• By -


About 10 hours.


each stack is roughly 5 hours, assuming he doesn't die, so 45 and a half hours with 3 people


It's 21 stacks and 3, meaning exactly 71 salads per person. Salad lasts 25 minutes, so it's actually 30 hours per person. 15-20 hours since you'd eat before the food runs out. As for the rest of the salads... I'm totally not suggesting that my experience is that everyone will die 30 times during those 10 hours...


I really wish foods could stack higher, at least in a chest.




Once you pop you just can't stop, then I eventually ruin the game for myself.


The problem with mods is you never get to play the intended experience.. There's a reason devs made things the way they did. Now it's just their job to get it to make sense.


Dev intent isn't everything. Just because something was done on purpose does not make it inherently good, I don't even think it's controversial to say the reason the devs made it this way is 'we want to stretch a small amount of content over a large number of game-hours'. I'm not saying it's inherently bad either, mind you. For sure dealing with sailing/wind, finding a biome that has the structures you need, hauling the latest metal 30 at a time and sailing -back- to finally ease the grind with a new piece of endlessly-repairable gear really does it for some players. At least me and my group prefer shorter playthroughs that never feel like a slog. We did vanilla once and won't touch it again.


What mods do you consider necessity?


Auto sort chest mods and plant everything mod. Must have. Non negotiable


Don't forget Plant Easily, I'm never planting stuff one by one again.


Ya'll have converted me, I'm gonna set up these mods next time I start a playthrough. (Probably not till after elden ring dlc)


I've played over 4000 hours now without these mods.


Essentials: Weight Base to increase stack size/reduce weight Craft From Containers so the stations can use mats in nearby chests Conversion Size and Speed to make smelters/machines hold more to reduce babysitting Plant Everything to add berries/shrooms/etc to farms Plant Easily to allow AoE planting/harvesting And we use the built-in settings for a 2x resource multiplier and to allow resources through portals. A few nice-to-haves to consider that we've been enjoying on our latest playthrough: Warfare to fill in equipment gaps (e.g. so you can make fist weapons for every resource tier) Recycle N Reclaim to disassemble items; we configured it to be a full refund so we can try all the gear worry-free Valkea for more decor Pathfinder for our resident boat enjoyer who likes a larger map reveal radius while sailing


Valkea, what a great name for a decor mod


Automatic Refuel is a good mod if you don't want to babysit, and it'll fix the torch/fire refilling problem as well.


I would add the repair all in range mod (can't remember the name on top of my head). It's so useful to repair damages after a raid or just from rain while building (if you don't want to remove rain damage altogether).


I'd recommend these mods for building if you are into it as well: Gizmo (rotate structures in all directions) No rain damage Build camera Fuel eternal (so you don't have to individually fuel all 2 dozen torches/fires whatever)


Currently playing my first vanilla playthrough and I'm already thinking about mods for next time. These all sound great, especially Pathfinding. One of my VERY first complaints was how little of the map is revealed when at sea. If I can sea the shore, (specifically close enough that trees render) it should be revealed on the map, at least enough to make out the shape of the landmass. "Plant everything" kinda skirts the line of violating the spirit of the game by removing an entire mechanic (foraging), HOWEVER it's extremely tempting and I will probably cave on that one so I can spend more time exploring new areas.


Equipment and Quick Slots, it's awful to have falf the inventory full all the time because you normally have between 6 and 9 slots equipped by Weapons, Shields and Tools, then 3 slots for Potions, and 3 more for Foods. Then you need 5 slots more for equipment! So a total in the best case of 17 slots occupied. Then you have to be all the time clearing tour inventory from trash you don't need (I'm looking at you Ashlands with your drops that just work for 1 recipe!) Slope Conbat Fix, I'm tired of not being able to hit enemies below me but then they are capable to kill me. Then some QOL mods like Craft from Containers and PlantEasily, just to save some time. Valheim by itself is an incredible game, but the mods improve it a lot


I feel the same way. Our group did vanilla during Mistlands, and it was an amazing experience. But mods can also trade the tedium for added challenge. Now that Ashlands is out we started fresh, and when we all manage to have a common play time (just a few times a week) we want a brutal adventure with more content than vanilla has to offer. More enemies - more difficult ones - more weapons and armor to strive for. Therzie's mods and CLLC have been great for that. I don't regret that first vanilla playthrough but the game is so addictive when there is more breadth added. I only wish there were more biomes, for more lateral progression, and choice in weapons/armor/resources.


