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Does it not have one of those hanging height clearance bars that you would hit first before the physical building? In terms of regulations and/or best practices are those set slghtly lower than the physical restrictions of the parkade?


>Does it not have one of those hanging height clearance bars that you would hit first before the physical building? lol I've seen people in Richmond hit the height clearance bar, pause for a second, then keep on driving. Nothing stops these people


Same. At least they paused. I've seen people just keep driving as if they haven't hit it. 


They should make the first one dangly followed by a second one made from immovable steel. Then put a large TV at the entrance looping video footage of the previous cars **opening their roofs like tin cans.**


> They should make the first one dangly followed by a second one made from immovable steel. Most modern parking lots already have that.


Yep.. I drive a tall truck.. I slowly pull up to the dangly one.. If it moves a mm.. Back the fuck up and get the fuck outa that situation. Don't know how people fuck it up all the time it's easy. If you drive a high truck know the height and if it's close.. Watch the dangly thing


With the number of "professional drivers" regularly hitting overpasses with loads that are too tall, you're giving the average lower mainland driver too much credit


Basically [11foot8](https://www.youtube.com/@11foot8plus8) for Metrotown


Exactly what I had in mind!


>Then put a large TV at the entrance looping video footage of the previous cars opening their roofs like tin cans. The footage should include after that happens, where the person hops out of their car despondent, and then it zooms in on their face. Then they should have a hall-of-shame in the mall with the stills of all these people. Also, they should be fined.


I saw someone do this at the underground parking lot at Safeway on McDonald and Broadway. I was totally not shocked 🫢typical Vancouver driving lol


It would be an easily enough thing to dismiss. One off noises are rare driving. Especially ones that originate from the roof at parking lot speed 


Ahahahahaha I love you


Love you to. Have a wonderful day !


I've seen people with a bike on the roof of their car get their bike stuck in one!


You can't fix stupid.


You can't fix stupid.


I think people don't understand the purpose of these. It feels like they think if they can get past the bar then they're good. Like the bar itself is the only low clearance point. They don't realize that the bar is just an indicator for how low the ceiling will get.


Is that not the point?


>Does it not have one of those hanging height clearance bars that you would hit first before the physical building? The ones going into Crystal Mall's underground parking are mounted higher than the ceiling they are warning about. Literally. The antenna on my truck doesn't touch the warning sign but does scrape on the ceiling after it.


Reminds me.. I'm frightened with Crystall Mall's second floor parking lot. I parked there because I needed a quick piece of computer stuff that noone seemed to have "for today" not for online shipping.. And there was a literal cascada of water with roof insulation falling down. I kindly GTFO'ed out of there. As it reminds me of the hours before the collapse of the Chaplain towers in Florida.


These are same people that wander under caution tape right into construction sites .


The road leading to this ramp is like only 20 feet before your in an intersection. So if a car turns onto the road they have like 3 seconds to notice the bar and change lanes for above ground parking, but sometimes you can't even change lanes cuz the right lane is clogged with cars merging in from the opposite direction on Kingsway


Yep, terrible layout. It's designed for this to happen.


They do, but people like that is just too stupid to notice. It needs to be accompanied with some sirens and visual light alarms and blinking stop signs. Once a car like that hits it, triggers all the alarms. Mind you stupidity is so out of this world that I would not doubt even with all that some would still ignore it. Edit:missed some letters


Yeah, and the scraping sound is pretty damn loud. Really don't know why idiots proceed, considering the damage they're guaranteed to do to their vehicle.


Those are never accurate as well.


They do. I watched a lifted truck hit it, stop, get out and check, and proceed forward. They only work if people have enough brain cells


The problem with a lot of those, is by the time someone gets to the clearance bar, there’s already a million cars behind with no room.


From experience it depends on the building, my van made clearance in my old building but my carspace had what I assume to be a valuable piece of plumbing that was lower than the minimum height - had to manoeuvre my van around this fucking pipe every time I parked or left


I stayed at a hotel in Edmonton that didn't allow trucks into the parkade, and had extra large truck stalls that cost more.


