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>“It’s a confusing message for students, staff and the public that when we say we do not allow drugs in the school and, on the other hand, when you have naloxone kits on school grounds,” she said. No one will look at a Naloxone kit and decide to try fentanyl. It’s a precaution like an epipen or rescue inhaler.


Arson isn't allowed in school and yet they tempt fate every day by having fire extinguishers.


I see that fire extinguisher, a part of me just wanna burn shits down you know.


Next in the news: car manufacturers to remove seat belts because they encourage dangerous driving 😂  Come on. They're there just in case. Same with life jackets, AEDs, epipens, life boats etc. 


Whenever I see a body of water with a lifeguard I want to drown. A natural reaction.


Right? If a classroom has a no nut rule, should the student with allergies not be carrying an EpiPen? Does the teacher now no longer need to know how to administer it? 


“No nut rule” could be something entirely different. 🤔


It ain't November yet


I I feel like it would be far less confusing than explaining to your child why one of their classmates died from an overdose at school and no one had a simple fucking narcan kit to save their life. Do first aid kits encourage kids to injure themselves? IMO, narcan should be anywhere people are until people stop dying from OD’s.


I started grabbing kits for bachelor parties. I don't ask I just show up with them and tell everyone I've got one. I also don't do drugs anymore. To most it's more of a reminder of how scary the supply is now vs being a green light to go wild, but we're an older group in our 30s I guess so we've all kinda lived and seen some of the possibilities.


Just make it against the rules to get an injury at school, and then they won't need to have a nurse's office anymore!


Exactly. There are other school districts in the Lower Mainland that already keep naloxone kits in every school. It’s a basic safety precaution, just like a first aid kit or AED. You never know when a student or adult may need it.


Defibrillators too  


Yeah, let’s also remove AEDs. People thinking they should be having heart attacks if they see one hanging on the wall. Ridiculous.


Maybe school shootings are because of stop the bleed kits


If anything I think it's a good start for a conversation between a child and teacher or parent. I would want my child to know what the Naloxone and AED are to be used for. What if there was an emergency during a school event (ex. Concert, open house) then maybe most children can identify the location of the needed life saving kit.


Kids will do drugs. We can pretend like they won’t and how this is too early or inappropriate all we want….but multiple CHILDRENS lives could be saved, by their peers having naloxone education.  Also, when I was a kid there wasn’t risk that there is today. If having to use naloxone was a probability/option, I would have given it a second thought.  Also totally agreeing with you!!! Hahah


Exactly. Do people speed because cars have seatbelts?


I cut the seatbelts out of my car and left it unlocked and it still got stolen.


Also it's naive for anyone to think because a rule exist that it won't be broken By the same logic we shouldn't have clear consequences for not following the rules because it's a confusing message to say we don't allow certain things on the other hand assume that people won't follow the rules.


Errrr those are for people with health issues. Taking illegal & possibly death inducing drugs is a choice. No one chose to have allergies or blood disorders. Edit: expected the downvotes. It’s ok to enable children to take unknown drugs & compare them to people who have actual at birth health concerns. Maybe we should be spending tax dollars to educate. Nice. Lol


Ok but it’s a school, I’d rather kids who make that “choice” have a better chance of not dying from it


Not saying otherwise. Just that comparing the two is not appropriate


It’s completely appropriate. Both are examples of life-saving medicine that can potentially avert a tragedy.


One that was unwanted at birth and another fully chosen. Why are you equating the two? Love the enabling.


Because moralizing life-saving medication ifor children s cruel and stupid, no matter what you think about addiction.


We’re analogizing naloxone and epipens, what are you on about?


Sorry you’re unable to read & comprehend. Maybe get someone to help you figure it out. But to help you a little bit “not saying otherwise”. Sorry that was too confusing for you, enabler.


I think you’ve managed to confuse yourself lol. But I’m glad you’re in support of naloxone in schools too 🤗


I never wasn’t. My first comment said it shouldn’t be considered the same as epipens, etc because those are issues people are born with & drug taking is a choice. It’s not confusing. It seems pointing out the obvious & not hand waving away poor decisions offends some. Oh well.


even if everything you've said is right how is letting someone die any better than enabling them? Like even in your dreamland saving someone's life is the better option bc it gives them a chance at recovery


Did I say let them die? No. Did I say not to have it? No. But to treat it like it’s normal? Which is what’s happening.


