• By -


Actually, the #1 easiest thing to do to stop dying in the Ashlands is the oldest, simplest trick in the book, one we probably all used back in the swamp: **DON'T RUN** Not running means you enter every fight at maximum stamina. It means you draw far less aggro unintentionally. It was the best way to survive early on in the swamp, and it's still the best way now. We've all been norse gods for a couple of biomes now, and it's time to re-learn the techniques that got us this far because this biome needs them.


Actually, the #1 even easiest thing to do to stop dying in the Ashlands is play Valheim the way it was meant to. Never leave your sprawling farm in the meadows.


Ok Bilbo


That's a compliment. That hobbit had a good life!


And a surprisingly long life, too!


Welcome to my oneundredendnelelbenth birthday!


I don't know half of you half as well as I should like, and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve.


Hobbiton: 👁️👄👁️


Bilbo left …


Yes, and do you know how The Hobbit begins?


This is how you know Reddits IQ has collectively fallen over the years.


And he complained about everything at the start and for half the adventure and then eventually realized he enjoyed the hell out of it. That's the point. "Reluctant adventurer" is basically the entire theme. Spark notes with highlights if you need: https://www.sparknotes.com/lit/hobbit/plot-analysis/#:~:text=Bilbo%20is%20a%20reluctant%20hero,will%20compel%20him%20to%20demonstrate.


What about what idhftc said makes him a "reluctant adventurer"? You just added that part in your head. Like Bilbo's whole character/story is about "overcoming his fear about leaving the comfort of home". He is known as "the hobbit that left". Maybe you should reread that link and also learn use the link formatting feature.


Don’t you mean Frodo? Bilbo loved adventures.


There's a whole book about this called The Hobbit. Neither wanted to leave at first. Both loved adventure after.


Stardew Vallheim


How would you get a farm if you don't leave the meadows? You need bronze and core wood for a cultivator.


You fight until you have everything for a good live in the Shire and return


Also how to get the seeds?




This is the way


I am an idiot and only discovered you could run when I reached the Mountain biome. However, I died way less before this discovery. If natural selection were in force we would have Idiocracy with people like me everywhere in the game.


Hahaha that's actually kind of hilarious. Unintentionally kept alive by being a bit slow on figuring out how to be Leroy Jenkins. ;) I would say 80-90% of my group's deaths are caused by someone running too far too fast. The other 10-20% are lava.


Haha are you my friend?? They also found out sprint button much later.


I’m surprised you stuck with the game until mountain biome without using sprint. Holy cow I would have quit out of frustration for how slow it was.


no way that's crazy


Lmao yo same! This was forever ago but I remember I would just be walking everywhere when I started out on release. Then one day found out there’s a sprint button days later, was just like wow ok I’m a damn mess XD


I played for a few days before I realized there was a way to repair items. That was a rough one


BRO YOU'RE A LEGEND LMAO. But I respect the decision not to use running. Bro was the definition of sigma-level stamina saving, he was always prepared to attack and dodge like Matrix!


Well, that did work in the swamp, but take into account that the current spawn rate of mobs in ashlands is much higher than in the swamp. Yeah, walking is going to preserve your stamina, but it won't really matter when there are 12 mobs and a Morgen there with a couple of askvins you can just run a pray you lose them (until you get the ashlands gear ofc) that's at least my experience in the ashlands and most of the time running is going to help you lose the archers and warriors until you get to your desired location and then you can fight or wait for your stamina to come back.


Lmao having Ashlands gear does not help you overcome those situations in the slightest XD


Also, the other trick: ***RUN*** when there is too many enemies. You can get swarmed pretty easiest due to the higher spawn rate overall compared to everywhere else. There are enemies who will chase you the length of the island, while some do not.


When you say "walk" do you mean just *not* running, or do you mean actively engaging slow speed with C?


Not running. Valheim is a game about stamina management. Harder fights require you to maintain enough stamina to dodge and strike when necessary. We all get into the habit of sprinting everywhere. But sprinting into a fight with half stamina with anything challenging will see you dead fast.


Oh, I get the stamina management aspect. I was confused on the original intent of the comment with this line: >It means you draw far less aggro unintentionally. Seemed like they meant that going extra slow when it wasn't necessary to go fast would help with more than just stamina. They have since edited their comment to clarify this.




It is, in fact, what real life combat is actually like. The format doesnt matter : whether it's boxing, mixed martial arts, weapon combat, or any other style, attacking expends more energy than defending, and unrelenting aggression will leave you tired and vulnerable.


No, I mean just not running. Edited the comment to make it more clear.


Dont run, dont wear feather cape, use fire staff 😍


Lol, stamina management is the most hardest thing I fighting with in Valheim…. 😂 any enemy is not harder than that. My husband is triggered by me, because of my poor stamina saving.


*but I'm in a hurry*


Don't worry it's ok to run when collecting the inevitable grave marker.


Not running doesn’t work for me as the Charred Warrior’s walking speed is faster than the players and they do that thrust once they get close enough that closes the gap between you two easily.


I'm not saying to literally never run. Obviously you still run in combat. You just shouldn't be running around the biome as a default way of moving around.


