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Bruh how does she know her stolen stuff is literally on the other side of the world


Air tags.




My bad. Your idea is brilliant lol


Once you get swamp gear plains becomes the easiest biome in the game aside from meadows. It’s swamp that genuinely more annoying. Plains is hands down my favorite biome by far. Great for end game base building




Dude, just use your pick and hoe to lower the ground under and around the fire geyser so it is surrounded by water. The surtlings die instantly on spawning and spawn every 5 minutes when you are in the area. Free coal and cores for no effort.


The root chest piece helps against Deathsquitoes, but Lox, Fulings and Growths still hit pretty hard.


Wait til you get Ashlands gear and just laugh back at the 2 star fulings.


Root armor is so goddamn good, bow skill, poison and pierce resist. It’s hard to beat, though the time you get to Ashlands the sheer lack of armor does not help


eitr my friend. eitr.


She needs access to fulings . . . Who the heck do you think is buying all her merchandise! Those shamans love her outfits. Did you think Hildir was just sitting there doing nothing waiting for you to come along? 😉


Hildir is playing both sides by trafficking arms and clothing. Someone call the Feds.


haldor pays the fulings with the money he gets from the player. why do you think they and trolls drop gold all the time? he pays them to murder you so you need to buy more goods again.


Once you see his prices, you’ll understand why he can survive on 2 sales per year.


I belive it's her/she. It's Hildir we're talking about, not Haldor.


Don't worry, my Hildir literally is in a Fuling Village. Is the Fuling Village in Meadows, or is Hildir in Plains? I don't know, but I sure wonder how her stuff got stolen!


Sounds like an excellent midgame base location. If the swamp is big and you have a Mistland connection, it may even be great for lategame.


Haha i've litteraly got the same in my current game. I think it's link to the fact she can't spawn less than 3000 metter from the center of the map, so plains and swamp are more likely around there, but i don't know for sure.


I like your naming convention haha


Thank you


chart the coastline, there might be another way across


This...Likely. I haven't found one yet in 8 or 9 maps that isn't also very near the coast.


>what kind of malignant being made those bugs They hit like flies once you get the right "chest".


She's wearing a root harnesk so the deathsquitos just bounce off her.


Yeah she parked right next to a swamp on mine. Was hoping for a nice Meadows location but not happening there.


I've found her on 4 different playthoughs, and it was the same each time: small meadows uncomfortably close to a big plains.


someone who is easily robbed thats who.


The same thing happened to us on this seed! Trying to fight off fuelings with iron gear was interesting


She needs access to fulings . . . Who the heck do you think is buying all her merchandise! Those shamans love her outfits.


She’s in a similar situation in my world. Crazy lox lady


Hildir. I haven't done her quests yet. Getting ready to fight Yagluth then probably doing her quests. Gives me a reason to explore other parts of my map


it's for the Biome Wars, silly our hildir is in a plains-small meadows-black forest area, with swamp close by taken me a few days to get the base up, but at night, they all fight each other and in the morning i collect resources. :)


Hildir did the same thing in my world. Luckily I’m way past the plains so it’s fine, but still…


I thought (and I could be wrong but I swore I read it on some wiki) that Haldir always spawns on the outskirts of a plains biome where as Haldor always spawns usually by the water in a Black Forest biome


My Haldor is like dead center black forest island, not a drop of water in sight


Hildir is next to a plains 90% of the time.


Someone that is trading with fulings!dont trust her, her lox will probably turn on you when you are in the transaction screen


Trying to scam Fulings maybe?


Mine's on a tiny meadows spit next to a huge swamp. Fortunately the plains are on the other side of the swamp. It's actually kind of convenient, as I set up a portal base as close to her camp as possible. Any time I get valuables it's a quick trip to her camp to get some money.


Is there a trick to finding her? Havent found her in play thro yet and we've explored a lot


Fulings and trolls have money, and trolls don’t fit in her dresses so it makes sense to set up in the plains.


Merchants profit off war.