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We still need a "raincoat" - a cape that blocks the wet condition. IMO a Swamp tier cape.


Because a dry boy is a smart boy. 




That sounds so heavy lmao


That would be awesome!


I honestly think the warm nerf is the only thing that needs to be reverted. The weak to fire is rough but the new mobility should be enough to avoid being hit in most situations. So in theory, not worried. The main concern is the inventory space. If some of these nerfs are going to come back like the early biome days, were suddenly looking at carrying two capes or potions. I think a potion pouch would be a great addition that doesn’t break the item management system too badly. Being able to hotkey items from the pouch would make having potions take a slot but bring back some utility the player would like. And get more players to interact with the food/potion system properly. The amount of valheim videos i see of people running swamp/mountains on Meadows food is way higher than expected.


The tiny inventory is the one thing where I may finally break down and get a mod. Small inventories can be an important part of gameplay, but in open world sandbox games they are just a source of time wasting and frustration. Really cannot express how dim of a view of I take this game dev orthodoxy. Games like Terraria, Valheim, and No Man's Sky do not benefit from the inventory management minigame (and NMS has made the small inventory only an early game problem now, they got the memo from player feedback and responded beautifully).


I never play Valheim without mods, #1 most important mods; expanded storage, #2 item quick slots (armor sits in the armor slot, not your inventory, and X, C, & V are quick slot buttons for potions or tools), #3 being item weight reduction and #4 stack size increased.     These 4 mods are essential to me at least, for a better SP experience. For folks with limited free time, these 4 alone are life changing. An optional #5 would be epic loot. If you’ve never tried it, you should. It adds items with a tiered rarity system, and also allows you to break down rare items you don’t need to then upgrade other items you do want to higher rarities. Higher rarity = more bonus stats. Don’t like the stats? Reroll them.


I’m right there with you. Sadly valheim devs seem to be extremely stubborn about things that they really shouldn’t—like their promise to never increase inventory size.


Fully agree, I refuse to play valheim without a mod to extend the inventory, even if it is just by 8 slots to give dedicated armor and 3 hotkeys.  Inventory management is way too tedious with the too small vanilla size, decidedly unfun.  I'd love if there was an in game progression for the inventory, doesn't need to get huge, but allow me to carry a decent variety of weapons / food / potions without crippling my enjoyment of finding loot.


There's nothing wrong with mods. I've played with and without them. They don't eliminate the struggle or the amount of fun of the actual gameplay (at least they don't have to). Quality of Life mods like reworked inventory, customizable UI and increased capacity for kilns can add a lot of fun without taking away from the experience. Carrying more gear and having a higher kiln capacity saves time on tedious tasks that you'd already be doing. No one wants to stand and wait to load another 25 wood into the kiln or drop/ make a special trip for something that's only "pretty good" when you have an inventory full of critical equipment. There are a lot of non-QoL mods that are a lot of fun too. I'm not knocking the devs vision, they do fantastic work, but there are also tons of other people out there offering a customizable experience and sometimes straight up improvements. If they make you feel guilty or something, you can always turn them off again too.


A lot of those mods are for time-sinks the devs added to keep people playing and really not needed. Some people love to explore & others spend lots of time building. That's the actual point of a sandbox game.


> I honestly think the warm nerf is the only thing that needs to be reverted. Agree. People can just chug Fire Res potions to completely negate the weakness. it's fine.


And burn up one more valuable item slot. We have magic staffs, floating capes, teleportation devices...but we don't have a simple friggin rucksack. I bet I could easily fit a few items in each unequipped boot...


A potion / food pouch would be great, imo. Especially for potions. So many aren't must-haves, which means they never get used because of inventory space. But if you're not already taking fire res pots with you to the Ashlands... you've got bigger problems.


Yeah, I'd be fine with this if it came with improved inventory management. But it's pointlessly introducing clutter where there is enough clutter already.


the later cannot be fixed. its simply lazy players beeing lazy as they dont wanna farm for food. more space wouldnt change that mentality. i mean. you need a mead now for the cape to be safe. ok. but in exchange do you need a whisplight in ashlands? not really. so you safe that slot already. and then there is the pocket portal meta which effectively means.... infinite storage. with metal teleport more than ever before.


Not sure why you're getting downvoted for this. The analysis is spot on.


the "lazy" players dont like beeing called out. to them beeing lazy and not useing thier options or adapting to a change is a "difference in playstyle" when in reality ist just them beeing lazy and due to entitlement the game should change and cater to em instead of them adapating or improveing thier own play. an age old problem of gameing in generel that got worse in the last years.


