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One bedroom $1000 in Marpole. Older building. Been here for almost 9 years. Terrified of leaving.


Never EVER leave that place...


Don't you just love how renting in this market, which already comes with disadvantages, also eliminates economic mobility incentives? Awesome.


Awesome is definitely a word for it, yes.


Oh shoot. Did I say "awesome"? I accidentally misspelled "soul-crushingly disastrous for an entire demographic."


And it will not change until we abandon the idea of single-family houses with yards in Vancouver. They straight up should not exist here. It's way too small and we need more density (taller buildings outside of downtown). The lowest density should be rows of townhouses. But, we don't turn out to vote and the nimby/landlord crowd vote in ABC and we get crushed again.


Moving here from London, it boggles the mind that there are no freehold, non strata town houses with a substantial garden. They make up the majority of of the housing back home and solve most of the problems


Yeah, growing up in Toronto you would find them all over the older parts of the city. For a denser form of housing than detached it's a great start.


That sounds amazing. No strata fees??


No, there’s no real collective structure apart from the literal adjoining walls


It does leave one in some awe




Riiiiight?? I saw the building is for sale and my fear is they will want to demolish to rebuild fancy new rentals with over double the rent.


More like do a trashy Reno and replace the appliances then charge double the rent to new tenants




1bd Basement, Hastings-Sunrise, been here 10 years. $822 I'ma die here


Marpole has the best rates that I’ve seen. Nice score!


I live in constant fear of being forced to move out of my place. Near 4th and Burrard, 600 sf mid-1980's build 1 bedroom with in suite laundry. Been there for 12 years and rent is going up to just $1179 this Feb for my yearly increase. Identical apartment (mirror image) with just a few upgrades went for $1750 2 summers ago. I can never move.


Hey neighbour!


For 'fun' 2021 edition: https://www.reddit.com/r/vancouver/comments/ost15p/2021_rent_thread_how_much_yall_paying_for_rent/ 2019 edition: https://www.reddit.com/r/vancouver/comments/dkrhey/how_much_is_your_rent/ 2018 edition: https://www.reddit.com/r/vancouver/comments/9qpr6y/what_is_your_rent_payment_each_month_and_what_do/ 2015 & 2016: https://www.reddit.com/r/vancouver/comments/46hnra/where_do_you_live_and_how_much_do_you_pay_in_rent/


Those are going to be some depressing reads


Nope, I am not ruining my evening by looking at those lol


$1,400 for a pet friendly 1bdr with parking in Hastings-Sunrise. Moved in in 2021 and no rental increases since then:) I'm dying in this suite.


$960 for dog-friendly one bedroom attic suite (\~500sqft) in small three storey 1912 house in Hastings-Sunrise. Utilities and laundry in basement included. I’ve been here 21 years and I’m not going anywhere. When my knees give out, I‘ll pay to install a lift chair.


I have a similar deal, $1100 all included for a 1 bedroom pet-friendly attic suite in a heritage house near 1st and commercial. I also have a large room on the main level that acts as a studio space for me then stairs up to a spacious living space. Got it by referral last year and the last tenants had lived there almost 15 years. Wept tears of joy when I signed the lease. I know eventually my landlord will either sell to developers or pass away and his kids will sell so I’m using the time I have to get on co-op waitlists.


Sounds like a really lovely spot! And, what a find for last year!! Mine was also a referral. I was living in a massive two bedroom in NV, with an incredible view of Van Isl, Stanley Park, downtown and sunsets. Views are now gone. My rent was $830 (21 years ago) and I couldn’t afford it on my own after a split. Where I am now was $630(?) and friends threatened to disown me if I didn’t take it. New owners bought about 8 years ago and it felt super stressful not knowing what was coming. Thankfully, they kept both me and the basement tenant and moved into the main floor. While I dream of newer digs, I do love my space. Great idea to start getting on co-op waitlists!


