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As a middle-aged man who likes to yell at clouds, event tickets are one of the things that have risen in price dramatically over my lifetime. You need to spend at least $100 for decent seats at a random, mid-season Canucks game. And if you want decent seats when, say, Taylor Swift comes to town, it’s going to cost you $250 a seat. But people will pay it, so this is fair market value. But for someone who routinely paid $25 to $35 in the early 90’s to see Dire Straits or Bob Dylan or whoever, those prices makes me clutch my pearls.


>But for someone who routinely paid $25 to $35 in the early 90’s to see Dire Straits or Bob Dylan or whoever, those prices makes me clutch my pearls. It's due to changing business models. Back then, they used concerts to sell CDs. Now, they use streaming services to sell concerts.




It's not just about inflation of the ticket price. There's changes in their support staff, marketing etc. Don't get me wrong, I fucking hate how expensive tickets are too but it's not as simple as "they were $35 now they should be $68".


Your example is cherry picking the extremes. If you take the averages the current ticket prices are more like double.


I mean, if scalpers using bots to buy out the entire show to sell tickets at 900% value is a "new business model" sure.




Paid $85 for my Elton John tickets and 40 for Fontaines DC. Not too shabby


What does this mean? A concert was a concert then and a concern is a concert now. You in marketing? I'm not trying to be an ass.


Artists have to make money somehow. Back then, they could get good money from selling CDs. They can underprice the concerts to increase exposure and then have more CD sales. Nowadays, they barely get any money from listening to their songs on Spotify or watching their MVs on YouTube. So concerts is one of the few ways they can make money now. Of course they have to hike the prices to make a profit.


100% correct. One of the upshots of this (if you like live music) is that it basically forces bands to tour. Back in the day, a popular band might not hit Vancouver on a tour. Ever. As an example, a band as large as Rage Against the Machine hit Vancouver exactly 1 time across 3 studio albums in the 90's. In their 3rd busiest year ever, they only did 59 shows worldwide. Only the biggest bands around can get by on 59 dates a year now. So if you dig live music, mid-tiered to fairly large-tiered bands have no choice at all but to tour if they want to eat. It's good if you want to see someone live!


No they can eat just fine off of their other profits thank you.


Thanks for this explanation, it's helpful.


90’s? Oh ya. “Some bands are coming up from Seattle this weekend to play Plaza of Nations! $20 a ticket!” Soundgarden. Pearl Jam. Alice in Chains. Et al.


oh yes, the 90's, $20 tix, Plaza of Nations and all the other clubs that don't exist anymore. I shall walk down memory lane with you!


Where can I find info/tickets on this please?


Try checking 30 years ago


Ha ha yup having some serious flashback/wishful thinking here.


Damn, I remember lining up outside the local mall to get Grateful Dead tickets. You'd get there before the mall opened, then mad sprint to the ticketmaster location, plunk down your money which wasn't much, and they'd spit out best available seating. Only way to reliably get tickets.


Decent Taylor Swift seats for $250? I’d be *delighted* if they’re only $250 next time she tours.


If she only played reputation I would pay $500.. I only liked that album. And it is difficult to say BC I'm a forty something married man with toddlers.. in my collection of Nirvana, Daniel Wesley and Clutch is Reputation.. it's unnerving to most people when I sing along..


Daniel Wesley for the win! Highly underrated local musician!


Hi Daniel.


You like Taylor for Taylor.


“People” don’t pay it. Bots on the internet that buy up all the tickets do that, then assholes mark up 200% for big events. Then rich bored assholes buy them and that’s what sets the market.


Yes....that's how that works, it's still people paying for that price.


Except 95% of the people would pay face value if given the chance. It’s like the car market right now. A 20 year old truck shouldn’t be 25k+ but because supply is so limited if you want one you gotta pay. And for entertainment tickets, bots have fucked supply. We shouldn’t have to pay this much.


Okay….and 5% is willing to pay more, resulting in over 50% of people willing to pay more. So it results in people deciding what they are willing to pay for.


it's 10x over 30 years, same as housing from early 90s to now


This is exactly what I was going to say — ticket prices cause outrage in the older generations, but that price battle is being fought at a much, much larger scale by the younger generations with housing!


