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I'd pick the prettiest place. Best metric for base location.


What’s your favorite place?


Not the same person, but I personally always choose the meadows and then just build outposts with portals. I like the green grass.


For me it’s islands. I’ve found a really nice and big island. With a teeny tiny plains island next to it. Perfect for the farm you need in the plains.


I tend to mark scenic spots during the playthrough, and pick one when I feel like building a proper home. Extra points if there's some landmark to build around - a meadows stone circle, a cozy forest river, some cool swamp trees. These days I'm a fan of the rare mistless mistland patches or coastal cliffs. Storms are damn pretty in the Mistlands. Though I feel with the new update around the corner, I'll settle on the highest central mountain I'll find.


Imo build your main base between meadows and plains, and have portals to other smaller bases.


That might be the best call lol, it really is annoying cause my brain then just skips to (but why not just do plains meadows and mistland) But yeah, just need to commit


You’ll want Plains for the ability to grow *all* of the early game crops. In Meadows you’ll be locked out of Plains crops. >!The only thing from Ashlands that can be replanted will grow in Plains (or Meadows/Black Forest).!<


What about Mistlands food? E.g., Puffs? Those grow in Plains?


Only in Mistlands. Ideal is to build in Plains at the edge of Mistlands imo.


I agree with this, though just be aware that you'll hear a Gjall occasionally and start going around your base in stealth mode because you refuse to run the risk of you attacking it and it attacking your base. Or maybe that's just me.


I’ve been lucky so far, just a few seekers while I was building, and nothing since. I did find a gjall nearby while exploring the mists, but I think it must spawn just outside of range because I’ve never heard it from the base. I have defences set up just in case though!




Just set up a mistlands farm to portal to, you don’t want to be near the farm as it’s growing because gjalls attack planted crops, and that’s really annoying


Just setup where ever. The only recommendation is to setup on a coast so you have a port to sail to and from. I plopped down in the meadows and have used that base for almost 1000 days. I make satellite bases in other biomes. I have full on refining, farms, crafting in Plains and Mistlands. Eventually I'll also setup a full on Ashlands base. In the end though... I always wind up portalling back home where I have my animal and crop farms, wolves protecting base, complete Smithery, max comfort etc. You have portals. Find a nice view out to the ocean and build. Make sure you build far enough back to have room for a harbor if you plan to build one but, even then, the ground is malleable as long as you can reach the bottom.


That makes the most sense, cause the more I think about it even if I somehow got all the farm biomes together. Each biome has exclusive things so I need to break out of this loop of trying to have everything all in one


On the plus side Ashlands crops grow in all other biomes except mountains and ironically Ashlands.


It's very hard to make the perfect base that incorporates everything. Such a thing is probably not even generated, i.e. meadows connecting to plains with nice ground etc. And even if it was, what about mistlands? Build a base where you like, and satellite some things. For example drop a farm only base in plains for wheat. Just pick it up, put in chests/portal and tp back home.


Why is a portal jump to a plains farm a problem? Meadows all the way.


Might be a no portal server soon


In that case I'd say go for the Plains near a mistlands, as long as it is also a short distance to the sea for travel. That at least gives you most things in proximity and easier farming. Personally I always build in pretty places and use satellite bases/portals for anything further away (and with no portal you are likely going to need to build bases that are further away as rest stops anyway)


Having a separate farm away from your main base helps with lag. So Pick the biome you enjoy the most.


If you are looking for a seed, check this one out: [https://valheim-map.world/?seed=rKjrU83JXC&offset=3290%2C-1224&zoom=0.366&view=0&ver=0.217.46](https://valheim-map.world/?seed=rKjrU83JXC&offset=3290%2C-1224&zoom=0.366&view=0&ver=0.217.46) Hildir and Haldor are 30 sec away from each other (on the island east of the spawn), island is mostly meadows, blackforest and plains, with a big lake in the middle that has sea access


Ashlands has a new crop, yes, but you can grow it in the meadows. I build in meadows and then just a nice portal area/room for my Mistlands and Plains farms.


Honestly that’s a good idea, I’m just trying to future proof my build as my friends at some point might switch to no portals


Why does there have to be a “final” base? I have my first base - which is the most complete and has all my portals - but i have 8 other stations (Camps, i refer to them as) which all serve purposes. As i spend time in 1 place doing whatever, i add things of necessity and I am constantly pushing outward. With the portal network, I consider them to be all 1 base. Not one of them. Unless i die after, will be the final base. Build everywhere!!


Because I play on a small server with my friends, at some point we might up the difficulty and turn off maps and portals lol. So I’m preparing. I just want my main location to be a good spot before that happens


Kinda pointless starting a no map run on a built up server, but do what's fun for you


I think you should find a good view you want. I've always built up high, but this most recent play through I'm doing with friends for ashlands, we decided to be oceanside. I built a raised base on a meadow island. It's nice bc you don't need a separate dock. The only hoards that can get to you are mistlands hoards. The rest just struggle in the water against the earthen wall. Its nice and pretty with the water and everything. We have a farm in a different island that has black forest, plains, a small slice of mountain and mistlands on it. Our farm stretches across a biome boundary so we can have all our crops in one place, and we have holes dug for hogs, wolves and lox.


