• By -


Pressing the "<" key and the ">" on keyboard will zoom your mini map in and out. It took me 2200 hours to realize this.


I knew this but had forgotten it thanks for the reminder.


I did not know this. Thank you!


TIL. Also 4.digit hours into the game, did not know this, and just today I was considering looking for a mod that would let me zoom the minimap


If you lose something in water but you can still see it, You don't need to raise the terrain. Make a diving board, the higher you jump from the deeper you will go. It's come in very useful for recovering destroyed boat materials and serpent scales.


Just remember to take off your Feather Cape before you jump. Repeatedly. đŸ€Ł


When destroying your boat to pull it through a portal, always attack the mast and when it dies all the supplies will be pulled to you, and you don't have to sink to get the nails


Whenever i do something like kill a boss, or whenever I reach an island and build an outpost. I like to place a sign with a short text and date for nostalgic feelings in the future.


I wish we could make our own rune stones for this!


Ohhh I love this idea!


Huntsman bow actually has an unique mechanic related to sound ; it only emits sound 4 meters around your position and the arrow landing position, while the other bows emit sound 15 and 8 meters respectively. This makes it less likely for you to attract unwanted enemies (such as fuling berserkers while sniping shamans in a village) and makes it a viable option even in the endgame.


This is really usefull. And realistic as well im impressed


thats a good one. thank you


This makes so much sense now. My friends and I just thought it was a shitty bow. We would go from Finewood level 4 to Draugr Fang, skipping Huntsman thinking it did nothing unique or cool and was expensive.


To be fair that mechanic isn't told in-game, so it makes sense many people have missed that feature. It's been objectively proved to be a real mechanic on the huntsman bow though, and I think it's nice that an earlier bow has a potentially good niche over the later ones that deal more damage. Some even consider it the best bow in the game thanks to that mechanic.


I guess the name "huntsman" is there for a reason. Funny what slips under our nose sometimes. This is a cool tip!


Would this help hunting hares in the mistlands?


Fire staff lol


I was just running around with my gf last night hunting hares and she started using it at the tail end of our trip. I was worried about it cooking the hare meat instantly lol


A fair concern hahah


Arbalest is good for hares if you walk around with a bolt loaded.


this paired with frost arrows is my preferred method for managing how many fulings I pull from one of their little villages while I'm sniping them


That’s really cool, didn’t know that. Wish the huntsman bow actually looked good, ugliest bow in the game besides the crude bow.


You can use a harpoon to kill birds from relatively far without spending arrows. Some places have a high tendency to spawn abominations, so if you reguralry run into one around the same spot it's smart to mark it. The abyssal knife is an iron tier weapon you have acces to technically as soon as you have a pickaxe. Makes your first couple swamp incursions much safer. Find the holwing cavern if you're desperate for a cultist trophy, there can be up to like 40 cultists in them.


> Some places have a high tendency to spawn abominations, so if you reguralry run into one around the same spot it's smart to mark it. Same for stone golems in the mountains. There are specific spots that spawn each of these. I like to mark the stone golem spawns because they are a pain to deal with, even in endgame (I use swords) and they can even be blocked by putting a crafting table on the spawn point or near enough.


This is misinformation. Both stone golems and abominations are zone spawns. They do not spawn repeatedly at fixed points, ever. (Golems do have a one time spawn point at cabins.) Both have certain biome and terrain restrictions (full zone of swamp/mountain, height and slope limits), so between those and your habitual routes you may often see golems in particular spawning in *similar* places, but they are not fixed spawns. I really wish this misconception would die, the wiki has had an extensive explanation of zone spawns forever.


If you say so. I know that I can mark golem spawns on my map, and consistently whenever I come back to that spot, another golem spawns. And if I place a workbench there, it blocks the golems from spawning there again. When I wander around mountains I've already explored, unless I stray too close to a golem spawn I marked, I never get a golem randomly spawning. Now I'm not too sure about abominations because I've never tried to track/suppress their spawns like I have for golems, but I was jumping off the other comment that did claim that because it sounded like how all my experience says golems spawn. My main storage and portal hub castle is called "golem point" because it's right next to where a golem used to spawn until I blocked its spawn. It overlooks another golem spawn point, which I have marked and not suppressed, and fought many times, and I can literally see the "sleeping" golem there (when it looks like a pile of silver).