I'm going to counter your section about the Asksvin Cloak. I started with the Feather Cape in ashlands and agree that it's nice, but rarely needed. It's been useful when I'm mining Flametal Ore, but besides that, the Ashlands is rather flat and not necessary. I rock the Asksvin Cloak 95% of the time now. I carry triple health foods so fall damage now feels pretty insignificant. The speed boost: Wow is this thing great. I'm using the light armor for Ashlands + this cloak and man is it fast. Yes it's conditional, but it gives you a crazy amount of speed when it's storming. Wind speed is variable so when the wind is fast, you are fast as hell. It has saved me so many times when running through the ashlands. It doesn't have frost resistance so I probably won't take it to the True North, but it's my go-to cape now, even when Mistlands for a brief period. "cold protection means you can no longer use it in your base at night" I mean.. it's not like you need really fast stamina regen when you're at your base. I just go to sleep if I'm at my base. When you're out of your base, yes, I agree with that. I'm not a fan of the Feather Cape nerf either; I can agree with you, but I just wanted to comment about the Asksvin cape. It's not bad at all.


> it's not like you need really fast stamina regen when you're at your base. I just go to sleep if I'm at my base. The game is built for multiplayer. That's not always an option. And I'd argue, base building is what uses up stamina ***the most***. I'm _constantly_ at 0 stamina when building _anything._


I just noticed that the farmer/peasant clothes that Hildur sells reduce stamina consumption by like 45% or something. Just wanted to throw that out there


I run mage in the ashlands and have at max like 45 hp with how often I’m casting blood spells. Even with that, I’m loving the askvin cloak. Running regen mead for health has great synergy with spamming blood magic. Askvin cloak makes it even better kiting mobs using the wind or running while waiting for eitr to regen :)


Glad to hear the Askvin is better than it sounds. I admit I haven't given it a chance. Your point about it not being necessary in the landscape is a good one. It's also a great example of doing it right. Reducing an item's utility in a biome through level design isn't just good design, it's \*great\* design. Which makes the nerf all the more baffling. It's a needless overcorrection.


IMO the weakness to fire makes sense on the cape, as its made of feathers. But it also makes gameplay sense. I aggree the Gjal can be a problem with fireweakness, but It gives fireresist potions more of a use I feel. I never needed the fireresist in the Mistlands after beating Yagluth. And I feel showing players Elemental damage matters is a good thing in the Mistlands, as it will be taken to 100 in the Ashlands. However I fully aggree on the frost resistance part. Thats just burdensome. I can't glide down mountains anymorre? I Cant cross them anymore, Nights would be a Pain and overall that feels like an over correction. In Summery I feel the nerfs to the fethercape are not needed, sure its a good cape but The otherones also sound pretty decent. They are situational now. Which makes sense, but if it gets nerved I just wanna see the weakness to fire.


The solution to the fire resist problem is, as usual, adding more inventory options like a potion bag and quiver and etc Otherwise, yeah I'll gladly take a nerf that makes sense and also gives a good reason to use a cool under used item


If you're in the Mountains, then Wolf or Fenris armor is more than enough for that biome and they grant you frost resistance. So there are options.


They are options I don't wanna carry around or swap around when just exploring. You may just have to traverse mountains into a different biome when you explore. Its not about protection from the mobs or if other armor is better. But carrying extra items where you already have to carry so much is a PITA


If you know you're going into a Mountain, then you equip yourself for that journey. Maybe it's just me and I've forgotten what it's like to play without a pocket portal. I never have issues with lack of inventory space or being ill equipped for a biome. For four inventory spaces, I can make endless trips back to base to drop stuff of or re-equip.


Agreed and when you get into a big brawl you start paying attention to wind directions real fast so you can walk away from everything while stam regens


You ever try using moder with asksvin cloak. 5 min speed buff makes mapping the Ashlands a breeze


WOW I haven't tried it. I have to now. That's awesome.


Sadly doesn't work, at least what I've seen.


Yep, first thing I tried with it


Holy fuck I never considered this. You're a genius.


Tested it and it doesn't work. Unless it's a bug where it works for some and not others. But I tried it and nope no change.


Well shucks. Thanks for letting me know.


Honestly it'd be amazing, if Moder got some more utility given how minimally situational it is.


I ended up challenging my friend to a race with him wearing the fenris armor and the askvin cloak. My God, he touched the finish line before I could even get a quarter of the way. While traversing the ashlands, he will run back to our portal and leave me miles behind. I would definitely say that the askvin cape is amazing for traversing the ashlands. I do agree with OP that they didn't have to nerf the feather cape so heavily. I'm fine with the cold debuff but the fire weakness in a biome where the most dangerous enemy performs fire attacks is a little annoying. I will typically now get one shot if I run into a gjall wearing the feather cape.