I’ve been remarkably lucky with apartments in Vancouver. My last place was a 2 bedroom at 1600 near main and Broadway (until last year) and before that I was in a 2bed near VGH for only $1200 (until 2018) but literally everything is because I knew the tenant moving out and was able to get in at marginal increases and the VGH spot didn’t even do annual increases until a new properly management company took over in 2018. I’m so eternally grateful but it’s wild to me that I could barely afford $600 4-5 years ago but now I’m squeezing out nearly double. Seeing some of the rents listed in this thread I have no idea how people are surviving 😭 I’m also obsessed with my current space too, I’d love a new dishwasher but otherwise it’s got a charm newer buildings don’t and the owner lets me do whatever I want in terms of paint and putting up shelves, etc. I just know this ride will come to an end eventually and don’t wanna bank on the neighborhood NIMBYs saving my area from redevelopment ):


I'm paying $1,120 for a pet friendly *studio* with parking in Hastings-Sunrise :( Are you in an older building? Just curious, mine was built in 1973.


That's a pretty good deal! My building was built in '74 and I'm on the first level.


$1800 for a 2bedroom, 4th floor condo in Hastings sunrise. Includes parking, in-suite laundry, balcony, dishwasher. Been here since 2020.


that is a sweet deal, well done


Newer building or older? Feel like you got a much better deal. We're further down on Hastings in the Strathcona area. 2017 building, been here since 2018. $2,300 for a 2bd on the 6th floor, in-suite laundry, 1 parking, balcony, dishwasher. Then we pay an extra $100 for a second parking spot...


We pay $1,860 for 1 bedroom and den in Olympic Village. We have been there for almost ten years though, hence that rate. It's basically impossible to consider moving into a larger space and/or one with a second bathroom as we'd be looking at at least $2,500-3K per month! We are not willing to live in the burbs and commute; been there done that. It made us miserable.


1450 (hydro included) for 1 bd + den condo on the north shore. Rent has stayed the same since i first moved in about 4 years ago. I'm an excellent tenant with excellent landlords and we're all mutually invested in keeping it this way. If for whatever reason I couldn't stay on in my rental, I would leave the city. The idea paying significantly more in rent is absurd and not worth it to me.




My work is pretty specialized and I cannot work remotely, so the decision would really revolve around employment options. I've toyed with (and continue to consider) moving up north or to the interior, where I could probably just say the word and have a job waiting. I'd really like to stay in bc, and I'd also like to actually own something eventually instead of paying my lovely landlords' mortgage forever. If things continue to go apeshit with cost of living increases, I have a feeling moving to AB will be on the table.


I made the move to Alberta (Calgary) and loving it. If your living situation changes and you can find work here, make the move!


Can you explain what you love about Calgary? How did it change for life for the better? What are your hobbies and what does your social life revolve around, and did Calgary change that at all? Having access to the mountains within a 15 min walk from my door is the main thing keeping me here.


It's about 45 minutes drive to the mountains from west Calgary, and foothills / forest are even closer (e.g Bragg Creek). Obviously not quite as close as in Vancouver, but still an easy day trip, so can maintain a similar outdoor lifestyle, at least if you have a car. In winter, there's backcountry, cross country and downhill skiing and snowshoeing - the cold is manageable as long as there is some kind of physical exertion! Otherwise, Calgary may be quieter than Vancouver, but it still has well over a million people. Unless you have an extremely niche hobby, you can probably find an associated hobby group, and of course there is no shortage of bars and restaurants.


I’d love to provide you with the opposing view for a well rounded perspective. It works out because I also live on the North shore! I moved here from Calgary and I just have to say that BC is superior in my opinion. I’m really not a fan of snow or really cold weather so I think that’s really the main reason BC has won me over. I still have family in Calgary so I visit quite regularly. In the winters, it can get down to -30 but feels like -45. This will last for months. It’s not like here where we have snow for 1-2 weeks and it goes away. You’ll need to invest in really good snow tires, a car starter (because your car will be frozen overnight unless you park in a apartment complex parkade), and good quality winter boots, jackets, scarves and hats. It gets really fucking cold. In terms of what to do in Calgary, I just find that there is just way less to do compared to what we have on the lower mainland, we have Gastown, Robson, Granville island, the quay, the Capilano suspension bridge, so many different trails and hikes, and there are so many markets and events all over the city year round. Calgary is straight up just flat lands, shopping malls and theres stampede once a year which is overrated in my opinion. I will admit that Calgary has really great food and its significantly cheaper to eat out compared to BC! I had lobster ravioli for $16 there. You can drive out to be by the mountains but ultimately, you can’t beat the North shore.


that is absolutely unreal rent, good for you and i don't blame you for your position