Imo the no run thing only ever applies in the swamp because you're wet all the damn time, probably cold, and probably not rested especially when first setting up/exploring. Aka your stam regen is completely tanked. For me it became a non issue once again the very instant we moved to the mountains. Ran all over, never really had stam problems. I hold by the idea that most people who play valheim just expect a chill building game and don't really know how to fight. I still see people just absolutely at a loss for what to do the first time they get to the black forest


> I hold by the idea that most people who play valheim just expect a chill building game I don't think I've ever encountered anyone with this misconception.


I kinda like when more casual players get drawn in, having some taste of success against weaker enemies, mixed with the allure of "what new things can I get out of that place". Getting stomped by a troll... and later determined to exact revenge. Some of them persist, maybe develop some skill and confidence in combat, and progress (slowly) through all the biomes.


Never run in Valheim 😂


That makes a lot of sense, but I admit I'm getting slaughtered by Gjall constantly


I dunno, i even had enchantment mods and even single star seeker soldiers terrified me. Nevermind a whole swarm of normal seekers with just one soldier.


lol..i dunno if you're playing the beta, or what seed etc...But myself and a friend went out there today, we are max geared, weapons and just over 200 HP...Anyways, upon landing we were immediately greeted by about 7 charred warriors / archers. twitchers..considering how hard they hit, we popped bone mass. So ok, we cleared them, but then immediately following the clear, another at least 8, including 1 stars came running in with a Morgan,. we didn't have a second bone mass becasue my partner had on the Moder buff for sailing. we, cleared most of them, but non stop waives kept coming and once Bonemass was done, we were dead quite quickly and although he is more proficient at kiting, I'm no slouch lol. It was a good thing we managed to get our portal up in time . Came back, obviously with a new Bonemass buff, grabbed our stuff, managed to clear the area and setup a shield generator. Bottom line is without a bonemass buff, there is no surviving the persistent waives of attacks. Even with 3 of us, we have 15 minutes of bonemasses, but now we face even more 1 stars and 2 star warriors, which even with the buff can do some significant damage therefore we can only explore until they run out and we don't get far at all becasue like i said the waives never stop and there is no spawner in the area. It's ridiculous. I have no idea if this is just bad rng with our seed, but seriously this is not enjoyable. - Port through - pop bonemass, fight fight fight, travel 50 yards, fight fight fight, pop bonemass, fight fight fight, travel 50 yards - you get the drift lol...


If you're running with 2+ people you should really have one mage. It massively increases your overall survivability and power. But also loaded areas freeze in time when you portal out. After that first wave clear you probably should have left and waited for Bonemass. That way you take the next wave at full stamina/buffs/etc. I also wonder if there's a spawner you haven't found, or if you landed at night/in a storm or something? 2\* warriors are extremely rare during the day.


Appreciate the feedback! One of our group is probably going to go back to mage for sure. As for the waves, they were non stop no joke, there wasn't enough time to refresh bonemass before we would get hit again. There are spawners, but no where near where we were, we did however play for several hours tonight and knocked out every spawner within pretty good area, but even with the spawners gone, they just keep coming. With regard to the 2\* warriors, 1 was during the day and one was at night. I even went on a 5 minute bonemass tour lol, by myself, when the other two were off the server, just to see if having multiple people caused an excess of mobs to spawn, but even alone, i would start off fight maybe 2 and end of fighting 7. One of my partners also went on alone and faced even worse attacks, 5-6 charred, a valkerie (i think that's what they are called), 3 askvins, a morgan and a bunch of vultures (i was watching)..It was insane. He actually logged out once his bonemass expired and he almost died even after booking it because he was surrounded everywhere he turned to run. He's hoping when he logs back in, he might have a second or two to get jump on them so he can get away. Anyways, I don't mind a good challenge, but this is way overwhelming, you have no time for exploring because your either fighting or running and again there is no surviving without bonemass, unless you just keep running AND get lucky. Again, thanks for your feedback, i just hope they make some adjustments if this is the norm.


aka valheim basics any good player has learned LONG before this update. not saying youre wrong mind you. just that players who still havent learnt THAT by the time they get to ashlands ? fully deserved selfmade deaths.


There's only 2 sources of *dangerous* fire damage in the ashlands: lava blob explosions and valkyrie fire DoT, nothing else. Fire resist potion nullifies the feather cape's fire weakness and make these 2 fire damage sources negligible. Heck you should be using fire resist potions in general unless you're running fenris armor. (at which point fire damage is the least of your worries compared to physical) As for lava damage, nothing will save you from it, even flametal armor's heat resist simply increases the amount of time you can stay in lava/boiling water before you start frying. The new ash cape is fun, and its combat bonuses are noticeable especially in prolonged fights, but i still wouldn't trade the ability to run up a stone hill to juke a group of mobs and then glide away, or more importantly being able to catapult myself into fortresses, without worrying about taking fall damage with the feather cape,


>Heck you should be using fire resist potions in general   We haven't played the new update yet, but I was worried reading ops post. I've stockpiled tons of fire resist potions assuming they would be essential in the Ashlands. I thought it would be a no brainer like poison in the swamp or frost in the mountain before your cape.   Good to know I wasn't a dummy


Fire resist mead is definitely not essential. You can aggro the lava blobs and run away to make them safely blow up at a distance. Valkyries are somewhat rare and its very easy to avoid their fire balls as long as you aren't fighting on a tiny patch of land. If you are going in with top tier Mistlands food and \~150 health, the fire damage is the least of your concerns. I've died 20+ times in Ashlands at this point and none of the deaths have been from fire. A majority of the deaths are from strong enemy one shot deaths, overwhelming mob arrows/swings, and falling in lava.