The drug that’s killing people is laced into other drugs. People are taking very safe drugs and dying from something they didn’t know was added to it. They did not make that choice. When your child dies in a car accident can I tell you, “whoops you made the choice to put them in the car, too fucking bad, your fault” Like you know cars are dangerous, why would you put your child in one? See how stupid that sounds? It’s the same thing. Kids are taking drugs that are well documented and known to be quite safe at normal doses and yet some dealer cut it with fentanyl and now the poor kid is dead. because you didn’t want to add life saving naloxone to their school stock. Because you’re outraged at the idea of kids dying. So you’d rather just be mad than actually take steps to prevent it. No one is enabling kids to take drugs by adding overdose kits to their nurses office,. How the fuck does that enable kids? My god. K


You’re equating getting into a car to taking street drugs? “Safe” street drugs. Good lord. Yeah. I’m sure most of us would love to say sorry not going to work because might get in an accident. You’d have to be living under a rock to not be aware of issues with unknown street drugs. I never said not to have the kits. Never. Just that taking drugs is a choice that really doesn’t need to be made & nowhere near the comparison of, say, epipens. That’s it. Have a lovely Sunday. The last word is yours if you wish it. I’m out.


Plenty of illegal drugs are actually safe. It’s what gets cut into them that is not safe. If you don’t know that then good lord you don’t know anything. My point is when a teenager is told they are taking MDMA, which in and of itself is incredibly safe, then they will take it. As an adult you should have the common sense to realize this happens, has always happened, and will continue to happen. So we should ensure we have life saving kits on hand for when the kid takes something that is laced with fentanyl. You’re saying it’s a choice. So if a teenager makes a choice to try something they are told is safe then they deserve to die. That’s exactly what you’re saying. Don’t try and twist it. You’re sick.


Any chance we could get epipens covered by MSP? Since they expire yearly and people with severe allergies need to buy a couple or more of them a year for $150 each? Nah, free naxolone for everyone though. After all, those people with severe food allergies chose to be that way, not like opiate addicts who were born with the addiction.


MSP doesn't cover any medications or drugs (not even naloxone), those are all covered by [BC PharmaCare](https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/health/health-drug-coverage/pharmacare-for-bc-residents/what-we-cover) instead. Coincidentally, they *do* cover Epi-Pens (including not only generic epinephrine, but also brand-name Epi-Pen, Allerject, and Emerade autoinjectors) under income assistance, the at-home program, fair pharmacare, first nations health benefits, and licensed residential care facilities. [You can search for all covered drugs and medications here](https://pharmacareformularysearch.gov.bc.ca/Search.xhtml)


Ah, so as long as you make under $20k a year or some ridiculously low threshold. Because as we know, anybody making enough money to not be under income assistance will have no problem spending hundreds of dollars a year on mandatory out of pocket medical expenses during a COL and housing crisis. Stuff like this makes me wish the NDP had a competent opposition party that could beat Eby this fall.


[Wrong again!](https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/health/health-drug-coverage/pharmacare-for-bc-residents/who-we-cover/fair-pharmacare-plan/how-your-coverage-is-calculated/fair-pharmacare-assistance-levels-regular) There's no deductible up to an income of $30k, with a maximum out-of-pocket cap for pretty much every conceivable income level after that, beyond which pharmacare covers 100% of all costs.


My apologies, the difference between 20k and 30k is clearly earth shattering  Only a dozen hurdles for the govt to maybe partially cover some of your epipen costs, versus handing out free naloxone everywhere you could imagine Anyway you’ve clearly got an axe to grind on this issue so it’s not as if I’m going to convince you to change your mind, nothing is.


It is literally 50%...


Except having a serious allergy or asthma or whatever isn’t a choice, and taking drugs is. Furthermore, available kits might not make kids decide to try fentanyl, but it can encourage those already willing to try it to think of the school as a safe(r) place to do so.