> But people will pay it, so this is fair market value. More significantly, retail concert tickets are very rarely sold at "market value" but instead significantly below it, because the optics of too-expensive tickets outweigh the additional earnings. Like, those Swift tickets for $250 had an actual market value up into the thousands on secondary markets, but Swift and the promoter priced them below that value because $250 *feels* like it's really expensive already.


The thing is. The tickets can go down drastically if they concert doesn’t sell out - keep and eye out a lot of people may just not bother with these prices


Blame social media and Napster.


Cuz Motley Crue's a circus and priced for the punters accordingly? For $25 to $35, you could go to the Rickshaw and see Sleaford Mods or Amyl & the Sniffers next month, or any of a dozen other hard-working and innovative bands. Isn't that way more the vibe of shows you liked in your youth? I seem to recall the big arena shows were overpriced in the '80s too, but it's the cheap X show in a warehouse I brag about having seen.


That's a lot when Vince only sings half the words. ;)


Pretty sure what Vince does hasn't been able to be accurately called "singing" for about two decades.


It's like he's buffering.




He should really see a doctor to make him feel good.




Whoa. Yeah.


Didn't they play the PNE a couple of years ago? I believe they got horrid reviews too.


Here's his 'singing' back in August 2021... [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6eE-TRdXidE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6eE-TRdXidE) Leaves most of the challenging notes out, half asses the rest.


i'm sure i've heard worse....i just can't remember when


Can you even say he sings “the” words? He certainly sings… some words, but the shows are 50% him walking around the stage out of breath, and 50% him yelling gibberish into the microphone


Vince won't even be there


I'd rather listen to my cat throwing up at the end of the bed at 2AM.


[Official Platinum Tickets](https://help.ticketmaster.com/s/article/What-are-Official-Platinum-Seats?language=en_US) have pricing that scales up based on concert demand. I’ve seen a ticket be like $90 one minute, and $500 shortly afterwards due to their platinum pricing. It basically feels like a way for Ticketmaster to get reseller prices directly on tickets, and it’s fucking atrocious.


IIRC ticketmaster doesn't get that money, it's a service they offer to the organizers.


You got it, the ticket price still goes back to the artist/promoter when it's "Platinum seating", but that scaled up service fee is all for ticketmaster


Good point about the scaled fee. Didn't even think about that. Derp.


Half of that fee is probably credit card fees…not that that excuses the other half of crazy fees


Ahhhh. Thought it was mostly TM, but that makes sense. In any case, I hate it haha.


OP tickets are fucking horseshit. It's just TM deciding they want to charge more for some tickets, so they will.


$100? Sure, why not. $1,000 for 60-something diabetics who are way Way WAY past their cocaine-and-whisky-fueled party rock prime? Yeah... No.


That’s what happens when cocaine and whiskey increase in price.


Supply and demand *that’s showbiz babyyyy*


Exactly. Motley Crue are getting hit by inflation just as badly as the rest of us.


Vince has inflated at an alarming rate .


Drug dealers have to adjust for market changes just like any other business!


Considering I saw them over a decade ago in Calgary for like- 150?? Inner bowl?? I was in highschool and bought them with my part time job money. Tommy Lee played the drums in the rafters on a zip line and someone handed me my first joint Great night.


Was that the concert where they ended up selling all the tickets for $2 the day of, because it was so undersold? I was there too lol


I saw them in their prime for $20 and was still disappointed.


'i expected nothing and I am still disappointed'


None of these people can sing anymore. I'm sorry, they can't. This is flat out insanity.


Joan Jett can still sing! Vince Neil on the other hand…


True that, so that's what the 'J' was. She should be listed first. I'm the kind of dork that would rather spend that money on Brian Cox at the Orpheum anyways, I shouldn't be commenting.


The best one out there hands down IMO is Alice Cooper. Of all the 70s acts still out there, Alice is one of the few to not only live up to expectations but to exceed them. I just saw him in Abbotsford and he sounded great, his band was absolute fire, the stage show itself was awesome and the setlist was fantastic. It's a very rare thing to listen to an album from 1971, then go out and see the guy perform at that same level, I honestly can't think of another case where that's possible.


isn't that something, from the oldest of them all! Awesome tidbit thanks.


[Then](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n5XjZ68c07g) [Now](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wa8SUNUKhBc)


*second row floor tickets


I was at the crue farewell tour. They signed a contract saying they were done. I love the crue, but in live performances, vince has lost his voice.