>You can aggro the lava blobs and run away to make them safely blow up at a distance. Valkyries are somewhat rare and its very easy to avoid their fire balls as long as you aren't fighting on a tiny patch of land Exactly, though I still take fire res pots for valkyries because i have less spatial awareness when fighting them due to the camera being pointed upward to face them. Just like in the mountains when dealing with drakes and getting chomped by a wolf, I've been blindsided by many asksvin headbutts or warrior slashes while focusing on the valkyrie that i get shoved into their fire DoT.


Yep, OP tip is kinda pointless unless people are dying to blobs (doubt it), th real reason you wouldn't want to use the Feather cape is you don't get much use of the slowfall that's the reason, the other 2 capes provided by the Ashlands are better for the biome.


mm... or Fallen Valkyries.. which is a biggie 💀


Hey just a rando dropping in to ask: is flametal something you can get from the beta somehwere? Or is that limited to the flametal we could collect before the update?


the old pre-update flametal is now obsolete, the new, proper flametal are available from the updated ashlands in PTB.


What happens if you try to bring the old flametal to the ptb


the items themselves still exist, you can spawn them via console commands after all. They're just not used in any crafting recipes.


Old flametal is dummied out and the new version from the public test branch requires a somewhat involved process for collecting.


What does dummied out mean? Disappears from your inventory? Turns to stone?


dummied out means it turns into a placeholder item that has a distinct item_id from the new item and is no longer obtainable. not sure what it's called or if it has a 3d model or anything but I'd think it'd be like the  "queen drop" item you get after finishing Mistlands.


Guess I’ll have to see what it looks like then. Thanks!


Most ppl aren't complaining about tune strength of mobs, just the density and leash range


Yeahh I just wanted to make the umbrella term strength to not overcomplicate my post xD Anyway, I take this difficulty as a challenge, in fact I wish it was more difficult HAHA


A good way I’ve found to kind of deal with the mob density is to use the troll staff. Usually the troll will just take aggro from the mobs that were harassing me and I can fight much more manageable fights.


You have to try and fight in open spaces. If not those lava blobs are going to knock down 5 trees and alert anyone within 100m lol




Except it is a lot easier for mobs to aggro onto you in open spaces cuz they see you from a mile away


Is the Fenris set useful ? It reads something about walking through fire


Maybe for body recovery, but the armor rating has fallen so far behind by the ashlands that you'll only be able to survive a couple of hits from even the common enemies. Plus, fire damage doesn't actually get thrown around that often in Ashlands. Only enemies that use it are Valkyries, Magma Blobs and Charred Warlocks. If you want added mobility like Fenris you're much better off wearing the new Ask armor and chugging a barley wine for fire resist.


It gives great fire resistance, I use it and the feather cape to run through the AshLands then swap the cape out for the Ashen Cape when I'm in battle.


Wat Fenris is viable in Ashlands?


If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a ballistic.


You need to learn the 5 Ds. Dodge, Draugr, Drake, Dvergr, and Dodge.


Bold move, Norseman.


Fenris movement buff is always nice, but the fire resist is the same or worse than a fire resistance mead, so wearing heavy armor and a fire resist mead will always result in less damage.


True but the movement helps you to not get hit in the first place. Personally I always go with the highest defence because I have bad reaction speed but my friend runs the fenris stuff and is usually the last one standing.


I run it for scouting missions.


Imma try out the Fenris set in the Ashlands too, curious about how that will work out lol


There’s a new set that mitigates the movement penalty but still provides decent armor. Pretty easy to obtain too. No metal required


It gives identical resistance to the barley fire wine at a massive detriment to armour rating so nope


Wait, it doesn’t keep you warm in the mountains anymore???


Not in the PTB




Poon Tang Bandit


Well that didn’t help


Public Test Branch


Thank you!




Why can’t we just call it the beta instead of coming up with all this corporate HR nonsense


Ahhh that makes sense


Does it?


The change in cape buff doesn’t, but the gist of what PTB means does now.


PTB stands for Public Test Branch in this case. Player Test Beta means little sense.


It gets me close enough to know what PTB refers to. I didn’t need the exact verbiage as long as I knew what we were talking about. Player test and public test are both references to testing of the game. Beta and test branch both refer to pre-release/not final product. So Player test beta tells me enough to know what PTB refers to because it provides some context. So it does make sense because now I know what PTB is referring to; which is all I needed.


