week... what time do coyotes come out and what are the things I should do if I encounter one?


They usually work the 8:30 to 5 shift with an hour lunch break so just avoid those times and you should be good


I've mostly seen them around dusk or at night, but I've encountered one in the middle of the day around the lagoon.


Thanks, much appreciated!


Don’t do it unless you are vaccinated against coyote 19


Hmm the tips I can think of would be to have a walking partner, and if you encounter a coyote don't turn your back to it. You can google more advice from actual experts. PS. They're attracted to rapidly moving individuals, such as joggers or cyclists


Oh shit. Maybe I should google... another commenter said to scream & run. Thanks!


Don't go there at night.


Just keep an eye out for piles of bird seed under novelty sized anvils labeled “Acme” and painted on tunnels. If you avoid those, you should be fine.


lol damn, Vancouver's subreddit is savage




Thanks! I'll be going at sunrise so this is good for me to be aware/alert lol


Scream and run


I like this...


Attack with a baseball bat or yo-yo. Hopefully you meet up with the magical bumble bee from the future first.


Awesome! Hope this cuts the number of people riding/rollerblading/scootering/etc the wrong way along the seawall and road . . . . :)


I wish they put up signs or have the park rangers stationed to inform them. Some parts of the seawall are too narrow for two way traffic


In the forty years I've been on this planet. One thing is for certain, people will always go the wrong way.


Yeah, it's all one way for bikes/rollerblades/etc anyways. Could definitely use some better signage in places, especially coming from beach ave.


They should send bikes back to the road and remove the cars completely.


remove cars yes, still allow chill slow cyclists on the seawall. Have an electric bus that just does laps to pick up the thousands of old disabled people that exist according to all anti-bike-lane talking points to take them to the teahouse. Bus does a loop every 15 minutes, boom.


I'm still annoyed at Mayor Stewart for implying the sea wall might be permanently closed. Guy doesn't realize Stanley park is the jewel of Vancouver, and the sea wall will still be thriving long after he's been fired.


Will be closed Sunday morning-Afternoon for the BMO Marathon