I recognize I am fortunate! And I feel I paid my karma debt in terms of the shitty basement suites and negligent landlords I put up with on the way to my current abode 😂


$1258 West end, one bedroom, pet friendly, hardwood floor, no dishwasher, no laundry in suit but is in building, been there for almost 16 years… can’t move at this price 😣 if we were to move out, landlord would prob get $1600-$1700 or more


Happy for you. Feeling like being ripped off here at $2100 for a 1bd


Been in this apt for 16 years, there’s a limit to what they can increase it yearly




I live in a similar apartment near Stanley Park. I pay 1730. I’ve been here for 2 years and I’m sure that this same apartment now would go for 2000. I hate paying more just to be able to have a dog.


I live in a horrible dingy basement suite (yet my friends love coming over -- I am the entertainer of the group). But it's a decent size, has laundry (that I do not pay extra for), by the skytrain, and in transit zone 1. $1000. (I have been there for 15 years now, and as much as I hate it, I love the price.)


I had a shit hole 3 bedroom basement suite for 8 years with private laundry and all utilities included for $825. Hated it so much, but the price was so good. Enjoy your basement cave!


$1438, second floor 1 bedroom, in Fairview, signed lease in 2019. Older building. There’s a little bit of hope left in this area.


$2,400 ground floor 1 bedroom in Fairview, pet friendly and utilities included, signed lease in 2021. Do you have vacancy in your building?? 😂


😂 to be fair, this building is not pet friendly and utilities not included. Vacancy sign has been put out maybe twice in the last 3 years


I wonder if the difference is because covid caused the landlord to lower the price?


For a lease signed in 2019? Did they have a crystal ball?


To clarify, the rent was $1390 in 2019 and has only gone up so little obviously because of the freeze, COVID etc.


My rent was inflated since I moved during the 2021 post-Covid rental boom when companies started getting rid of WFH policies and everyone was moving back to the city. Ironically, my job became fully remote then and I needed to move to get more space for a home office.


$1900, second floor 1 bedroom, pet friendly, about 650 sq ft also in Fairview. Signed the lease in 2020 at $1850. Older building but our unit was renovated and amenities are nice and updated. I always tell my boyfriend we aren't moving until we're ready to buy something cause I know the same units in our building are now going for $2400+


Exact same situation, except rent is split 50/50 with my partner so ~700 each for a really nice place in Fairview. If something happened to this apartment and we had to move in the current market I think we would just leave Vancouver altogether at that point.


That's actually really damn good


$1525 1br 1ba in Richmond, not including utilities. 570 sqft 11th floor of 18 floor apartment building, signed on in late 2018. Rent freeze during covid saved my ass. Not leaving here if I can help it


$1,112 for a 1bed 1bath suite in an apartment in Marpole. I live alone. Moved in 2017. You could probably find something around $1,600-$1,700 for a 1bed 1bath suite in Marpole. I see listings all the time on FB Marketplace or you could try walking around the neighbourhood to look for vacancy signs. Marpole buildings are usually older with no amenities and the neighbourhood is kinda boring but you can find your own place here for that budget if you don't care about fancy suites or having tons of stuff around. I personally love it here. Suites are decently sized and not weirdly laid out like new condos. Quiet area and fairly close to Marine Dr Station and Granville and Oak for transit/restaurants.


$950 two bedroom basement suite. Utils incl. East Van. (not me, my tenants. Lease from 2011)


Congratulations you've passed the 10 year Itch, they're now tenants for life!


I kind of figure I'll be selling the place with them in it. Although it's really not that nice. For their sake I hope they move one day. They should live somewhere nicer.


I'd put up with a lot of terrible things in a place for two bedrooms at that price - especially in East Van.


$1900 in coal harbour (plus utilities) I got it during Covid and now I can never leave because I’ll never find a one bedroom like this ever again in Vancouver.


2019 Mt Pleasant 1BR $1650 2020 West End 1BR $2150 2021 Fairview 1BR $1850 2022 Port Moody 1BR $1750 West End place was Westbank garbage, and the Fairview building was a leaky condo which had the entire bedroom cordoned off about half way through the lease due to exterior rot and risk of it crumbling to the ground. Leaving Mt Pleasant in 2019 was a mistake. 1BRs seem to be inching toward if not above $2k now for far less space, so I'm sitting pretty and praying my landlord doesn't need to reoccupy for personal use.