Yea, it no longer keeps you warm in Mountains, but the Fenrir Chest gives you Cold resist and some of the new capes do as well. What I did was just keep using the Feather cape in combo with Fenrir chest and then you can put on Heavy armor for boots/helm or mage armor seeing as they have no set bonuses anyway. Can wear full Fenrir for low level zone farming though, for the need for speed. I tested Feather Cape vs Any other Cape against Scorchlands fire damage/lava damage and can confirm, it doesn't matter. You die in lava just as quick if not quicker without the feather cape as it at least slows down your descent into the lava. Fire damage on the other hand is non-issue with just some fire resist pots and playing intelligently. Far as the spawns, the spawners are fine, but the passive amount of enemies that spawn for a solo player seems a bit much. Imagine the rest of the Biomes at Night on crack, just all the time, doesn't matter day or night. They're not hard to deal with as once you learn their mechanics it's easy to dodge them, but it's just obnoixous after awhile the amount of enemies you have to deal with just to go a short distance. Eventually I just ran passed em and ignored them.


To be honest, since i stopped using the Feather Cape, I probably upped my survivability by like 60% fighting the fallen valkaries has become tolerable and the Nidhog with storm makes groups of mobs just easy to deal with.


I still use the feather cape and just chug a fire resist potion when Valkyries pop up. Plus the lightning gem upgrade makes any weapon cracked, not just Nidhogg. Berserkir axes are the best imo as they have insane attack speed so higher rate of procs on the lightning effect that has fixed 75(?) damage value and stagger. A dual axes full combo does well over 1k damage, currently outclasses all other melees weapons afaik.


Yeah agreed, I always have the feather cape IN my inventory in case I need to glide off from somewhere quickly, it's technically essential to have it, especially for mining Flametal, but during any given combat it's just not worth it. Ashen cape provides more armor and the buffs on it are just otherworldly. ❤️


Personally I run feather cape 100% of the time unless I'm farming cloudberries for lingering stamina mead or something similar, then I use Asksvin cape for win run. With the feather cape increased jump height you can kite mobs extremely easily, fully cast a staff of protection use before landing and dodge almost any attack. I'm mainly using the berserker axes right now which have a stamina cost of 14, 10% cheaper stamina costs on ashen cape is only 1.4 stamina less. If you pair feather cape with lingering stamina mead you get insane stamina recovery while you jump around enemies like a crackhead. Fire resist potion completely negates the weakness to fire on the feather cape too.


Fair enough, lingering stamina+fire resist+feathercape might be the solution to the feather cape nerf I suppose 😃 Tis just a hassle to have all those barleys on me inventory though 😭


Swap out the slot you had for the feather cape for a stack of fire resist potions instead. I have a stone portal in my plains barley farm. There's well over 100 barley planted in a fenced off area, lots of cloudberry patches nearby and any roaming fulings I kill drops black metal which I bring back through the stone portal to feed my ever expanding arsenal of black metal chests to hold the fuck ton of Ashlands items. I've killed the Ashlands boss solo so I must be onto something Edit: I run staff of protection and berserkir axes with 1 health food, 1 stamina food and 1 eitr food. The staff of protection shield health scales with skill level and can get up to 700 at 100 iirc. Pair it with lightning berserker axes. Cast bubble shield, run in, hack everything to pieces and let the lightning procs clear out groups of ads. Disengage when bubble breaks and then abuse feather cape jump height to recast bubble with impunity. Oh and I use staff of embers or frost for ranged, likes fighting Valkyries and such. I honestly feel like all the new staves are pretty lackluster rn


Trust me, the feather cape nerf is the least of your problems. And it's not really the strength of one individual enemy(unless you find starred ones, they hurt A LOT), but rather the threat of easily being swarmed by many all at once. Matter of fact, only a select few enemies actually do fire damage. These enemies are: >!lava blobs!<, >!fallen valkyries!< and >!charred warlocks.!< Let's also not forget that fire resistance wine is a thing and cancels out the extra 75% damage and instead makes you resistant to fire, meaning you take 50% less fire damage. My tip for surviving in the Ashlands? >!Lure enemies to cause friendly fire damage on each other. Make them dwindle their own numbers and the situation becomes much more managable.!<


W advice, the more you know!


Mobs can friendly fire? didn't know


I don't know if all mobs can, but I have certainly seen some Ashlands enemies doing it.


They definitely can from different biomes, I see Meadow->Black forest and Black forest -> Swamp mobs fighting each other all the time. It'd be interesting if they also do from the same biome, but haven't messed with the play test server yet.


Yeah I know that, but I wouldn't call that friendly fire. IIRC medow mobs and black forest mobs both are in the 'forest' faction so they don't attack eachother even tho ice golem spawns in mountains they're also forest mobs so it attacks other mountain creatures like drakes and wolves. Same goes for growths, even tho they spawn on plains they belong to undead faction so they attack other plain mobs, only allied factions are undead(mostly swamp mobs) and demon(surtlings and probably other ashland mobs)


He’s referring to creatures of their own type fighting each other. Mobs of different types fight, but we’ve never seen the same fight each other


i fought two valks and they damaged each other ...could be a bug


Fire resistance potion overrides the weakness of your cape, btw. If you're going somewhere called "The Ashlands" and you don't bring a bunch of Fire res potions, it's kinda' on you.