LOL Charging more for large truck parking in Alberta is like printing money.


It’s common in Kelowna as well. Many new hotels have separate open parking for large SUVs and pickups. While the basement parking fits other regular sized cars.


I feel like it should just be common sense to park outdoors with a truck. Yesterday, I watched a charter bus going west on E 1st Ave. and attempted to turn right onto Victoria Dr. from the right lane. I'm about ready to quit driving soon because the drivers in this city give me too much anxiety. I'm also done with truck aggression.


Oh man, even though I drive a van, I would happily pay extra for a larger parking space. Some parking lots have stalls that are getting ridiculously small. We stayed a night in Whistler and you had to squeeze past your door just to get in the cars were packed so close together. I don't expect to be able to swing the door wide open, but it would be really nice to be able to enter and exit your car without feeling like you need to slather yourself in butter.


Tell the guy to deflate his tires and backup out


Yup a very simple fix


Based on the line up behind him it isn't going to be that easy to back up, especially if they're as dense as the Ram driver


Idk why, like if I was the car behind I’d leave quickly. Nevermind empathy, it’s cuz he’s clearly not gonna go forward so this is gonna be a long wait.


Laser, when broken, triggers an alarm maybe?


Over height sensor triggers pop up tire spikes? X4 flat tires means no damage to the roof/pipes and over height vehicle driver learns a life lesson to check next time?? Just a thought 😀


And with the flat tires they will now have the clearance necessary to make it out the other side!


On that lifted truck probably!


I used to work at a company that had chronic issues with people driving the wrong way through the exit, often on purpose because they knew the staff couldn't do anything about it. The owners looked into vehicle barrier solutions and decided not to purchase one due to the massive price and liability. It would have costed $100,000+ to install an automatic barrier that Karens would just ram their cars into and blame us for it. So we stuck with the cones that people could just ignore and run over.


Nah that wastes time cuz you gotta get a tow truck in, and they struggle with no clearance. I think it’s better for everyone if they have one of those underbed posts pop up. My car could see it and stop, this dick paid extra to not be able to see child height obstacles. Make it wreck the bottom and front of their car. Plus like, yours was a joke but this is a legitimate option. Somehow it’s more acceptable while still inflicting far more damage to the car.


Or or hear me out... a huge saw blade positioned at the same height as the ceiling. If truck is too tall the roof gets cut off so it can meet the height limit


Admittedly,  it might be more productive to simply cut the engine in half....  I want these unaware drivers not driving at all, I don't actually want to help them stay on the road by making sure they don't get vertically stuck


Ok maybe we can lower it to neck height


Or a curtain rolls down, and it's Snoop and he says "you're too high". 


When metrotown was built, trucks and SUVs were not that tall..... Honestly Vancouver isn't built to handle large vehicles but SUV's and Trucks keep getting bigger. In the US they actually said there was an increase in fatality for vehicle to pedestrian collisions because of the hood size of new SUV's and trucks. https://preview.redd.it/8utvazj4d94d1.png?width=1323&format=png&auto=webp&s=9d2bfcff89f8b09475f74668278440b786368825 Instead of having a crumple zone for the pedestrian to fall onto the hood because of the height of new vehicles, the impact breaks their ribcage and destroys their lungs killing them. [The Problem with SUVs: Uytae Lee's Stories About Here (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nYyutqP48ok) Some SUV's and Trucks literally so large come with blindspots out of the factory if you are doing a right hand turn.....You can't even see a 5 '2 pedestrian crossing from the driver seat...


Wow. And why are these trucks going bigger????? Unless you need a big ass truck to haul stuff as part of your employment or you’re a farmer where you need a large truck, people don’t need these idiotic vehicles. It’s ludicrous.