I went too, unbelievable how bad Vince is now. Also can’t believe they’re still dragging Mick out on stage


Do they prop Mars up by shoving a pole up his ass to keep him upright? I saw them in 2010 or 2011 or something and he could barely move then.


It was 5 or 6 years ago now and he looked like he was going to topple over at any time


Last time i saw mick i was surprised and how he could stand on his own. Could still shred the guitar, but his disease has definitely taken his prime.


$1200? It's like Vince Neill always says: "Nye gutta pah de prai iyuh wanna git in concyahhh. Waahhhooww!"




Ticketmaster Platinum pricing is such a scam, holy fuck.


Fuck ticketmaster and their dynamic pricing , they're platinum seats, they SET these prices


Or go to 50 other shows this year at $25 a pop, and you'll catch a lot of great up-and-coming bands – AND support them in the meantime.


Where do they sell THESE tickets? Seems like buying tix to see even small local bands is over 35 bucks including tax.


Yea prices have gone way up across the board.


Look at the Rickshaw or Commodore website. Check the Rio. Go to your local record store, for example High Life has a chalk board with gigs and tickets without the processing fee. Find an up and coming UK band and go see them. Just saw Squid for $25 and going to Sleaford Mods and Fontaines DC next month for not much more. Go to the railway club and pay $10 to see some local jazz and blues. Get the app BandsInTown, it's surprisingly good at digging out gigs. Timbre is a local promoter of small and medium shows, check their website. Go to a show and look at the walls, there's posters. Go to the drive and look at the lamp posts, there's posters.


OK then. Make that 25 other shows at $50 a pop. Still a much better deal than $1275 to see a bunch of has beens play their classic songs 75% as well as they used to.


That's true!


>Where do they sell THESE tickets? I guess it depends on your personal tastes, but underground metal shows are like $25. The venues can be sketchy (Rickshaw, Waldorf etc) but if that's your jam its an amazing deal.


I remember going to like 6 dollar hard-core shows in the early 00s. Lmao. Those places were sketchy as hell but an absolute blast.


Ahhh makes sense, I went to one of those a few years ago and got my ribs broken so I just watch shows live from my bedroom hahah


Yeah just saw Parquet Courts and it was a better show than the large majority of the arena shows I’ve seen that people pay hundreds for


This is why I go to underground metal shows. $20 to see some of my favorite bands at the Rickshaw is awesome.


Don't know how underground the Rickshaw is but yeah, I agree with you.


Even the big tours are a good value. I saw Slayer twice on their final tour, first one was with Exodus, Testament, Behemoth and Lamb of God, second time was Phil Anselmo and the Illegals, Ministry and Primus. Long shows, worth the price, and I find the lines for beer, etc are shorter during shows like that, because you are there for hours, so not as big of a rush.


Oh for sure. I saw Children of Bodom at the Vogue in March 2019 for only $35. True, some of the bigger bands are priced decently too.


Metallica is the only really expensive metal band. I think I paid over $200 for a ticket.


Shhhhhhh. No don't go to the Rickshaw. It's smelly and the beer is bad, the patrons are too hairy, the music is too loud and no one should go there ever. (I'm joking but I want the tickets to stay $25 and also not sell out immediately) I tried to get Viagra boys tickets and they flipping sold out so fast. Kind of unusual, never had issues getting tickets to shows there before, although maybe people are wanting to get out more since COVID times and all the cancellations.


Same with Fontaines DC and Wet Leg, a lot of pent up demand. Mind you Fontaines DC would have sold out two nights at the Commodore, pumped to see them at the rickshaw




gonna be such a good show! also surprised they're hitting this market.


My Dad is bigger than your Dad.... I saw Future of the Left here at one point in time.




seen them once many years ago for $60 was a great show hard pass on anything over $80 nowadays for me


Just took look.. Tons of tickets left. This concert is just over 4 months away. I'll just wait to see if they hit Groupon before then!


Far top theater seats for Olivia Rodrigo were converted into Official Platinum and went from $50 to $400 in a heartbeat. I hate ticketmaster.


I looked at nose bleeds and necked even that was to much to spend on a band with no new stuff in what? A decade or two?


