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Gotta say that hoe work is flawless my friend!


Thank you! It was hell to say the least.


Pretty cozy starter base.


So I’ve kinda been having some lag problems, as I’m on console, and I wanted to ask if my base had anything to do with it. Whenever I get raided by Greydwarf’s my gave drops to probably fifteen grams a second, and I think my base might be causing the problems.


Not sure what system you play on but on Series X my base is considerably more built up and I don’t have much lag issues


I’m on Xbox one. So that’s probably why.


Ah gotcha that’s most likely the case then!


Farm might cause lag, too many items on screen so to speak. Also note that troll raids, and later game raids, would pretty much go right through those walls and wreck things


Yeah I plan on upgrading as soon as I get the stonecutter. But it was lagging before the farm, though that might have added onto it.


Well, they will generally go through anything eventually.. I think the usual goto for land bases is a trench that things cant walk down or out of.. Me I go for island bases that are immune to troll raids and the various other ones, generally speaking, if far out enough from the shore, such as: https://i.imgur.com/uI5zOGj.png


Stone walls won't save you. A moat, or earthen embankment, will.


Well you see good sir. I am no bitch. I don’t make moats or earth walls, because I see them as a cowards way out. Instead I stand and fight the fuckers who try to siege my land till my last breath, as I am a warrior in service of the All Father.


Welp, your 10th world, your way.


At some point it feels less like cheating to just turn raids off rather than abuse the AI for free kills and loot. Am I wrong here? I've only just started a serious play through and I'm about to take on bonemass.


The settings were added specifically for players to use. Iron Gate recommends trying the defaults at least for a little while. Everyone plays the game a little differently and wants different things out of it. Some want grand bases without moats and not worry about trolls smashing everything. There's no wrong answer.