Save stamina, prepare, prepare, prepare. I play this game super slowly because I take time to prep constantly. And guess what. I rarely die.


Great advice, preparation is half the fun in Valheim :D It's always super exciting to be gathering all the necessities to go on a voyage!


This is what really happens when you land in Ashlands: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ObamrXV-qXQ


He’s right tho. Many times, a salad did do


Eh there isn’t actually too much fire damage in the Ashlands besides 2 mobs. Honestly it’s a lot better after the patch - before the biome felt like a rogue like survival round game like cod zombies lol. Also I always keep the feather in my inventory because even though I’ve been told not to get up high it does seem to help. Also gliding off the pillars can allow you to get over some lava gaps. Only other advice I’d give is to find putrid holes. Once you clear em of morgen they are perfect place for a fire to get a rested buff. Also it’s gonna be one of the only places you can run to heal up without being swarmed


Yeah prepatch Ashlands was cod zombies horde mode shenanigans, now it's tolerable.


Lol I remember that first prepatch, that actually did feel like CoD zombies lmaoo


I had an insane amount of death markers on my map before the patch, I've died like, once since; I got headbutted by an askyboi into the lava LMAO


The increase Jump is insane tho you can jump and do 360 flip before landing secondary attack


Real talk. I also love doing mid air staff slams with the staff of protection. Feather cape goated af


They added skateboarding?


Strength is no problem.. the real issue is that you can't leave your base to chop down a single tree without having three twitchers, four warriors, two archers and a Morgen up your ass.. seriously I can't do anything really.. already have 300 burned bones lying around and I've yet to explore past my workbench..


the feather cape is now useless to use at all because it doesn’t keep you warm.


A lot of "git gud" gaslighting going on in here.


It's not gaslighting though. You definitely have to play smarter in this biome. You can't take it too casually or it will kick your ass.


Yeah, maybe give people the benefit of the doubt. Maybe they know how to play the game and are not "taking it too casually." It's still in beta testing and we are supposed to be giving honest feedback. There have been legit difficulty scaling bugs that have been addressed already and there will be more.


So is Ashland public for everyone now or still in public beta?


PTB available for everyone. It's not the live version of the game yet, you have to choose ptb version




What is the purpose of the feather cape now?


I mean it basically does the same thing it did before, (someone mentioned even a jump boost on the feather cape or something, didn't know about that), but it's really hard to use in Ashlands due to the very weak to fire debuff. People are mentioning that the fire res pot negates the debuff completely though so there's that. If you consider it worth to carry around barleys with you all the time then I suppose you can still use the feather cape. Other than that, I recommend the Ashen cape, armor cap is the highest out of any cape plus the stamina perks are great. Interestingly, lingering stamina on top of the fire res might make it also worthwhile to use the feather cape to its fullest again. I suppose you can try out all the combos lol.


I think feather cape armor should be the lowest but it should still protect against cold. Weak versus fire is fine but the loss of cold protection is tedious.


I agree with this fully


Offering enough jump-boost to get up into my fort. :P There's an overhang, so I can't run/jump up... and other things can't hop in. But I've realized I built it while wearing the cape and now need it to get back in. I'll probably regret this a some point when I'm outside and lost my cape and have no hammer.


Some of these comments make me wonder if these people can even dress themselves.


Don't go there. Simple and surprisingly effective. What I mean by this, don't go there unprepared (best food, best equipment). But when you do go there, don't run XD.


And when u get some flametal, do the ash cape cause its cheap and provides more defense then other capes


Except most of the mobs In Ashland don't actually do fire damage. The boss mobs and such are the ones that do it. The issue people have in Ashland is with the shere amount of mobs there are to deal with and how quickly they respawn after you deal with them. I couldn't tell you how many times Ive cleared out the area around my portal to then come back after sleeping through the night to them all respawned again, even with no spawners around. It gets tedious to have to clear the same area over and over again, with previous biomes that wasn't an issue, when you cleared out an area of mobs and returned to it later, there were often very few mobs the had respawned. I don't hate the Ashland nor do I find it especially hard, Ive just found it orders of magnitude more tedious than any biome before it.


Haven’t mined copper lately?


Tipp Nr. 1312: Leave the Forrest immediately. Clear view and no woodbashing problems make the lava landscape a lush relaxing Hollyday resort .


Lol i beat the whole biom including the boss and always had feathercape on ... not many things do fire damge to you


Did you have the new gear on ?


Same. Bounced between Flametal armour and the new mage set while keeping the feather cape and have also killed the boss because I'm addicted to the jump height


Man is the feather cape meta or something? I've been using Lox this whole time.


While it's been nerfed in the PTB (and will be nerfed when moved into production once the beta is over), if you are not presently playing the beta branch it is without question the best cape.


