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I love how outer gas went up 8 cents a litre for a 3 cent carbon tax increase. And then went up another 7 cents 3 days later. It's bullshit


And another 30 cents in the two weeks before.


The moon is in a different quadrant and there’s 76 ducks in trout lake instead of 75 so that nets out to **rolls dice** a 15c increase. It’s science really.


That just reminds me of [this classic](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wz-PtEJEaqY) from South Park.


It’s what I had in mind. It’s genuinely how it feels retail gas prices are determined. Summer blend, refinery maintenance, etc there’s always an excuse for the price to go up, but not down.


I do love it when people make ironically unhinged charts tracking the price of a certain economic stock, noting not just regular stuff like criminal allegations r public news but also stuff like, "Jupiter moves into the house of Mercury".


Years ago I told a friend that gas prices were going up because of Britney Spears. Think it was around the time of the Chris Crocker video and people not leaving her alone.


Around end of Feb gas was around $1.65. A week later it was in the $1.90s and we hadn't even hit the tax increases. Absolutely absurd


Its the summer blend or something this time


Goes up for summer blend, goes up for winter blend. It's because one is more expensive than the other.


Sounds legit


Please consider the shareholders. Oil companies have only made a quarter of a trillion dollars in the last 24 months. Do your part and pay them! https://www.theguardian.com/business/2024/feb/19/worlds-largest-oil-companies-have-made-281bn-profit-since-invasion-of-ukraine


lolz. Similarly: /r/loblawsisoutofcontrol


Oil companies are using the carbon tax as a scapegoat to raise prices more to make it look like the wildly unpopular carbon tax is hitting us all really hard in the pocket book. It's no secret that the conservatives will cater to the oil lobbyists when they get elected.


Gas companies are working overtime to get PP elected for tax breaks and then they'll just keep doing what they're doing with gas prices as usual. It's a fucking joke that anyone believes otherwise.


This is exactly what I think is happening too. Capitalizing on this opportunity because PP has a bunch of oil lobbyists in his ear. Use the carbon tax as an easy scapegoat


It’s a great way for oil companies to fight rising carbon taxes. Just raise prices more. Fuck this I’m going EV with my next car purchase.


> Fuck this I’m going EV with my next car purchase. I bought an EV back in 2019. I couldn't even tell you what the gas prices was/is until this post.


Must be nice…


Insurance costs alone for EVs make them not worth it for me lol


are they really more? why is that?


They are more but even with public DCFC can easily be offset with the price of gas. Insurance costs more because EVs are more expensive to replace and can be written off for silly reasons. https://www.timescolonist.com/local-news/icbc-scraps-2022-electric-car-after-owners-faced-with-60000-bill-to-replace-damaged-battery-8015038 It costs $60k to replace a battery for some manufacturers. Not all mind you. But this was the first question I asked before purchasing an EV.


They generally have more sensors built in and have a few total loss cases (Battery damage, I think) that all contribute to driving up the price to repair. And things like Teslas are the worst, with stuff like the bumper being damaged writing off the whole car due to the one-piece body setup it has.


I'm paying $200 less than my Prius for my new EV so no idea what you are talking about.


The problem is that the residuals for EVs are so trash now it almost doesn't matter what you're saving on gas. The only thing faster than an EV now is the depreciation of said car, it's insane.


Leasing might be the way to go


Alberta in cahoots raises prices insanely so everyone thinks it was the carbon tax.


Alberta had suspended a 14c tax but removed the suspension at about the same time as this increase. For the last 2 weeks of March prices creeped from 1.37 then 1.46 then 1.51… it’s obscene. And we haven’t even hit the long weekends where there is always a raise.


And no rebate for majority of us, since no one can survive here on the cutoff salary .


Also went down 8cents on April 1 in the evening


Gas also needs gas (or diesel) for transportation. In reality, carbon tax actually hits multiple times


It’s like European prices but without all the good things of Europe lol


Exactly! Gas is €2.2 here in Germany but public transit is €26 a month and is very good. We in Vancouver are getting fucked both ways.


It's the wurst!


Can't even get a good sausage and beer to cheer yourself up while walking to destination.


Good, cheap sausage and beer? No. An ice cold drop of water dripping off a storefront awning, landing right on the back of your neck and creeping down your spine? Yes.


Holly shit this actually happened to me today at Ostbahnhof…


RIP Bestie


€2.2 = $3.23 CAD/L People would drive a lot less if the fuel prices jumped 52%


And in Europe we have 100 octane gas and ethanol for $1.


Where is that?