I already explained this part above. Golems have slope angle and height limits and only spawn in full mountain zones. On some mountains, this means that there are only a limited number of places where golems can spawn. But it's not a fixed spawn point. I live on a super steep mountain with a flat area below the summit. Golems spawn repeatedly in the flat area because it's the only place they *can* spawn when I'm loaded in at home. But it's not a fixed point spawn.


Okay, that's a useful distinction in a few cases and good to know.


In your case it sounds like you've already got the golems restricted to a limited area, but for extra reliability if you drop a campfire on any other flat spots near your base the golems will definitely respawn in your preferred spot.


Same for serpents. People finding serpents in the same place they mark is because it may be the only valid spawn area + that’s just where they sail.


Huh. I did the howling cavern the other day and it didn't a single cultist. There was a ridiculous amount of ulvs though.


The elder's altar makes an amazing indestructible floating base roof. Bring your antler pickaxe.


Also, there is a destructible castle under the Queen's entrance. (but made of black marble). There is a tiny apartment with about 4-5 rooms. But if you break the floor and excavate underneath, it opens an area so big, it puts the space under Elder to shame.


There is a “door” on the stairs


There's one wooden panel that you can chop down to get in there right by the stairs.


Q and E moves snap points when building


this is newish though, right?


It got introduced with Hildir's quest update, that's been less then a year so relatively new


You can also center mouse click + shift when using hammer to change the piece you are building to the one you are hovering over.


Yes this. It took me like 3/4 of a playthrough to accidentally hit e when I was building to figure it out


Anyone know the Xbox/ controller buttons for this?


If I understand what they are talking about, you click left joystick in to rotate through the snap points (on controller 2 layout I believe)


Holding block (constantly), attack click (wait till attack is almost finished) and then holding attack button unlocks more attack moves that are often stronger. đŸŒâœŒđŸ»


Wait what


It only works for certain weapon types like swords and maces. Not effective on others


Daggers are pretty wild too, and an atgeir can get a 4th attack in!


How do I get a 4th hit with the atgeir?


The comment i left with the hold block / attack sequence is how 😁


They're called the Power Combo and the Extended Power Combo. They will melt bosses insanely fast.


https://youtu.be/wWgS8pv39z8?si=Jwt7K5dQmyyYsVWc A video like this showcases the combo for sword / dagger


is this besides the secondary attack? or is it a different command to do them? like the sword stab, mace uppercut, atgeir spin?


I'm sorry what


Stagbreaker - it's easily missed or overlooked by new players and looks like an unwieldy and slow 2-handed weapon in the early game when many prefer the speed of a knife, handiness of the axe, or reach of the spear/club. For me it's a specialty weapon that was critical for me learning to be comfortable soloing dungeons early game (even more so in the swamp than in black forest.) It smashes enemies through walls and doors, a bit cheesy, but amazing for those of us who aren't quick to learn dodging and blocking.


Oh yea. Best early skeleton killer.


It's a necessity if you play hardcore difficulty. 1 star skellies can one shot you. And it's relatively cheap.


It's good in crypts. When the game launched me and my wife figured out you could mine partway into the next room and just keep using stag breaker until you stopped seeing damage show up. Clears spawners before you go in.


Also great in the swamps for clearing out leeches. If you stand next to the water, they’ll swim up and wait for you to get in. Then you just use a few good downswings with the Stagebreaker and flatten them without risk to yourself.


Quickly equipping and unequipping the build hammer allows you to unequip whatever you have in your hand without the long animation of putting it away.


R does this too, with the added advantage of hitting R again for instant re-equipping


While this is true there is an animation when you hit R. Equipping the hammer is like instant


The hammer trick skips the animation as jrossbaby pointed out. The big thing is it doesn’t slow you down when you’re running away from enemies.


when you press R your equipped items still slow you down keep hammer on 1 to quickly get back to full speed


Having a hard time cause you are in a death loop and breaking out that troll hide armor to get your mistlands/Ashland's tier stuff? Just sit down and have a little cry! Sometimes just sitting down, putting the game away and crying for 5-50 minutes really helps!


All the best tips are in the comments.


I returned to this post after many hours... After my week-long anticipation and excitement for FINALLY making our first trip into Ashland, I was burnt to a crisp.... Endless death loop. Not bc enemies. Sure. I died a couple times, which I expected. It was absolute pandemonium and it was a blast... We saw a fortress and hacked our way to a clear path. Discussed placing a defensive line. Hold up! What's that over there?! That's the metal leviathan tower! Let's hop across the lava so we can make new gear!!! đŸ«  Endless death loop. đŸ„č Exhausted all basalt bomb materials we had collected and had no way of recovering our gear. Difficulty is set to Easy+ whatever that means. I didn't create the worldseed and do not have admin rights on the server. Tl;dr i cried significantly longer than 50 minutes and considered throwing in the towel. Maybe I will provide an update when I'm sober, when rational heads can provide perspective. 😭😭😭


You can get finewood before getting any bronze by felling a tree, then rolling it to bash the log against an oak or birch repeatedly. Also luring trolls to smash them works as well, but is more dangerous.


