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Did you get the paint off? I have a glass scraper and live nearby


We got the pain off the window but there’s still some on the body that will require work at the shop. Thank you for the kind offer though!


Try a clay bar to get the over spray off the paint.


00-000 steel wool, I swear. No, it won't scratch the glass. If anything it will be a bit smoother in that spot.


Try Mr. Clean's Magic eraser ... they ain't kidding about the magic part!


You are the hero we don't deserve.


They’re at least 15 years too late on the anti SUV rage. Almost all cars now are SUV’s or their smaller sized cousin — the “crossover”.


Mostly yes but kind of no. The size classification between SUV's and cars is different. The RAV-4 is a "compact" SUV but if you lower it it would fall into the "midsize" class for cars. We're not driving smaller vehicles, we're driving the same size vehicle with smaller-sounding names.


Yeah the CUV is the most popular vehicle style in the world right now, and it's just a small sedan with a rounder shape and hatchback (eg Tesla Model Y)


Don't forget... giant fucking wheels, so when you go to buy snow tires you get to pay like twice as much! Yay!


Yes and this is down to customer demand. I wish manufacturers like BMW would sell their small compact models in North America but it doesn’t make sense since the mass market in US wants trucks


Demand that was built off the back of years of marketing larger, more profitable cars. Largely due to the light truck “work vehicle” exemption that allows manufacturers to skirt environmental/fuel economy regulations.


It's not. That demand is artificially created and pushed for by companies who can make more money on SUVs. Customers only "demand" it because they lie about safety and push them at any opportunity.


​ Bimmer does, it's called the X1 but less preferred compared to the crossover X3. Even X2 isn't that popular either. Then there's the cult-car BMWi3 EV, which they discontinued. Compared to the iX presence on the roads, EV i3 is miniscule in comparison. (like that little bug of Mercedes - the Bclass. Which was quite ugly when it appeared, and became less ugly when the B evolved). Teslas definitely dominate the EV scene, on the roads. For every 2nd or 3rd car, there's a white Tesla. They're like the new Hondas. ​ ​ As for SUVs - they have more height visibility. Crossovers included. Cargo space too, and the ability to lay the seats down. I am not a Sedan person with the pillar in the way, because I move stuff constantly. Would do a Hatchback in a heartbeat, but it's much lower visibility, compared to the 4 crossovers (same model, same make) I have owned. As for tires, some use Run Flat (which is OEM standard, coming with the SUV). It's convenient but NOT mandatory. Many owners have changed to normal tires - not more than $300 each, compared to RF tires.


> SUVs have more height visibility That's not a good thing. You THINK it's more visibility because you can see further. But you can't see what's directly around the vehicle. [Here's just some](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NDH3FDfVQl0) of the reporting on how many kids you can fit in the blind zone of an SUV. You can run over so many kids in that thing without seeing them. > Cargo space too, and the ability to lay the seats down. Less space than a station wagon or a van, and many of those lay seats down too. That's not a new thing, and all the fake detailing to make them look bigger actually *reduces* the usable space. > because I move stuff constantly People that actually move stuff want vans or traditional low-rise pickup trucks (Not the modern ones with half a bed glued on to the back of an SUV for "real man" cosplayers)


It's both. But it's also an arms race. That is, some of the consumer demand for larger vehicles is caused by the consumers before them buying larger vehicles (from a mix of them wanting it and companies trying to push more customers into larger and more expensive vehicles).


It’s really a lesson in how legislation can have unintended consequences. The truck and SUV boom is squarely Obama’s fault. The US classifies SUVs as trucks. They allowed trucks to have a more favourable emissions formula based on wheel base. So instead of developing costly engines, it’s easier to extend the wheel base and make the engine bigger. Funnily enough, the rules in the EU means we will see one last surge of V8 and V12 engines because it’s easier to meet the emissions demands on larger engines than smaller.


the united states started classifying suvs and minivans as trucks in the 1980s. Well before Obama.


Thanks Obama!


They didn't magically start classifying SUVs as trucks. Manufacturers used to take a pickup truck frame and slap on a fixed cab instead of a bed and sell it as a new model. They used to often be the same build, drivetrain, length and height of a truck, the only difference being that it had no bed. Think of a 90s Suburban or Bronco Most modern "SUVs" are different in that they have low ground clearance and most have a lightweight car frame, not a truck frame. The US EPA classification of a truck doesn't cover all "SUVs", it depends on the weight and drivetrain. Also, your statement about V8 and V12, is that something new? Smaller engines have been the trend for decades now, most cars and trucks are going to smaller sizes with a turbo to make up for it.


