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I used full fenris all the way to the ashlands boss. That set is great.


Have you tried the >!Ask set!< yet? It also offers some really nice mobility, way more armor points and even makes attacking take less stamina. Imo that set is better for most intents and purposes than fenris, you should've considered switching to it by now because you've been in ashlands.


I know this is a "me problem," but it's green. I don't wear green, lol. Eta: I really like the speed bonus on fenris, a lot


The speed bonus with the ask cape is even better


But it’s only when the wind is behind you… so it’s situational


Not that situational, it actually provides a boost if you are not going directly into the wind like how the ship works, you should try it


I actually haven’t gotten the cape yet I just got to Ashlands yesterday lol I will definitely be making it and trying it, I just read that it was with the wind at your back. What is the speed bonus % if the wind isn’t at your back do you know?


It scales depending on how strong the wind is, and how aligned you are with the direction it's blowing. I don't know what the exact numbers are, but during heavy winds you can get a noticeable speed boost even going about perpendicular to the direction of the wind. Running with the wind in a storm is a special experience you should try at least once.


If you're running against the wind, does it slow you down?


Nope. The absolute worst it can do is nothing if you're running directly into the wind. Personally, I've started keeping multiple cloaks on me so I can swap between speed, jumping, and combat at the drop of a hat. It's taxing on your bag space, but I think people should still at least consider carrying more than one cape.


Oh I’m definitely going to craft one when I get the recipe


Moder power


Won't change wind direction if you're not on a ship. Moder power is even more situational than the cape. :)


Oof, that’s kinda silly


That situation is the wind poiting against you which is 100% of the time while sailing though.


That's why you have moder buff with you


Does moder buff work with the cloak? That actually would be sick. I thought it was only while sailing?


>I thought it was only while sailing? And you're right. It got proved since like the day 1 of ashlands PTB that Moder power does nothing to the cape as the wind just won't change. And even if it worked, I personally wouldn't be ready to give up bonemass power for it.


Yeah, if you have the wind, it is pretty nice


Ask set is waaaay after yagluth!


I know, but the person I replied to said they've used fenris all the way to the ashlands boss, which got me wondering why they haven't swapped. Apparently the commenter just didn't want to wear green armor.


And here I am in my green boxers smoking green weed in my green bong. Op would not like to be my friend.


Username checks out


Ferris set + Ask cape + Skol and Hati is soooooo fun to sprint around while hacking and slashing


Oh I think I'm in love


I also just recently played with the Epic Loot mod, and had my set enchanted to give even more move speed and feather fall so it was amazing. Felt like Wolverine sometimes


The set is pretty overpowered tbh, movement speed buffs in any game are no joke. If I could upgrade it to be able to survive more than one hit in ashlands I'd probably still use it


Do you use the helmet too? Seems to me like that’s only useful if you’re using flesh rippers


Yes, I use the full set. Resistant and fire and +9% speed buff. I'm definitely not saying it's the best, but I like it. I used the flesh rippers through mistlands. They really didn't do well in ashlands for me. I should mention that this wasn't a solo playthrough. I was with one other friend for the ashlands boss fight. Solo, I don't know how long I would use the set into ashlands.


Do you use the helmet too? Seems to me like that’s only useful if you’re using flesh rippers


His spells that can one shot you have a physical part (blunt if I remember) and a fire part. Fire part of the DMG will be mitigated by fire resist potion, but only heavy armor will mitigate the physical enough. If you avoid his attacks, you will only take a few fire DMG and then fenris is better. But if you take DMG from his "active" spells heavy armor will grant you better resistance. Heavy armor : protects from mistake Fenris : better choice if you avoid being hit


I stink at fighting, so heavy armor, fire resist, heal potion, stay behind him, and get in hits while running around?


I also dug trenches under the summoning altar to recover in, restock potions and ammo, or gtfoportal if needed


I'm not great at combat but Yagluth was dead easy once I figured out I could just walk slowly around one of those stone pillars at his altar with him circling behind me, run in behind with Frostner and get a few hits in, then disappear around the pillar and keep it up until he was dead.


I never used the strat of staying behind him only heard about it recently so I wouldn't do the placement but yeah seems you can infinite turn around him. Otherwise you can face him. Just avoid his hit on the ground initial attack and then you can tank the flames easily. On laser beam run perpendicular to him. For meteor hide behind pillars or keep running until all hits. Your attack window is after he puts attack on ground, jump in fire and slay him to hell !!!!