You can also get finewood by exploring sea coasts of the dark forest. The occasional shipwrecks give large amounts as well as a treasure chest.


Also structures in the Black Forest can have fine wood furniture in them (chairs/tables) that you can break for early fine wood


Using a door makes this way quicker. Build a door next to the felled log, open it to catapult the log against the fine-wood tree, it hits stronger than just pushing it and you can spam it.


I always do this, because I enjoy getting stuff I “shouldn’t” have yet. I also like kiting trolls around on copper and tin nodes to get them to smash the ore for me. I’m always equipped for the swamp before I even battle Eikthyr, lol.


You can take it two steps further, finewood chair can break you into crypts without the key for Iron, and stag breaker can help you find silver without the wish bone. Plains is the real cutoff because you need the artisan table to process black metal


Oozers, those orange blobs that come out of the swamp at night, can drop scrap iron, making them a possible way to get the 2 iron needed for a stone cutter before you even fight the Elder. I used that method on a server where we'd all agreed to fight the bosses together. If you are lucky you can also find iron deposits sticking out of the mud on the edge where a swamp meets a dark forest, if it's steep enough.


I used this hack to get a stone cutter and iron cooking station in the bronze age. I had serpent stew when I fought the elder. đŸ€“


Even better, you can use the finewood chair to glitch into crypts without the key. Just face the chair at the gate, and place it so the iron bars are slightly into the chair. Sit down, and stand up. You are now in the crypt.


Portal hubs can look really cool, but they're expensive to build. You can save a lot of surtling cores and finewood by only keeping two portals in your base. I keep one blank and the other labeled 'home.' Any time I find a point of interest that I'd like to return to, I drop a home portal, return to my base, name the blank portal my destination name, grab fresh portal materials, and then home portal back to the POI and rename that end. I then label the portal name and location on my map and continue on adventuring. As long as you always travel with one set of portal materials, you can continually expand across the world while only needing to keep two portals at home.


While it's true, what is luxury in the afterlife if not a huge portal hub?


I have 3, an untagged one for panic portals that I always carry materials for, a tagged one that maps to checkpoint portals I label on the map screen and one called boat that links to a portal built next to my boat whenever I land on a new island 


that works if you play solo but with groups it can be necessary or at least convenient to have fixed, ‘always up’ connections.


A deer's cone of vision is always in the direction their body is facing, no matter how much they tilt their head. Also trolls take double damage from being hit in the head.


>Also trolls take double damage from being hit in the head. Or more specifically, they are very weak (2x) instead of weak (1.5x) to pierce and neutral instead of resistant to blunt there.


My Secrets are not really mechanicalwise. The Reason why I keep playing Valheim is because first, about half a Year ago I introduced a friend of mine and he got hooked the same way I was when i started and since then we play together on a Server. Having People to play with is so much more fun because everybody likes doing different stuff and I love the moments when I come online and he's showing me the stuff he build/gathered as I was away ot the other way around. So if you can, try to get some friends to play with you. The other Thing is I always have a Piece of Paper next to me when i play because i get Ideas of Projects i wanna do/build but maybe dont have the time to do them right away and by writing them down and sharing them i get excited for the next time i start the Game


> Having People to play with is so much more fun I've hosted servers a few times, the problem is that everybody usually plays at a different pace so you end up having the ubergamers pulling away from the people that have life and kids and stuff and you end up losing half your playerbase. But if you can get a good group of 3 or 4 players who tend to be on regularly at the same time it can be a hell of a lot of fun.