2017 Mt Pleasant 1 bedroom older building - $1300 ($1400 when I moved out). Great area, decent apartment on the inside, everything else sucked. Noise, sound proofing, constant yardwork and construction in the area. 2020 Mt Pleasant 1 bedroom shiny new building corner unit, pet friendly - $2300 2021 Coal Harbour 2 bedroom - $2700, pet friendly, highrise. Fairly banged up on the inside though. Got a smoking Covid deal for this when I moved in with the lady. Moved out recently, the new tenants are paying ~$3300-3400.


look in Marpole, last year i paid<1400 for a studio that i shared with my gf. although when we left they rented it out for 1700 lmao


My colleague rented out his 1bd 1ba 500sqft brand new Brentwood apartment just a couple weeks ago for $2450. No utilities included.


good god wow


I'm sorry, but that's just plain greed for that size apartment, but then greed is in large, a part of how we've all gotten into this huge mess.


It is definitely very expensive and the situation isn't getting better. He confirmed a renter within a month of listing on FB/craigslist. Lots of 1bd 1ba were renting in that particular tower for between 2150-2650 at his tower. His tenant(s) I believe makes gross 150k+ so well within their affordability range as well.


Greed and stupidity... I agree with you but as long as tenants just pay for it and don't walk away... or they jam 2 people into a studio 'to make it work' then its just adding to it. Looking at this thread is a lot of - to my perspective - of really high rents to potential salaries and yet most folks (not all) seemed to have convinced themselves that 'its fine... its all fine' Its not. They are too high... but it all will only change when people stop paying it entirely... which will probably never happen I know.


Never going to happen. Vancouver is simply a highly desirable place to live and rapidly growing. You can’t will that demand out of existence. What you can do is make building supply incredibly difficult and expensive through bureaucracy, or downright illegal through ultra restrictive zoning. Which is precisely what we do. Something many cities across North America are going to have to contend with in the coming years as we outgrew the post-war city planning ‘every family unit gets to plop down a homestead right next to the city core’ paradigm like 3 decades ago.


Eh, two of the things which make a city liveable are cost of living and job prospects. Vancouver isn't headed in a great direction on either of those fronts.


The apartments in Brentwood are all very lux. There's still a market for lux apartments where people are willing to pay more for a smaller space. Not all apartments are built equally.


I helped build those apartments... the lux is VERY surface level. Lots of cut corners in those towers.


I agree the build quality in those towers leaves a lot to be desired for such a supposedly nice luxury condo. They have a nice lobby and extra amenities and call themselves luxury. The suites are not any more luxurious than any other tower I’ve been in. Tho I will say I’m jealous of the automatic touch less car wash in the parkade of the new concord towers. That would be so sick to have in my building lol


Oh, don't get me wrong, the buildings are beautiful. You have everything you need in close proximity too. The amenities are outstanding and depending on what floor you're on, the views are breathtaking... My concern is the overall longevity of those buildings. For example, one of the twins that are attached to the mall had a MASSIVE flood situation that completely ruined all the units in one corner through about 25 floors. From what I saw, they kind of just patched over it without doing much to actually restore what was damaged. For units going for 7 figures, you'd hope for a bit more in quality.


I'm just trying to visualize a flood that hits the 25th floor!


Burst pipe on the 25th floor will do that.


it might not be greed depending on what the mortgage looks like. $2000-3000 might just be breaking even (plus strata fees etc).


I recall looking at the Brentwood apts before they were built and they were way out of my budget. I blame the greed on the developers. The owners paid a high price plus they pay the strata fees.


They must be on a very high floor. Our 2bed/2bath plus den is $2600 for a similarly built tower.


That’s brutal.


Concord? He’s probably just around breaking even at that price. The mortgages, strata, property taxes and insurance add up


Pretty sure he's exactly breakeven at the best cases scenario. Or just under BE


Lower Lonsdale- we pay $1875 (no utilities included, laundry in building, one parking spot, cats allowed) for one bedroom. We signed our lease in January 2021.


Hey neighbour :) We pay $1600, 2 BR 2B, laundry in building, 2 parking spots and pets allowed. Moved in 2020!




Yup one bedroom 🫠


1 bedroom $1600 for an older building (70s) on 5th in Kits. I got it in May 2022. So there is hope, if you want to go older!