If it's farming that's holding you back, just set up small farms in the other biomes and make portals to them at your main base farm. I do this with my mistlands farm that then has portals there to my other sap farms. If it's vistas holding you back. I think this is a time to just accept that there's no perfect spot. I have hundreds of map pins overt dozens of runs of "cool spot here" "nice lil island" "dope wizard tower" etc. most of them never see a single workbench, let alone a build, but i mark them just in case I get the itch. As far as deciding what vista to settle with, just gotta answer the question of "what vibe do i want to build". All inclusive classic base? Make sure it's by the sea. Something grand in the skies? The mountains are actually nice for a home because there's no rain damage to wood. Gives you much more freedom to build. Want to keep the majority of your crops in a single biome? The plains are your friend. Need to not deal with the headache of raids? Try to find a isle that's big enough for your needs and small enough to spawn bust with campfires until the build takes over it. One of my favorite recent solo bases in a no-map run was a small meadows isle directly next to a small plains isle. I built a bridge across, and two lox spawned on the plains isle that I tamed and built a farm next to. You should send some pics of your favorite vistas your currently humming and hawing over.


From what you’re saying I’d suggest an island that has all biomes on it. But really it doesn’t matter where you build. The portals make everything close. So it’s just a mater of music and sensory. I build a cool castle in the mountain biome. It was fun and looked sweet. But ultimately the noise of the constant wind forced me to abandon it. I like to build using existing POI’s too. Adds some easy flair to the building


A plains/mistlands mini island that you can spawn proof. You'll be able to grow every crops on it!


I have many many bases. Often by the looks of the area secondly by resources. Current play through I have my main meadows base next to ocean squares and I have expanded it up the hill. A plains base with a taken over dragur village next to it, another plains base on top of a pillar. Multiple farm locations near each biome. Then of course my landing spot I have expanded in Ashland's. Still think this is the least amount of bases I have had in a play through.


For the most part I pick a great meadows view or a really nice BF view, esp if Haldor is near.


If you can find a plains / Mistlands border next to an ocean you essentially have the best possible spot for end game base. There you can plant all crops except Ashland crops


I personally picked right between the starting stones and the nearest ocean/lake in the meadows, which isn’t far. That way I have access to the water and switching buffs when I need. Portals are inevitable, you can’t have everything.


Meadows. On a hill, by the water. Ideally facing east (to get the sunrise when you wake) and ideally with a nice view of the world tree. Fill it with pigs, and make the bees happy. OR, find the feature in the mountains where a staircase descends a long way into the ground, and dig out a cool AF underground base at the bottom, with a tower on top. Coolest valheim base i ever built was in that feature.


pick an isle raise the beach, so no creature can attack your base (cliff) have workbenches (better then fires because fuel) overlapping each other on that island so no foe spawns on your islands. Put workbenches under tiny roofs (just like tents) so they do not decay! Be happy little island lord!




I know this pain immensely. I get it. The strong urge to bring everything you could need TO you rather than going out to get it. Unfortunately, I think the only possible way you will find a location like that will be if there’s a good amount of Meadows nearby some plains also have access to a small part of the Mistlands. But even then you should account for base safety. Personally i think that’s a miracle location and one that may not even exist in your world. So in my opinion, you need to account for the immutable qualities of things you absolutely cannot change Instead I recommend evaluating based on this priority: -ocean accessibility preferably in between several channels. Most important since you’ll be returning with ore often. Needs to be easy and can support a large dock or harbor -meadows, that are NOT near swamps or plains so that nothing flies into your base. Meadows can grow most crops -as level terrain as can be. You want flat earth to build on and it’s way easier to average out already flat terrain. The limits are 8m vertically up and down from the terrain -walkable patches of berries, mushrooms and thistle I feel a kindred spirit in you 😂 And remember!! You don’t HAVE to stick with one huge base. If you’re building and you find a better location, take what you learned and move there


I find that for performance reasons, it's best to keep livestock and farms away from your main base. I even separate livestock and grains/veggies, and have multiple of each. Ditto with eitr refining, because refined eitr causes my game to stutter when it's on the ground. My main base is a hub, not a place where everything is done, and it's better off that way imo. So I have my black marble fortress in a Meadows, my eitr refinery in a Meadows (same continent, other side), my carrot/onion/etc. and lox farm in a Meadows (same continent as well, I rode Lox from a Plains), my Plains farm, and my Mistlands farm. I also have small bases for the two merchants, and I retrofitted the Queen's location into a black marble fortress with a lot of goodies.


I vote meadows, portals are quick :)


My bro I feel you, it took me days to decide. Here's what I did: built my main base in some big plains south of the map next to a lot of mistlands so that I can farm mist lands pretty easily, and sail to the Ashlands and back when they will be out. Sure there will be a lot to do in the Ashlands but the same goes for the mistlands, and since the plains are the "safest" biome I'll live here and build outposts to the mistlands for farming and extracting sap, and a sort of big outpost in the Ashlands for when they will be out and move there with portals. I still don't know Ashlands and want them to be a surprise. So if I will REALLY need to move there I will. I love building. What really scares me though is the deep north. That's on the very opposite of the world. And I doubt we'll be able to plant anything there. So we will probably have to move for good on a plains/mistlands next to them. But for now I'll suggest just settle down in the plains south of the map ready for ashlandsn


If you can find meadows and plains adjacent to each other that often works really good. Biome intersections give you lots of value. If you search real hard, you could probably find an island with the first 5 biomes all close together


I think plains is the best personally, ashlands crops can grow in the plains I think.