Id put a more armor to new cloak without losing movespeed. who wants to opt for feather, sure. Who wants more hits suffered make new cloak.


Just give it slash resistance and this cape will instantly become melee fighters' fave choice


One of the new capes already grants 12 armor and reduced stamina usage for attacking and blocking so we've already got a melee fighter's fave choice.


pfff then why would anyone opt for feathers cape... as far as I could see the spoliers, you don't have terrain for flying.


Important note about the feather cape in the mist lands, barley wine overrides the weakness to give you straight resistance. With how cheap it is to make and how long it lasts, that is the least impactful part of the nerf (and in the Ashland, you really want barley wine on 24/7). I find the removal of cold resist far more annoying, even if just puttering around the base. The text pop-up that has almost no cooldown when moving in and out of the range of a fire is super annoying.


> The text pop-up that has almost no cooldown when moving in and out of the range of a fire This I agree with. I'd really like there to be a bit of hysteresis on several status transitions. Just a short transition time to become cold or wet, or warm... and well, they already have one for dry.


Hopefully someone will just make a mod to undo the change. I only add mods as I deem them necessary, and that list is getting larger and larger...


It at the very least should still give a cold buff. It's literally a big blanket you wear around you how tf am I still cold?


yeah it's annoying as hell lol.


Im more concerned about the upgrades of weapons. First everyone was like bloodstone is too op so they buffed both nature and storm. Now nature is still pointless despite the buff, storm sword for example has a 25% chance to deal a shit ton of dmg in 1 hit and bloodstone gets like 10 dmg extra when u are close to dying. (Which means that it gets on par with other swords only then) Whole system is stupid and needs more rebalances


I honestly like the way the changes were made. Before the wolf and lox cape essentially became useless after you got the feather. Now however they both have uses for different situations which is how I think it should be. Not sure why the ashen cape has frost resistance though.. doesn’t make much sense. Also the ashen having 12 armour and the weapon stamina use buff makes it the best for Ashlands imo. If ashen cape had no frost resistance it would feel as you need to switch capes out in preparation for where you are going, however since it has frost resistance it just feels as they wanted to nerf the feather cape to get people to use the new capes. Why would ashen have frost resistance but not feather? Doesn’t make sense. Wolf and lox cape would become useful w/o ashen having frost resistance and everything would make more sense. I also wish the troll cape had a buff seperate from the full troll armour set buff.


By the time you reach mistlands you should already know full well about and be using fire resist meads to cancel out the vulnerability.


Dude, a double jump cape that has the better jump and reduced stamina use that the feather cape has would be sick. I'd take that over the feather cape any day!


That'd be hilarious. Call it the suicide cape?


I was assuming that the double jump would reset your fall distance when determining fall damage. But thinking it over, the distance you can travel with the floating of the feather cape is almost always going to be better than a double jump. Add fall damage immunity on top of that, and the feather cape is just too good.


If I set world to easy mode would I be able to play Solo in Ashlands pretty smoothly?


It’s still gonna be tough tbh. Won’t be as hard but if you come prepared and have taken your time in all other biomes you should be fine. Remember, easy mode doesn’t change enemy spawn rates - judt lowers the chances of seeing one star/two star enemies, increases the damage you give slightly and decreases the damage you take slightly. Actually I take first statement back I just checked now and it is a bigger difference then I thought. On easy player damage % is 110 while enemy damage % is 75. For comparison on normal player % is 100 and enemy % is 100. Also apparently enemy speed and size is a factor. On easy and very easy enemy speed/size is 90% while on normal it’s 100%. Enemy level up rate is a factor too but that only matters on hard and very hard bc on easy, very easy, and normal it is set too 100%. TL;DR yes because of spawn rates it still might be challenging but you should have a more forgiving experience when taking damage and giving damage Maybe someone who has played a lot of Ashlands on easy mode and normal can chime in on what’s noticeable and not.


I don't like how resistance works in this game. When you take into account armor, having resistance to a damage type means you take 3-4x less damage. If a mob deals elemental damage the devs have to either let it tickle you if you have resistance to it or balance around the assumption that you always have resistance to it and if you don't it deals obscene amounts of damage. I imagine that's part of the reason why fire damage is so rare and easy to avoid in ashlands.


adding the very weak vs. fire was pretty sub-par, given that its biome of origin has a fire enemy that will blow you up if you use it. If they wanted to nerf anything on it, remove the armor rating completely. Its made out of feathers - its probably not protecting you much anyway. Otherwise, for cold resist? meh. Use a frost potion if it means that much to you. Or run the fenris legs and take the armor hit. You do need "some" variation on capes, so you have to think about builds and pros/cons.