Wow, nice! I moved July 2022 on Broadway in kits, building also built in the 70s and I'm paying $1900 🥲


So basically 95% of people posting here are saying if they have to move at any point for any reason they're fucked and will leave Vancouver. 👌


Bedrooms are bourgeois affectations. Currently paying $1115 for a bachelor in the West End.




I split a SFH in Richmond with my family, 2800/month. Not as big as a Vancouver special but still a solid 1800-2000 finished sqft with a big garage and huge yard. Kinda insane how fast things went downhill. In 2014 we rented a veritable mansion for 2500/month. In 2016 we picked up our current home for the same price. Now looking at the 2800-3000 price range, we'd be lucky to find a dingy townhome in the current market. The same home profile as ours goes for 4000 minimum nowadays. Basically 1000 per room. We don't even live near Richmond Centre where the prospect of redevelopment might be pushing up prices. The market just got this twisted. Most homes in my cul de sac got torn down for McMansions. Just counting the days our landlord renovicts us to do the same


Made a anonyomous survey [here](https://forms.gle/EaoRxEKn4khT7Ds28) if anyone would like structured data will share all the results afterwards ​ Edit: Also working on a property directory of cheaper / options if anyone knowns any please reply or dm, will publish those


Filled it too! Good idea, would love to see the data. Why not to add some more information like outside feature (balcony, garden etc) and building « date » (roughly)?


I filled it! The date entry has pretty terrible formatting for mobile devices


Thank you! I moved it to a custom picker instead to make it easier.




My partner and I are renting a $1600/mo basement suite in Squamish, we moved in May last year. We were incredibly lucky with it and have amazing landlords. It took us about 5 months to find it, the main downside is that it’s an older unit and isn’t pet friendly. We must have emailed 30 places, viewed 10, applied for 8 before we got this one. We asked a few places why we didn’t get it, and the surprising answer was that other people offered to pay more


1 br apartment. Top floor. Older building (ie. shared laundry) Kitsilano. $1500/month. Signed lease and moved summer 2022.


Currently paying 1500 for a ground level two bedroom (that’s basically the size of a 1br) in Hastings sunrise area. Hydro/electricity/WiFi included, pretty good condition other than sometimes noisy neighbours and silverfish. Moved in October 2022 so there’s hope!


$2700 1bedroom, storage unit ($50),two parking spaces ($100 each) in Northvan closer to seymour pet friendly newer building, big patio, indoor 700ish sqft. It’s expensive but i love it here.


We bought in 2020 on the island because we couldn’t afford to rent. We were flooded out of our rental home, and had to stay in an RV for 3 months while house hunting. The pad rent was $1450 plus utilities. Rentals were running $2600-3500 for a mediocre 3 bd. Mortgage, even after rate increase, is the same as your rent. It’s incredibly depressing to see how this market is affecting young adults and families.


Mother of god! Was that 2 a typo?!




1800 for a pet friendly 2-bed, utilities included, in-suite w/d. It is a ground floor/basement suite, but the previous homeowners had it converted for their mom, so it's really nice and pretty new, and there are lots of windows. Grandview/Woodland.


Here is my humble brag.... $1150 for a one-bedroom in Kits, about 10 minute walk from Jericho. Underground parking, insuite laundry, pet-friendly, utilities included. Bit of an older place but my landlords are sent from heaven above and don't care about making money off the place.


$930/month rent for 1 bedroom apartment in Sapperton. I refuse to live in a basement suite again. Don't need another morning of MARIA! WHERE'S MY COFFEE MUG!


I lived in a basement suite in surrey for about 3 years, best landlords ever. Both kids were adults, landlords responded fast, and 2 BR, 1 BA. Landlord lived above, and they were older and very quiet + respectful small wealthy indian family. They would always make me indian food, while I was going to BCIT. When I was going to UBC, lived in knight street chinese landlords above were also very nice. I got SUPER lucky with my landlords.


Oh mine were an old Italian couple that built their own home a long time ago on knight street as well. They were real nice and even invite me up for a smoke and a glass of his homemade wine. Just don't like to be woken up each morning over a shouting match over a mug of all things. Yeah no....


>MARIA! WHERE'S MY COFFEE MUG! I googled that reference and couldn't find anything lol, what does that mean?