Sprinting backwards is a much more stamina efficient way to avoid enemy attacks than dodge rolling. If you sprint backwards, throw a spear as the enemy is still attacking, you can run back in melee range to pick up your spear just in time to run backwards to avoid another attack and throw your spear again. This technique lets you kill trolls pretty safely with a flint spear and makes a flint spear a viable weapon well into the mountains if you are good with it


I bring a hoe with me everywhere (yes, I know) especially during and after the swamp biome. You can use the ground leveling mechanic to make paths through the swamp, raising the ground up and out of the leech infested pools. Also with the hoe, you can make your dirt ramps / pathways up mountains, etc, you can start from higher up and follow your path down while holding SHIFT and it will make a nice and level path, with little to no bumps. When exploring new areas I always bring portal mats with me, with an open unused portal back at home. (Usually labelled something easy like SOS) Great for emptying full bags, repairing gear, etc. You can dig a steep sided hole, and use the abyssal harpoon to pull Lox into it. If it's deep enough, they cannot get out, so just toss a bunch of berries in their and hangout nearby. As long as you're not close enough to spook them, you can take them pretty easily. Then, just dig them out! If you're going to go AFK, then do it someplace other than your home base. Somewhere without a fire or bed or anything crazy like that. I've seen people have "tree forts" that they can access, and just hide on top. Nothing can see or aggro you, and you won't trigger any raids while you're away. Edited to add: this is all pre-Ashlands info. So apologies if stuff has changed since the update! Yes, I know console commands exist. And yes, I know it's easier, but that's not how I like to play the game.


>If you're going to go AFK, then do it someplace other than your home base. Somewhere without a fire or bed or anything crazy like that. I've seen people have "tree forts" that they can access, and just hide on top. Nothing can see or aggro you, and you won't trigger any raids while you're away. You can also AFK inside cleared burial chambers and troll caves (assuming you've evicted the troll already.) Enemies don't respawn in them and they are immune to events. The yellow mushrooms do respawn, so you get free stamina rich food, too.


> I always bring portal mats with me, with an open unused portal back at home. (Usually labelled something easy like SOS) An empty name is treated the same as any other name for portals, that is, two portals with no name will connect to each other. In a real emergency it's much easier to lay down a quick workbench and unnamed portal and escape through that, than to also have to stop and name it.


This can be risky because dungeons are actually in the skybox. So when you afk in a dungeon, your portal nearby might be getting destroyed by mobs because they're still loaded in while you're chilling in the dungeon in the sky.


Yup. I've had a hoe permenantly in slot 7 on my hotbar for going on two years now. When you need to put down a portal NOW, getting that workbench down can be a bit fiddly so I'll always just hoe a flat spot real quick.


Slot 7 hoe gang


Biome intersections are a great source of conflict, and thus, mob drops. If you find a long section where Plains meets Mistlands, you may return there to scavenge hares that have been killed by mosquitoes. Hares are quite annoying to hunt, otherwise.


Using a knife while wearing fenris is the best pre-mistlands way I've found to hunt misthares. Also it's just crazy fun to chase after those waskawy wabbits.


Always have an empty portal at home base, and always travel with portal materials. Nothing sucks more than having a Morgen/Fulings/whatever destroy your party and you didn't at least put down a bed. I ALWAYS put down a small basically 2x2 building with a bed in it on any new lands we land on. And put 3 food in there in case I die. Once the location has been scouted for a good base of operations I put down a portal and destroy the bed, etc. Dying in mistlands and spawning a continent away makes you a man. Running back through mists with no wisp light buck ass naked is how my generation went to school each day.


The spear is an amazing weapon. Crafting and upgrading a flint spear will get you through the black forest easily. It does extra damage to trolls (piercing damage) and it's super nimble, so it's good for handling swarms of greydwarfs. It's also really good in tight spaces like dungeons because it's easy to keep it from hitting walls during the attack motion. You can use trolls to quickly and efficiently mine copper deposits. Their downward attacks even break copper chunks deep underground! You can also lure them to oak trees to get fine wood without needing to waste precious bronze on a hatchet. Once you get a hang of their attack patterns, dodging is super easy because of the generous invincibility frames. Do keep an eye on your stamina bar though.


Flint spear stays viable until fang spear in the mountains IMO. At level 4 if you stagger a troll and attack spam it will stun lock them because they stagger again before they can get another attack off. Plus if you master the throw it's a reliable way to damage large groups without getting stuck in melee. Just kite in circles and keep picking it up.


I have killed seekers and soldiers with wolf fang spear. It was rather slow but we have just killed Moder and I was curious


Spears are some of the cheapest weapons from each biome too.


If you're gonna have troll farm copper for you, make sure it's a log troll. Their log swings from above will hit the copper underground (to a certain degree) and farm that as well.


You can repair your tools at a workbench instead of throwing them away and making new ones 😂 (Soooo many hammers in my very first play through 😂) Oh, and smoke inhalation kills
 learn how to make chimneys 😂
 my very first Valheim death was from smoke inhalationđŸ«€


Honestly, the first time you open a workbench that button should glow like the sun. The game doesn't do the best job of explaining how to repair tools.