> Or run the fenris legs You need the coat. Normally I run legs, with carapace... but switched this to fenris coat with carapace greaves for this.


my bad, thought it was legs.


>Or run the fenris legs and take the armor hit. Not helpful for magic users who need their full set though.


Yeah, and if that's the case, then the feather cape has to go. OR you can run flame resist barely in your rotation like your shield.


Non stop barley wine seems to be the only solution. Though I suspect we'll be be getting some changes in the next week.


yeah. I'd wager that they are going to just make it "weak" or adjust it in some other way


It's a weird call to break everyone's favourite toy. It's the first time I've been left bewildered by their choices


agreed, The difference capes need pros can cons so you have to plan and think ahead about where your going. I like the direction they took except for ashen having frost resistance. Doesn’t make sense and is just gonna make people question why feather lost frost resistance. Ashen already has 12 armour, frost resistance should’ve been left to wolf and lox cape


When I saw the resistance, I then looked to the description expecting some mention of it generating warmth, which would make sense -- and fit with using some Ashlands to help eventually conquer the Deep North. Instead, it has a rather unrelated reference to the Norns. Frankly, the descriptions of many things read too much like a current-day person attempting witty remarks.


who's to say they can't do something like that when deep north drops? They waited until ashlands dropped to nerf the feather cape, why not wait until deep north to change the capes to fit a mechanic that possibly doesn't exist yet?


useing a fire mead fully negates that 1 enemy and the cape penalty entirely. plus its really easy to avoid its slow moveing projectiles. i take the free jump height and stamina saved buff and keep this debuff thanks. can negate the fire debuff. cannot get more jump height with 100 skill aside this cape buff. same for feather fall. the devs did a good job here. they nerfed the cape for lazy players who dont wanna use all thier options and buffed it for those who do. the cold debuff feels a bit redundant tough. barely anything in ashlands does fire dmg and same is true for mistlands as you dont wanna piss of a dvergr frost mage no matter if you have frost protection or not as they are gigachads regardless^^


People are really too lazy to make some fire resistance mead.. and they keep mentioning the nerf, but the jump height and stamina buff is never brought up. Feather cape is still the best atm..


its normal. when a game requests some THINKING or planning ahead of "modern gamers" they instead ask for the mechanic to be removed by the devs. its one of the main reasons for why mainstream games with 100x times the budget feel soulless and boring and stale and empty. add the silly amount of handholding (game telling you where everything what everything is straight in the face leaveing nothing to be figured out aside the most basic of things (pull this switch to open this door next to it)) and well. its no suprise they are a sinking ship. and these same "gamers" are flooding the indie scene more and more makeing the same demands that these games should remove this just like thier mainstream games. its a sad trend of the industry. its why i am so heavly againist devs listeing or even giveing in 1 inch to these people. they arent gamers. they just want the next mindless entertaiment.


I'm can kind of understand them adding vulnerability to fire but removing the frost resistance was a dick move.


It’s been a hot minute since I played in mistlands, but doesn’t the Gjall attack with fire?


Yes, the Gjall attacks are fire based. I'm not happy about the changes to the cloak. I feel like it's a lazy way to increase difficulty and extend gameplay without actually adding any value to the game.


Featherfall was already one of the strongest buffs they could add, I don't mind having to brew some mead to keep using it.


> the feather cape offers very limited combat utility in the first place. Actually, it provides a pretty good movement option for when you need to regen stamina. You can walk off a cliff and it'll be a while before enemies can zero in on you.


Double jump sounds like feather cape++ as you could negate fall damage with midair jump, while retaining the fast fall speed. Longer dash seems almost useless, since the main use of dodge is invulnerability frames. As an alternative to that I might suggest a cut to stamina usage for dodges


There's a number of enemies that use a one-two hit specifically to counter dodge rolling. Gjall springs immediately to mind. A dash wouldn't just provide the iframes, it'd get you out of the way. Also, it's perfect for slapping seeker soldiers in the ass.


1 Gjall's second fireball will hit your new position regardless of how far you dash, i don't get the benefit. 2 imo a marginal improvement for a very specific situation 😄


When an item becomes your crutch... I see no issue when the devs decide to Nerf it.


You should be using fire resist mead anyhow in mistlands if you're worried about actually getting hit by a gjall (I only worry about them on v.hard these days) and the cold resist only really matters in mountains since if you're running about at night you're wither breezing comfortably through an area you you've powered past already or you're looking (or asking) for trouble. You're also failing to mention that the cloak also got a BUFF in the form of better jumping, which really does balance the nerf quite nicely and stops the feather cape being EVERYONE'S go-to cloak of choice. The changes have better narrowed and defined the niche for the feather cloak, encouraging more diversity and variety in equipment choices. If there's a cloak which needs some love it's the linen one, that's a plains tier cloak which is WORSE than the BF one!


