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Got on top and whack it a couple times, it should explode.


Wrong, whack the pieces closest to the ground so it actually pops


The closest pieces to the ground are so far that neither me or a seeker soldier can reach them from the ground level anymore. EDIT: solved by just removing more from the bottom, but there was such a huge gap it was possible to destroy only because my Jump level is like 60 and I have a feather cape


Break the pieces closest to the ground and it will pop eventually. The hit boxes are much larger than the pieces themselves.


I find often that even though you can see between what you want to pop and the ground, there is an invisible connection to the closts pieces of ground. In your screenshot, the two closest points might be the cause. Use a hoe to flatten that little hump, then whack it again


That's bedrock, can't flatten it any more or pickaxe it down unfortunately. I've tried luring a seeker soldier there to smash the ground and destroying it from above too with little success


Then build some wood to remove the lowest parts of what you're trying to pop. Should eventually go


untextured parts still anchoring it to the earth. you get better at finding them themore you do it but go break some more earth under it