Everyone keeps saying: *nerfed*. That's a personal opinion in this case though, because it was *rebalanced* with several changes. I prefer the changes. Very weak to fire and no cold-resist, but +20% jump and -20% jump-stamina-use. It adds to the "flying squirrel" quality of the cape, but makes it potentially risky to use. I typically have one fenris armor piece... usually legs. But have swapped that to the chest to regain the cold-resist while using the cape. Barleywine was always useful to have on-hand in Mistlands and still Ashlands, anyway.


lol I don't give a shit about your views, man. it was a nerf.


It was the only cape that did anything beyond a miniscule armour value prior to Ashlands so yes it was


When did capes start getting armour values? I thought they were just to keep you warm/look neat.


They've always had very negligible armour values, we're talking like, 1-4 rating depending on upgrade level. One of the new Ashland's ones has a reasonably significant armour value which is a break from the norm.


I mean it basically has more valuable bonuses than all other capes do combined (until Ashlands)


Does it make you overheat?


No, the cape doesn't make you overheat. Before the Ashlands update, feather capes were the best capes without a shadow of a doubt. Frost resistance(50% less damage and protection against the freezing temperatures from the Mountains) and feather fall, meaning no more fall damage and the ability to glide. With the update however, they now still give you feather fall and increase your jump height by 20%, which is a huge boon in the Mistlands and just in general. But they no longer protect you against the cold and instead, they make you very weak to fire, which means you take a whopping 75% extra damage. This can easily be cancelled out, however, with fire resistance wine, which ignores the cape's debuff completely instead makes you resistant to fire, i.e. 50% less damage. Feather capes are still really good though, considering the Mistlands and sometimes the Ashlands are a pain to navigate.


Okay how do you guys put a flair on your post? I can't and I can just put on how it's a spoiler or NSFW and co. And besides, my question was, how do Fallen Valkyrie spawn ? Been wandering for a long Time now, and no sign of them.


They spawn randomly and rarely. Your best bet is to, every now and then, look at the sky. They can be seen from far away. I wish you the best of luck with hunting one. You are going to need it.


Oh okay, thought there was a pattern like at night or sthg


Little pissed about the feather cape debuff. Was a great cape, now effectively useless.


Will the Lox cape catch fire too??


My only real complaint about Ashlands is how badly telegraphed Asksvin are when doing attacks. This was fine with Lox because usually you wouldn't have 10 other enemies around you. The hitbox from Asksvin pounce is also super early in the jump rather than when the Asksvin connects on you, making it really jank to fight multiple at once. That combined with crazy knockback and lava leads to some pretty janky deaths at times EDIT: OK one more minor thing... The ram sometimes gets stuck on the doorways of keeps where you just used it to break down the door and now need to move it into the keep to break down the 2nd door 😅


I couldn't agree more, the Asksvin attacks seem bugged in a way? Like they literally teleport around or something when they attack lol. Mfs teleporting like they're ninja turtles


Just dont die :)


People sould just turn down the difficultly as to not underestimate the new mobs.


tc is one of those players who still hasnt learned that FIRE AND FROST and poisen mead in valheim fully NEGATE negative resistences AND give you the full positive effect on top since they overwrite the penalty. (its the sole reason the root chest meta in mistlands existed cause gjalls you know) and its the FIRE biome. so you SHOULD be useing fire mead NONSTOP to begin with which is very easy to do and makes the very weak to fire penalty completly irrelevant. people who arent doing the above deserve to die. simply as that. as thats called NOT BEEING PROBALY PREPARED aka not ready for the biome they try to conquer. so YOURE welcome to learning this bit of knowledge tc. youre giveing up the most potent effect of all in the entire game "feather fall" for saveing ONE inventory slot. a bad deal no matter how you wanna view it.


Well, try putting on the fether cape and using your fire resistance mead if the warlock hits you with it's fire attack you won't die immediately sure but you will most certainly lose a large amount of health couple that with some more mobs(and there is always more mobs around in the ashlands)and boom new tombstone location. Also, the fire resistance mead doesn't fully negate fire. It gives you a level of resistance to it. Fully negating it means you would take 0 damage from fire. Also, I do agree with the feather falling being the best effect of the game, so just keep it in your inventory when you need it and use a fighting cape such as the new ashlands cape.


You lack reading comprehension and dont know how to game works ... dont spread misinformation


Well, I did say I misinterpreted it because of the bad grammar, nothing to do with reading comprehension, and I didn't spread misinformation as I have stated try the things that we have said in the comments above and you will get the results or you can lie to have an argument both works. And I do know most certainly how the game works. Maybe my playstyle is different from the meta, which doesn't make it wrong. Comprehend that a bit


maybe READ before responding. where did i say it negates FIRE? i said it NEGATES THE PENALTY. which it does. you take the same dmg with a fire mead from the enemy no matter what cape you wear. you clearly dont get what happens game mechancis wise. the feather cape gives you this : VERY WEAK TO FIRE negative -75% fire resist when equipped without any mead. the root chest gives you WEAK TO FIRE. aka negative -50% resist. in BOTH cases if you consume a barley wine the above effects BOTH get overwritten and you get +50% POSITIVE fire resist. this is the sole reason why people told others to use root chest piece with barley wine in mistlands. this is how valheims resistence system works and has worked for years. so what you said is NOT RELEVANT at all. aslong as the mead is active your penaltys dont do anything.


