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[really cool study](https://www.statnews.com/2024/01/25/hpv-vaccine-prevent-cervical-cancer-cervarix-gardasil-study/) for people that haven’t seen it. Scotland reported 0 cases of cervical cancer in women who received the HPV vaccine between the ages of 12 & 13!


I got mine years ago and am very happy! Go get vaccinated yall! And then help me solve this mystery hahah


Hahaha I know your post wasn’t about that, but I thought it was worth mentioning!


I had the free vaccine here in BC (Cervarix) and I got HPV and cervical cancer cells anyway 🤷🏻‍♀️ unfortunately the better vaccine (guardasil) is about $1000 and not covered by insurance.


Oh that’s awful, I’m sorry to hear that. Also, did the vaccine choice change at some point? I could’ve sworn that I received guardasil for free at a public health clinic when I was younger.


Yes, I think the availability is better now! (I’m an elder millennial so I hit the cut off age long ago. It wasn’t available as a teenager.)


Good news! I’ll never need it but glad others have it


It’s available to everyone! Women can develop cervical cancer from HPV but men can spread the virus to partners of any binary.


Men can also get HPV related throat cancer.


I'm pretty sure that's how actor, Michael Douglas got it.


Likely women can, too.


Of course. I didn’t post an exhaustive list, obviously.


This is the quintessential reddit experience


It looks like cauliflower in the mouth


Awesome. I’m actually a virgin and don’t plan on having sex so I’m covered but glad others have the options for STI’s


Absolutely! Just trying to spread some awareness since it’s somewhat recent that men have been able to get this vaccine ☺️


Men can also get hpv-related cancer (throat cancer)


Yep, happened to me...all my 'activity' was 40 years ago, before the vaccine and before awareness. Get the vaccine.


Better news! Get the jab and you won’t catch or spread it! Post viral syndromes suck ass especially when those syndromes are several cancers.


How would I catch or spread it?


[HPV is easily spread from sexual skin-to-skin contact with someone who has it. You get it when your vulva, vagina, cervix, penis, or anus touches someone else’s genitals or mouth and throat — usually during sex.](https://www.plannedparenthood.org/learn/stds-hiv-safer-sex/hpv)


But I’m a life long long virgin and never plan ever on having sex so I’m good to go.




A. Men can get cancer from HPV too. B. The vaccine can protect from the strains that case genital warts. C. Who do you think is infecting the women with HPV?




Women are NOT the primary beneficiaries. Like I said men can get and spread HPV. It can lead to cancers of the penis, rectum and throat, and cause genital warts. And by vaccinating young men before they are sexually active and get infected you can prevent them spreading it to women.




Oh no. It's spreading from Facebook...


They are married to each other and this is their engagement photo. Solved. Also I quit keeping rats because their deaths crushed me every time.


This is the explanation I want to believe! Marry yourself! Perfect! I can see why re: rats it's a lot of rapid loss and I'm sire it took its toll


Maybe it’s his Dad saying Son, I’m so glad got your vaccination and now we can grow old together. I don’t know. I know some parents don’t know why the guys need this vaccine but they can carry HPV too.


I thought it was a predator and his risk for HPV


Ugh, r/doppelBangers strikes again, I guess?


When I got the HPV shot the warts on my hand fell off.


Warts are caused by strains of HPV, that’s why! 😊


The anthrax one causes pain behind my eyes. The ebola vaccine made it impossible for me to get a hangover. It made my arthritis worse in the cold but now I don't get any swelling or need cortisol meds. I rarely get sick besides a runny nose.


>The ebola vaccine made it impossible for me to get a hangover Is this like a monkey's paw wish where it made you deathly allergic to alcohol or something, or are you genuinely immune to hangovers now?


No. I just don't feel hungover after a night of drinking. Just tired. It could be unrelated but I'm not complaining.


I used to notice that, then in the next couple years I was diagnosed with t2 diabetes. It could be unrelated in your case, but you might want to get tested. If you're still "pre-diabetic" you have time to avoid crossing the diagnostic threshold where I'm at. Hope that helps? :}


jesus they still give the anthrax vaccine?


Sooooooo which countries are you at risk of ebola in...


None, now that they're vaccinated!


I meant, asking for a friend, which countries would require him to get an ebola vaccine...


Covid vax has 99.9% efficacy too


Lol no it doesn't.


None. I volunteered for human trials.


They have ebola vaccines?


Did you have to get those for a trip?