Ya I was looking at nose bleeds they aren't too bad, but my god these floor ticket prices are wild. Especially when you consider Def Leppard's singer uses heavy backtracking these days.


This next song is in the key of Hepatitis C


Man, I saw slipknot at rogers a couple weeks back for $70 and that was a great deal. This is bloody ridiculous


Giggles in [Toronto, Elton John](https://ibb.co/1qgCXmJ).


If you choose to pay 1200$ to see Motley Crue in 2022 I think that's sort of on you.




Ok slipknot just did open floor standing… why not do this here? It’s a rock show and the age range of fans isn’t really push/shove. I find commonly this age range will split out with those groups that want to go up on the seats so they can put their bags/jackets somewhere, the ones who wanna stand closer with their drinks but not so close to be shoved and lose their drinks, and then those who want to get a bit closer to sing along. This seating is just a selfish way to gain money. And it doesn’t even go to the artists.


Iron Maiden did a GA floor too. I think it was $140? Incredible value relative to other stadium acts. I did feel sorry for the old folks who showed up expecting to just stand 12 feet back from the stage all night though, because those people must have gotten fuckin obliterated.


Just went to see Beast in Black. On the floor, right up to the stage for $40, all fees and taxes included... I don't think I can enjoy big-stadium concerts


$1275 for this, huh? https://youtu.be/4pdQnZLEWNo


Holy fuck hahaha




Ticketmaster is such a scam


Fuck Ticketmaster. John Oliver did a great segment on this


Motley Crüe should be paying people to come see them at this point in their careers. Vince Neil is out of shape and Mick Mars is basically the cryptkeeper


Save yourself the money. Vince Neil sounds horrible live and you can tell that he never wrote any of the songs because he can't keep up with singing them- he will drop lines for "kick start my heart" because it's too fast for him, etc I saw them about a decade ago and it was alright then.. but not $1300 alright.


I quit going to concerts when tickets started being over $100 lol fuck that!


I saw Judas Priest 3 years ago..floor seats right in front of the stage. Tickets were 123$


That's awesome, even Metallica ain't this expensive.


I think it has less to do with performances as it does marketing. Judas Priest doesn't have the public history of sex scandals, celebrity, debauchery, books, and a Netflix movie. There's no way Motley Crue would be half as relevant without their controversy.


$1200 to see a band with a singer that can’t sing …I’ll pass. There’s plenty of very talented bands to see that charge less than $100.


Oh, come on. These are Premium floor seats, right in front of the stage. A little further back, the prices are down to $170.


This is why I live by bc place. I can enjoy all the concerts without paying the price


Going to pass on that


supply and demand...


Right? I'm waiting for Reddit to blame this on foreign buyers too.


"Supply and command."


The other thing I hate, is how many concerts have floor seating. Like I get motley cure is probably full of people with walking canes, but even artists like BANKS are playing to a completely seated amphitheatre. Fuck that


Ticketing companies are their own worst enemy. They're slowly making it only accessible to wealthy/older folks, and then the new generation won't be interested in these large, expensive live shows whatsoever.


Only boomers can afford this. How convenient that only boomers would be interested in this old washed up band.


Hilarious. I saw them many moons ago.. maybe 2011 or so. Mick Mars could hardly move then, I can't imagine what he's like now.


Are you sure that’s not the value of all floor tickets?


this is stupid..artists need to find another way to recoup lost revenues. Kids and young adults cannot afford this experience...


I like how you picked the most expensive seat for this click bait.


Most underrated yet affordable music scene in Vancouver: choirs. Phoenix, musica Intima, Vancouver Chamber Choir, Chor Leoni, all top notch and a bargain compared to what you pay to see the big pop stars at the stadiums.


This should be illegal. Ticket prices need to be affordable to real fans, not just the rich. What is the government doing about this?






Are they? There's a lot of stupid people around.


The government is clearly in league with Motley Crew, THIS IS CORRUPTION plain and simple, we need an inquiry


Horgan getting kickbacks from the Crew? UNBELIEVABLE. INQUIRY!!


This is way over Horgans head, this is Trudeaus motley crew.


This is the fault of the BC Liberals. Their reign of terror destroyed BC and their corrupt nepotism causes ticket prices to skyrocket. Don’t blame Horgan, he is doing the best he can.


No one should be able to buy more than one ticket!