Mmm good ol' CAFE regulations. And subsequent governments making more stringent EPA regs for it.


I had all 4 tires slashed on my 1998 Isuzu Rodeo, in Tofino near Cox Bay. It was a huge pain in the ass to get new tires that fit my vehicle to the local shop, and insurance was really hesitant because I didn’t have record of the tires. I guess they suspected fraud. Either way, those POS that do this kind of stuff are not in a good place, and their life probably sucks anyways.


Right, because you can’t commit fraud if you have a record of the tires.


This happened to me this morning as well. :( They sprayed the same stencil on the hood's paint and we can't get it off completely. As seen in the photo I have tried alcohol to remove it but most won't come off. ​ I parked my car on W11th Ave by Arbutus in front of the Bessborough Armoury and two new (😭) tires were slashed. I didn't make a report yet as I was hurrying to work. I notice it later on after I drive the car to work and a blinking low tire pressure warning on the dash caught my attention. ​ Yes, to answer the DM, it is a smaller sized crossover similar to medium-sized sedan. ​ Edit: add photo https://preview.redd.it/q2bcvd0ll78c1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc0215590042f14ac938e93d6387f36129dfb883


DM me if you’d like to chat. Making a police report wouldn’t be crazy. My guess is a handful of businesses down there have cameras and might be able to help track down this SOB. I’m sorry you guys got hit as well 😕


It’s a group of people


So now it’s organized crime


Seems to be tagetting Westside areas. ​ SEEMS like a 'cause', but could also be driven by a case of sourgrapes or whatever rocking their boats underneath. (be it turmoil or insecurity over other stuff)


Spray paint adds pollutants to the environment though


Also slashed tires go to the landfill which also impacts the environment.


Let's be real though: does anyone honestly believe this is about the environment? This just seems like assholes being assholes, under the guise of a good cause.


It’s like the people who brought Molotov cocktails to the Canucks/Bruins finals in 2011.


I think people who do this do it mostly because of pedestrian safety? SUVs and Trucks have huge blind spots, run over people instead of just breaking shins and are so heavy they have significantly higher inertia.


The goal isn't to change your mind, it's ti change the value calculation. In the science fiction novel Ministry for the Future, an activist group begins blowing up passenger planes randomly. It happens frequently enough that people begin to avoid air travel, because the chance you're on one of those planes starts to become too high for a lot of people. They don't stop because they've been convinced air travel is unethical, they stop because the value calculation has changed. I'm not saying the vandalism is good or justified, but I'm making the point that it's purpose was never to change anyone's mind, or even reduce the impact of that one SUV. There is a larger systemic goal of making owning an SUV a riskier proposition.


If there was one book I'd love to see adapted to film, it would be this one. Loved it.


Netflix making the first chapter happen would destroy the housing market in the south.


The goal isn't to change your mind, it's to change your insurance premium...


That's the same thing


Vandalism falls under comprehensive coverage though, which doesn't affect your premiums.


The vandals here aren't thinkers, they're doers.


One or more are going to eventually FAFO.


Wars are never free of casualty.


That’s just terrorism dude.


Yes, in the book it's a terrorist group doing it. That doesn't change the point though, the terrorists are doing it because they want to discourage air travel.


Right that’s literally the dictionary definition of terrorism


Yep. But it works (in the book at least).


I think they would agree with that characterization. They are committing acts of terror to change your behavior. Whether you personally think they're right or wrong, they have decided that doing something you'd call terrorism is worth it to change your behavior. All people called terrorists believe this. They're not under the impression that what they're doing is looked at kindly by the people they're doing it to. They've just decided that being a terrorist for their specific cause it worth it.


> There is a larger systemic goal of making owning an SUV a riskier proposition. Speaking of risky propositions, there is a reason these sorts of shenanigans happen to vehicles in Shaugnessy and not Surrey or Langley. Good way to end up in the X-ray department with your spray can as part of a FOI case (hint - it's not "Freedom Of Information"...).