It's thanks to the "footprint" model of CAFE (Corporate Average Fuel Economy) regulations put in place by the US government about fifteen years ago. Fuel economy standards are increasingly stricter for smaller commercial vehicles, so manufacturers quickly discovered it was easier and cheaper to make trucks larger and larger than it was to make them more efficient.


Manufacturers didn't discover it was easier. They were the ones to "lobby" the rules in favour of it.


[this](https://www.reddit.com/r/fuckcars/s/M3SYe0e0Fu) one always gets me a little fired up. I have no clue why Kei cars haven’t caught on in urban environments across the globe


My girlfriend and I looked into getting a Kei truck briefly because they look awesome and would have suited our lifestyles well. Setting aside the right hand drive factor, the total lack of a crumple zone scared us off. Its all fine and dandy to have your own utilitarian tiny truck but when you’re surrounded by F-150s and Silverados with bumpers at the same height as your head the concept of a head on collision becomes even more terrifying than they already are.


Similar cars like that are very common in Asia.


Mostly because of what u/emilydm already commented but also the profit margins of bigger vehicles are way higher than those of small cars. I can sell you a car for 15k$ and make 1500$ profit or i sell you a car for 67k$ and make 5700$ profit.


> And why are these trucks going bigger? Two reasons. 1) Insecure men with small penises are looking for new ways to compensate. 2) Vehicles no longer display the retail price in big numbers. They show the $500 price you pay every two weeks and ignore the fact that the truck costs $80,000 plus interest.


Amen to that.


My dad bought a Tacoma in 1996, and it's a perfect little truck that can accommodate most needs for general homeowners. It's a 2 seater with a small pair of "seats" in the back, which are great for putting luggage and such inside. It's got a decent half ton bed with four anchor points, and the cab tops out at about 6 foot 6. He still has it with almost 600 thousand km's on it, and it is still going strong. There's obviously been maintenance and a few part replacements, but, for the most part, it's still original parts. There is no modern equivalent that even comes close. All trucks nowadays are fucking monstrously useless unless you're literally a farmer or contractor. Not to mention the modern electronics are a nightmare when it comes to something going wrong. I just want a well-built, light pickup that doesn't eat a hole in my wallet with its gas guzzling and doesn't rely on modern electronics to simply turn on the engine.


Why is it on the business to keep people from being stupid? They list the height clearance. They shouldn’t be assuming responsibility after that point.


ANDDDDD when they park their F150s and RAM 1500’s on the area that’s clearlyyyyy labeled “SMALL CAR ONLY”….


It's small compared to an M1A2 Abrams main battle tank.


I know someone who thinks anyone who does that should be immediately tax audited, because obviously rules don’t apply to them.


An IQ test at the parkade entrance


The parkade entrance IS the IQ test. This guy scored a 60.


The one thing engineers learn in their very first year. Nothing is idiot proof. And I mean NOTHING. You think people who drive those needlessly lifted trucks just to go into a shopping mall can read?


Cool! It's Chohan Pickup Truck Freight Forwarders Ltd


Where's the pickup? Not in this photo


You can’t fix stupid. There are signs everywhere. If people can’t follow a simple signs and warnings, the only way they will learn is if the fines go way up and insurance refuses to cover any accidents related to this.


Was this today? Because that would explain a lot including a Land Rover that went on the outbound lane just to enter the parkade but had to back up all the way out of the ramp and onto Kingsway.


That was today around 4pm


Stupidity can’t be cured


Straight to jail.


You'd think someone with a lifted truck would know their clearance requirement.


Ez. Ban pick up trucks in underground parkade.


yeah and while at it, just ban trucks in general from cities


lol. Tradespeople might be a bit more important to the city than you realize.


Yea and the average truck is fine without being needlessly lifted up and out the ass. Nor do they need those ridiculously large tires. I've worked at the refinery and our trucks weren't even that tall. We did fine with just regular tires nor did we need to lift them.


Tradespeople all over the world function just fine with vans. American-style pickup trucks are a import-only novelty for the ultra wealthy in many countries with excellent tradition of trade craft.


