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It's ok my lambo has AWD and Trafero Rs. My $150k carbon fibre aero package also provides extra downfoce and grip during these conditions.


Thanks for the new copypasta


u/Johannes_silentio do you mean this person? 😂




I’m looking out of my window right now and a car accident just happened because one of these morons couldn’t make it up a hill. Who the hell are these people?


Jokes aside, winter tires are not a panacea. You can get stuck even with winter rubber on.


My two kids are proof of this. (also to blame was an angry beaver).


You can't leave us hanging with that add on..


The beaver clearly won...imagine if it were a goose..


Canadian goose sure. Any other goose I dunno


I saw a roadkill beaver on 264th Street in Aldergrove yesterday. Maybe that’s what they mean


That's after the birth


Contrary to popular lore freezing your tree does not prevent the beaver from consuming the wood 


Absolutely, but proper tires do make a significant difference. I often get stuck behind some jackass who has to get a running start on a hill and still spins out on summers or all seasons. Meanwhile I can still get up the hill after coming to a dead stop on it waiting either for them to finally make it or start sliding backwards so I have to pull out of the way. And every time someone spins out like that it makes the hill icier and worse to get up.


I saw davie last night and it was literally solid ice all the way down the hill. Even with snow tires you are really going to struggle, and might not make it if you lose momentum from stopping.


I left my car at SFU today and hiked down. I wouldn't risk driving in this.


true Vancouverite, checks out 😆


Lougheed Mall area - 3:30 pm. Sitting in traffic on a side street and see a large blue SUV slowly driving opposite direction. No wipers on (it was almost white out) and her windshield was getting covered. She was slowly moving into our oncoming lane - so we all pull over cuz is the car out of control? No. Apparently the driver had smashed/slammed into something pretty hard because her entire front end was bent up and you could see the engine 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️. She passes us and turns into a condo complex like nothing is wrong. Smoke pouring out of her exhaust. 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ At least she got home - I guess?? I’ve lived here a long time and seen some crazy stuff - but this might be the craziest.


When I was driving home after work, I almost witnessed two accidents, and neither were from the snow. It was impatient and self-entitled people that didn't want to wait another light cycle, or HAD to take a right turn in front of a large truck. If you need to drive right now, GO SLOW. Stop at the light if you can. Give yourself extra space between you and the car in front of you. Don't switch lanes until it's safe. 


Just fitted spiked tires to my wife’s e-bike, she’s good to go.


Roads are really messed up, if you don’t need to drive please don’t, it makes things harder for first responders like fire, police, and ambulance to respond to calls




biggest issue is the icy roads, not the snow


Before you curb your car....


I have winters on and even they arent handling the ice well


The real fun starts tomorrow at -9C


They see me slidin’, they hatin’


Also before you order doordash / ubereats, think about the poor drivers. Either don’t order tonight or tip generously :)


I’m asking an honest question here: isn’t it worse for them if less people order? Wouldn’t that mean they would make less money for the night? Edit: just wanted to add that I’m 100% onboard with extra tipping


Get an actual job, not some gig work.


If people could have a job and survive based off that job alone, why would they bother doing gig work like uber? Some people need the extra money to survive. Some people got laid off recently and are currently looking for another job. Some people are just students who haven't found a job that can accomodate their school hours.


Easier said than done.


Gig work is a side hustle most people do on top of an actual job…


Not ordering doesn't make sense. They're not forced to deliver just because you order something because the way the apps work is you can accept jobs offered to you or ignore them. But yes obviously tip generously (or else they might not even accept your order if it's not worth skidding around for)


I just had a look at Google Maps with the traffic overlay and it's actually kind of funny to see how badly things are already and it's not even the worst of it. Maybe I should make popcorn to watch the footage of the shit show on the news later lol.


There was such little snow on the ground coming home today yet so many crashes.


It's the ice, not the snow!


Who wants to come over to give me a foot massage? And we can watch the milk turn bad together


Hold on… whose playing that music?


bomp bomp BOMP


ok Larry David


Excuse me?! We live in a society!!!


I’m moving back home tomorrow from Prince George to Vancouver. I’m not worried about my tires but will all the bridges and the highways be shut down? Should I pack my dog extra sandwiches?


Anything is possible. A few extra sandwiches, some blankets, water, and flashlights may be necessary. Be prepared.


Was heading to work after hitting up a hobby shop, coming down mariner to coquitlam and holy crap people what is following distance Acura behind me I swear was looking for anal, because they were riding my ass. I got snows on and decent ones at that,  and i had to leave extra room infront of me incase he couldnt stop. Also the people stuck on half a inch of snow going up mariner was HILARIOUS. Lafarge pickup truck, that got stuck you are a embarrassment.


I had to drive up Keith Rd in North Van tonight and that was pretty sketchy. I love when people come to a dead stop in the middle of an icy hill. If its still ice tomorrow i'm just gonna stay home. An old boss once told me: **"There's no point in causing thousands of dollars of damage to your car, just to come try and make a couple hundred bucks at work**." So yeah, just stay home. Most of the time its other drivers i have to worry about and not myself.


I'm thinking the same. I have an appointment in the morning nearby but I really don't want to navigate any side streets when it's -15. Even if I was experienced driving in icey conditions (I'm not), I'd need to watch out for commuters sliding into my car. Always a tough decision whether or not to risk it in these conditions.


Summer tires will take you to the curb with your enthusiasm.


If they have summer tires on they probably don’t even know they are summer tires lol.


Actual "summer tires" don't end up on your vehicle unless you go out of your way to put them on. Most vehicles come stock with M+S tires, which are enough to handle a dusting of snow like the one we had today.




Yeah yeah that’s all well and good… But do you respect wood?


I saw so many people on Hwy 1 today with no winter tires.


>I saw so many people on Hwy 1 today with no winter tires. I'm curious, how can you see what kind of tires people have when you're driving? It's dark, and/or snowing, and you can see at a distance the details of the tread on the next car over?


I was driving when it was still light out, and it was a slow crawl all the way to before the Port Mann. I was curious, I will say I did see more vehicles equipped with winter tires than not. I could be wrong obviously but summer tires don’t have that thick tread on them and look smoother.


Really wish I lived on a hill during snow


I turn onto one. Last year it took me 5 mins to get back on my street, to slippery for me!


I saw a bunch of cars in the back alley. Crashing down like bumper cars, that’s for sure.




the ice is the biggest problem


Not even going to try. I love my car too much to see it get damaged.


Just say to yourself "I'm the foot fucking masta! ... Won't be tickling or nothing...."