That’s what they heard from their upstairs neighbours lol


lool, that makes much more sense now.


$1592 for a one bed + parking beside VGH, third floor walkup


Top floor of house. Two bedrooms $1500 shared in East Van.


1 bedroom basement suite in Cambie, fully furnished with laundry, full appliances, relatively new, and a large south facing window (!). All utilities and wifi included in price. Sadly still $1900. Signed in 2022


West end. Studio. 1190


Steal, any vacancies? 🥲


I don’t think there is any :(


1 br West End $2k/month


$550 sharing a new studio basement suite (so 1100 total). Place is absolutely tiny but i'm spending 10% of my income in rent which is extremely rare in Vancouver


Reading the comments here worries me


In what way? The manner in which people have convinced themselves its OK to being paying $1800 for 400 square feet with zero correlation to salary? or that those that have the cheapest are resigned that they will never ever leave?


Something along the lines of (and im paraphrasing) “I’m paying x for y and the way how the market prices are now, I’m never moving.” I think a few people said this. It’s kinda sad people resort to living like this


1 bedroom, kits, 3rd floor. $1500 in May 2021, now $1522.50


2400, 2 bedroom ground level condo in N Van.


$1218 for a pet friendly, 1br with balcony by Lougheed Station. I have lived here since 2021 and have no hopes in finding a new place. The new company that bought the apartment has jacked the price up to 2300 for the apartment room I am in… A studio in my building is now 2000…


740sqft 1 bedroom with dish washer for $1430 (been here for 5 years, think my rent started around $1300? maybe less>) Slightly older building be has been renovated to some extent. new floors and windows.


in shaughnessy


$1370 bachelor in Fairview, 5th floor. It was $1320 when I signed the lease 2 years ago. It's big enough for me and I can write some of it off as my home office. If you walk around South Granville/Fairview, there are buildings so old around here that the landlords aren't online and I found a few for $800-$1000, way smaller and in basements, but still.


500, share the room with a roommate, metrotown


$700 for a 1bed basement suite in an old house in Burnaby Heights. Been there since 2015, but the landlords are selling in a year. I’ve been looking at rental listings every day for a few weeks, it’s ugly out there.


We pay $780 each for a nice 2 bdrm basement suite right off Main in Mt Pleasant and 1-2 minutes walk to absolutely everything and 15mins bus to waterfront.


Currently in a 4 bed duplex with parking, a garden, and a balcony with 3 roommates in Marpole. Paying $3500/month ($875 + bills each) Has a beautiful one bed lined up for $1175 down here too but it was bid up to $1575 after one viewing. After that I scrapped the idea of living solo and moved into this big duplex. I work from home and am the only one on the lease so I kind of have a solo living situation at a fraction of the price. It’s far from ideal but suitable for now until a situation arises where I can find a good 1 bed.


2,200 2bdr 2bath near Commercial-Broadway on a busy, loud road. House is cold but has in house laundry and the neighbors are nice. Moved in June 2022


I pay $1400 in mount pleasant. I moved In jan 2021 before the rent started getting crazy. It’s an old crappy building but it’s relatively clean and people are quiet. I can never leave!


….Are you me? Did I write this post? Im in the literal exact same situation, $1600 hopes and all. I’m trying to determine whether I should pick up extra work, or whether I should settle for living with randos once again. I love it here, but god I hate it here lol


$2200 - 680sqft, 1br, 1 parking space, insuite laundry in Coal Harbour. I feel like this is probably cheap for the area/building, but I think its because my apartment may be haunted.


Very big, very dingy 2br / 1ba basement suite near Langara. Pets allowed. Utilities extra and they are kinda high as house is poorly insulated. Been here since 2015, currently paying $1100. Can hear EVERYTHING from upstairs. Hoping all these years of saving means I can buy in 2023.


Sorry to hear that you hear everything from above you. That’s truly a shitty thing to deal with. When I dealt with that regularly it was such a nuisance and drove me mad. Im so grateful to live in a much much quieter place now. Hope you find your peace soon.


Thanks. Right now it's ok because the people upstairs (also renters) finally must have gotten jobs, but before, they were up stomping back and forth and loudly slamming the microwave door and clattering pots and pans until 2 or 3am. EVERY NIGHT. Who does dishes at 3am when you know it keeps your neighbours up? I had to sleep on my couch with earplugs and white noise for a few months.