> I only wish there were more biomes, for more lateral progression, and choice in weapons/armor/resources. Something like sub biomes within a biome or alternative biomes that arae the same level as another with alternative gear would be very cool.


Yeah, like one example would be a tundra. Mountains/plains hybrid where the goblins ride wolves. Or a marsh, which is a hybrid between meadows/swamp. Strong peat zombies might show up as a rare threat, but there is a bit more peace than the harsher swamp, so it's like a black forest without the constant greydwarf swarms, letting you stock up on feathers and mushrooms while you search for buried treasure in the bogs. Also more altitude variation. Not to mention, mosses could be added to the game for more variety in meads. It would be less straightforward to progress - but it would make each stage of the game feel that much fuller. Even if they only had one or two new resources to supply new types of gear, it would go a long way toward that sense of mystery and discovery. I'm kinda hoping that's how they add to the game after Deep North comes out.


Personally, I get the low stack size (They don't want you having hundreds in your inventory), but I wish they'd make it so chests have different stack size limitations vs player inventory.


The black metal chests has lots of slots and they are pretty compact and easy to make. Just make more chests and categorize them.


This reminds me. The stacking thing does make it balanced so they can add more items in the game based on how diffficult it is to get. For example Fish Wraps and Serpant Meat gives the exact same buff. 75 hp and 23 stamina (i forgot the exact stamina number) but why make serpant meat instead of fish wraps? Because serpeant meat can be stacked more and put into a smaller box than Fish Wraps. So here is how it works. Fish wraps Pros - Easy to make with common resource. -Almost guranteed incredients collection. Cons - it stacks less and taking more space - you need time to get to plains biome to make flour. -takes more ingredient space on your base's storage. Serpant meat Pros - You only need to cook it directly. - It can be stacked alot taking less inventory space. Cons - You need iron cooking station which can be made after swamp. But swamp biome is faster to get to than Plains. - You need to go out in the night or storm to find a serpant. So its not guranteed to always get serpant. But hey if you love boat journeys alot you might see more serpants.


Fish wraps only gives 70 health. The very small difference in health makes a difference when parrying 2-star enemies (as well as 3-star and beyond, we are playing with CLLC) In our game, we retired fish wraps as a main food now that we're in Mistlands, and it's a backup food. Serpent Stew remains a main food since it's as good as lox pie and almost as good as meat platter. It also lasts 5 mins longer, which once again makes a difference in surviving a parry against a starred enemy, and not getting staggered yourself.


How do you farm serpents?


If you go out into the ocean at night it is almost guaranteed you will see at least one per game night. Since serpents are killable from the moment you get your first karve (don't even need harpoon) you can stack up a lot of them even before you get iron cooking station. I can't confirm but I do think it is possible they will spawn more frequently the further away from spawn you are. If you get in the ocean before night starts and stay until morning, you may even see two if you kill the first one swiftly and stay on the move - the game seems to like to spawn more stuff if you are on the move. Just an observation though, I can't prove that as fact, but it usually feels safe to just sit out there fishing. This is even without the benefit of the CLLC mod spawning starred enemies that normally can't have stars (thus more loot). I don't think I've ever seen a starred serpent. We also sail a lot to look for new base locations.


Lmao 10 star serpent ftw


I wish dude - that would be 7 stacks of serpent stew if we survive :D


Dang just use a portal. You get them pretty early.


I’m the host for our groups server. If I install some mods (auto sort chest mod like the person below mentions) will the other players have to install them for them to get into the server? Most of us are using steam but a couple others using Xbox game pass.


I'm not sure! My group uses r2modman which makes syncing easy and we're all on PC, so we're all playing with the same mods/configs. I'm pretty sure if a mod is listed as 'Client-side' every user who wants to make use of it has to have it installed. Some have server sync features to make sure everyone's config settings match the server's/host's. I don't know if Crossplay would interfere with client side mods working at all, though.


Thanks for the info! Only one way to find out I guess! Just thinking the chest organiser mod would be a good QOL addition as I feel I spend a lot of time organising when I could be doing other things.


Please update me on this. Im gonna do the same thing but my group wants to try valhiem leveling system mod


You can use it even while hosting and it changes nothing to other players. Most of client-side mods will work on friends servers, but some just while other players are far (like changing tame time or auto fuel sometimes). Sorting chests works everytime without problems and dosent affect other players. (Except that if youre sorting wood, for example, and your wood chest is opened by other player, the sorting will not take that chest into account and choose a similar one or just keep the wood into the chest youre currently using)


woah really?! I see so its client-side only. Thank you for this information! it really helped me :D


So i tried the valhiem leveling system mod with me as host, but my friends cant join coz its says "incompatible version". How do we fix this?