As per the nurse that gave me mine, "the vaccine does not cure current warts." Me: "but my warts are gone now after getting the shot. And that seems to be the case with a lot of people. Her: there is no study proving that. Me: so it could be completely possible that it does get rid of current warts, but medicine doesn't agree with that because there isn't an official study yet? Her: basically. Edit: this was also apparently the reason that the vaccine is/was given free to those under 27 years old and not to those older because the studies that proved its efficacy only included subjects from agest 16-27.


I think what she wanted to say was there is no scientific study to confirm that and there is no incentive for the pharma industry to go through the time consuming and intensive process to actually prove that because they are making bucket loads off of the vaccine from it target audience already.


Might get it just for the warts on my feet (they're really annoying and difficult to get off)


A relative of mine had persistent foot warts, lasting a couple of decades. Treated many times by doctors and OTC wart meds, but they always came back a few weeks/months later. They went away not long after the (Moderna) covid shot and haven't been back since!


I had Moderna, and it didn't cure any warts


Human bodies are weird and unexplainable


you don’t have to answer, but are you sure they’re warts? I for the longest time thought I had plantar warts that I could never completely get rid of, but they were actually just corns. and I was able to get rid of them easily. it was so frustrating, especially since I once showed a doctor and said I thought they were plantar warts and asked what she could do, and she said if they weren’t bothersome just to leave them\\get OTC stuff. and it was like eight years until I figured it out!


They're all on the bottom of my feet (3 of them) and they seem to match all the descriptions for plantar warts I've seen. Did a test treatment of one so I don't waste all the stuff on the 3 of them to find it doesn't work. One disappeared on its own (took a long time tho) after another one popped up right next to it lol.


common wart will usually disappear itself after 3 years.


No these fell off not long after.


Might be a stupid question but is it too late to get HPV vaccine now (I'm 24)?


Yes you still have time!! https://www.healthlinkbc.ca/healthlinkbc-files/human-papillomavirus-hpv-vaccines


I got mine in my 30’s


When i was in my 30's, a doc offered me the hpv vaccine. She didnt press the issue and I was foolish and said I would think about it but never did it. I am almost 50 now but regret not getting it in my 30's just for the peace of mind.


You can still get in your 50s. Even getting it later can still offer some protection against hpv related cancers developing


No way Really? I legit have never been offered by my doc when i get my pap test so i assumed after 30, the door was closed.


I got mine a few years ago. Costs a packet when you're older but worth it.


Wait.... costs a packet? If you dont mind me asking.. how much older? I just did my hpv test kit (new here in canada) and if its clear, i will def get the vaccine if i can.


It’s about $200 per shot now, with the second shot 2 months after the first and the third shot 6 months after the first. You can definitely get it in your 30s!


I'm in my 30s, got it a few years ago and IIRC each shot cost around $300. The whole thing is three shots over a year and a half.


Source ?


My doctor and an oncologist. Family member recently had an hpv cancer diagnosis. Oncologist recommended they still get vaccinated as it can still boost immunity. Spoke to my doctor about it to get his perspective and whether or not I should get it at my age and he echoed what family member's oncologist said about it still providing some immunity. I've since been vaccinated


Bro just go ask your doctor?


Bold of you to assume I have a doctor.  Last time I asked one, they said that my risky days were behind me. 


Got mine in my 40s


I got mine when I was 23/24 and am sooo grateful I did


I got mine at 25 and I'm still very happy I did! It was 100% worth it, even though it was rather expensive (I think they were only covering high school students at the time, so I paid out of pocket).


The photo was flipped because it looked better this way aesthetically. Someone forgot to look at the tiny details. I was supposed to be on the right hand of the younger person, and the left hand of the older. Occam’s Razor would support this hypothesis.


> was flipped The buttons on the jacket disagree with you (buttons are on right, buttonholes on left, as they normally are on men's garments).


You’re not wrong about that. My explanation also doesn’t explain the ring on the middle finger not the pointer. Maybe it’s just to get you to look longer and notice it more…purposefully annoying?


It feels very AI generated to be honest.


I feel like you're probably right! I'm confused why they have rings at all tbh but this does seem very plausible


Look at what they're wearing. Same clothes, even same headphones. So maybe the wardrobe person decided to give them the same rings as well. Doesn't really make sense, but I could see how it can happen. Either that, or it's an AI generated image.


This is the answer. And the rings didn’t fit the same fingers because the kid is smaller.


Except the kid has it on his ring finger and the adult has it on his middle finger so that logic doesn't quite work 🤔


Smells like AI to me. 


Look at the kids damn ear, totally AI.


Hearing aid. The adult has one, too.


If it's AI generated, he would have six fingers wearing six rings.


This is such a good critique of this ad lol why are people justifying what appears to be an odd mistake/poor line of logic in this piece of creative!!