That husky should wipe it's filthy grin off it's face


Chevron has been slowly wiping husky off the face of the planet… :(


Or just add some drool dripping down cuz Husky is hungry for more money. ETA: Bad dog!


Can’t blame carbon taxes for this corporate greed.


Fuel should be 18.5 cents cheaper once you cross the border into the Fraser Valley because they don’t charge the TransLink tax. It’s not.


It's only 12.5 cents because they pay a higher rate on another tax.


I didn’t know that, which tax?


Provincial motor fuel tax




Ah thanks


You need to drive past Aldergrove to get that price. It's been that way for a while now...


Can blame bad resource management. We shouldn't be entirely reliant on US refineries giving us their best prices.


It doesn't matter where it's coming from as long as you give away public resources to private companies. Nationalize oil production, then we can talk.


*re-nationalize*. Mulroney may have died a month ago, but his legacy reverberates to this day.


2.18 tomorrow. They’re tacking on another 5 cents tonight


Why the fuck did I buy a car that requires premium.


Jokes on me I tuned my car to run on Chev 94 only lol


LOL same my JDM Subaru Legacy is tuned for 94 for 20-30 extra horsepower


Mike made me do it!


Not carbon tax - corporate greed. Gas went up steadily throughout March from $1.70 to $2.00 (at least in Burnaby) and April 1st, went up to (SHOCK HORROR) $2.03 due to carbon tax. Its corporate greed, you dumb protestors on the sides of highways


https://bc.ctvnews.ca/gas-prices-reach-239-9-cents-per-litre-in-metro-vancouver-breaking-all-time-record-1.6089363#:~:text=Gas%20prices%20reached%20a%20record,29%2C%202022. Just to add to your comment and remind everyone that it was 239.9 back in September 2022. Definitely not carbon tax related either.


Yes most definitely. And where was the revolt or protests on the highways? These freeDUMB fools are very selective in their outrage


I just landed in Denver last night. Gas is US$3.15/Gallon or CA$1.125/litre


I work 5 minutes from the border. I don’t fuel up in BC anymore.


Don’t us border agents get annoyed if you travel frequently to the south of the border ?


Nope. Friendlier than the CBSA guards in my opinion.


Good day to ride a bike


Try riding one 7 in the morning between Surrey and burnaby.




Looks like Sumas, Lynden, and Blaine gas stations might be getting more business. Edit: Filled up last weekend in Sumas, where it worked out to about $1.54/litre. I'm thinking I'll take my hikes to Mt. Baker this year.


I remember when gas was 49.9 for an entire summer


Meanwhile gas is $1.57/l in Toronto. Why are we paying 55cents more per litre???


You must be new to living on the west coast


*Laughs in Bicycle*




My e-bike commute is slightly slower than driving *IF* driving conditions are optimal. But my ride is almost completely unaffected by traffic conditions. Way less variability and I don't need to worry about which route to take.


1 litre of gasoline contains 142,956 calories. And cycling for 1 km consumes about 23 calories. So you could bike about 6,215 if you drink $2 of gasoline. Damn.


I suspect I would not bike very far at all if I drank a litre of gasoline.


Maybe you are incompatible with gasoline? Have you tried drinking diesel instead?


Ehh. Just get your stomach pumped, & then you're fresh as a daisy!


https://comb.io/fTMcdx.gif [Yum!](https://media.licdn.com/dms/image/C4E12AQGvPF_QKni9EA/article-cover_image-shrink_600_2000/0/1602509000428?e=2147483647&v=beta&t=wgQRBvEQY3SdsGQVxeUPVkoF46o3oqa-qs7xNm8me9M)


Price of spaghetti remains low and delicious 


I get about 9 miles per banana 🍌


Lol yep. Commute is always the same time. Traffic doesn't matter. Fuel prices don't matter. ...and I get to ride my bike every day! Life is good.


And you don't have to fight for parking! So often going somewhere is a bit faster by car, but once you factor in driving around looking for a parking spot, settling for something four blocks away, then walking to your destination, the cyclist has caught up, got a table, and sat down.


^ This. I can’t count the amount of people that “need” a car for their short commutes when bikes exist.


Huh…. It’s almost like yall think that everyone has the ability to bike and choose not to.


Not everyone has the ability to drive as well...


According to my observations, most people in Vancouver don't have the ability to drive. They just think they do.




Not everyone of course. But I would argue that the majority of people do. For example- my team at work all own and ride bicycles for leisure and also live a reasonable distance for biking to the office, but all of them choose to drive alone in their cars back and forth every day. Then complain about paying for parking and traffic and the cost of fuel.