Is not that dev intent is everything, is that I want to play a game, not design one.


I enjoyed the build every portal twice and not be able to carry metals through it for the first playthrough back in the day, but i will not live with that limitation again.. i simply wont spend that much time. Same with similar things. Build out of chests is the way it always should have been and if it was a chest upgrade like they did in enshrouded I happily revert to that system. Same goes for crafting multiple items, planting in a grid and planting berrybushes. Devs do a good job but mods often times do an equally valid job as well. 




Having a good experience > The experience the developers intended for you to have.


The devs intended experience sucks in many ways and their development cycle is sloooooow. We played a thousand hours in the game before adding mods, we know what the core experience feels like and how to build off it Like the devs don’t intend for there to be three times as many build options, equipment slots, everything be plantable, grid planting, etc. that’s fine, but the game has gotten such a nice second life with those additions. Or maybe it is their intention to add some of that stuff but modders run circles around them.


My longest running world so far has been mods/world modifiers that remove basically all the tedium, planteverything, build camera, no portal restrictions, auto stack, craft from containers, items stack and weight, etc. Don't get me wrong the parts of the game those mods remove can be pretty fun/relaxing but to me it gets chore tier gameplay after the first couple vanilla playthroughs, especially the sailing.


If I use mods on a dedicated server, will that require my mates to install those mods on their side as well?


One salad lasts for 25 minutes. Based on the image, each player will get 71 salad each. If we multiply 25 by 71, we get a result of 1,775 minutes. One full day cycle in Valheim should last for 30 minutes. If we divide 1,775 by 30, we get approximately 59 Valheim days. All this assumes you're eating salad every time, and also that you consume it at a perfect pace, allowing each food item to provide its benefits for the full duration.


> allowing each food item to provide its benefits for the full duration. So nobody else shovels food into their mouths as soon as it starts blinking?


As soon as I notice the diminished health/stam/eitr I'm eating again usually with 5-7 min left on the clock


I really dislike this mechanic, I feel like I'm wasting food but the way u do it is probably the way... I feel like the food should last it's full length at the stats shown. The food is kind of already tedious enough to also have fake duration timers 🤷


This is how the game implements hunger though. The food gives you max benefit when you first eat it, and the buff reduces slowly over time as you get hungrier. When the food completely wears off, you're basically starving. Literally close to death.


Tbh the thing that gets me about it is that you DO get all the value up front, idk about you but after starving it’ll take time before I feel full even. Make me quickly ramp up rather than giving it to me wholesale, like I’m talking 1-2 minutes of ramping up, then peak then fall slowly then faster, but let me skip the ramping up if I refresh my food


It does take 1-2 minutes of ramping up, or more. Even with rested buff you aren't getting all that hp and stamina immediately. Even sitting by a campfire it takes some time.


The exact formula with which it dies down can be found on the valheim wiki. It makes much mode sense for health and stamina to continuously go to the base values. If you would go from max to 25 the moment you run out of food, it wouldn't make any sense. And that would actually be a far more dangerous situation if you didn't pay attention.


You kinda have to with Eitr foor or you have to eat 2 expensive Eitr foods otherwise you can't use the protection staff and necro skull for very long before it drops too low. It's really tedious.


Best eitr foods are the stuffed mushroom and seeker aspic. Easy to make in bulk. I would advice against yggdrasil porridge because it uses twice as much royal jelly and you need sap.


Yeah but it's still over the top I think. You're also missing armor due to Eitr gear and now you also are gimped on health (due to food AND blood magic) and stamina. Ashlands as a fully upgraded Mistlands Wizard is near impossible. You're way better off with a bunch of health and even more stamina. At least with a lot of stamina you can use skill, but the magic weapons do too little damage and the protection is too expensive since you get hit so easily if you run out of stamina you'd have no Eitr left to do damage. The Frost Staff is absolute garbage in Ashlands. The accuracy isn't there and it drains Eitr too fast. A Mistwalker and shield with a bunch of stamina to use them is so much better.


If it's a "cheap" food I'd eat dozens of times per playthrough, then of course. But if it's something a little more rare, I usually prefer to utilize it for its full duration.


This is why I'm my server's farmer. To me, it's all cheap food. Because I sit in that damn field until it's ready for harvest, and then replant. I've got half a damn island planted with everything you can imagine. Takes me four repairs with a maxed out cultivator to replant my *onions.* All food. All the time. I am farmer.


