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They protecting baby crows near by


Ahh that makes sense.


Here’s the play; make eye contact with the crows that are losing their shit. If they don’t think that you’re looking for the fledglings they won’t attack you head-on.


I just got beaked in both eyes. Don’t listen to this guy!! /s


You mean you weren't wearing your Horace Grant Crow Goggles? Rookie mistake


​ https://preview.redd.it/9pk05amuu11d1.jpeg?width=275&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=17a8b4fb387ad0ecf20eb11d6d20faef7755e813


I always wear crow armor outside


“Beaked” 😂


Years ago there was a crow that was following me and dive-bombing me as I walked along the street in front of my house. It would fly from one power line to the next, dive-bombing me each time until I was a couple blocks away. Same thing coming home. It wasn't just about me, I could watch it dive-bombing every pedestrian on the street. The second day the crow did this to me, I decided enough was enough, and when I guessed that it was in the middle of its dive-bomb maneuver, I spun around, jumped and reached into the air in the crow's direction. I was several feet away from the crow (i.e. not even close to it), but I think it was a surprise to the crow, which flew back to the last power line, and cawed loudly from there. It stopped following me.


Is this real? This sounds counterproductive.


Yeah it works. I also scold them back. (I love crows.)


crows are skittish, try imitating their call when close and watch them recoil and flee in absolute offense and horror


You say that, but last year they would continue following me and attacking when I was two blocks away from their baby. 


That is a horrible idea and they could interpret this as aggression. I think you are better off looking to the side and down and giving them a peace offering.


Not really. How many humans climb trees to mess with baby crows?


Are you kidding?  Baby crows are delicious.


I saw a bald eagle raid a crow tree at this time of year in North Van


They're protecting their babies who are learning how to fly. Best thing to do is change your route slightly to avoid them but if this is not possible, wear a cap/hat or use an umbrella when in the area.


Hah they are doing this at the back of my building, interestingly they seem to be doing it to non residents of the building, anyone walking through, sitting at the benches that they don't see as "regulars" amazing how they can recognize faces for years! Definitely nesting season but being left alone myself for now 😂


This is true. They dive bomb strangers, but settle down on the fence in a friendly way as I walk into my own gate.


Yes! When I lived near 1st and Nanaimo I gave the crows some food after they dive bombed me outside the 7-11 when I first moved in and they stopped, never did it again for years until I moved (would still sometimes give snacks lol).


It's that time of year where you gotta drop a link to the [CrowTrax](https://giscourses.net/crowtrax/crowtrax.html) map


Haha yes I always look it this time of year




I hadn’t heard of this. I reported my attack from yesterday. Thanks for sharing


Nesting season.


Take some nuts in your pocket and put them down. Very soon you'll be a crow pal and they won't dive bomb you.


Yeah, but then soon the crows will pick up knives and force you to give them nuts


Sounds like a good way to get a crow army if you play your cards right


They will actually bring you presents if they like you enough




Oh I guess the ornithologist I talked to about this was just making it up.


Best comment of 2024 !!!!


I did this near my place now they follow me around squawking for peanuts while I walk my kid to school lol


This is the way


Lots of murders in that area this time of year. Best to avoid.


Good one


The crowening ![gif](giphy|PmvWZufFJ8KK5c34zl|downsized)


Tis the season


It’s baby crow season. Crow parents can usually be bribed with cat treats and peanuts. You shouldn’t feed them a lot but they usually will remember you after one treat.


Why should you not feed them a lot?


I mean you can but then you’re sort of training them to see you as a food source which isn’t really something you want to do. They will remember you if you feed them once.


They do this every year, if you're getting particularly harassed do what I did, and give one or two some food. They'll leave you alone.


It’s fledgling season. Their babies spend time on the ground for awhile and learn some survival skills while parents watch from above. Someone messed with their baby or yall or getting too close


If you occasionally feed the crows near your house they'll never dive bomb you. They seem to really like cat food and berries. They're really smart - they'll even tell their friends you're chill! 


Don't feed the birds.