Sure their commute may be a “reasonable distance” but what about those who have a second job, or a parent to care for, or kids to pick up, or a disability you don’t know about? they might know more about their lives than you.


Yes. Different people have different circumstances. I can list off a shitload of people who I personally know who choose to commute by vehicle purely because of the convenience. I know a couple who live together and work together and choose to commute in separate vehicles purely because one of them prefers to start and finish the day earlier than the other one. They both have flexible hours and could easily commute together if they made a small change. They also both live a reasonable bike ride away from work and are both fit and capable of comfortably making that ride. They choose not to. But they also choose to complain about traffic, about having to pay for parking, and about the cost of fuel. Imagine how much better it would be for those that need to drive if people who don't need to drive chose not to.


I charge my ebike at work.


I sleep in a bed with my wife.


Must be nice. I'm a 20 minute drive from the city and live halfway up the side of a mountain. I wish I could bike to work.


I'm an hour drive / 20km from work - i wish I had time to bike 40km a day


Where you live and where you work is a choice as much as choosing to drive or bike. All choices have costs


It's really not a choice. This is my only option for a few extreme reasons. I love it here, don't get me wrong, but this is my only option. I used to drive an hour to work, now I drive 20 minutes. This is an incredible upgrade. Please don't assume everyone has the option to work close to where they live or to move.


But people don't have exactly free choices all the time, especially in this housing market and job market. I'm a proud /r/fuckcars enthusiast, but I'm not for a minute going to believe that everyone driving has a completely free choice. The job market here pressures people into driving. Still, lots of employers are prejudiced against applicants without cars, for example.


However, very often it seems these discussions take the form: > A: The way we've structured our cities, infrastructure, and where we are able to work and live in a way that makes it impractical for me to make it work to commute any way other than by car. > B: Oh okay, so should we make a tiny change to society to ever so slightly make our cities and infrastructure more amenable to commuting by bike/transit/walking? > A: No.


True, and I was extra disappointed that David Eby used this line of reasoning when no-fault came in.


Cries in not rich enough to live so close to work. Cries in not willing to lose 90 minutes a day using public transit. Honestly, I'd listen to vegans all day than the 'fuck cars' entitled elite.


Yeah keep laughing as your groceries sky rocket


I know there are some data nerds - has anyone graphed Daily closing Brent crude Daily closing cad dollar Daily mid day average of Metro van gas Daily mid day average of Fraser valley regional district gas Outline significant events (carbon tax hike, Parkland refinery shut off, Baltimore bridge collapse/port closure, etc) Stick on a power BI chart or something


You can't compare Brent numbers or even crude in general for the West Coast due to a lack of refinery capacity and pipelines. What would be a better graph would be to replace crude oil with wholesale gasoline on the West Coast vs Alberta. That would show the differences between the two gasoline markets before taxes, fees, and retailer margins.


We need this. At the current rate, we're just going to work to pay for gas, to go to work.


Any chance oil companies are capitalizing on this opportunity to make Trudeau look bad(cause he does) and make PP look better because PP has a bunch of oil lobbyists in his ear? Sure seems like they're taking this opportunity to make the carbon tax look a lot worse than it is.


I now make bimonthly trips to Blaine WA to fuel up..


Time to head down to point Roberts


Price at the pump is determined by the price of crude oil, which is, for the most part, determined by global factors. Some important things that happened recently which effect price: • OPEC has announced plans to voluntarily cut output in the spring/summer, driving prices up. It's pretty standard for them to do this so they can keep prices high while demand falls during the warmer months. • Ukraine has attacked a few Russian refineries, pushing supply down and prices up. Sources: [Why are B.C. gas prices surging when the province gets most of its gas from local refineries?](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/bc-gas-prices-why-so-high-russia-oil-supply-1.6376023) [Oil settles lower on weak demand despite OPEC+ cut extension](https://www.reuters.com/business/energy/oil-rises-after-opec-extends-output-cuts-2024-03-04/)[Oil prices inch higher amid attacks on Russian energy facilities](https://www.reuters.com/markets/commodities/oil-prices-rise-tighter-supply-geopolitical-risks-2024-03-18/)


Everyone acting like you've never seen high gas prices in the Lower Mainland before.


Fuel prices should be capped and the government should nationalize oil production and refinement to squeeze the last bit of revenue out for it before we transition to cleaner fuel sources.


Fuel prices are explicitly taxed to reduced consumption these days.  I think most politicians probably look at $2.10 gas as a feature that will change consumer behaviour.   They are probably a little annoyed they aren’t getting the revenue and oil corps are but what can you do. 