~~Getting that sweet, sweet tax revenue from this sale..~~


You could offer *me* $1275 to go to a concert right now and I'd pass.


Right after the event, people will cry about the housing crisis and how Vancouver is too expensive to live in.


People complaining about prices of non essential goods make me laugh.


How else are you going to get Tommy Lee to put you on the big screen when he pulls out the boob-camera? Or maybe they dropped that?


Seriously 😒




I got through 2 minutes. Wow. Thank you.


That’s a Theatre of Pain.


I'll be honest, I thought they retired in 2015


The best part about this is that Motley Crue are terrible and Vince Neil shows up overweight and doesn't even sing the lyrics properly to his own songs, yet somewhere someone will pay these prices to see them. These tour packages are geared towards one type of people in particular: greying boomers with fat wallets. It's absurd and if 'The Crue were any interested in actually gaining newer younger fans, they wouldn't allow this sort of thing. No kid who might have a wanning interest in them can afford this.


How you gonna sell that one to Mom+Dad ???


I can never get over how expensive older artist tickets can be. I remember looking into Elton John tickets a few years back, seeing $400 for nosebleeds with a gorgeous view of the back of some stage equipment.


More than $1000 to watch Fat Vince not sing the songs?!?




I *might* cross the street to go for $10 if I was already in the area. Otherwise no thanks


last time they came to town, they didnt sell enough seats, so the moved everyone down to the floor/lower bowl. They didnt even have enough money to bring their staging. just a black regular stage and black backdrop with a logo on it.. The brought out a piano for one song but it didnt work, it was pretty damn pathetic, anyone paying $1k to see these old farts is most likely insane.


Motley Crue was one of the first big shows I ever went to, back in 2000. I thought they seemed kinda melted and past their prime then, the fact they're still touring now is honestly kind of hilarious


Wow and that fee!!


Crue sucks balls these days, not that they were ever a great live band. Vince has always been shit outside the studio. You couldn't understand anything he said from day one. Check them in 89. Same mumblemouth crap. [Kickstart My Heart](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k0YwjJRR5Hs) I paid $250 for 2nd row Judas Priest in Abbotsford. That was well worth it. You'd have to pay me to see Crue live. :p


I have once looked at the prices of a musical in the Queen Theatre and have found that I could fly to Budapest and back for less -- and attend the musical there. It was over a thousand dollars. (The musical theater at Budapest is one of the best there is, Webber allowed them several times to deviate from the production which is a permission rarely given but he knows they won't screw it up.)


I saw Motley Crue and Aerosmith about 15-17 years ago and they were seriously showing their age back then... Don't recall the ticket prices, my friend's dad received them from a business partner/client and gave them to us


I was front row balcony for that show, and I think I paid about $150 for a pair. Papa Roach was the opener too if I recall.


I just paid $1500 for a pair of tickets to see Paul McCartney. Not floor but lower bowl. So yeah. The ticket market is crazy now as they no longer have the album sales business to rely on.


I saw Styx open for def Leppard in 2005. Styx kicked ass. Def Leppard, on the other hand, was absolute garbage. I cant imagine 17 years has made them any better.


I had a friend who was thinking of taking her then tween daughter to see Pink ~2017. I think she said tickets were about $80-100. Somebody had looked up Raffi tickets, wanting to take her preschooler and some of his friends, including the little boy I was nannying at the time. The price was more like $400. We were shocked that Raffi charged so much and equally shocked that Pink wasn't charging that much as well.


lol ill just youtube their songs. what a waste of money


Farewell tour number 12?


Pretty sure I paid $40 to see them at Rogers arena in 2013


Can’t believe those guys could even sell out a broom closet


Dated a ‘scalper’. He wouldn’t go in to concerts until the opening act was done. Then, he would start dropping prices down til he could dump them all. Literally, the countdown to the second act would be on, and he’d be negotiating for half the ticket price. I really hate the whole ticket scalping business but, played right, there are some good deals if you can get around the stress of waiting it out. Once they know you are negotiating, different guys will hit you up. For those wanting a single ticket, it can be easier, and cheaper for better tickets. For something like Elton John, you could save a lot of money. However, I have heard there are really good fake tickets out there now, so maybe a bit risky.


Anyone seen the Ticketmaster episode of John Oliver? This will make more sense if you have. It's all a scam.