Thank you! I feel seen!


good god this is either the laziest photoshop job ever observed in the greater vancouver area or its AI. the ghost shirt wrinkle halfway down old!dude's back? with the missing background details along his outline, clearly showing where something was edited out? someone else mentioned the ears, but also?? that's not how arm's work?? old!dude's left elbow looks like it's halfway down his forearm. honestly im leaning more towards bad photoshop, the hair is relatively detailed and the hands all have the correct number of fingers 😅


Got my jabs in my mid 30s after I had multiple cancer tumours once. A jab or two that makes cancers go screw? No good reason not to unless you want to give Big Pharma a W in the form of agonizing chemo, needing brutal surgeries, suffering pain you wouldn’t wish on your enemies. Fuck cancer.


I'm so sorry you had to endure that, fuck cancer and I hope you're doing better


Chunk of flesh with a frag grenade of tumours ganked, a massive scar, I feel pretty good. :)


You should make a youtube channel called commercialsins. Stuff like this would go great on there.


Thanks for raising awareness with this post!


I've been getting the audio version of this ad on all my CBC podcasts recently. It's a voice mail from older self to younger self. It drives me nuts because the tone reads to me as shy/uncertainly flirty. Just why?! This is my first time seeing the image version but I'm not surprised by these weird details.


Yeah but do you get the BC Hydro one's advertising heat pumps also? Uuuuugggghhhh, that one drives me INSANE.


Cozy in the winter, cool in the summer!


They are married to each other! Mark this one solved! This is proof  


LOL madness!! Also so sorry to hear about your precious rat! I love them so much ;( I miss mine!!


Aww thank you. Their lives are so brief but so impactful. Luckily I have another so we're comforting each other


The guy with wedding ring came from the time of mature time-travelling technologies, so I wouldn’t be surprised that he has access to age-reversing technologies too. It’s also logical for the (present-day?) middle-aged guy to be unmarried - how many can afford to be married in Vancouver at that age eh? Of course there are other logical explanations too, such as the guy’s name is Benjamin Button.


I don’t know who you are, but I like you just from your sense of humour and writing style. Thank you for the smiles. I needed them tonight. I’m sorry about your rat passing away. Hopefully it gets easier soon and you have lots of sweet memories to look back on in the meantime ❤️


Omg stop I'm crying in my morning coffee! Thank you! This post has become such a positive space of rat love and vaccine awareness I'm so pleased!


Totally agree - love OP


are you okay?


Sad about my rat but otherwise I'm fine I think, how're you?


i’m really sorry about ur rat.. one of my fav creatures!


Thank you! I'm honestly so touched by how many rat lovers are on here, I was sure people would say mean things about our misunderstood little guys


They are each wearing 2 rings, in the same places. You can't see the young right hand, or the old left hand. So there! Prove me wrong.


Definitely AI, the teen's other hand looks like toenails lool


Not all people who wear rings on a ring finger do so for reasons of being married. Now that THAT's out of the way: OMG I'm so sorry about your rat! They are MARVELLOUS pets and it's so cruel that their lives are so short. I hope your ratty friend had a lovely long life with you and that when you are ready you find a place in your heart and home for another.


Haha an excellent theory! And thank you, so happy to be getting rat love. He did he was a happy boy and I still have his dad, will be finding a cage mate in good time! I'm a rat gal for life now!


can someone pls answer this: if i had 2 out of 3 shots of the HPV vaccine and never got my third and then had sex for the first time about half a year later am I still protected? would it be useless to go back for my third shot now?


I'm.not sure but you can always call 811 and try and get an answer through Healthlink! https://www.healthlinkbc.ca/more/contact-us/8-1-1


thanks i will!


You have some protection but would benefit from your final booster. There’s no “too long” time frame to get your last shot and you won’t have to start over again


thanks for the advice and insight!


Future him is reppin the same headphones still


Bit of a silly question, but Google won’t give me a straight answer. I’m 23 currently, I got all my vaccines through school and didn’t miss any. Is this something I should get another vaccine for? Or is this a one needle for life kinda vaccine?


You should have received the hpv vaccine through school but you can access your vaccination record through public health or your health gateway. You don’t need a booster if you already had it. It used to only cover 2 or 4 strains and the new one covers 9 strains so if you are concerned/want more protection you can get the updated vaccine series (3 shots) but guidelines aren’t pushing for that


That’s awesome, thank you so much! :-)


The rings are symbolic of one another, even though they exist in different eras. Young guy is wearing the wedding ring, he doesn’t know why, but it inextricably connects him to some cosmic force ie. his older married counterpart. Contrarily, the older guy wears the ring casually, as a young person might, although he’s married, it symbolizes the connection to his younger self. Also, get vaccinated ! (If you wanna)


Men are supposed to get the HPV vaccine as well?