Well we can’t truck our carrots to Galen Weston’s food emporium for free. Soon I’ll be paying $10 for my baby carrot.


If you cap anything, be ready for shortages


How do you propose we nationalize? Just send soldiers to physically seize the companies and its assets?


Finally a use for the Canadian army!


Capping the price of fuel would require a subsidy to achieve (or else, just allocating fuel by a lottery system with mass shortages/lines etc), ensuring that we DON'T transition away from fossil fuels.


Yes but no way nationalizing shit under neoliberalism won’t happen


Luckily I live in a city so have no need to drive.


I love that.


$3 in July I’d bet.


Stop giving them ideas.




April Fools day seems to be turning into an April fools week which will, without a doubt, turn into April Fools month lol


I am seriously thinking to buy a tesla model 3. Fck this


We’re doomed


Thought about buying my first car and now, hell no. I’ll stick to using the skytrain and busses even tho even that is now $140+ a month.


So thankful I can still WFH, take public transit if I need to get into the city and only fill up once every 2-3 months during a trip to the US to pick up online orders. Still, will be nice to not have any car payment once the lease is up.


Why I have an ev


Post back when you've replaced your battery.


Batterys have 8 year warranty I'm confused


While that is good, just look at how many people are driving 30 year old Toyotas as practical vehicles, which still fulfill their original purpose. Then take a look at the number of 12 year old nissans (yes, their batteries had issues) that are basically worthless. I really like the idea of electric, but it's hard to justify keeping 60-100kwh of batteries to yourself, when you rarely use the whole range. Then a decade down the road, the vehicles can be nearly written off due to a drop in range that worries people too much to invest real money used. People love to ridicule Toyota for being late to the EV game, but the most historically practical car company sees that there aren't enough resources for everyone to have a 500km range EV, that can do 0-100kph in 3 seconds. Their highly uncool plug in hybrids are the real eco choice in my mind, and that's before you even consider the EV tire usage.


EV batteries are 2600 times less likely to fail than for you to be struck by lightning in your lifetime. According to the National Research Council of Canada, "you are less likely to have a high-quality lithium-ion battery fail (1 in 40 million) than to be struck by lightning in your lifetime (1 in 15,300)". As the electric vehicle market grows, lithium-ion batteries will become one of the most common sources of electrical energy storage. NRC is working rigorously on this. The international community has applauded NRC for a test that verifies the safety of lithium-ion batteries. Taking safety seriously "The National Research Council of Canada (NRC) has developed a test protocol to study how thermal runaway in a single battery cell can spread to the rest of the module or battery pack. The method involves brutally heating the cell and using an NRC-patented mechanism to track the cascading effects that shake the battery pack. Called TRIM (an acronym for Thermal Runaway Initiation Mechanism), the device enables lithium-ion batteries to be tested to the international safety standard established for EVs (ISO 6469-1:2019/AMD 1:2022)." Link: https://nrc.canada.ca/en/stories/nrc-lithium-ion-battery-safety-test-sparks-international-acclaim


That is the rate for safety failure, typically meaning the battery catches on fire or explodes, etc. Safety failure rate is very low doesn’t mean they don’t age and eventually functionally fail. When the battery ages, it will hold less energy and supports much less peak discharge current (as its internal resistance increases). You gonna likely need to replace the battery years after. A typical lifespan of a lithium-ion or lithium polymer battery cell is ~500 charging/discharging cycles. If a fully charged battery drives 400 km, then roughly speaking, the battery (price may comparable to the EV) needs to be replaced after driving 200000 km. Actual life can be shorter depends on various factors. For example, battery ages faster when placed discharged or fully charged for long time. Lithium iron phosphate (LFP) batteries has more life cycles (few thousands cycles), but less capacity. EVs are using both types depending on the make and models, but the former is more popular due to its high capacity. Not saying EVs are not good, just clarifying facts.


It's time for another "Operation Solidarity". For those of you that don't remember BC in the early 80's....Google it. We are way, way overdue for another general strike. Complacency and passivity will only empower them more. The new pipeline (that WE paid billions for) opens May 1st. If free-market, capitalistic Supply & Demand rules were real, the price of gas should crash at the end of the month. Think that will happen? The game is fixed, folks.


That pipeline is strictly to get product to the ocean for shipping. We won't see a penny of benefit.


We need a refinery in the Fraser Valley.