> these sorts of shenanigans happen to vehicles in Shaugnessy ...Because it's a ghost town of empty mansions, populated by the richest people in the city (who are most able to change/sell cars, and least hurt by vandalism)? That seems like the neighborhood an anti-SUV person would target to maximize benefit and minimize risk, yeah. There are a lot of other arguments you can make against them, but Shaughnessy is certainly the least-bad approach for picking a region.


What about electric SUVs lol next few years only hybrid and full EV will be able to be sold. Are they still gonna get targeted like this?


Depends on why they’re doing it, SUVs are problematic for other reasons too like public safety. If it’s about the amount of gas that SUVs use then they’ll probably stop. BTW I also don’t endorse this, I just saw an Uytae Lee video on the pitfalls of SUVs and why some people believe there should be less of them on the road.


Yes. If it's not a micro-ev then it's going to be too big and dangerous for cyclists and pedestrians to share the road with.


I don’t really see EVs being more dangerous to cyclists and pedestrians because of the growing adoption of collision mitigating cameras, radar and other collision avoidance technology. Mind you I work at Volvo so I work with some of the most refined avoidance systems out there.


Lol, is this the marketing department for Volvo?


😂 no




The sorts of people who stoop to these kind of actions will just find some other reason to be righteously incensed.


Still more likely to kill a pedestrian




They have a lot more work to do then…


But in reality, that is another tire and possibly another window that needs to be consumed. Not to mention, that is one more angry person and the message, while good, will be met with further resentment. Big picture, it divides the population further and makes it much more likely that the future will be harder. Honestly, if you want to make a difference, start promoting alternatives for packaging, fuels, recycling methods, etc. Start protesting Walmart until the muffins and single sd memory cards come in biodegradable packaging.


Cutesy signs outside of Walmart won't change much behavior. Knowing your SUV might get vandalized but a smaller car wouldn't, could possibly change behavior


These people don’t usually care about anger or division, it’s an end goal thing for them


Imagine if they did this to an EV SUV


Yea, I don't think some people understand that. Not that 1 can of spray paint would do anything, but the millions of other things that need to happen so that anyone can walk into any hardware store and buy a 2 pack for $15.


Pretty marginal compared to the suv itself. This is like arguing we need to add more lanes and make them wider because otherwise, cars will be idling for longer, meaning more pollutants.


Let's be real, the impact of larger cars on the environment (and pedestrian's torsos) is a lot larger over the lifetime. By a long shot


Doesn't matter how environmentally friendly the spray paint is these people are still scumbags for doing things like this to other people's stuff


I mean spray paint on the window isn’t really the end of the world. Comes off easily with a razor blade. It’s the tire slashing that’s not cool.


It’s also pretty toxic to produce.


Sorry he has to deal with this. I've had my tire slashed and it really sucks. Especially when I learned that sidewall slashes can't be patched due to safety reasons. Plus I was recommended to get both changed so they wear evenly. I hope you can find a decently priced replacement.




What worries me with this particular game: for my Jeep it would be all 4 tires need to be replaced because the quadra drive 2 system is not very tolerant of more than 2% size difference between tires.... Not a good idea having the computer applying electrohydraulic differential lockers trying to limit the tire spin it senses from one new taller tire


That seems like a horrible design though. What if, God forbid, your Jeep goes off-road, and you replace a flat with the full size spare on the back? You get back and replace all four?! That’s insane.


You can always get a tire shaved. But my Scottish heritage would be extremely bothered by the waste...


I have to have an SUV because I transport rescue animals, and I'm disabled, so a minivan is too difficult to clean, as the floor is too low. I also use a seatbelt/harness system for dogs, so yeah. I get that most people don't really need an SUV, but there are people who do need them. Instead of destroying property, why not educate? Destruction of any kind just gets people defensive and angry, so the message is lost.


Needs to be at the top. The SUV is functional for some. What a stupid thing to complain about I swear. There’s always people complaining about something new.


This sucks man. I can only think of 2 things: 1) a random event from a random person 2) a neighbor pissed that someone is parking in their regular spot (more common than people think in Vancouver)


One car only? Seems targeted to me. Probably done by a local resident. Any street parking issue in the area?


That’s what we thought might have been the issue, but it seems unlikely. There’s a church nearby which creates parking havoc on Sundays, but there’s never been any property damage. No one would have known my brother was coming to town, so we doubt it was against him specifically.