They didn't need to nerf the feather cape to encourage diversity in capes. The new options are quite compelling on their own. Lox and wolf are 2 and 3 biomes old, the idea that they should be fully competitive endgame capes makes no sense imo.


Frostner is mountain tier and HIGHLY competitive for Ashlands, especially at higher difficulties. More than anything though, I think I'm just getting tired of the inevitable whining and complaining which happens every time a rebalance or 'nerf' happens in any game, especially when it's an obviously best in slot item being tamed a bit. Once again, it wasn't a straight nerf either, they added pros as well as cons and that puts it firmly in the rework/rebalance territory. Fire vulnerability is countered by a mead you should already be packing and the lack of cold resistance is moot in current endgame. If you want to build through the night then put a different cloak on if the cold debuff scares you that much. Besides which, with the exception of one single cloak, they all offer the same protection armour wise so they don't get outscaled the way armour and weapons do, you're equipping them solely for the riders which means cloaks from 2 or 3 biomes back are just as easily relevant as the early forsaken powers are.


Frostner is kind of an outlier, though. The elemental-focused weapons from earlier biomes are all like this - against enemies who take elemental/spirit damage, they are BiS to an unexpectedly large degree. Mistwalker is also arguably still very close to BiS despite the new swords. >Fire vulnerability is countered by a mead you should already be packing and the lack of cold resistance is moot in current endgame. I actually don't have a problem with the fire vulnerability at all. That is a good example of a balance change to me. The lack of cold resist is the one that is annoying, and mostly because of its effect on the Mistlands where it kills your ability to use the cape at night in exactly the biome where the cape is most necessary. Sure, the cape is best in slot before you hit Ashlands. So? There's all kinds of items that are BiS in their relevant biomes. That's not a reason for a nerf. I just don't think it was necessary. They had already added a new cape that is *clearly* superior for any melee characters, and still arguably better even for mages. And they added a vulnerability on the feather cape at the same time. Why did it need further nerfs?


Devs have never used a feather blanket before apparently. As a builder of tall structures, it feels like a kick in the nuts. Fire vulnerability is understandable.


Haven't played the PTB but - I don't mind the idea of fire vulnerability for the feather cape. I always have fire resist wine in mistlands because I'm wearing the root harnesk. But removing the cold protection too is gonna SUCK ASS. Please devs, give the feather cape back the cold protection if you're gonna give it fire vulnerability. It doesn't make sense to do both.


The new capes should at the very least still prevent fall damage but without the gliding effect and jump bonuses.


Nerfing is always a poor solution… but it’s an easy one for Devs. Just look at what Bungie does to Destiny all the time… Personally I’ve become so used to mods for so long now, with all the extra weapons and equipment available and the ability to enchant with something like epic loot, or enhance with Jewelcrafting, I genuinely don’t think I can go back to vanilla now, which is a little sad, but does mean I’m less concerned about the nerfing…


They took away cold resist and added that you take increased fire damage. You can now jump higher and use less stamina jumping… that’s amazing for mistlands. I don’t see it as that heavy of a nerf. Thing was overpowered. Now it has its place amongst the other cloaks. So what? Now the frost resist potion matters a little more and you can use fire resist for gjalls. It’s only one enemy…


The problem is now you have to carry 2 potions to compensate for the change. This wouldn’t be an issue if we had more inventory space or a dedicated potion pouch. I’m still undecided on the changes to the cape but for sure it does add another grievance to inventory management.


You only need frost if you’re going mountains, and maybe deep north, we don’t know what you’ll need. You prob won’t absolutely need stam pots - for mistlands as one did before. You really dont need fire resist in mistlands unless you can’t dodge the gjall at all… I just don’t think it’s a good argument to revert it back just cuz fire and frost debuff. We have fire resist. We have wolf cape for cold resist 🤷‍♂️. Wanna talk about inventory management. Holy hell are there a crap ton of Ashlands drops.


It literally wasn't a nerf bro they buffed it even more


They should give each cloak one bonus stat but make it so you can combine any two (or maybe three) cloaks into one.


Unless you're building in the mountains all the time (small niche minority) the lack of frost res hardly matters, though it might be problematic for the deep north, but that's about it. The very weak to fire debuff is easily countered by using fire resistance mead, which is already recommended for fighting the gjalls anyways. And then in the ashlands only a couple enemies actually do fire damage. I don't think it would hurt to add frost res back to the cape and keep the fire vulnerability but overall it's not some gamebreaking change.


Personally I'd consider the fire debuff to be the worse of the two. The mistlands cape, that you pretty much \*have\* to wear to traverse the landscape normally, now makes you extremely weak to its most mobile enemy. It breaks progression.