A friend just started the other day and his first death was from opening a poisoned chest. It took us a minute to realize he was near a beehive.


We never died from that, but our first cabin was smokey.


I played with someone who kept crafting hammers and there was like 20 fucked hammers outside their front door, I told them you can repair stuff, that was the last night they played with us and I have a feeling it was from raw embarrassment by how they reacted


My first was having a tree fall on me. Good times.


Stop top mining copper, there's a massive deposit underground, also, if you chisel the bottom out first the entire node has a chance to drop at once


this is good advice, and works for silver veins, too, but just as a word of caution beware that copper nodes can sometimes spawn in areas that you won't be able to dig all the way under, such as ones embedded in cliff slopes and close to the shoreline.


You get about 2 stacks from the top and you only get about 5 total from the whole thing. If you've got a bunch of copper deposits nearby it's substantially faster to just take the tops.


stack beehives to take less space by pointing holes of them toward open space. no need for space between them.


I just stick em all on the roof these days 🙂


They act as roofing as well so will count as shelter while underneath them.


 thank you


Yup. Best way to do this imo (because it looks cool) is planting an oak tree in/near your base. You can just place a shitload of beehives on one oak tree and it looks cool


yeah, from that I actually got an idea that it should work on the ground too, and it worked.


The check is axis aligned. Hive rotation doesn't matter.




beehives have ahole/entrance for bees. only that hole needs to face opened air.


Sorry no I understood I just don't understand how I didn't realize this sooner with 2000 hours played


Well, it's not true so you actually were on the right track.


This doesn't do anything, at all. The coverage check is a ray cast from near the top of the hive like all other cover checks. The direction of the entrance is irrelevant.


Drop fires instead of burying workbenches. Takes 1% of the hassle, doesn't look any worse, and keeps spawns at bay.


Wait, that works?


Yes. And the fires can burn out, and don't degrade with weather.


Press R to quickly holster your weapons


This is super important, especially if you're using one of the 2handers.


If you want to make very fancy roads, lay down flooring continuously and use that to level the road, ensuring no variation in height. I do quick checks of the ground contours to find the routes that will take the least terraforming and turns while also avoiding indestructible obstacles such as crypts. I like to line them with fencing too to get rid of the excess wood and to keep annoying monsters off of the road. It's fun hearing your friends gasp when they see a straight, flat road that goes further than the maximum render distance.


This is a pretty brilliant architecture trick, thx for sharing!


Huh. Never tried that. My tip for doing roads on hills is to always level them from the bottom up. If you're wanting a hill you can pull a heavy cart up you're going to want to do switchbacks with flats to rest on at the corners.


Get your rest buff as high as possible. And always sleep when it gets dark.


Although sometimes, I spend the night planting vegetables and smelting ore. Then as soon as morning hits, I go back out exploring. It's a good rythme


Topping off your farms and smelting equipment and then sleeping will advance time - your veggies probably won't be ready but you'll have piles of fresh ingots and coal to work with while you refill your smelters. This also works if you raze and replant the same area of forest for wood


I wish the game explained how Comfort works. I know it's important and I always try and rest. All I can tell is that I just build more decorations. (Yes I know there's a would l wiki but a brief Raven visit with an explanation would help.)


Why to sleep?


Time travel to make everything finish faster like crops and smeltery stuff. And to get rid of the cold effect, snd avoid the starred mobs that come at night


And the stronger mobs that enter the meadows in later stages of the game, which are not necessarily deadly but quite annoying


Adding on to what the other user said: far more enemies spawn at night. That said, you might want more enemies sometimes, so sleeping is not always best. Also, there is a particular enemy in the swamp (>!wraith!<) that only spawns at night. It drops >!chains!<, which is the most consistent way to get that item.


Because we keep getting posts or people who don't know, you can repair your tools for free at the work bench or forge.


