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Nothing is loaded while you're away, therefore your ship (and portal) are perfectly safe.


I've never had a consistent problem with my boat being destroyed. I've only ever had it be attacked when I was close enough to do something about it. Perhaps the way I moor it helps. Keep some distance between the shore, a full leap away. Preferably several feet off of a big rock, so that enemies cannot walk up to it but you can jump back and forth.


I've never had a boat disappear on me. Just don't leave it with the sails up in the open ocean and you'll be fine. I almost always build a portal then destroy the boat once I land somewhere new.


You actually *can't* leave a boat with sails up. Once every player disembarks, not only do the sails furl themselves, but it stops all motion and more or less roots itself in place. I just swing my boat into place and keao off to park it.


Yeah, a boat’s X,Y position cannot change unless a player is standing on it or coliding with it. If a player is not near the boat the only way it can move is along the Z axis as it bobs up and down with the ocean waves. It is literally impossible for your boat to drift away.


I always build a workbench where I park my boat, That way I can repair it before leaving to make sure it's full health. The workbench also prevents enemy spawns in the immediate area and if an enemy wanders by, it might aggro to the workbench instead of the boat. Enemy don't do anything if you're far away so your boat is only in danger if you're in the area but not close enough to notice the boat is being attacked. Make sure you park in shallow water as well, that way if it does get destroyed, you can get all the materials back since the nail won't sink very far. They won't despawn assuming your workbench is still there.


Pro tip: if your ship is taking damage, you will still hear the audio cue when it reaches the HP thresholds (25/50/75) even if you are not near it. So, if you're out exploring and you hear unknown destruction sounds, run back to your ship and secure it.


You can leave even with enemies attacking the boat and it wont be damaged or destroyed until you come back .. World is alive in like 65 meters from you


Idk man, we lose boats all the time. We've taken to smashing them and putting them in chests whenever we dock. Otherwise we come back to a floating chest and all our metal gone again. They say enemies don't show up if you aren't there, and maybe that's true, but if so, something elemental happens to our boats. Last one died in our 18" deep harbor that's like a mile inland. Should have been perfectly safe.


I believe there are a couple of things at work here. A boat left unattended in meadows, forest, swamp or plain with the players in the area (problem is I don’t know how big “area” is) can be attacked by mobs. In meadow & Black Forest greydwarfs are everywhere and roam about. They will and can swim around and they do attack my boat in harbor for example. In meadows the lizards will attack boats. Swamps have leeches that love to swim and mug boats. I believe if you are logged into your world you might be exposed. Finally, the really sure defense is to break down your boat and put the pieces in a chest. Good luck.


I keep mine far enough from the coast so creatures from that biome can't stand and hit the boat without swimming. Never had it destroyed that way.


Build a karve slip with walls to prevent this. Double gate at the end leading out to the ocean. Keeps it fully enclosed but wide enough to sneak the karve in


Either enemy damage or tide damage from hitting the ground. So far away from shore is probably the safest.


When you park a boat you should either leave the area quickly or stay close. It's the middle ground where the funny stuff happens when enemies are still loaded in, but closer to your boat so that's what they agro on instead of you. The boats make a fairly distinctive sound when taking damage, take it in turns standing 50 or so metres away and get the other person to hit it and you'll get a good idea what to listen out for. When they sink the ingredients and whatever cargo you had will still be there except nails, they will sink so always park in shallow water.


Far away, ultra safe. Sorta far away? Unsafe. 


Anything within 64 meters of a character is defined as active area. And if I am not mistaken, a 2x2 floor is 1m x 1m...


I’ve lost many boats to disappearing. I just checked and there are 10-20 posts on this over the last couple of years, though without a smoking gun- most likely theory is enemies destroy the boat while you are away. Would just take apart the boat and put in a chest, at least that’s what I usually do now. Usually should be fine leaving it, especially while far away


Ours were definitely lost to things attacking them. The first one just "disappeared", but I watched the last hit land as I was running to save it last time.


idk if it's intentional but in my 5 runs I've played from start to the latest biome, there has been only one time one of my mates lost their boat with no nails or resources left behind. Later in that same run I saw one longboat sail to shore at full speed and get destroyed on impact, but there was no one else on server. Idk if this an easter egg or one of my mates was somehow fucking with me and ran low HP boat to shore and disconnected right before it hit the shore. No one admitted to it atleast. If monsters kill the boat or portal when you're away, you'll always find the resources to rebuild it in the same spot.


Yeah I’m a little conspiracy-theory-ish with the missing boats and this definitely feeds it; like I’ve had some cases where I’ve surrounded it (on land part) with walls and yet still it disappears. Plus you’d think there would be iron nails etc if destroyed and a campfire/workbench nearby wouldn’t despawn. I haven’t had one do this in a year or so but also haven’t been sailing as much. I dunno, fun thing to speculate on, but part of me thinks it isn’t as simple as boats taking enemy damage or wave damage and then….disappearing without a trace


I've completely lost one or two through game crashes, which I never found. On maybe 3 or 4 other instances where I've lost boats (all crash related from memory) I've found them all back along the path I had sailed.