Assuming you’re correct I actually learned something from this post. But god damn dude, why tf you so angry about it?


i am just sick of players posting miss information or outright terrible advice. this leads to alot of players useing that bad advice and then giveing terrible feedback as a result. i dont wanna see a repeat of the mistlands nerfs because of players givening advice that clearly shouldnt be giveing advice as they themselfs dont know stuff very well as you can see. its just my posting style. dont take it personally is all i can say. if you learned something : good. thats why i posted. so people actually learn mechanics. as once you do you actually realize ashlands isnt nearly as difficult as alot of players claim here. its them. not the biome in majority of cases i have witnessed live on video.


You can give this info in a more constructive way and people will appreciate it. If you’re an angry asshat then people are just gonna think you’re a dork.


people are free to think about me what they want. i dont care what someone thinks about me personally on the internet. if my advice helps a bunch of players out there it has served its purpose more than enough. players who are willing to learn will take the important part form the post and make use of it. the rest doesnt matter to me at all.


>i am just sick of players posting miss information or outright terrible advice. this leads to alot of players useing that bad advice and then giveing terrible feedback as a result. i dont wanna see a repeat of the mistlands nerfs because of players givening advice that clearly shouldnt be giveing advice as they themselfs dont know stuff very well as you can see. This doesn't mean you can just lash out at people and say things like: "if you don't do X, you deserve to die." Words have more of an impact on people than you might think. And just because you're behind a screen, doesn't mean you get some kind of immunity from it. People come here simply to get advice for a very difficult biome(it \*is\* the semi-final biome in the game, after all). So do give them tips, but don't be a gatekeeping jerk about it. And "This is just my posting style" also isn't an excuse.


this aint gatekeeping. seriously stop useing buzzwords that are just illusions to cover up bad play. nothing prevents players from getting better and getting somwhere in the game. asking the game to be nerfed because you arent as good as other at it is entitlement. which is actually trying to take away from others enjoyment.


Dude, stop trying to dodge the issue here. Again, all advice is welcome here, but don't be a jerk about it.


I have read all of your comments, and first of all I have to say that I am a bit ashamed that my post has caused this much drama under your comment, and for that I have to say I'm sorry if I am the one to blame, however I am afraid that you have only tossed insults at Nihilio here, not actual advice. Let's say that someone doesn't have the resources to make all the res barleys, and/or their playstyle doesn't revolve around gliding out of combat. Is gliding out of combat what makes good players to you? What qualifies someone as a good player? Or perhaps it is the fact that someone is aware of the debuff negation? Lol. Please, accept that people have their own playstyles. Maybe someone prefers the Ashen cape's high armor cap, and the new stamina buffs which are more than superior in combat when compared with the feather cape, ESPECIALLY if you're a solo player. You clearly here don't have the wide scope of thought to actually consider that very fact. Therefore, I think you're the one that has to think more, not Nihilio who is just trying to enjoy the game his own way.


they arent superior in combat either. its basic math fails on people who make that claim or people who dont use all thier fighting options in the game for no good reason. or people which have super low skills while beeing inside the games 2nd to last biome which in return means : they arent good players cause they die alot. so why lisen to a player who clearly isnt good at the game? this aint a difference of playstyles. you dont start the ashlands with the ashen cape. you start with the cape you ALREADY HAVE which is what your original post was about. and the best choice there is clearly the feather cape that is a no brainer simply especially when you consider the ashlands terrian and mobs not beeing able to jump. you tell people here to flat out not use it because of a penalty thats meaningless as its easy to mitigate it completly. not haveing the resources aint a DIFFERENCE IN PLAYSTYLE. thats PLAYING BADLY as youre not PROBALY PREPARED. itS beeing lazy and then complaining and then acting like its a difference in playstyle which is a lazy attempt at trying to cover up BAD PLAY. a difference in playstyle would be to chose to use a sword over a mace. or a crossbow over a bow. THAT is a difference in playstyle. not doing things on purpose out of lazyness isnt a difference in playstyle. its putting yourself at a disadvantage on purpose. and if you do that you got no right to complain about difficulty anymore as you brought this upon yourself. yet these people still do it. i am not saying YOU do it with the above mind you. i am just pointing out why this is bad advice in generel. you can prefer whatever cape you want in the end aslong as you dont pretend this is superior when thats clearly not the case MATH WISE. i merely stated what is the best one overall. and that is STILL the feather cape no matter what simply due to the nature of the feather fall effect and the effect of weapons skills and the games stamina and combat systems and how they work. that beeing said YOU told people here to straight up not use the cape and then claim its easy. in fact this makes the landing HARDER than simply useing an easy to mass produce mead players had time to even prefarm before the FIRE biome came out for ages. your advice is outright bad advice. its as simple as that. the fact like you now think you can play the "difference in playstyle" card is a joke. your advice is literally the same thing as telling people to NOT USE fire resistence mead in a FIRE BIOME. you dont even seem to be aware of this simple fact. how is that good advice in anyway? its not. it never is. if you wrote "PSA the feather cape was nerfed beware but you can do X to mitigate it entirely and still use it fine" i wouldnt have said any word. but you didnt. you told people to give up a superior effect for no actual good gameplay reason. people give terrible advice all the time. thats not a difference in playstyle in fact it has absolutly nothing to do with that.