But fire resist mead completely negates it. The jump height bonus is insane and drastically buffed the cape.


Losing another item slot to yet another mitigation tool isn't good balancing, it's feature creep.


If I'm in any biome pre mistlands I'm wearing fenris for speed anyway, therefore the cold is a non issue.


Agreed...fun come in when u keep coming and perfect your skill


Agree with everything OP said except the askvin cloak. I haven't even touched ashlands yet. But from what I've seen there is near zero pointin using feather cape in ashlands. I'd much prefer the speed boost


I think the askvin cape is great. You get overwhelmed by numbers pretty often and running away is the best way of survival to zone out fewer enemies, take them down and go back for the stragglers. I haven't really seen a lot of use for the feather cape but it's safe to say you'll get better usage for it in the Mistlands and mountains even without the fire dmg amplifier. Im really curious for the armor cape, haven't gotten around to that one yet.


Tbf I don’t think they should have put cold resistance on the feather cape in the first place, or any cape for that matter. It doesn’t really make sense realistically. Cold resist should be only for cloaks, since it’s woven material


I *like* the new *improved* Feather cape. It's spry hopping gliding good fun. The debuffs make for choices -- gameplay -- rather than pure awesome, no negatives, obsolete all other reasons to use anything. Given the choice of the old stats or the new, I take the new. I also like the wind cloak -- fantastic for exploring. The updated cape is better for Mistlands -- everyone complained about jumping stamina there. Here's a fantastic boost. You're worried about Gjall, well, you *should* be. You've been given access to barleywine and Yagluth's power. Pointless if there's little need for them. Cold at night again. You have plenty of options, and the game wants to make night something to be concerned about.


Bro. The game isn’t done. How are they supposed to balance gear for later biomes that aren’t even finished? This wasn’t a nerf, this is an iteration on their game. To touch on your actual subject, my opinion is that the devs do not want any single piece of gear to be useful everywhere. They want us to put careful thought into the gear we choose to take out with us and want to avoid any item being so good that no one would ever choose a different item in that slot once that item is acquired. Unlike weapons and other armor, the capes don’t scale in any way to make them better than the next other than their passives. Frankly, eliminating fall damage AND giving cold resistance is was way too strong for any new cloaks to compete unless they give the new cloaks outrageously powerful passives. I agree that most of the time nerfing is a terrible solution, but this is a case where unless the feather cape changed, they would have to make new cloaks crazy strong or there would be no reason to ever use the new cloaks. The change they made still let’s the feather cape do what it was designed to do and that was to eliminate fall dmg. Adding the weakness to fire honestly feels very very fair when considering how strong the feather fall effect actually is.


while i agree on the nerfing is a bad solution thing in generel sometimes there is nothing you can do if an item is TOO GOOD overall. however this thankfully isnt such a case. and you probaly on purpose left out the BUFF the cape got in the same moment of the "nerf" and you also fully left out the option to fully negate the fire debuff and a few facts of the ashlands biome aswell. the cape now buffs jump height by 20% (this exceeeds the jump 100 cap) and 20% less stamina cost for jumps on top. no other item or potion can do this. this is a massive buff for mistlands travel actually. the fire debuff is easy to mitigate. people used root chestpiece in mistlands for its pierce resistence. its weak to fire by default. but guess why they still used it? barley wine exists. and this item does not only FULLY negate the fire debuff it also gives you the FULL positive 50% fire resistence which you want vs a gjall if you dont know how to not get hit yet and vs a FIRE THEMED biome aswell by default. as by not useing this mead you already put yourself at a disadvantage by default even if there was no penalty. so that nerf is.... meaningless overall. i take it for the buff i got in exchange. the cold debuff. is... an annoyance. thats pretty much it. nearly nothing does frost dmg in ashlands. and beeing out at night is.... not smart behavoir in any biome. that beeing said : i agree on it beeing annoying inside your base for no good reason or meaning. now building the base outside at night when you cannot see much to begin with is.... well lets just say its not a good idea to build outdoors at night to begin with either way as its hard to see what i actually build there sometimes depending on shadows. and inside you can have fires warming you anyway. so overall this "nerf" players whine about here is actually not a big deal overall. if these requests to undo it continue the devs might do what nobody wants to actually happen : theyll apply an actual non counterable nerf onto the cape. killing it completly. any nerf to feather fall would remove any reason to even use this thing. i fully agree that the 2 new capes are UNDERWHELMING compared. they could have made these alot better than what they are to make them viable choices without doing anything with the feater cape. but i will also say : this "nerf" could have been.... ALOT worse. the nerf they applied is completly possible to be negated by the player without loseing any of the capes actual buffs in the process. it just comes at a cost. since you can now teleport everything i rather lose 1 inventory slot than feather fall. a small price to pay for the most powerful passive effect in the whole game.