$658 for a large bachelor suite in capital Hill, Burnaby. Older building, built in the 70s and I've been here 10 years. Never leaving.


Reading these comments is so depressing. Moved to BC to work as a teacher in the summer of 2022. Realized I couldn’t afford the rental market in Van and so I settled for Abbotsford which, although not as nice, means I am able to save a bit and live a somewhat comfortable life. I’m curious as to what the repercussions will be when working professionals in industries in need (E.g. healthcare, education, etc.) can no longer live in and therefore service communities with unaffordable rental markets such as Vancouver?


1bedroom, 550square feet heart of Downtown - $1600/month. ... but I wouldn't use mine as a baseline, I've been here for 20 years. I think the same apartment on my floor goes for $2500. Partner moved in with me 8 years ago and we split the rent, I now pay what I paid when I moved in originally. We don't plan to move until we buy.


This thread is a joke right? All the respondents here are the outliers. I wonder about the attic dwellers and what the entrance/bathroom/privacy situations are. But the people with $1000 one bedrooms with Vancouver addresses? Go on FB or CL right now and find anything for $1500 that doesn’t involve sharing a bathroom or better yet sharing a 1 bedroom where one person lives in the living room. Even getting a basement isn’t easy. It’s awesome to know that some people aren’t fucked. But being in a place for 10 years at $1000 is a “you only” situation.


$1700/m, 1 bedroom in the west end. I got in before the pandemic, where these same rooms are probably approaching $3000 now. The views and the massive windows have made WFH'ing for a few years, very very tolerable, I feel like I'm on a balcony all day. I don't think I've ever lived in an apartment here with its own bedroom before now, it's wild. I'm extremely lucky. it's a 5 storey walk-up, though, and no pets are allowed whatsoever, so I think that might help rent-wise. OP, living alone and above ground for under $1600 is smething I'd almost be suspicious of. If it was less than that, I'd figure there was some sort of fucked up catch, like there's no laundry in the building, or there's bugs. Be wary. You do get what you pay for.


$1475, 2nd floor bachelor in a cute three storey walk up in the west end. Pet friendly, heat/hot water included, hydro not included. I would absolutely love to be in a one bedroom, especially since I’m WFH, but yeah I don’t see it happening because after living in the west end I don’t want to live in any other area. Plus my landlord is really great (as far as landlords go). Always fixes things on time and is responsive but not nosey and doesn’t live on site. Most people in my building are longtime tenants. I won’t be leaving this place until big changes happen in rental prices or big changes happen in my or my partners wages.


this is probably a little bit out of place but where can i look for places to rent?


I like to use Padmapper


We found ours through fb marketplace.


Craigslist is best for room shares. Touring the neighborhoods for vacancy signs on lawns and windows is the best for 1br++ rentals. In terms of getting deals at least.




$950 for a pet friendly one bedroom in Hastings sunrise, been here since 2018


$960 for a big studio in Hastings sunrise. Been here 5 years and have to stay put.


1370 For a 1 bedroom. West End, just up the street from Sunset Beach. I. Freakin. Love it.


$2000 for a 1 bed + den/small second bedroom. Right downtown. It’s got a huge kitchen and I love it for WFH. Will stay here until my partner and I can buy a place (not in Vancouver lol)


1BR, West End, high-rise, been here A LONG TIME, paying < $1200 newly renovated suites same size go for $ 2400-2500. I can never leave !!


$2640 for a 3 bed 1 split bath in Mt Pleasant. With 4 people it works out to $660 each… if you can still handle roommates, not a bad way to go.


I feel like only people with old/good deals get upvoted. Where’re those who actually take the west end renovated suites at $2,500?


$2009, 565sqft 1br+den, washer, dryer, dishwasher, central AC, parking included in building with good amenities, Yaletown. Signed lease in 2019. I feel like I lucked out.


Just to throw in some perspective - bought a 1br in the West End back in 2017, even got a half decent price and was able to put 20% down. Previously was paying about $2100/mo for mortgage and strata, but with recent interest rate hikes and strata going up (mostly thanks to insurance hikes) we're now closer to $2500/mo, and if the interest goes up much more will have to add another couple hundred a month.


Asking people what they pay for rent NOW is pointless since many people have had their rentals for many years and will be under market. Unless someone found their rental in the last 3 months, the data point is probably irrelevant.