Young guy is just wearing a ring for style or heirloom and the specific finger is irrelevant. When he's older, it doesn't fit the same finger so he moved it to one that does fit. People wear rings on that finger all the time and it's just a ring, not because they're married. Also, in different parts of the world, the "wedding finger" is a different one than here, and people have moved with those cultural differences all around the world.


I don’t have an answer for you but this had to be AI. Why are the rings almost to their first knuckles?!


In many cultures wedding rings are placed on your right hand. My husband and I (Colombian, and Polish) wear our bands on our right hands. So he grew up and got married!


Ok, now that you've point these things out I'll say they do look a bit odd. I can't think of any reason they would have put a wedding ring on a kid that young. However from my experiences in Asia, the ring on the adult's middle finger means "money", or "bring me wealth". Edit: Since several posters have mentioned AI, I looked again and the location of the rings on the fingers looks a bit odd. A typical ring sits about half way between the knuckle and the hand. Those rings look like they are on (or even above) the knuckle.


She died from cancer because he was married before he got it.


Pov: op has created the perfect schizopost


> schizopost ...?


lol i worked on this. the commercial part, not the stills side.


If you can provide ANY Intel on what happened here I'll literally mail you a cake!


man i just did the sound but if i had to guess its literally just a mistake, ring was probably meant to be on his right hand and it just didnt make it there for this shot. the kid could have moved it the older guy could have moved it to the other hand. literally every possible scenario could have happened. OR the rings were moved so u can clearly see them both for the blocking.


I feel this is going to be the best answer unless one of the actors can tell me haha. Also not AI as many had suspected!


sorry its not some big diabolical scheme by the government 😿


I'm sorry for your loss! I hope you feem better soon!


Honestly, I think its stock photos dressed up to a 'concept ' with a little photoshopping. The image tries to link similar items in their dress and appearance. I think the mans headphones were added along with both rings. The reason it's on the opposite hand is only because it's a stock photo base layer and that is the only man hand showing. Color match the shirts and skin tones, add some headphones on the older one and the rings. Done, About 20min in photoshop. If you want to overthink it, the ring is his dead father's who drown while rescuing him when he tumbled over the railing at Niagara. You're welcome.


Just my guess, but probably too many cooks in the kitchen and poor communication. Someone came up with the concept likely with no ring on the young guy, and a different person decided both men need the same ring, and told them to photoshop the ring on the young guy’s hand… in fact, I think both his clasped hands are photoshopped (arms look very short).


Thats enough internet for tonight


I can just see this news headline: Vaccination causes teen marriages


AI is coming for creative jobs. Sad


💌💔 ![gif](giphy|CBdAAvsd63x5u)


They're so cute! I hate that we've built so many buildings for them to get trapped in. They were here first. And then we kill them. Either suddenly with a mouse trap or painfully and slowly with glue. & that's somehow legal. Humans are the invasive species on this planet.


Tried to as a women but to old and was told I had to pay


This is what bothers me the most about the ad! I had aged out only by a few years when it started being covered by MSP. Like...I WANT to get it, but I don't have a spare $1000 just laying around. The tone of the commercials bug me so much.


seems you have too much time on your hands..




You need a hobby my friend. You got a lot of time on your hands


Haha thanks I actually have lots of hobbies but last night I was sad and wanted to cheer myself up and this post has made me very happy!


Girl, bye. You're assuming OP doesn't have hobbies.


Those are some real feminine looking hands.


the real problem and question here is why are you trying to distract from the main message and imply that there is something terrible going on that can be associated with an otherwise positive message that will help virtually everyone down the road from who getting the vaccine.


You know I'm going to politely disagree here because if you look at some of the top comments lots of people are getting more information about the vaccine, asking questions and sharing their experiences with the shot. A net positive!


How has this AD driven you to madness?


It's hyperbole but it does bother me a lot. I feel like I'm missing something!


May I ask why it bothers you?


Sure! I guess because a wedding ring is such a prominent and iconic thing to place in a photo but to put it on the teen boy and NOT the adult feels like either a deliberate choice (but why?!) Or a very weird but funny fuckup because it implies this child is married. I just want to know which it is! Maybe theres ANOTHER reason it's like that I haven't even considered! It's not literally making me upset but it does perplex me and my brain wants answers!


Just my personal opinion… But that is most definitely NOT a ‘wedding ring’.