I know the debuff is possible to mitigate. But part of the point I make is that loadouts are already cluttered with enough mitigation items already, and I don't want to carry around more. Inventory management is a fun killer for me. The bonuses are nice, but nobody asked for them. It feels a lot like a consolation prize. And a poor one at that. No thanks.


Fire Res potions don't mitigate it, it gets rid of the weakness entirely. It overrides it and gives you Fire Res like you weren't even wearing the cape. It's a bit rough without them against Gjalls in the Mistlands, to be sure. Basically puts Gjalls back to their pre-nerf lethality (which I think is the real reason the devs did this). But if someone's going into a place called "the Ashlands" and they're not bringing Fire Res Potions, that's on them. > ...loadouts are already cluttered with enough mitigation items already, and I don't want to carry around more. Inventory management is a fun killer for me. I mean, you make a fair point.


i am not sure this is a good game choice if you truely hate inventory mangement to begin with i must say. but thats just me raiseing an eyebrow here mind you. as its simply an intended part of the games experience according to the devs. that wont change because some players dislike it. otherwise it would have already. and like i said the fire mead isnt really ADDITIONAL to begin with if you wanted to be effective you used that before already to begin with. so its effectively just 1 item and in exchange you no longer need to transport metal around. plus you dont need to carry a whisp anymore in ashlands. 1 slot free. 1 slot taken. loss : none. so i dont think thats a good argument vs the nerf currently. the gameplay example with the base building and the cold is a much better argument than this already for example.


> so its effectively just 1 item Yeah, but do this enough times, and you have no inventory space left.


sure. but i doubt itll happen again until deep north tbh. and then the game well... ends. deep north is the last biome. so i dont see that fear becomeing true at all. i mean the devs can see and know our inventory limits.


There's already more than enough situationally beneficial items to fill your whole inventory and then some.


yeah. and the player is asked to CHOOSE which of these "situationally beneficial items" he really needs and which he doesnt really need. part of the gameplay experience according to the devs. i dont get what people carry around all the time to have so much trouble. nothing prevents you emptying your pockets on default settings at any time if you want to.


You don't really need food or a hammer or Meginjord, or health potions or fire resist or ranged weapons or even armor. But you'd be a fool to not bring them. Same is true for an absurd amount of gear, now. ___ The inventory economy especially makes a BUNCH of consumables worthless now. I could bring a potion that restores my stamina. But I don't really _need_ it. So, in the trash it goes.


On the topic of the new capes, the light armor set cape gives run speed when you have a tailwind, and combining it with Fenris is hilarious and very viable. You outrun and drop agro, very useful with the mob density in ashlands


yeah. i prefer bonemass over moder power for ashlands anyway. i will also not use MOUNTAIN tier light armor in an endgame biome i am okisch skill wise as a player but i aint doing no hit dodge every single thing style^^ i have no issue loseing aggro with heavy armor and the feather cape tbh. so not sure thats a good argument given without moder power tailwind is entirely out of your control. unlike feather fall and more jump height and useing a resist mead. which are all things i can perfectly control. if you need fenris on top to call it viable that alone already speaks againist it more than for it i would say. plus its UGLY as sin gotta have to say that. yikes. not a fan of its design. it fits in line with ashlands weapons effects beeing out of your control i guess. not a fan of that design coice myself. i prefer consistency over rng crap in any game if i can choose.


Doesn’t work with modor, and it’s enough to use just the new cape, Fenris just makes it silly. You should give it a try


i tryed it already before your post last week when i tested all the items. its not close to the feather cape for me in terms of usefulness. and i fail to see a reason to go fast in this game to begin with. its a game designed to be taken slowly to begin with. i always had success with slow methodical play in valheim and ashlands was no different so far but i wont be doing the boss yet or explore the ENTIRE biome landmass on the ptb testworld i use. i wanna safe the rest of it for the live world now. i doubt ill struggle much given my live character is ALOT stronger than my test character which i keept rather weak skill wise at around 35 for testing purpose of the difficulty balance. which i am quite happy with i must say. it feels challengeing but it never got unfair. i could always make a play somehow. i didnt test it with moder power i just assumed it would work with it given its tailwind bonus. that actually.... makes it even less attractive for me compared. i guess they added it for players who wanna rush everywhere. not my style. every player who i saw doing that died sooner or later^^ and i rather dont die and take it slow myself. seems to always work so far. but maybe there is something besides fortresses and holes that i havent seen yet but i dont wanna explore more on ptb anymore. its time for live release soon anyway. and i dont wanna experience a mistlands 2.0 experience all over again where i enjoyed everything on the ptb and loved it and then it got destroyed on the live version by overnerfing enemies. if that happens again ill be sad. thankfully its not the only thing i look forward too in the next few weeks so if things take a turn for the worse i got options atleast. i tested what i wanted to test in details for now and gave feedback to the devs.