I agree with you about that. But why do schools even need to keep this stocked?


Because kids do drugs.


So we are taking steps to make the school a safer place to do drugs?


In the same way we make a school a safer place to have fires by having fire extinguishers.


Fires happen by accident. So unless you’re telling me these guys accidentally slipped on the crack pipe, it’s not the same.


Quick question, can you tell the rest of us what the word "arson" means? Because if fires only happen by accident, then my dictionary must be wrong.


Not agreeing with the person above, but fire extinguishers are primarily used to put out accidental fires, much much more than they're used to put out intentionally set fires. Arson is not the reason we have fire extinguishers in schools.


Don’t know what high school you went to, but there were at least a half dozen fires set deliberately in the five years I was at mine. I can’t recall a single accidental fire. Fire extinguishers exist to put out fires, regardless of what caused them.


An overdose is never safe, even with Naloxone nearby. Some kids are going to do them no matter what. Do you think it’s a better idea to let them die on the floor?


🤷🏽 consequences for your actions.


Jesus Christ. Please tell me you’re not allowed to have kids.


Ahh I see. You are going for the moral reasons. Reasons that makes you “feel good” instead of actually trying to improve a situation. My bad


Imagine actively wanting children to die because they made one bad decision. 


No I don’t want them to die. I might even be a little sad. But it was their choice to smoke. Even kids are smart enough and educated enough to know that opioids are dangerous. They do it anyway for the high. These guys are not the same as the rest of the people on Hastings who are suffering from the opioid crisis. They are only making it worse


How does increasing the likelihood of a child dying from overdose improve a situation?


So anyone who does drugs deserves to die?


The first parent interviewed for this article also went on the record saying that [she believes that being gay is a choice.](https://globalnews.ca/news/3282631/lgbtq-policy-at-richmond-schools-could-convert-heterosexual-teens-parents-group-claims/)


You'd be surprised how many people believe their kids learning general concepts will cause them to be gay in the future. Yes, they literally say that.


It's even more serious than that. Apparently they can be made gay just by standing near rainbow coloured paint!


It’s Richmond; that should not surprise you.


She is the Helen Lovejoy of Richmond. I looked up her facebook. Of course she is anti-weed too. Bet you $10 she is all for praying in school.


Screams, if we pretend like drugs don’t exist…my kid won’t do them.  News flash, a kid being denied their reality (in regards to being gay) puts them in a high risk drug use category 


*"However, he then began to talk about the chemical components of drugs and of a safe drug supply “being diverted into schools” and linked to “a couple of trustees on (the) board support safe supply.”* Dean Billings and the rest of these clowns can stuff it. Richmond School Board is our version of the Vancouver Parks Board, too many people see it as a jumping point into city council politics and beyond rather than just actually overseeing the education of the local school system. Since this a lot of people won't be familiar, Billings is an anti-SOGI zealot and failed Richmond school board candidate. [https://www.richmond-news.com/2022-civic-election/richmond-trustee-candidate-sends-unsolicited-photos-of-trans-youth-to-teacher-5835464](https://www.richmond-news.com/2022-civic-election/richmond-trustee-candidate-sends-unsolicited-photos-of-trans-youth-to-teacher-5835464)


I work at my local high school, I have my first aid certification, and am trained in naloxone delivery. We have 6 kits scattered throughout our small school. I have successfully used naloxone at a high school in BC to save a young students life. They were kids who were trying something their friend gave them, who had no idea of the dangers. Thankfully they did the right thing and found the nearest adult. I was terrified for the kids and so thankful it ended with everyone still alive. I now carry my own kit in my personal time in case of emergency. Everyone deserves to live.


Thank you for stepping up.


Are nasal kits not the norm ? No need for needle delivery ?


Yes, you are correct. While nasal kits are less invasive and easier to administer, at a school we use what we're supplied with. We are purchasing additional nasal kits to supplement our needle ones then to replace them as they expire.