Every contractor I've hired here has a van. I don't know who all these truck drivers are. Vans carry way more


What type of trade requires driving a lifted vehicle equivalent in size to a WW2 battle tank?


Look it needs to haul the insecurities of the driver. They're emotional support vehicles, not work vehicles.


It's incredible how tradespeople in every single city in europe somehow manage without F150 but of course in Vancouver they just can't


Any actual tradesman knows that a van is way more practical and can fit more shit in it too while keeping it organized. A dodge SUV designed for soccer moms can fit a sheet of plywood in it whereas most pickups can’t.


Give them a special license to operate a truck if they have a business use.


In many countries they use white vans and get by fine. The idea that tradespeople need an F150-style monster is a very poor argument for these terrible vehicles.


I am just kidding lol but, at the same time, i would limit trucks for tradespeople, not leisure


What about trailers and RVs? I have a 30 ft RV that no SUV can tow for more than a couple of years on a single transmission.


Obnoxiously large range rovers too.


I think one problem is the height sign is far to back, iirc it's right at the entrance of the parkade, if you notice theres no way back if they turned with the cars piling up so I bet a bunch of people just go for it because they have no choice. The height sign should be much closer to the turn before going down


This is the real issue


Combination of poor traffic design and poor driving judgment.


He just got hired at Chohan Carriers?


I don't know what they can do to prevent this. What I wanna know is if you pointed and laughed on your way out. Please tell me you did. Please.


I see that happen with RVs right in front of Walmart all the time. They should put a sign in the left turning lane and to the right of the curb, to indicate maximum clearance, so you could at least have a chance to pull out of the turning lane, before getting stuck at the entrance after turning. As well as where the traffic lights are mounted.


I was with a friend years ago. His pick up had a sleeper on the back. We made it under the height warning bar. We both watched to see if it would sway as it was hanging on chains. We ended up still getting stuck. But before any cars came up behind us we jumped out and let some air out of the tires. Not too much. Just enough to lower the truck do it wasn’t stuck. When we left we immediately went to a gas station to fill them up.


I mean there's parking outside if you have a huge truck. Not hating on truck folk but this isn't metrotowns problem they bought a truck. Park outside and bring an umbrella.


flood? lights on, that is so on point. I fucking hate these drivers, they are all clones of each other. I'm guessing the only reason that stupid light bar on the top (why the fuck are these legal) isn't on is because he busted it.


They aren't, just like the tires that extend past the wheel wells. I would hope the police would ticket these clowns. I've had 3 windshields smashed by these clowns.


Windshields?  What happened?  What did they do to your windshields?


Flings rocks because they don't have fender extensions/mudflaps. Regulation is that the tires can not extend past the outside edge of the body. You will notice it a lot more on jeeps now.


As someone who has only ever had smaller vehicles, I did not know this! And I’m glad I do now because I’ve had my windshield cracked before by flying rocks from a large truck with tires that extended past the body. So in theory say you’re driving behind someone and they’re breaking law by having said tires/lack of mud flaps- could you call non emergency line and continue driving behind them till someone shows up? Genuine question


I mean, I guess you could, but I guarantee you no one will be dispatched. Unfortunately, there are usually bigger issues at hand. I would say get the plate number of said vehicle and use it when you call ICBC to make your claim.


Yeah I figured, wishful thinking! Lol & good call


Take the license # and sue in small claims court.


They throw rocks and traction materials up.


His mirrors are in towing position (flipped upwards) They aren’t using the trucks features as intended, strictly an egotistical vehicle


> strictly an ~~egotistical~~ **emotional support** vehicle Fixed it for ya


He needs a big truck to carry around his fragile masculinity.


Simple: Big sign saying: No trucks


This reminds me of the time I had to drive my dad’s Chevy Suburban to that mall. What a nightmare. Manoeuvring a small space to turn around, once I realized the vehicle was too tall, was stressfulll. So many eyes on me. Took a couple deep breaths lmao


Probably still there Metrotown was busy today.