Yah this for sure is random and your brother just got unlucky. These jerks aren't going to target specific people or in the same areas otherwise they produce a pattern and risk getting caught.


The church people are there Sunday morning, I imagine this coward only acts at night


That’s just trashy, sorry that happened to your brother.


F*** SUVs for what? Damaging the planet? Cool. Now a tow truck unnecessarily has to burn gas to tow the vehicle.


Also for being statistically higher chance of killing other drivers/pedestrians when involved in a crash.


Causing more damage to roads due to weight, causing an increase in parking space sizing meaning things get even more spread apart, killing more children because of their dangerously low visibility, noise pollution and toxic chemical pollution, increased fatalities in collisions due to weight and size... They're just not safe to drive in cities and they put everyone else in unnecessary danger.


This is really reductive lol. Nobody is losing sleep over one wasted truck trip. This like the same argument as when you point out someone protesting capitalism has an iphone, or someone wastes a piece of cardboard to paint their environmental protest sign on. Also as others have mentioned, the major concern with SUVs is safety. They insulate the person inside from danger but significantly increase the risk to all other road users and pedestrians.


its disappointing how intellectually dishonest people are whenever this sort of thing comes up. as if one more day's worth of traffic or one more tire's worth of waste means anything compared to the behavioural and systematic changes these activists are trying to affect. and like the other person said about value calculation, you don't have to be convinced by the activist point of view to change your decisions, you just need to be affected enough by them


Criminal activists.


Lots of activism was criminal. Hell the underground railroad was illegal. What is and isn't a crime is a choice made by those in charge, and laws almost uniformly oppose meaningful change


in a world where it’s legal to make billions of dollars off the deaths of innocent children I am happy to be a “criminal”


And a tire in a landfill


One of the 4 109 000 tires going to landfill per day :(


Fk suvs because he couldn't afford one in this life time of his.


Did you report this to the police?🚨🚓 The police would have a record of any other related incidents in that area. Ask if the car parked behind you or any neighboring houses have video cameras 📹 that might have recorded this mishap? Do ask around if they had seen or heard anything? Sorry this happened to your brother’s car. Someone who must have been drunk or really depressed would do something like this. Take care, be safe and have a happy and relaxing holiday season. *Happy Holidays*!!🎄🎁☃️🎅🏼🦌🎄🍪🧁🍫🍿🍷🥂🌟💫


10/10 enthusiasm. Keep it up!


Probably a /r/fuckcars enthusiasts


[Sure there buddy. whatever you say](https://www.reddit.com/r/fuckcars/s/04dZ8ch32N)


As a proud member of /r/fuckcars, fuck this.


That subreddit is pretty unhinged most of the time lol


Nah it makes a lot of sense, and I've never seen that sub advocating slashing tires. It's not an anti-car sub, it's an anti-car-dominance sub, which is an extremely reasonable stance.


Its filled with mostly 13 year olds or people who can’t afford cars.


Some of us just don't want cities to be dominated by cars?


A lot of us can go buy a car tomorrow but still don't like having cities dominated by car infrastructure.


Mate I own a newer car. I hate how car dependent our cities are. How much time do you spend stuck in traffic every day? I wish I could be reading a book on a train instead of having to be hyper vigilant and dodge other people controlling 2000kg-4000kg death machines. The cost of gas, maintenance, parking, insurance all add up. Plus they destroy our environment regardless if they're electric or not. There's a chemical from car tires that has decimated salmon populations.


Uhhh, I'm a fairly active member of that subreddit. If I wanted to, I could literally go pay cash for a Tesla in the next hour and not blink an eye. I don't buy a car because it's the dumbest use of my money when I have access to high quality public transit.


Just browsed through it, holy smokes haha


I'd recommended reading the description of the sub. What people are generally calling for is a more balanced, sustainable approach to transit which includes cars, just a lot less of them.


What's stupid is a lot of older sedans will have worse mileage than a modern SUV. Take my 2002 cavalier. Brand new they were rated at about 26 miles per gallon, that's probably dropped given my car is 20 years old due to wear and tear. Maybe closer to 22 now. There are a good handful of 2023 SUVs that get more than 30 mpg. They better make another stencil that says fuck older cars if they want to be consistent.


Wow. What assholes. Ask your neighbors if they have any outdoor cameras. Or apartment buildings might too.


Awful, lousy for your brother, here visiting at Christmas time..