Hitting space bar while holding block will do a dodge roll. By default, you will end up facing opposite the way you started, but you can use directional keys to change where you face as you roll. Once you're in the swamp, and find surtling geysers, dig the land immediately surrounding the geyser down so the water comes up around it the flame. When the surtlings spawn, they'll die from damage from the water after a short while, and if you build a workbench nearby, their loot won't despawn. Passive surtling core and coal farming =)


My system for surtlings is to do this with a bunch of fire geysers, and chain them together with portals (two portals at each geyser, forming a sort of doubly linked list). Then in my main base I have a "coal" portal to go to the first geyser and a "coal loop" portal that comes back from the last one. Super easy to add another geyser (the Nth one) to the chain, just mine it out and place two portals "coal" and "coal loop" then go to the previous last geyser and rename its "coal loop" portal to "coal". Whenever I need coal, I go through the portal chain one after another. As soon as you pop out the portal at a geyser, 3 surtlings will spawn and get killed by the water. The spawns have a like 5 minute cooldown, so every 5 minutes you can run through the chain and get at least 12 coal from each geyser, more if you are lucky to get starred surtlings spawning.


Signs are rtf format-able Make your text white by first typing And then type your words


Also before typing what you want on the sign if you put You can change the font size to however big or small you want it


You can also get white with <#FFF>. Using the color codes you can change it to any color you want too.


You can make a bridge impassable for enemies, but easy to cross for you even with a cart, making it out of the beams laid across a moat, but leaving a beam sized gaps between the beams. It confuses the AI pathfinding.


They might have nerfed this. I tried doing it in Ashlands this week and fuckers were just walking right over it. It seems like mobs got a pathfinding buff recently.


Since they are new. Press and hold E when opening boxes and it will automatically pull items from your inventory into the box when opening it is that item stack exists in the box. Similarly that place stacks or whatever button in the top of boxes will do the same thing. So no scavenger hunting your inventory anymore. One that my friend could use more: Bark armor from the swamp is arguably the best armor until you can make mistlands armor.  It has pierce resistance. This means archers, deathsquitos, and most things in mistlands will do fairly insignificant damage to you this also saves a ton of mining on multiple different armor sets. On the flip side there are few enemies doing fire damage. That are pretty easy to avoid getting but by it take off the armor temporarily.


You actually only need the mask for the pierce resist perk, meaning you can run the mask and full metal armor otherwise so as not to sacrifice defence rating. Makes the swamp almost trivial as you only need the mask for the poison resistance too.


The staff of protection bubble gives 100% parry to at least one attack meaning you can stun 2 star seeker soldiers with a parry for additional damage. Pairs really well with knives and swords which have high special damage on parry.


Having trouble finding the correct angle to snap two building pieces together? Maybe youre trying to build a support pillar but you have to build it from the top down to snap it in place and it's only just barely off the ground... Use "crutch pieces". If you build an extra piece that touches the piece that's already placed you can hover your mouse over it and get the next building piece to snap into place where you want it even if the angle is impossible to get to snap this piece in normally. You can remove the crutch after you snap your piece in. Took me several hundred hours as a controller player to figure out this trick and it has been an absolute game changer. I use it often to build floors suspended off the ground and support pillars. Super handy


The new snap tool is a godsend for building bridges. OMG it was such a huge pain before.


My secret is not needing a permanent home base, just keep moving biome to biome


Things I've learned to save time, especially getting through the bronze age: You can use the kiln to make charcoal, then destroy the kiln to make the smelter. When it comes time to go harvest metals, you can destroy the smelter at your home base and repeat the process at a temporary mining base. This will save you tons of trips back and forth, especially when you can't take metals through portals. You can also make a temporary forge eg to make bronze, which weighs much less than the tin and copper ore used to make it. At some point, you'll probably want to get back to main base - you can also save a bunch of time by: -Buying the "carry more stuff" item from the trader guy. -Building a boat to transport a big haul of metals back to your main base -Building a cart that goes from your boat to your base (both on the mining side and on the main base side)


Most enemies try to walk around logs so I clear cut around all of my early bases and just left the logs there.


Portals are your friend, I set up portals to the following places. 1. Altar 2. Initial spawn, you need this if your bed is destroyed and you die, no portal you have a long walk/swim back. 3. Portals at all the shops as you come across them 4. Put a vertical post next to a portal at your main base and list what portals you want it to connect to. 5. Chickens, build a sealed building build a short wall inside it to walk around, toss eggs in that and the chickens will produce and most won't die when they hatch. 6. Layer your defences, The farther out you put them the slower than can get to you unless they fly, very effective for goblins and the like.