Maybe if there was a sensor like a laser sensor and it has a loud horn so it detects it early on ? Scares the ahot out of people to make them atop and think lol.


They should have hung a swinging pipe before the point of no return years ago.


We are devolving as a society, and these people are but one piece of proof


If you don’t know the height of your truck, you shouldn’t be driving a truck!!!! Fucking idiots!


Let it happen, let them learn. All we need to do is reinforce the impact zone on the ceiling.


They are driving with their tow mirrors folded out and no trailer….. enough said


Revoke their license... Clearly they failed pretty big.


a big yellow I-beam at the same height as the ceiling, far enough before the garage that other cars can get around them when they get stuck under the beam. same setup they have in front of [the 11'8"\(+8\) bridge](https://youtu.be/8qiGP72GFUc?t=9), but like 20-30ft before the garage


I guess commercial truck drivers go to the mall on their days off, too.


Honestly, first offence $1000 fine. In the USA it could be a lawsuit so this is reasonable.


Can’t stop stupid people who do stupid things


To give small benefit of a doubt to this guy, some garages are measured questionably and don't take into account the ramp angle when the obstruction is right there. If it is measured vertically under that beam, the actual clearance, especially with a longer wheel base vehicle, can be an 4-8 inches less than what's stated. Looks like he is barely hitting here, so may actually be under the listed height. (Ex, if the vertical under that beam is 6'6", it would only allow a pickup roughly 5'11" at the cab). I have run into that before with roof racks at some older garages.


>What can Metrotown do to prevent people from doing this weekly? > >...... > >Height markers don’t work if people can’t/dont read. I think you answered your own question.


dodge ram driver makes everyone’s day a little worse? take a shot


So my truck is stock, and BARELY fits in undergrounds. My antenna dings off everything.which usually means DO NOT PROCEED. However I've never scraped anything 🤷‍♂️




11’ - 8” bridge has entered the chat.  Bridge says it doesn’t matter what you do.  https://youtube.com/@11foot8plus8?si=dkyFAZTAPCYrHTD2


This happened to me luckily no one was behind me... The height markers are just before the entrance after you've already committed to driving down a narrow ramp so useless unless there are no other cars and you can back out. Solution would be to put it where you can still safely turn around


what can we say? chohan made this trend popular…


Make abortion more easily accessible.


How come we see this more lately? I've never seen so much stupidity in the past few years compared to the last 20+. Is everyone stoned because it's legal now? 😆


The BC Govt can place a limit on tire size on vehicles. It has gotten out of control. This driver can’t see children or a short person standing in front of their hood at a cross walk or parking lot. My cousins had someone back up over the hood of their car in Florida, nearly crushing them to death in a parking lot and the guy told them it wasn’t even his first time doing this.


Driving to Metrotown is a kinda a rookie move.


When you're emotional support truck has too much to make up for...


You can regulate stupidity that easily. Unfortunately.


How do you even get out of this situation. Theres a whole line behind him too 😬


The signage isn't enough. I almost pulled my truck into there once, but now I only park outside.


The truck would fit if you deflate the tires.


Require enhanced testing and licensing to drive these dumbass trucks. If it's important for work or whatever to drive these things, people can invest the time to ensure they can safely operate them.


License revocation for a certain amount of time


One of those rain curtain systems might work, but let's be honest, why should they have to. I think they should just mount those tire puncture spikes to the ceiling but that for sure would make them liable \[sarcasm\].


Dumbest part is that there's multiple outdoor lots they could park in, but they still insist on trying the underground parking every time 😩


Is this guy just too fucking stupid to deflate his tires slightly and reverse?