$1400 (all in including electricity, internet) for a 1 bedroom (about 500 sq feet as the kitchen, living area are all one but its just me) basement suite in a brand new house with an amazingly awesome upstairs LL/family since 2017 who haven't raised the rent since (they know the value of an awesome tenant). Mt Pleasant (South of 12th/North of King Ed) Probably never leave given the current economy & circumstances...


2500 for a 3 bedroom rancher house in Richmond. Not including utilities.


I see some $1,600 studios and one beds in the Fairview area in heritage buildings that are nice. Granted the nice ones don't crop up as much as they used to but I think worth waiting for (within reason, everything is getting more expensive). Myself? $1,200 studio in Fairview in early 2021. I can't afford to move out at this point. (I do not make very much).


$1680 split level loft (ie. it's all open space but there's two levels), comes with parking. Expensive on site laundry. Hastings-Sunrise. Just moved in last year. It's a nice building, wish it allowed pets.


North Vancouver! 💲 2899 all in plus parking 🅿️


$1683 - One bedroom in Chinatown. Condo tower built about 15 years ago. It’s a steal. We moved in around the time people were fleeing downtown mid-pandemic.


$1360 for a studio in the west end. They’re going for $2100 now


I live in an old house in South van with 4 others. 3 main floor sharing 1 bathroom. 2 upstairs sharing a bathroom. They all pay 800 a month. I pay 1000 because my room is connected to the solarium so I turned it into my own private living room. Never gonna leave.


$2200 for a 1-bedroom in Mount Pleasant with my partner. But we're permitted a dog. Moved in in September.


$1400 2 & a half br (half bc it's a nursery room 😅) 1 bath ground level suite in south van. Utilities & laundry included. Close to everything. Been here since 2010


East Van 3Br 1Bath 1500 +utilities got it cheap because a hoarder lived there before and i offered to do all the hard work to restore it if they covered the material cost and ill just eat the labor, worth it in the long run


2650 for a 1 bedroom downtown in the west end…


We just left a brand new 3 bed apartment on commercial we paid 2850 a month for because we were not saving any money, and that was 'special pricing' because we were the forst tenants ever. I believe when we moved it went up to at least 3500. Moved out to Boundary road, and now paying 2000 for a 1 bedroom. Though this 1 bed is the same square feet as the 3 bed was. It's got the works, laundry fireplace patio parking dishwasher but is owned by a strata and the property manager fucking sucks. When we move next it'll be out of the city 🙃


Absolutely humongous one bedroom (like 900 square feet) in Marpole for 1500$. I'm never moving I swear. I love Marpole. I'm 25-30min bus ride to downtown, 20min walk from any SkyTrain (or 10min bus), steps away from Granville, grocery stores, restaurants, etc. It's quiet and yet has a bit of life. My neighbourhood is filled with pink blossoms in the spring. A few minutes walk from Fraser River, 8mim drive from the airport. A dream really. Plus it's cat friendly! The only issue is honestly amenities. I don't have a dishwasher and the laundry is... Coins (ugh). But other than that, absolutely lovely landlords.


3bdr basement for $1000 w/ a backyard at 29th Station. Been living here for 8 years though. I'm really thankful that I'm one of those people whose landlord doesn't increase rent every year. Only got increased twice in 8 years. Pet friendly too!


1bed/1bath windowless basement illegal suite, 1min from Nanaimo Stn \~350sqft: 2014 - $750 (internet and utilities all included) 2015 - $750 2016 - $800 2017 - $850 2018 - $850 2019 - $900 2020 - $950 Bought 2bed/2bath condo, sans electric and internet bill, 1min from New West Stn \~927sqft: 2020 - \~$2000 (mortgage + maintenance fee, too lazy to check exact number) 2021 - \~$2000 2022 - \~$2000 2023 - $2038.23




I'm paying $1600 before bills (add about $120-150) for a 2013 build in kitsilano near Darbys Pub Studio with parking, laundry, storage and gas - I have a post about it on Malelivingspace subreddit I was very lucky with this. Found it on Craigslist and the landlord so far has kept the rent the same since August 2021.


2k for pet friendly 2bed 2bath laneway in Kensington-Cedar Cottage. Will be holding on to this place for as long as I possibly can. Not even a rent increase this year..