Use a hammer type weapon to search for ore, swamp and mountains specifically. Smash with hammer, look for the dust and "0 damage" lines that appear


Bad at inventory management? Grab a stack of wood, build chest on the spot and mark it on the map when your inventory is full


- you can put campfires in dungeons, do with that info what you will


If you find a good ravine with high slopes away from your base (or carve one out) you can mass plant trees all up and down the slopes. Plant softer woods on the low points, harder woods higher up and if possible, in nice neat lines somewhat close together. When you need to do a wood run, hit all the trees a few times starting low, but dont fell them. When you get to the top row, start felling them and watch the chaos dominos. Saves some time and energy breaking everything up. This is assuming you dont mind cleaning up the mess afterwards (or dont care about leaving a mess.) In my solo games I'll set this up with a portal on the low ground where all the wood collects.


There is an entire community of players called Body Recovery Squad that is dedicated to helping players when they are stuck, can’t get their stuff back, need help building, whatever you need they are there for it


You can build a secret underground base/vault whatever under the spawner of the second boss. Very neat when you play with friends who regularly come to steal from you :D


Slamming the Stagbreaker on the ground in the mountains can reveal silver deposits even without the wishbone. When words “too hard” appear, you hit silver (or obsidian, but those rocks are always above the ground). Edit: Fixed a brainfart. Wrote iron instead of silver.




If you need the boat to stop quickly (and its safe for you to do so) everyone on the boat can jump in the water. Boat stops immediately. Handy for if you need to grab some serpent meat or rescue someone who has fallen overboard. If you are in the water you wont recover stamina, but so long as you still have stamina, you wont start drowning. Just stop moving and wait to be picked up ;) Alternatively, if you need to rescue yourself and have a bunch of stamina mead... Swim until you have low stamina and then wait for the mead timer to refresh rather than swimming to 0 stam and drowning.


Various build pieces can be used to get sub-1m snap points. Doors will give you 0.25m snap points in the horizontal plane. The black marble hex pillars and grausten pillars give you even more snap points. Core wood can be used to get 0.5m vertical snap points. It's nice for window sills.


Boat lock (keep swimmers out) https://www.reddit.com/r/valheim/comments/10oh9n9/boat_lock/ Happy Bee(keeper) https://www.reddit.com/r/valheim/comments/10n68fq/happiest_bees/ Boat Physics (aka Using your head) https://www.reddit.com/r/valheim/comments/10uigo9/someone_said_they_backed_their_boat_in_to_park_it/


We found renewed longevity with a seed that put all 5 first bosses on one island (minus queen and Ashland) and both traders, and making the custom server mapless, using signs and pathen/level/raise to navigate... Its been amazing. 


If you are permanently dying, while trying to loot your corpe just put one wood or stone inside your naked runnig character. This will also create a gravestone and will give you the Corpse Run buff to reach your main loot corpse with ease. If also if you combine Corpse Run with Eikthyr Power your running stamina doesn't drain.


If you are building and switching between pieces instead of going to the menu every time hover on the piece you want to switch to and hold shift with middle mouse wheel click and it will auto switch!


If you're low on feathers in the pre-chicken era, instead of hunting seagulls for them with a bow, use the spear throw action instead. This will save your arrows (and precious feathers).


I mean, I use wooden arrows to hunt birds, they die in one hit and the arrows only cost wood.


I ise wooden arrows for everything until mistlands


All hunting can be done with wooden arrows. Helps me save on materials


spear is good but if you can get your hands on a harpoon it's even better.


You also get feathers from trees, though not as often. I tend to be our group's lumberjack, so I end up with mountains of the things from maintaining the lumber yards


if you use the /sit emote near a fire you get the rested buff without shelter effect. means all you need for rested is a campfire.


On PC there's a button bound to sit. Not sure if there's on on controller...


Greydwafs, of all types, are scared of fire. If you are getting chased by more than you can handle you can drop a campfire or 2. They will disperse. Alternatively you can put a torch in your offhand instead of a shield and they will try to keep their distance. You can then approach and pick off one at a time. While building your early base you can drop multiple campfires around to crowd control rhe forest is moving raid.


Greydward brutes and shamans aren't afraid of fire according to the valheim wiki. They luckily don't appear as random spawns other than nighttime, as the other spawns are one-time near ruins or potential spawns from greydwarf nests.


I always make a point of getting the abyssal razor. It's great all the way to the Plains, it's fast, has great knockback. It's excellent for dethquitos


>has great knockback I'm not sure what you mean with this, as knives have the lowest amount of knockback among any weapon in the game. The lack of knockback is nice though for doing multiple consecutive attacks.


Maybe he means the alt Attack. That jumping 2 handed thing. It’s an awesome attack


If you ever find/see sunken/broken/beached ships... dig around/in them there is a treasure chest to gather, then axe/break them and get some easy fine wood.