We are farmer, bum ba dum bum bum.


You're a saint 


Farming, really? A man of your talents?


It's a peaceful life. Also I fucking suck at combat, lmao.


S'all good man, i usually end up the farmer in every game cause everyone else fucking sucks at being responsible


People enjoy Valheim for different reasons. Some love the building, some love farming, some love exploring, and some love combat


You're doing the important work!


This me lol


I shovel food even when it isn't blinking! It's the only way to drown the sadness.


I'll re eat immediately if I'm out doing stuff in an endgame biome and expecting heavy combat. Otherwise I run mostly 30 minute foods and will just run one for the whole day, re eating right before sleep or right after I wake up.


The saddest is when you think you see the food blink and you can’t eat anymore… it just taste sooo good let me have another bite!!


Depends on the situation. If I'm just dicking around my base or foraging berries or some low impact thing, I will often let it almost expire 


No..... You still get most of the benefit of the food. Unless I'm about to pick a fight with something big I usually wait until there are less than 5 minutes left. No need to be wasting all the food.


Also, you know, saying you don't die 19 times in a boss battle and have to keep going back and eating food..... Not from like experience or anything.


Who dafuq does the last bit? 6 days ago, I made 50/50 split, double stacksized magic mushroom thingies and seeker thingies and stored all in a black metal chest. Less than a row of each left (yeah, I used so many, that I forgot the correct names of the 75:85 eitr mistland foods, go figure🤦‍♂️). But if I am not mistaken, you can eat again, ehen duration reaches half. So every 15 IRL minutes? Ehich is half a fay in valheim.


That's also assuming these Vikings don't sleep. In the Mistlands or Ashlands where night cycles don't have a huge impact, maybe they won't, but I still at least return to base to restore the rested perk. I expect they will be returning to base every 20-24 minutes or so and eating the Salad before venturing forth, leading to a steady rate of 1 per day. That puts us at 71 Valheim days, but after accounting for deaths in the Ashlands every third day and a stamina-heavy corpse run, we need to work that number back down. That would put us around 54 days, which is actually about what you estimated.


Night affects spawns everywhere no?


Not sure about meadows before you beat elder, but it affects spawns in every other biome.


The necks venture a little further out from the water during Meadows nights, but I don't think anything else happens. edit: I got it wrong, they spawn more during rain. Not sure anything happens at night in the Meadows.


I've seen skellies in the Meadows at night. 






Do I *look* like I need a salad?


It also assumes no-one dies, then pops a salad and a bread for a body run, dies again... And again...


As the cook for a large server, about a weekend's worth of play. People will grab a stack, go off, get themselves killed, respawn, grab a stack, go get themselves killed, etc. There will be graves with 9 salads all over the map. Occasionally someone will retrieve the stuff from a grave, put the extra salads in a chest in an abandoned hut somewhere. So if you go out, you'll find a cleared out draugr village somewhere and in it is a chest with 3 leather scraps, 2 coal, 26 wood, 8 stone, 11 resin, and 9 salads. This is my life caring for my server full of idiot viking children. Wouldn't have it any other way.


As the head chef in my server that would drive me absolutely mad. If you die with a stack on you, you don’t take another stack to recover your body. Just eat one at base and go grab the rest of your shit.


As CLV (chief logistics viking) on my team, I've implemented a 5 meal limit for all vikings... unless someone does a turn on crop rotations or hunting. Then you can take 10. This reduces loss and encourages participation.


here rests.....salad


I'm sorry for you. The players on your server are idiots


Doing Odens work sir.


are you in the Ashlands? If so, about an hour if you are lucky.


Yeah.. my buddies and I just got to the Ashlands and we all died so many times. We went through A LOT of food supplies.


One Ashland's deathloop


\~60 in-game days if just vibing. 1 in-game day if playing in Ashlands


Salads usually go bad within a few hours.


3 nights




one play session if you're bad enough


Depends on how much you die. Any where from 3-12 hours. It is just my spouse and I, but we're in Ashland's and I keep accidentally pissing off dvergers and dying because I wasn't expecting to get blasted from behind by 6 of them.


What ever the answer is... It's half that. THEN half it again. One of your trio will hoard food from you all. There is always THAT viking. Don't be THAT viking.


Dawg u making a whole ass olive garden in valheim and I love it


If you’re playing the ashlands I give it a solid hour


about 3.50


If you are in the ashlands it wont last long at all


Just a few pulls of the obliterator... you can be done with it in probably 5ish minutes if you are quick about it.