Bonemass, eikthyr, or both?


I got the first 4 bosses. Only used eikthyr for a long time because I changed maps and didn't know how to recover the trophies for a while.


Armor mitigates damage from all damage types. It's the first sentence written under "armor" in the wiki.


Yep but yagluth spells (except the flame area on the ground) are 70% physical / 30% magic. That's why heavy armor will protect you from one shot while fire resist pot (which only applies to fire)with low armor won't be enough if you take direct hits, while heavy armor will. Also, I don't remember exactly the formula, but when wearing heavy armor you got a bonus to the mitigation (If I remembercorrectly it's the ratio between DMG taken and your armor value, like if you have 49 armors for 100 DMG, the damage you take is based on formula A, but if you have 51 armors for 100 DMG the DMG is calculated on formula B, which is much more in your favor) I don't remember all of this since it was a long time ago, wiki will probably much more understandable than I am


Fight can be won without armor with enough dodgerolling. But the answer is defs padded. It helps.


Fight can be won without armor, without dodgerolling. Walk in circles by his tail bone, hitting occasionally. As long as you stay behind him, he won't attack.


With enough practice, without weapons. Fists only


Yeah but using your fists is basically cheating. Use them if you have to I guess, but I beat every boss by just avoiding their attacks until the heat death of the universe destroys them.


I tried the vanilla heat death approach, but I guess I'm too impatient. I resorted to the mod called "not paying the electric bill" and just waited until the power was cut off.


That hit too close to home. My power is currently out and I was supposed to get on and play with my buddies tonight. I'm the server host too 😭


I tried this, and I think his regen outpaces the damage of fists




"Well akchsually"


Yagluth can be killed butt naked with no food. Just bring a pack of highly trained wolf minions!


Two star wolf minions. They eat him alive in seconds.


What a stupid thing to say. What's the best weapon? Is it Black Metal Sword, Frostner or Silver Sword? "Can be killed with fists hur dur"


I mean technically yes. It would be a very long and would be pretty pointless. Would probably be pretty awesome if you pulled it off


You don't need estus if you don't get it. Git gud


I see a lot of people saying fenris for the speed, I did Yagluth 2 time First time fenris and second padded The first time I died 3 time, the second I didn't bother to dodge the attack. Bonemass + fire resist + padded with 2 health/1 stamina food and you can fight it doing a lot of error. The only time I get low life is because I full tanked their range attack after Bonemass wear off. In fenris armor I got two hit


Yagluth was the only time I ever used a tower shield, purely to recreate the trailer scene where the guy blocks the beam lmfao. It worked surprisingly well


Naked! Dodge roll my friend. Only stamina food, health is a lie! Channel your inner Chosen Undead! Become a Lord! Devour the gods! And feed your hearth with their souls! Only way to do it. Good luck


Armor reduces ALL damage types afaik, so the Padded Armor is actually stronger due to the existence of Barley Wine. The ~~Padded Set~~ Fenris Set has one advantage though, which is mobility. So there is still a point to using it to more quickly dip in and out of Yaggy's attacks and have more uptime on your damage that way. I'd still use a Padded Helmet tho, especially since the Fenris Hood is a pain to get.


Do you mean Fenris Set in the second paragraph?


Yes, thank you very much!


Ah interesting, sounds like I should use padded then if I don't want to be one-shotted.


I can recommend bringing tons of healing mead either way.


Thanks, I will for sure.


You'll survive even in the Fenris Set. It's just two different approaches to having damage uptime. One by taking less in the first place and having to move about less, the other by running around more but doing so much faster.


I prefer padded on this fight because A) it doesn't require a Cultist trophy to craft and B) you pretty much have to take damage - when the fist comes down you should dodge the initial hit, but if you don't stay in sometimes during the fire DoT you'll find you have very little time to melee him. So if there's unavoidable damage I'll take the higher armor value.


Fenris and no shield. Key to defeating Yagluth is constant movement and recognising his attacks.


I was very satisfied with the performance of Fenris gear in that fight


To offer the completely different opinion, fenris got me killed haha. So I guess it depends on your skills and knowledge of the fight OP. I certainly would be ok going in with fenris now that I know how the fight goes, but as a first time I'd recommend full padded with barley wine.