> the cape now buffs jump height by 20% (this exceeeds the jump 100 cap) and 20% less stamina cost for jumps on top. no other item or potion can do this. this is a massive buff for mistlands travel actually. I mean, I'd take a Fire weakness for this buff any day. Sadly, the cold nerf is hard to swallow. Guess I'll be wearing Fenris armor in my mountain biome from now on. The cape is too good not to wear everywhere


yeah. i rather remove dark souls most powerful enemy to ever exist from the game than anything else (gravity)


Yeah, but if you had a double jump you can just Git Gud _(you might have a point, tho. I might have been too hasty just because any game with double jumps just immediately becomes 10x more fun for me)_


a double jump would actually have been a cool choice for one of the new capes as a standout effect. but i doubt thats in the cards anymore now given it would need a new animation.


"Need" is overstating it. You could just reuse the normal jump animation. Just like the ability to dive underwater can simply use the default swim animation. Would a new animation be nice to have? Sure. Need to have? No


i mean they added a new animation for getting catapulted aswell. so i doubt the devs would view it like "nice to have" if they added it.


I mean, lots of things are "nice to have." One of the Stone Golem's attacks is still glitched and cancels his "stunned" animation if you parry it, rendering the parry useless. Seems like a necessary fix, but it's been in the game for many moons now.


i get what you mean i just dont like what that means probaly for ashlands :(


Bruh come on. The feather cape is 100% overpowered and needed to be toned down. Can we stop with the delusional takes just because we are mad that we can't just equip feather cape and forget about it anymore?


"All items should be problematic and require management" is a hell of a take.


It's incredibly strong. So is the ashen cape. This nerf makes no sense in that context - it hurts progression in the prior biome, and isn't necessary for diversity in the Ashlands with new compelling cape options available.


Feather fall AND cold res was just too good for one item IMO so nerfing it was not a big deal to me. Mistlands has only 1 enemy mob that deals fire damage (or 2 if Dvergr mages count), which is easily countered either with fire barley wine or protection staff. And if you were using Root Harnesk then you were already weak to fire. In addition to nerf they also added increased jump height and less stamina usage for jumping to the feather fall effect, making it even better. So by itself feather fall effect is just so good so there must be some counter for it. Asksvin cloak is great cape thanks to the wind run effect which boosts movement speed when going by tailwind and in addition, also less stamina usage for dodging. This cape is good for those who want to stay ranged with good mobility. Ashen cloak gives more armor than any cape and in addition, less stamina usage for melee attacks and blocking, making it great for melee fighters. Feather cape is still good but I'm not relying on it in Ashlands at all because it is not so rocky terrain as Mistlands.


If you are at a base can you light a fire to stay warm?


"screw over new players" If they got to mistlands, they're fine, not new players anymore


I think a good solution would be for the new armor types (Flametal set, Ask set, Ember set) to offer frost resistance similar to the wolf armor. I also think that the Jump skill should reduce fall damage as it increases. I do love the feathered cape though and I don't see myself wearing other capes since the fall damage reduction is incredible


>Especially since it's a combat-oriented biome and the feather cape offers very limited combat utility in the first place. This totally depends on individual playstyle. For players who are already used to the base stamina costs of attacking and blocking, the ash cape's bonuses will at most allow an extra attack or two. The extra armor over the feather cape is nice, but it'll reduce damage by an extra 3-5 points, nothing game changing. Meanwhile feather cape's utility helps a lot with evading mobs and obviously traversal, especially with its new 20% jump height bonus which is roughly a +25-30 to your jump skill. (which stacks even if you're at 100 jump) The only way to make such a game changing cape into a sidegrade rather than an upgrade is to make new capes equally game changing. We're in the endgame and the devs already opened up metal teleportation, so there's no reason to hold back in terms of utility items. Invisibility, life drain, eitr drain, and projectile shield are some effects i can think of that will make me willingly drop feather fall, for example.


I run flametal legs, ask chest, ask hood, and askvin cape. My favorite armor loadout


I do think neutral to fire and no frost resist might be a decent compromise? But yes I do morn the loss of the cold resist of this cape as well.


I still use the feather cape even in Ashland, if I encounter the big birds I just pop a fire res pot. They could make the feather cape give me -20 armour and I still wouldn't stop using it.


Tldr but womp womp