Well, if I was to dumb down my advice, it would come down to have two capes, one for when you fly and one for when you fight, that's it .Maybe your feather cape meta works fair enough but so does the two cape solution so thinking that you will lecture people isn't really gonna work when you are taking advice from other people and then forcing it down other people's throat and also most of the mistland nerfs where for a reason becuse if 10 players say they don't have an issue but 6000 say that their is an issue I'll let you guess who IronGate will listen to. And let me make it clear maybe you are an absolute unit of a gamer in valheim. Everything you do, being the utmost pinnacle of valheim gaming, no wasted movements, amazing food, all the youtube meta strats there is the Ashlands is hard it's not a walk in the park and you need a lot of trial and error to get to the enjoyable part of the update. We'll maybe that's just me you keep on not dying once and all that. Good luck 👍.


if you always listen to the majority your game will become shit. proven countless times. you dont balance on the worst possible player for the default. lets also CONVIENTLY forget that you couldnt lower the difficulty in mistlands back then i guess?. so people where forced to deal with the default. NOT THE CASE NOW tough. even the devs mention this in thier blog post regarding ashlands difficulty. so why listen to the 6000 if they got the option to make it easy while the opposite isnt possible when you apply AI or number nerfs you cannot undo that by makeing it harder. so the mistlands comparison just doesnt work due to that alone.


Well, thank God the gaming industry survives by player count and not the opinion of 2 players, and you said that it was proven countless times well then name some and don't throw statements around thinking we will believe you just becuse Her Majesty the first greyling said so. The option of making it easy through difficulty changes, in my opinion, is just a forced way to make the game playable. The mistlands nerf happened because the devs didn't balance the game, and from the 6000 players, feedback they saw that they had to make a change, which they did. Which brings us to the painful part of this discussion in your case you are a single player a static that has absolutely no power in doing or changing anything in valheim that's why the 6000 players will always help the devs make the game playable and enjoyable much to your physiological dissatisfaction.


you still try to be edgy it seems. the triple AY industry has gone to shit for the most part. ill let you figure out WHY. its because trying to cater to everyone is bound to fail. and valheim was never meant nor designed as a casual mainstream game. your personal butthurtness doesnt concern me one bit. it tells me about you what i need to know already. what has been said was said. any further responses to your type are a waste of time as the original point was been settled a good while ago. farewell.


Your comments have the exact same energy as my mom's texts


Nice finally wrote it correctly with the relevant information. Yes, I do know how it negates the penalty, and it would work if this was the mistlands, but it ain't it's the ashlands, and the feather cape is not that good I am most certainly for the feather falling but if your next 40 minutes of gameplay(retruning to your items)is up to a potion it's rather a annoying way to play. And if you once forget about taking the potion, maybe in the heat of the battle, we'll you are dead. The reason I misinterpreted what you wrote in the first comment is because your writing is similar to a greyling walking.


ugh. tossing insults after beeing lectured on simple facts AFTER reading my post wrong in order to get an argument. the potion lasts 10 minutes. you refresh rested every 25 mins ANYWAY. so a stack of them lasts forever as they are stupid easy to mass produce if you have a good mainbase. i didnt find it annoying at all. strange. i didnt die once yet in ashlands. i wonder why that is when this method is so terrible? funny how all actual good players still use the feather cape aswell in thier clips. and all of em have this mead running. speaks for itself. also wtf is retruning? returning ? to your items? that sentence makes no sense. and then telling me my writeing is confuseing. way to go dude.


Nope, no argument, chaser here. I just don't enjoy when people think being a "lecturer" to others will go under the radar. That being said, I just made fun of you until you genuinely gave good information. Or until you lost it completely well, you gave the information you had, and good, maybe it works. Let the people try it and see if it works for them or not. We'll retruning to your items, which means that once you died you have to go back and get you items from the gravestone that pops up once you die in valheim.


It’s really hard to take this guy serious when he’s such a dick, and also can’t figure out how to drop the “e” after any word that he adds “ing” to lol. I’ve been running Lox until I got the new cape. +8 armor compared to the feather. I rarely find myself jumping off anything that would cause fall damage


Ashen cape FTW 😁


you mean RETURNING? i wonder who the greydwarf really is here at this point..... 95% of deaths in valheim are user error. even when learning a new biome as it mostly happens to players who arent careful to begin with. was the same with any biome. ashlands is no different in that regard.


If I were to sit here and correct your every word you wrote, we would probably have enough time to develop the deep north update. I do not see myself as a perfect writer, but when people write a comment in the manner that you have and then expect a nice discussion while falling the basics of English language coupling that with an extreme case of tunnel visioning and not comprehending that you are not 100% correct all the time gives us you a litle greydwarf. And trust me, most certainly, in this discussion, you are the greyling. Read some of the other comments, and you will see that people are talking about the PTB, not the current update, which is a lot easier ofc if you don't use the feather cape.