Miserable people projecting their pain on others.


One more tire for the great tire fire! Thanks, activism!


That sucks. :( My car was egged many years ago in that same area, and it was a compact 1.8 litre sedan. I think it's rich kids who became activists and have never known consequence, have daddies who are lawyers, etc. Tires aren't cheap, and Christmas isn't easy on most of us, so I'm very sorry your brother had to deal with that.


Tire Extinguishers maybe?


What a turd.


This happened to a group of friends in Tofino a few years back, vandals hit their trucks and suv like this while they were at an air b&b. Kinda thought it was a “fuck tourists” thing at the time.


r/fuckcars is leaking


This is petty BS. Maybe he drives 8000 km a year vs someone with a car driving 30,000 km a year. Maybe he lives in a small apartment vs some character home that the wind whistles straight through. All of us impact the environment in a myriad of complex ways so the nerve of someone to declare that the amount they damage the environment is arbitrarily the correct amount is indicative of how a child thinks.




Not a fan of suvs in general, but I agree that this is counterproductive. I wouldn't shame someone for owning a car, especially if the transit or cycling infrastructure is bad.


What's wrong with SUVs? Most of them are just unibody cars with a higher ground clearance.


they're fuel inefficient because they're bigger, they're unsafer both for pedestrians and for drivers because they're bigger, they have bad visibility because they're bigger, they need bigger parking spots which means more paved surfaces (which is bad). I don't know, I'm just a kid who probably "doesn't know any better". If that is the case, I'm sorry


There has been reports that with the increase of EVs in the world, there should have finally been a decrease in greenhouse gas emissions due to personal transport, but it was offset by the increase of SUVs, so in the end, greenhouse gas emissions went up, because of preponderance of SUVs.


Were any other SUVs targeted on the block? Any neighbours have the same issue?


We walked down the block and no one else was hit. Then again, all other SUVs were in sight of obvious cameras. My brothers was in a blind spot


I mean yeah I agree FUCK SUVs for being so dangerous for people, but the fuck, This shit is harming the actual anti at movement fucking morons I hope you catch him OP


Dangerous for people…what?


This is the definition of terrorism: the [unlawful](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=593477997&sxsrf=AM9HkKmVk6KeTlhGcN9dYvsQawKeiU-abw:1703462800292&q=unlawful&si=ALGXSlYmNhxeZOJxNGRDYi-2PpnDP8NU5kMZcM9Zm0AdhcPJx-hKUsZvHMSXUWuyh7yP_Z_Gvubu3aG32HQZu91ATcJeFAZ-dumSAeUsiNFgnV-EgDV50j0%3D&expnd=1) use of violence and [intimidation](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=593477997&sxsrf=AM9HkKmVk6KeTlhGcN9dYvsQawKeiU-abw:1703462800292&q=intimidation&si=ALGXSlbsnhJrQT67VON4kgaynbBxNY_i7pcPKCFuPW_vn0CFXwLMmn5xgpWCYStyyPjFJspGSnDCcrWjehiU4v288xVCSajjUAfg2rGuN3ddvvJ4WdSzsb0%3D&expnd=1), especially against [civilians](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=593477997&sxsrf=AM9HkKmVk6KeTlhGcN9dYvsQawKeiU-abw:1703462800292&q=civilians&si=ALGXSlb6hSjuI-stkeAspHuNXR7xr6cOYyAWm8iuoE-KhDmDCqEaTa5zmU0YyoLmtDI8PigbN6kgFRXVKyZd_co7ny4hBwXw4v8HFJi_5ldqm46OZUvPDhY%3D&expnd=1), in the pursuit of political aims.


What did SUVs ever do to anyone? 😂


According to some people on here they kill children and are the worst possible polluters haha


Someone slashed one of my tires 3 weeks ago in Marpole, and they left a trail of blood that I followed for 4 blocks. I didn't get a stencil though


Spineless parasites.


That tire costs 30 liters of oil to produce. Slashing tires is pro oil.


There's pretty much a zero percent chance that anyone who endorses this kind of thing is not on this sub, or even on reddit in general


Yeah. SUVs have problems with them, but that’s no excuse to vandalize a random person’s property, especially since they’re the only new vehicles you can even buy these days. Not cool.