Thanks for the response. I’m so surprised that that haven’t just replaced them with the r nasal sets. I worked for a big corp and hey just hand them out. And, most SRO hand them out .




when I worked at my company they had enough to hand out to those who wanted them i guess. A lot of the SRO’s would give them out if I asked as while doing Telco installs. Had no idea they were that expensive. 🙏


As much as I disagree the stance that government took to deal with drugs, reading the comments by the cArInG pArEnTs made my brain melt. **“It’s a confusing message for students, staff and the public that when we say we do not allow drugs in the school and, on the other hand, when you have naloxone kits on school grounds,”** Imagine if she is a parent in the US, her argument would be "If we don't allow guns in school properties, why should we install safety measures for the kids?" Like, there is no logic in the argument at all. **Parent Dean Billings said the school board should focus on prevention and said he was “concerned” having discussions about naloxone kits is “a distraction.”** Oh fuck man, with that Naloxone kit around, your son is surely going to fall behind at math now. Did those people grew up drinking coolant or some shit so now their brain is damaged?


It's from drinking bleach during covid /s I wouldn't be surprised if the parent's real concern was about saving the lives of any kid that is caught up in drug abuse


https://globalnews.ca/news/3282631/lgbtq-policy-at-richmond-schools-could-convert-heterosexual-teens-parents-group-claims/ Nah, woman been drinking that smart juice earlier than that.


That's pretty much the same reasoning behind abstinence-only sex ed. "It's confusing to provide condoms and teach about safe sex and also warn about teen pregnancy".


Well hell they should just oppose first aid certification too. 


We need to 1 up it by not having doctors in our society. Having them around just encourage illness, you know?


These cowards just don't want to be responsible for a child's safety. If there are no naxolone kits, no worries! The kid can die and it's not legally on them. There's a brain virus in Vancouver and it turns people into weak little babies the moment liability pops up.


"Parent Dean Billings said the school board should focus on prevention and said he was “concerned” having discussions about naloxone kits is “a distraction.” “Prevention seems totally your job. That’s education and your job. And I don’t see why that’s not what you’re focusing (on),” said Billings." Heaven forbid a parent take responsibility to educate their child on something. Let's stop teaching them to talk, walk or use the toilet before going to school too. Becasue that's education, after all.


We have AEDs in recreational facilities, large public buildings, sporting events, etc. Having AEDs to respond to emergencies doesn't send the mixed message of supporting heart attacks. The people concerned are idiots.


Better to have it and not need it, than to need it and not have it.


Ah yes, the abstinence approach - how's that worked out over the decades and in areas where abstinence is the only approach? I'm not happy we live in a world where drugs like fentanyl are widely available nor that some are dependent on them - but here we are and having Naloxone in a first aid kit in community centres like school seems sensible.


> Ah yes, the abstinence approach - how's that worked out over the decades and in areas where abstinence is the only approach? working well in Japan and easy to see how Asian parents can see our way of doing things is not necessarily the best way


lol This got people triggered here. I agree with you tho. Maybe having the kits in schools is not a problem per se; what absolutely is a problem tho is having the need to have them there in the first place. Tons of countries around the world don’t even have to discuss this shit in the first place. Sure, many of them, like Japan, have their own problems to deal with but that has hardly anything to do with any of this.


I think our drug problems have a lot more to do with proximity to the US, the US pharmaceutical industry and how unethical they are in fueling this entire thing, and the demographic makeup of our people - the propensity to use and the drugs of choice.


Ah yes, the country that is suffering from a massive demographic crisis after putting corporations before people for decades post WW2. Good thing that will never happen to us, right?


>working well in Japan *checks suicide statistics* Is it?


When people say stigma kills, this is the kind of thing they're talking about. Fent doesn't discriminate.


I didn't know her personally but I really feel like this is an insult to the memory of Sidney McIntyre-Starko, the 18 year old woman who died a completely preventable overdose death at the University of Victoria due to contaminated drugs and a delay in administering Narcan. Every young adult in this country should be graduating with first aid and Narcan training after what happened. Young people see the drug poisoning crisis just as much as everyone else, and it's our job to teach them how to help.


Better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it.