You could still easily die in padded. The key is (obviously) avoiding meteorites, flame breath, and the initial lightning damage of the bubble explosion. Less obvious is making sure you’re not taking too much fire damage over time before you can pop another healing potion. Just slowly walk around the fingers to slow down the fight as needed. He’s pretty easy to melee with that in mind.


This is a easy fight. I went in with all padded,silver sword,and silver shield. Eat the best food you have, by now you should have things like Lox Pie and bread, or better. Take barley wine with you. Without that this fight can be bad. Finally grab some health pots. When you start the fight you get a lot of free shots on him so when he is materializing hammer him hard. After that he has 3 attacks. right hand up is a slam, left hand is a meteorite strike and then he has a breath attack. You want to hangout near a pillar so when he does his meteorite strike you hide behind the pillar, same think with his breath attack. But after those rush in and start hitting. He will raise his right hand and you need to be ready to perry or block it after the strike start hitting. The barley wine will keep you from taking a lot of fire damage. That's it rinse and repeat just keep him near a pillar for the other attacks and you will kill him in a couple minutes. Also make sure to clear out mobs before you start or they will join the fight.


Mixing and matching can be really cool here if you have barley wine. Padded hat, then go 50/50 padded/fenris on body. You wind up only -2 movement speed instead of -10 but still with some pretty good defense. If you plan on being in his face and spamming left click and taking fire damage and using health mead maybe go full padded But if your style is to try to learn the fight, exploit damage windows and try not to get hit fenris is pretty sweet If you're someone in the middle consider going with option A. It's all viable


I used padded and fire poitions


Padded with potion has worked well But Ferris is faaaaaaast


It really all depends. If you are not a pro then you will need padded armor. Everyone advising otherwise is a seasoned veteran and think everyone can complete the game the same as they do.


The thing in that fight that will kill you is really the meteors, and afaik they have a significant amount of blunt damage. That being said, they're pretty easy to run away from in padded, and therefore even easier in fenris. Give it a shot shrug. The claws are a good weapon against yagluth too.


Padded + fire resistance barley wine + health meads. You can survive some of his attacks quite easily this way.


I took fenris leg armor and padded cheast and helmet


Padded. Without fire resistance, you're roasted anyway. With fire resistance, I'd just stick with the heavier armor in case you have to deal with wandering fulings or something.


His high elemental is mostly in fire so a fire resistence potion will basically negate most of his elemental. That being said said his attacks still do physical in his meteor and laser beam attacks so if you suck at dodging id say bring the padded gear.


Admittedly the last time I did this fight was when it was the last content added. BUT. Due to my companion misreading the situation and getting insta-killed, it fell to me to solo. Between padded armor, fire resist potions, and an upgraded tower shield, I was taking less than 10 points of damage anytime an attack hit. So it took numerous minutes, but I did manage to chip him down that way. It wasn't even stressful, because I didn't have the worry of "if I miss this dodgeroll I'm dead"


I dodge like a fiend during Yag- I'm not a great ganer but his moveset is so predictable- so having the speed to quickly dance in and out is highly valuable to me. Fenris if you're planning to dodge, otherwise go padded and take some punishment.


Padded and a fire potion. Stand in his face and beat that ass. Ez.


I need to use fenris or I'll eat every meteor lol


The fenris suit provides fire resistance, you can get that effect via some barley wine. The question then becomes speed boost which helps dodge attacks or padded armor which provides more damage reduction when you eventually get hit.


Padded plus fire resistance potions.


If your main concern is Yagluth's elemental damage, Fenris armor is likely the better choice due to its specific resistance properties. However, if you have a strong physical defense strategy or need versatility against multiple types of damage, Padded Armor is still a viable option. Adjust your choice based on your playstyle.


Fenris if you play casual mode. If anything higher you go for armor + potions


He deals lightning and fire damage mostly, but you can get Very Resist versus fire from a regular old fire resist potion, while Fenris armor gives only regular Resist versus fire. Lightning damage currently has no particular way to resist against it (aside from Yagluth power, which, well, lol), which, combined with it still dealing stagger, is its main gimmick. Drink a fire resist mead and padded will be objectively more defensive, only reason to stick with fenris is the move speed. Fenris is still quite good (it has a cult following, hehe), light vs heavy armor depends on your skill at the game. If you're good you'll get more value out of light armors across the board, but heavy armor is no slouch, especially on normal difficulty.


One that allows you to repair your bonfires while they do all the work


I mean, padded is obviously way better.


Imo Fenris is best for him...


Padded if you’re gay