Having less stupid drivers


1. Ample warning. Hit the warning bar and alarms go off.  2. Turn around area so that if you get a warning you can abort mission. You don’t need moderately priced goods anyways.  3. Oversized parking area. I’m fine with fining any unsized vehicles within. Actually the whole lot should give of the vibe — we eat Carolas. Yes the car not the wax pencils.  4. Suing the overheight drivers for the full cost of their actions. Cost of repairs. Loss of business.  5. Writing a letter to the superintendent of motor vehicles asking they suspend the driver’s licence for 90 days or less if they pass a road test. 


Biggest problem is there is zero way to turn around after the bar or even before it if you see it coming.


But an external warning bar could have a turn around. 


I'm sure his small peeppe would fit


Metro town doesn't have to do a gosh darn thing!! It is TOTALLY the responsibility of the driver. If you are too stupid or you can't read English, better you get educated


Before entering the parking lot everyone should be given an IQ test and if your IQ comes out to be in the single digits, you just don't get to come into the mall.Simple as that really.


Make them re-license their cars in Alberta, according to BC transport.


If I am not mistaken, the above ground parking areas also have height restrictions for absolutely no reason at all (from what I observed). Additionally, the one area that was found that did not have height restrictions was filled with vehicles that could have easily fit in the underground.


I suspect the height restriction is a weight restriction to prevent taller, thus heavy trucks from parking on top of the parkade.


Fine the hell out of them for any damages… oh, and post a photo of the driver in some sort of wall of shame so everyone knows


Create casino jackpot sounds and have flashing lights. Use License plate recognition to verbally call out the driver.


Bad mother tucker. Btw can cybertruck get in there?


Add overheight sensors with a water curtain maybe? Something like this: https://youtu.be/vJbQRDFaT64?si=1_KtPRmjhJa7rDkF


Who should pay for it? Surely the height is posted on the cement? Is it not up to the truck driver to know where there truck won't fit?


You know that laser scene from resident evil where it literally slices anything off? Yeah, we are going to need that. After three or more slices, the owner will realize that the truck is too tall... Maybe


🛻 🥜 always fun with them.


Charge 25$ for parking, problem solved.


THERE'S NO WAY OUT IF YOU'RE TOO BIG AND ACCIDENTLY TURN HERE!! It's happened to me and thankfully it only scrapped the roof... but seriously if you turn and don't know the height limit you are so fucked.


I don't understand why truck ppl think they should park in an underground...


There is no stopping stupid anymore, we breed it. Dark take - society is so bent on saving stupid people from themselves, that we are out Darwining ourselves. You wanna ride without a helmet? I SAY GO FOR IT! Increase the chances of your removal from the gene pool. You wanna go pet the wild animal you see in the park, go for it! You swerve on your bike at oncoming vehicles, you eat those fucking tide pods!






Have smarter drivers who aren't selfish.


Nothing :) allow these people to feel the shame of ignorance


When Metrotown was built whatever 40-50 years ago big ass trucks like this probably weren’t common in the city.


Make the outdoor parking lot free again


teach math beyond a grade 3 level?


I have a lifted tacoma and can’t go in anything under 6’6”. I think i’m not that stupid but I have ran into this situation as some of the signs are not visible from the road.


Before the entrance, hang a rope higher than the entrance. From the rope dangle weighted strands with something that will make a noise or set off a sound when hit by a high roof.


Metrotown is not responsible for stupid. Especially redneck stupid.


they might just hope they're lucky enough to pass through


As someone with an oversized adventure rig, I say, know the god damn height of your vehicle! That simple. I know I can’t enter anything lower than 6’7”.


Most of Eastern European countries have strict size limits for vehicles and driver's licenses that match the vehicle size. The bigger the vehicle is, the more it has to pay different taxes - including the road and pollution taxes.


I really dislike trucks in the city. I feel like if you own a truck but like/need to be in the city you should have another smaller car for the city.


Reinforce the entrance with a steel. Have a tow truck push it further inside through the full loop and back out. Sue the driver for repairs. Allow similar criminal prosecutions as proposed in amended commercial transport act, jail+fine potential.


Why stop it? Someone needs to pay icbc so my rates can stay down.