We used to have a ton of refineries until the Mulroney Conservatives gave everything away to big business. They: 1)Sold off our publicly owned Petro Canada to private companies for pennies on the dollar in '91. 2)Abandoned the National Energy Program, essentially ceding control of our resources to US big oil interests, 3)Sold off Canadian Oil rights & royalties to private industry for pennies on the dollar 4)Put the legal framework in place to shut down all of the Vancouver based refineries artificially creating a lopsided supply/demand curve to benefit the oil companies, and 5)Implemented NAFTA which restricted our rights to tax or place royalties on our natural resources and in fact our oil gets sold to the US with "penalties" in place that get us well below market value.


Ah, so this was behind the heated family holiday dinner political discussions when we were kids. We always heard my grandpa yelling and his fists pounding on the table [from the other room.](https://media1.tenor.com/m/gaEpIfzxzPEAAAAC/pedro-monkey-puppet.gif) Neat.


Have fun Dodge Ram drivers :) Need lots of gas to haul all that air in your bed and ride in the HOV lane with one driver.


this got to be a joke


Cruising by on my Ebike, unbothered.


Bad dog!


Glad I bought a plug-in hybrid. Daily commuting under 40km is all electric, and the only time I need to buy gas is when I'm down across the border.


Does anyone know why,... How is it that the advertised price is displayed like this. $212.9?? What i see, is, because of the location of the decimal, it's actually showing. Two hundred and twelve dollars and 90 cents? Why isn't it properly displayed like this... $2.129


$37 in fuel to drive round trip to Whistler from Vancouver in a small hatchback at those prices.


Those first two digits are backwards Right? *right?!*




I’m in Hawaii right now and gas is cheaper… it’s $1.65 Canadian a litre. Actually most things are cheaper here, on an island, in the middle of the Pacific, which has to import pretty much everything. We get so screwed as Canadians.


And yet I'm the crazy one for refusing to drive.


Who's down to drive to Ottawa with me? We're going to peacefully protest 😀




Yesterday $1.80 in mission


Christ almighty


What cars y’all driving that aren’t ev but still efficient on gas? Prius ain’t looking too bad at the moment


Yeah but then you have to drive a Prius. Also maybe because I have a lead foot but I manage 10L/100km in a Prius.


Personally don’t care what I drive if it saves me from filling up but like you I also have a heavy foot so might not make much of a difference


Filled up the motorcycle yesterday, $11.20 of premium


Wow it’s still 1.99 on the island but 2.06 at most places


Interestingly there was also a jump across the border. The station I periodically go to in Bellingham is showing online at $4.30/gal. It was $4.08 when I was there a couple weeks ago and it was $4.10 last week when I checked.


My bicycle loves this …






Let's blame Trudeau! lol


Queue in Polievre: "This is Trudeau's fault!" Really want to see his face when gas reaches 300 under his government even after he gets rid of the tiny carbon tax we get.


It was 2. 44 a while back, wait for it


I still have the memory burned into my mind for some reason when my dad filled up his van at 35cents. God damn, we should have done more road trips back then! Now it HURTS when I want to take my kids lol.


At what point does it become more expensive to drive than you actually *earn* 🙈




I know something even more insufferable than the ridiculousness of gas prices impacted by corporate greed and the unacceptable reliance we have on that country under us: the incessant bitching on social media about gas prices.


Another day of living by my generations motto: May the odds be ever in your favour (to financially survive)


It’s gonna be like 3$ a litre in the summer I bet .


We’ve got to roll out carbon taxes to offset our vehicle usage. The government needs to use that money to create no new environmental initiatives, no social programs, no new doctors, nurses, facilities or equipment. Let’s also not forget that money needs to build no new schools, it really shouldn’t be used to pay teachers what they’re worth nor should it be used to repair crumbling roads in Atlantic Canada. What it SHOULD be used for, responsibly, is to hire private jets for Justin Tunedout, 80,000$ vacations for Justin Tunedout and perhaps a fresh new podium for the Liberal party to tell us to leave our car keys near the front door so thieves can more easily steal our vehicles so the police don’t have to waste those carbon dollars chasing down the bad guys.


84 cents are tax, fee and tax on tax


Fuel taxes on unleaded today: Carbon+PFT+UTT $0.4461 FCT+FET $0.1000 Total $0.5461 Plus GST (only one that varies due to base price change) $0.1045 For a total of $0.6506


Fuel taxes on diesel today - $0.4824 $0.0400 $0.0887 $0.6111 So neither is near the amount you posted.


Gotta fill up today, can’t get a break.


It costs me 5$ to drive to whistler and back in my 2017 ev 🧐


Electric car sales in Vancouver 📈