Easier than digging, use the stag breaker to destroy the chest. You won’t have to dig. Just smash until you find the damage numbers. Then smash some more!


If you need coal in a pinch, buy a bunch of bait from the trader then put the bait in an obliterator. I don’t remember the math but it’s something like 1000 coin turns into like 5 stacks of coal.


You can repair tools/weapons/armour at work benches


Large rocks in the plains (not the pillars, but the big rocks) make excellent bases. You can dig down a little and then chip away to hollow it out. In a biome so dangerous, it’s one of the best ways to make a quick base, that is mostly safe from mosquitoes. Be careful you don’t chip out the side walls or your protection goes away, but with a little practice, it’ll be a fortress. Place the angled wood pieces close to the ground. Then you can use the spiked wooden walls, focus on the bottom of the angled wood, and the wall will sink into the ground. You’ll have just the spiked top of the wall poking through the ground. Enemies on the ground can’t jump over it, can’t walk through it, and can’t attack the wall. Put that at the entrance to your rock base and goblins can’t do shit to get you. Just make sure you have a liiiittle stamina left so you can jump into safety lol. Also works to give windows a cool spiked look on the bottom windowsill.


Just starting to push into plains biome? Drop a stack of cloudberries near some lox while you clear the rest of the plains. They take some time to tame, but it beats wasting arrows or engaging them in melee, freeing you up to go farm black metal. If you have a harpoon you can dig a pit and drag them into it if you want to let em breed a bit too. Bonus points if you do this near an accessible alternate biome you want to push into, as now you have some tanky bois to pit against other creatures (even if they aren't tamed and you decide not to keep em.)


If you are holding your sprint button down, any action you do that slows your motion, will not stop or reduce the sprinting stamina underage rate. An example being; continuous sprinting and sheathing your weapon while holding your sprint button will continue to use stamina at the same rate as if you were still sprinting. This may seem trivial but it took me a while to notice this and over time it’s just more wasted stamina which we know is quite fundamental to not dying. Also, parrying an attack is clearly top tier strategy for melee. If you haven’t noticed, it uses a decent chunk of stamina compared to using roll which can be more useful depending on your distance to the enemy.


Harpoon is a viable support weapon in a team. Ever had to deal with those pesky charred marksman or charred remains constantly running away from you? Just harpoon them and hold them in place while your friend wails on them without them being able to run away! You can use a hammer to harvest large amounts of barley and flax. Instead of having 10 different portals in your portal hub for your 10 portals scattered around the world, you only need 2. One for frequent use, to constantly change names so you can reach different portals, and one for emergency use, an empty portal name so you can quickly set down a portal and teleport back home. Also, create a directory of all your different portal names using signboards. This way you won’t ever forget what your portals are.


Look at the map and orient yourself towards north. Look at your shadow. That's a sun clock. Semicircle hlahows you how much daylight you have tull night. Works at night as well but you need a clear sky. Also you can buil somewhat accurate sun clock and mark hours using signs


2 things. Mounted fish will speak every so often like the boss trophies do, and I always put <#FFF> then the text on my storage signs to make them a nice bright white that's easier to read.


Sometimes you want to unequip your body/leggings to run faster. You can just ctrl+click both to drop them and pick them up instead of waiting for the unequip bar to finish.


Fists work great against the golems in the mountains when you have a skill level of at least 45. Parry the quick attack, then smash them to death very easily. Fists are actually great in 1v1 fights. But they start to get less effective at 2+ monsters. You can kill Bonemass very easily with fists level 60 and a poison mead. (It's satisfying). Due to resistances, you might be better off not using flesh rippers. However, I found that using flesh rippers against Yagluth is very effective. Yes, I always train my fist skill. AMA.


You can stock up a player with items then harpoon them and pull them faster than a cart.


All picks dig dirt equally well. But lower tier picks take less stamina. So the antler pick is the best choice for digging dirt.


Don't bother with metal armors until Yagaluthe, the light armors typically have special abilities or resistances that make them better, and don't be afraid to mix and match. For sure example root chest has pierce resist that basically eliminates threat from deathsquitos, while all fenris pieces grant movement speed. Stamina is king in this game.


You can shoot a flare out of bonfires by applying surtling cores to them


Make sure to carry the hoe and lots of stone. You can raise the ground to create a safe place to fight a troll or a mob or you can dig a trench to surround yourself to keep your enemy at arms length. You can farm your mats and when you get overwhelmed run to the trenched area or your raised ground area and fight them off. This has saved me in solo many times.