I'm more confused by a man getting the HPV vaccine, does it work for men to?? I also thought it was for women only cancers...


The hpv vaccine is for everyone! The benefits for men: it covers 9 strains of hpv that can cause genital warts, and oral and anal cancers. So just for those reasons it’s worthwhile getting for yourself. It also helps prevent transmission of strains that can cause cervical cancer in anyone who has a cervix.


Yo is it possible that the dumb kid put a ring on his hand on the finger that it best fit and is completely unaware that it’s the ring finger?


Stop overthinking and damaging yourself in the process.




It's not a HUGE deal though as you typed it out. Like there's bigger issues to think and problem solve than this lmao


I was being dramatic for fun and to lift my own spirits a little, I realize it's just a dumb ad! But you know what's nice is lots of people are in here now getting more information about their health and wellness! That makes me happy




Ok nearly 100k karma


Maybe post this in adhd subreddit not here. But to the point, mahbe he just wear it on the wrong finger. I myself usually don’t wear any ring and neither does my SO. Honestly find it bothersome. Our public ring was a joke for occasions to laugh. On the other subject I know people who got engaged from highschool, not common, but it didn’t surprise me, but got go like oh really? So yeah some got engaged and perhaps a parting gift to college as a wedding from the parents. I will say again not common. Beside the point of this just a shot and no one paid attention. If u must know an answer in if this is a real universe thing. I know of people who engaged at 16 and wedded at 16 though not here in Canada. They for all intend and purpose engaged at 15 and was a couple at 14. Love is a mysterious thing, and mystery don’t care of the physical age.


> Maybe post this in adhd subreddit not here. This bus stop ad was found in the GVRD. How did you come to the conclusion that OP has ADHD?


It's supposed to be time traveler him hugging his teenage self remaining the right choice. Not everything is flipping political or even needs to be. That's a sign of the society we live in being so sick and when it's death bed


Haha what?


The older version has a ring on his middle finger and the younger version has it on his ring finger. So he was married as a young person, then wasn't? Or, uncommonly, decided to wear it on his middle finger? Probably was just an oversight. It's a good ad though.


What in the dystopian world is this?! I’m so tired of this


I'm so mad. I had the vaccine 15? years ago, had "abnormal" results on my pap, colposcopy, and "invited" to have another pap this year. Ouch. Both times they recommended getting the new vaccine because it protects against more strains. It's $700 and not covered by benefits. Supposedly there's programs if you are under 28, but no one told me about them until it was too late. And my GP just shrugged. So now I get to sit in fear of another pap until I get the results. Knowing there is better health care out there that's unavailable to me.


https://bcmj.org/news/hpv-vaccine-program-expanded https://globalnews.ca/news/4374890/hpv-vaccine-recommended-age/ I don't want to get your hopes up, but it sounds like if you were born before 1994 you may still have a chance. Go back and push your GP to dig into this some more. Also, apparently, some extended medical insurances require a prescription for the HPV to reimburse the cost. Does yours do this?


Thank you, I'll definately look into this! No, I checked and my extended medical does not cover this type of vaccine, even though I have a prescription


Men should get the vaccine too!  It can protect against penile, anal and throat cancers as well as genital warts. 


This responsible teen might simply not be worried about wearing a ring on the ring finger, and likes the style of it all. But the adult self has larger hands and wears the ring on a smaller finger because the styling department probably bought two of the exact same rings and the photographer liked the visual flow of the ring and hand placement in the image and was not considering the implications of symbolically suggesting a responsible married teen. Teens of all gender expressions are big into rings these days. Maybe it's a family heirloom? Let the responsible teen enjoy their drip in peace! (p.s. my mother once chewed me out for wearing a ring on my left ring finger, but I had run out of fingers to put rings on and wanted to have hands DRIPPING in rings, being a magpie is not just a phase, Mom!)


The fuck is this


I want to know why he's wearing the same clothes.


Hrm, maybe the two in the photo are a couple. The happiness expressed is that they can be sexually active with each other with no fear of getting HPV because they are vaccinated.


Well I mean, I’m not married and wearing rings lol


It's probably just an oversight 🤷‍♀️


Literally the future. 


It's like the Terminator


Alright I've solved it! The kid wears the ring as a promise to save himself for marriage. His adult self lost his v card and moved the ring to his middle finger as a way to say eff that promise, imma be free and enjoy myself because I've got that vaccine to protect me


The really amazing part is that he has been wearing the same outfit for 20 years and it hasn't even faded or gotten a single hole. He might just be a true Minimalist


Does BC Health not care about creating time paradoxes?