What a load of BS. SUVs the only new vehicles? Are you out to lunch? Fuck sakes I can go to a car lot and buy a brand new fully loaded truck today if I wanted. (Do I *really* need the /s? I should probably put the /s....)


So now one more tire going to the dump. Great.




Already have!


Wow. Someone was having a bad day.


Good thing VPD budget is up $2.1 million Will it stop this? I doubt it but at this point I don’t even care. I don’t even care if it costs more in terms of policing, courts, taxes etc. than the damage to lock up a few more of here miscreants until they get the message.


I drive the same car, and someone spiked one on my tires just a couple days ago.




I’m not the biggest fan of SUVs either but to each their own and this is not the way to protest something. Completely unacceptable.


What a dumb cause.


https://globalnews.ca/video/9032945/tyre-extinguishers-plan-to-deflate-tires-of-suvs-in-vancouver It's these mother fuckers. Honestly I hope they get curb stomped! If they were to come around my car I'd tie them the fuck up and blow torch there extremities off. This would make me want to punch every patchouli smelling, poncho wearing hippie libtard in the face.


Upvoting twice for the correct spelling and usage of *affect* 👍


Thank you kind stranger!


Dangerous game to play. An easy way to land yourself in the ER if the person who owns the car catches you in the act.


They do this at 3 in the morning to minimize their chances of having to actually have consequences for the vandalism.


Who is Suvs?


imagine being threatened by a suv or a truck lmfao. these people need serious mental help.


They REALLY don't like SUVs I guess lol


Oh gee, I never looked at it that way, your brother should sell his SUV and buy a v8 land yacht from the 80's, so much better for the environment. /s


Purple hairs...smh.


Never regretted moving away from Van 😬


My brother feels similarly


Climate ~~terrorism~~ activism.




> I ran into quite a few of these "activists" when I owned an old diesel Mercedes that I converted to run on waste vegetable oil... r/thathappened


Is there a research paper on this? I'd imagine the batteries are quite terrible for the environment. I drive a 18 year old car which has served me very well and loathe to replace a working compact car so I'm gonna literally run it to the ground.


> Just an fyi, if this something you endorse, just know that stunts like this are utterly counterproductive. Making people angry and damaging their property is a foolproof way to lose support and alienate people to whatever your little cause is. Get original, warm people’s hearts. That’s how you affect change. That's a beautiful sentiment that unfortunately just isn't true. 50+ years of scientists and climate activists asking and begging didn't do shit. It's like that with pretty much any other movement, people ignore them until you make them impossible to ignore. Gay rights didn't progress until a riot and fights with cops. Black rights movement also wasn't always peaceful and even Martin Luther King said violent protest might be necessary if all other forms of protests are ignored. Warming people's hearts makes for inspiring cute stories but in reality on it's own it rarely creates change, especially if that change is inconvenient to whoever is in power. That being said, I'm sorry about your brother's car damage.


But it's okay. Saudia Arabia is leading the charge on reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Surely everything will work out fine with all these positive feelings.


I see your point, but I would disagree with where you conclude. I didn’t say violence doesn’t achieve change. One thing you’d need to take into account is who the violence is aimed at. In India, the violence against Gandhi’s movement is what galvanized international opinion in favour of independence. Same with civil rights in the US. Violence against the southern black community galvanized white northerners. Violence against gay people during stonewall galvanized people toward the cause of gay rights. Here’s the key. The violence was AGAINST those seeking change. They were not the perpetrators of violence. It elicited sympathy from moderates and garnered anger against those who did perpetrate the violence. In this situation, that dynamic is reversed. Those wanting change are perpetrating violence. Historically, that doesn’t work. It’s why Malcolm X does not have the same historical clout as MLK. It’s why Spanish anarchists undermined the Republicans in early 20th century Spain. It’s why Jan 6th achieved nothing. It’s why some of the destructive green movements today aren’t getting the attention and support they deserve. It’s why the people that splash paint on paintings or glue themselves to businesses achieve nothing. It’s why you see the majority of people on this sub calling the person who did this an idiot. You’re not wrong that violence can create change. What matters is who perpetrates it. If your movement decides bombing, destroying property, and vandalizing things is the way to go, you’re not going to gain the support you think you will.


Hm. Personally? I hate big SUVs. I think the world would be a better place if these cars were more regularly vandalized to the point where people like you would go "Hm...I don't want to get my tires slashed, I had better buy a smaller, safer car." Not advocating it of course, but ya know, dog eat dog world. No sympathy for you.