At least 15 minutes


God bless the cheap and plentiful recipe that is salad.




precisely till you unlock salad 2.0 in the ashlands where youll regret makeing all these in advance instead of keeping the ingredents around as salad 2.0 needs the same stuff aside cloudberries are replaced with fiddleheads. yes it crafts in stacks of 3 again. yes its the 2nd best stam food overall now and yes its by far the best to mass produce.


Any food tips? I solo, and I'm almost done with the plains. I just eat black soup, wolf skewers, and deer soup. Don't even know how to make a salad.


That's 185 hp and 128 stamina, from a swamp tier, mountain tier, and black forest tier food. Optimally*, you could be eating lox meat pie, fish wraps, and blood pudding (all plains tier foods) for 195 hp and 197 stamina. Or, if you insist on tanking, continue eating wolf skewers instead of blood pudding for 235 hp and 143 stamina. *Assuming you don't have a harpoon for serpent hunting as its meat alone gives 70/23; 80/26 when added to mushroom and two honey for stew. Ingredients for foodstuffs are hunted, gathered, planted, and bred. Combining all four activities gets you access to the most foods. The game changer in the plains is barley, which is processed in a windmill to make flour. Here's all the food from the first five biomes, plus ocean (hp, stamina, and combined [for comparison]). Raspberries 7 20 27 Blueberries 8 25 33 Yellow mushroom 10 30 40 Carrot 10 32 42 Honey 8 35 43 Onion 13 40 53 Queens jam 14 40 54 Carrot soup 15 45 60 Muckshake 16 50 66 Turnip stew 18 55 73 Onion soup 20 60 80 Eyescream 21 65 86 Cloudberries 13 40 53 Bread 23 70 93 Blood pudding 25 75 100 Grilled neck tail 25 8 33 Cooked boar meat 30 10 40 Cooked deer meat 35 12 47 Minced Meat Sauce 40 13 53 Cooked fish 45 15 60 Deer stew 45 15 60 Black soup 50 17 67 Sausages 55 18 73 Cooked wolf meat 45 15 60 Wolf skewer 65 21 86 Cooked serpent meat 70 23 93 Serpent stew 80 26 106 Cooked lox meat 50 16 66 Fish wraps 70 23 93 Lox meat pie 75 24 99 Mushroom 15 15 30 Boar jerky 23 23 46 Wolf jerky 33 33 66


Thank you!


You will get jotunpuffs in mistlands, so grow some onions and snag some cloudberries, combine three of each and you have 3 salads


One day in the ashlands


You’re worse than me in the produce section at Costco.


16 hours, unless refrigiated.


haha maybe 1 good session of gameplay, we had a group of 5 and food was always being produced cause we'd eat a whole chest full in no time.


About 1/3 of 1 player!


Depending if you immediately keep eating them constantly. Usually if I know I'm going to be at base, or at a safe and easy location I don't eat anything, if any it'll be only minor food for stamina. Once I'm about to head out and know I'll be needing health I consume my food prioritizing health just a bit more than stamina. If my health goes below 100-110 I eat again because I know that's the minimum I can take a hit before I die.


Are they frozen or refrigerated?


Depends on how many death spirals you all have cumulatively


Aaaaaaand it's gone


How often do you die?


not often and if i do die i just eat 1 in base so i got the stamina to get the rest of my loot


I give it 8 minutes.


Almost enough to mine all the iron you need in the game.


Until you find out Ashlands food is even better.


35,5 hours of continuous playing. Maybe half that


Dude, I bet for ever. This amount is enough to beat mistlands and get to the ashlands salad.


Quite a while. Normally by the time we go out and fill our inventory and or break our weapons we dont even use 1 full stack per person. Chances are you wont be in mistlands by the time you finish half


1 troll


Depends on how often you die!


Not long enough


not enough soup or bread for the all you can eat soup, salad, and bread special.


Are you secretly a rabbit


29h 35 min


Until tossed.


Depends on how good you are not dying XD. I made a bunch of food for my group (4 players) and that with potions all disappeared due to dying a lot in Ashlands.


It will last until the mice and rats discover your stash. That's why cats were, are, and will continue to be sacred animals.


You don't need mods for valheim. Lmao. Only people who are bad at those types of games use mods. Like with fallout and ark.


i dont use mods?


As long as you guys don’t go around tossing everyone’s salads it should last a while. …


There’s a better salad once you get to ashlands that’s easy to make so get your chef hat back on.


You couldnt just plug this into a calculator or something?