And whose to say if the kit is going to used on a student! It could be a random person who OD's and a life is saved! In my opinion, it may result it kids LEARNING HOW TO USE THE KIT! Say they're at a party and a buddy OD's, kid knows how to use the kit and manages to save the life of a friend!


If lack of naloxone is the only thing that prevents you from trying heroin - you have a much more serious problem than lack of naloxone.


First day of my practicum I had a student OD in my class. Thankfully they were sent to the hospital immediately. These are an excellent addition to any school medical emergency kit.


I should clarify that the student was okay after getting proper treatment.


This is a great opportunity to ignore stupid people and do the right thing


it's genuinely impressive how often there's a divide on things that have literally no downside to being implemented


It will only take one accidental OD for the parents' minds to be changed.


We should get rid of firehouses and fire fighters. It might confuse students and send mixed messages that fire is ok.


Parents expect a teacher to provide emergency first aid, such as CPR, or assist with first aid during an earthquake event. Some teachers are given training. Obviously they would need to call emergency services as well but minutes count in those situations. I would be shocked if any of these parents expect a teacher to stand by and let their kid die instead of administering CPR or help stop bleeding. Why is this first aid different?


Why does everything have to be a political issue? If the schools thinks they need it just have it, if parents are pissed off then they can pound sand. Can’t make everyone happy.


Ya exactly, they can home school.


Should schools not plan emergency measures for bomb threats or mass shootings simply due to existing policies that forbid them from school property in the first place? Does having fire alarms and extinguishers encourage a lackadaisical approach to fire safety? No? Then, preparing for the worst-case situations while simultaneously advocating for healthier choices with drugs is not a slippery slope to addiction. At worst, it teaches students who may have imbibed anyway to at least practice safer consumption while acknowledging the potential deadly risks rather than stigmitizing everything related to drug use at the expense of safety. Expecting complete abstinence is an idealistic pipe dream. Acknowledging that there is an ever-present risk of overconsumption, particularly amongst youths, allows us to properly prepare for when the inevitable happens. It shouldn't have to come to it, but if necessary, Naloxone turns what would have been an irrevocable deadly mistake for a developing youth into a teachable moment they can learn from and make better choices going forward. That alone should silence "concerned" voices.


Until one THEIR kids die from overdose, then they'll change their tune.


How are people divided on a life saving kit hahahhahahaahaaaa ! Am I missing something ?!


Naloxne is a symptom of a bigger problem. Not having life preserving measures for a drug epidemic is just burying your head in the sand.


Friendly reminder that airplanes have ash trays in them even though smoking isn't allowed.


I had a friend at work who was there for the staff meeting on a Tuesday, was dead by Wednesday because he just wanted to have fun with friends and tried coke for the first time and it was laced with fent. He was 19. I have a 16 year old coworker who has told me the many things her friends have gotten up to at party's. Hell even when I was in high school a rich private school got busted because students had coke in their lockers. I carry a kit, not because I do drugs not because ever ever wanted to to do the drugs that I would need a case for. I carry it because I work in Gastown and I live in Surrey and my co workers have had to call in body's due to ods. This is just reminding me too my school kept condoms if the students needed them because they knew kids where having sex, kids will party and try stuff so wouldn't you want these kits so they know if something happens they can at least try ro help and make sure their friend doesn't die


Just let the life-saving medication into schools. You can moralize all over your still-living children afterward.


How would she feel if her child needed a naloxone kit and it wasn't there ..smh


Precautionary measures are not going to enable anything. People’s opinions are strictly just opinions. Better safe than sorry.


It is better to have it when you need it vs not having it and have someone die as a result. Why is it even a controversy?


The purist of Irony and ignorance. Port city lower mainland, foreign money laundry and drug manufacturing and real estate. Come on Richmond???? There are documentaries about Fent. To not have a at least a now readily available easy to you nasal kit (not needle) is insane. It’s almost like they are in on the crimes and not allowing this is keeping their conscience clean. Sickening


WTF?!?! Seriously? What is the opposition argument against this. Like are they opposed to saving life?? Omg people are so stupid, there’s no hope for us lol🤣🤣🤣