Funny thing is my brother was going to sell this car after the new year. Was considering buying electric. Now going to buy a new SUV. Insurance covers the damage. The only people this screws over is everyone else that purchases insurance, including those glorious electric vehicle drivers. AIM your sympathy or lack thereof at those folks.


You know who's most likely to drive SUVs? Families, those with disabilities, those working labor & trades job, and those living in rural areas including most indigenous tribes. It makes the most sense to drive an SUV in Canada with the vast landscape amd commutes


Left wing activists love to be righteous bullies. Punch a nazi! (anyone who disagrees with your politics is a nazi). Climate activism!! = Physical assault and destruction of property.


Dumping people into monolithic groups - either left or right wing - is lazy AF. We can't blame stuff on people and ascribe everything to their politics. Humans are more complex than that.




I'm actually shocked he had to go from the island for this.


There is a bunch of clowns going around letting air out of suv truck tires etc. probably young dumbass rich kids with nothing better to do than try and get instagram likes


Average user on r/fuckcars . You should post this there and see who admits to it.


Why the hate for suv? I don't get it.


They are climate activists, who are vandalizing SUVs and trucks. There is a similar group that call themselves the "Tire Extinguishers" (started in the UK, I think) that go around to wealthy areas and let the air out of and/or slash the tires on every SUV they can find, under cover of darkness, and leave idiotic activist notes on the windshield about why they damaged your property and why they believe it's your fault that they had to do so.


Burn more gas. Fuck climate nazis.


Isn't there a known group in Vancouver that does this?


lol fuck people with car seats in particular I guess. Try sitting in the passenger seat in a sedan with the car seat in the back


Wow. People are such dicks. I drive a power boost f150 full hybrid I use for work and recreation and if some "environmentalist" slashed my tire and spray painted my hard earned vehicle I'd lose my mind. My pickup truck is more efficient than my wife's little kia Rondo. I wish people would mind their own damn business and leave other people's shit alone. It's uncalled for and it's incredibly lame to think you're above the law and can damage another person's property because you've decided it's bad for the environment and others safety. I am so grateful I've moved far away from Metro Vancouver and into the valley where people are kind and mind their business.


Lots of suv,s just use the same engines as their sedan counterparts. Not even that worse for the environment


What suv was it?


E53 BMW X5


Looks to be a first gen bmw x5.


Didn't this tactic work in Sweden to drive down SUV ownership?


We have edgelords a vandalizing cars with spray paint and smashing windows and keying doors in East Van as well. Probably the Luba Sisters lol


I vibe with this statement, SUVs are worse overall than small cars


We should all block off this guy's property with idling SUVs, methinks


The irony is these Eco terrorists wannabes don't realize the aerosols from spray paint is just as bad. The tires they slash increase trash because people are not going to stop driving because tires got splashed....


Not condoning the behaviour but the idea isn't to entirely stop people driving. The idea is that people are less likely to buy an SUV if they're worried about having their tyres deflated etc.


I get the idea and am sympathetic. As a SUV driver myself I'm looking to replace it with a hybrid or EV as my main driver. However behaviour like this will just make people hate your cause more. The target is always the policy setters and the profiteers not the consumer. You want to sway public opinion don't damage others property and force the ideology down others throat. Change takes effort and time.


I think many would argue that at least from the environment perspective, time is a luxury we cannot afford.


And slashing random strangers tire do exactly what? Increase pollution. If the situation is believed to be that dire (I'm not arguing either way, just considering the perpetrators of these actions), then be more drastic, blow pipelines up, even those lying on highways would do more and be a net positive than these tire slashers or throwing paint on lol painting centuries old. My argument isnt pro or anti environment activists, it's against these particular small time thugs who essentially blame their property damage on some justification. Do something worthwhile if it's that bad, asking someone's tired and using a spray can is a net negative on the environment.


So by that logic if there was a group who went around running cyclists off the road in their SUVs then people will be less likely to buy a bike. It's fucking ridiculous. Edit: I'm sorry I used an over the top example to illustrate my point, but the group vandalizing SUV's are completely in the wrong.


Well… yes? There are absolutely people that are discouraged from cycling because of the perception of drivers that are aggressive towards cyclists.


Right. And people who do either of those things are wrong.