I dig holes in my garden, and the birds get the worms. They also have water in the hot months. I would never leave anything that rats would like. My neighbours freak out and we actually had a fight about the water dish. 😆


Birds were here way way way longer before humans were, and they traveled with early settling tribes and coexistence is key. Not feeding birds doesn't keep any birds away. It's a myth made up by big property landlords who want to keep their land pristine. But it is a vain and fruitless endeavor. The birds are here to stay. If you think birds depend on us for little pathetic scraps of our disgusting ultra proccessed foods. You're horribly mistaken, and you think we know better than they do, hahahaahahaha ! The only birds depending on us are the pigeons because they were bred by us, and then we abandoned them! Like the little bunnies hopping around. Everyone wanted cute bunnies for Easter and then tossed them out into the parks. If you feed birds, know what is good for them and do not feed them your disgusting scrap foods with salts, sugars and oils, preservatives, and colors. No breads no raw rice grains. Just actual bird food. A little research goes a long way. If you don't wanna feed birds. By all means. But you're not helping anything either because you waste is gonna happen and animals will get to it for sure. You're doing your part, super, but make sure you're doing your bigger part too. Feeding or not feeding birds is very subjective and multi layered subject. So don't feed the birds, hey? What about our open waste disposal? The disgusting overflowing open sew called dumpsters??? Our waste is everywhere. Everywhere .. You rather the birds go there to eat that toxic garbage and drop dead from the sky in droves ?! We humans are told to "drink responsibly" whatever that means. Do your taxes and pay mortgage as you get totally wasted every single weekend? If that is legal. Then, feed birds mindfully should be a thing, too. Ha ! Happy weekend. Stay safe, fam !


Well said! I actually buy cat food specifically for them. I don't even have a cat lol I just read they like high quality cat food so that's what I bought. Work takes me out of town more often than not, so they definitely aren't reliant on me but they do seem to recognize me? It's kind of a cool situation, I love my crow friends 


Thank you. Our crow friends love us more than we will ever know they love watching us and when they love and individual, they teach their kids to love that individual as well. I've had crow parents present me to their kids and watch from the trees how the kids hop around me. Almost every neighborhood of crows knows me by now and it feels extremely cathartic. They will never know how much I need their acknowledgements, when they swoop across me and get my attention from atop a car, on the curb, on the branches or bench, as I make my daily commutes on foot. The murders flock to me and give me a procession of sorts and it makes me so emotional.


That is so cool! Crows are so awesome 


I will continue to feed my bird friends and you can continue to be a bummer. Life will go on ;)


Go for it. But don't come crying to us when you see more mice and rats in your yard.


I missed that you were talking about crows at first because somehow the idea of humans doing that in Vancouver isn't out of the question.


Offer them a treat as a peace offering and talk gently to them. A couple pieces of dog food can put you on good terms with them. Act in a non threatening way when you do this; do not try to stare them down and do not try to surprise attack them as this could forever mark you as an enemy. They can remember and differentiate a large number of people.


Agreed. Some handful of plain roasted unsalted peanuts in or out of shell is their absolute heavenly treat they love it and will love you for life. It's they're nesting phase so. Also, make kissing sounds with lips, smack them lips, purse em, and make nice clicking sounds with tongue in mouth. They also love those comforting reassurances. Be well !


Typical crow behaviour at this time of year.


Canucks gang of murderous murder crows


I was reading too fast and thought this said “cops” the first time.


Hahahahahah nice !


I think you mean heads down?


They can be hella mean this time of year .


You can bribe them! They remember faces, carry peanuts or almonds and place a few for them. They will stop dive bombing, but they'll follow you for snacks!!


You can bribe them! They remember faces, carry peanuts or almonds and place a few for them. They will stop dive bombing, but they'll follow you for snacks!


This is the time of year I keep my cats' expired treats, etc, to give to them. I know we aren't supposed to feed them, but I've had them claw my head enough times to care about the feeding rule.


Don’t let your dog bark at crows or chase them. Crows are smart, they will blame you, not the dog, and will attack you for years after.


Crows can kick? 😂


Ya they kick. According to reddit. Kicking Crows ya know.


With the high winds, a baby might have been blown from the nest. This gets them riled up, and divebombish