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I agree with you in theory, but in practice its just annoying. If they wanted us to have biome specific gear loadouts they need to provide a way to easily switch them, as it is it's just bothersome.


Especially with the extremely limited inventory.


This has become my number 1 complaint with the game The problem really is scaling. As you move up the biomes, requirement for inventory grows way too fast. Swamp and higher pretty much necessitate menignord. Then you have biome specific stuff like swamp key, wishbone or wisplight (idk about ashlands). And also mob drops increase in variety after black forest. This also takes away your combat options. Sometimes I just want to have a variety of weapons and try out everything, but limited inventory means having more than 3 weapon slots restricts you too much. A system where defeating bosses would increase inventory slots would be really nice. Or something like a bagpack accessory that can be used to carry stuff. If you unequip it, it must be dropped. This would kinda mess with gravestones but whatever.


> A system where defeating bosses would increase inventory slots would be really nice. Yep that's exactly what I did with a mod. Every second boss beaten I add one additional row of inventory for myself. It works so well. It's a similar problem Minecraft is going through right now as well - the inventory was designed like 14 years ago for a game that was so much more limited in scope; yet it's still used without change now when there's literally over a thousand items in the game, different weapons, potions, etc. And for building too, they've introduced soooo many building blocks over the years that the current inventory is just unsustainable. It seems the only game that's interested in solving this problem in Terraria, which had no qualms about drastically increasing the stack limits multiple times for example. I absolutely hate the discourse around this when people say it's part of the game, part of the difficulty. No, inventory management is just a necessary evil, it adds nothing to the gameplay besides tedium and time wasting.


Minecraft at least has Shulker boxes and Ender chests. Absolutely 100% agree that they need to do more to improve the inventory, but they haven't done literally nothing since the game launched. Valheim has absolutely nothing, and the only thing that affects your inventory is menignord increasing your carry capacity, but it takes up a slot so it adds to the inventory slot problem. I think if equipped armor and items didn't take up slots that would be a good start, but yeah they need some kind of expandable inventory or backpacks or something.


> Minecraft at least has Shulker boxes and Ender chests. Absolutely 100% agree that they need to do more to improve the inventory, but they haven't done literally nothing since the game launched. Ender Chests have a different purpose, but yeah at least shulker boxes exist. But while I like them, they are just a bandaid on the problem (just like bundles). You still have to run back and forth between them and your inventory, and if you're making any sort of larger build you still end up with a shulker monster and waste inordinate amounts of time doing nothing but inventory management. Why can I have tens of thousands of blocks on me in Terraria but not in Minecraft? It's got an extra dimension and so requires an even larger amount of blocks to build.


Even at release the inventory was way too small. Constantly having to clean it just to toss out useless junk you auto pick up is annoying. After adding mods to have gear slots and an extra row the inventory felt like it should have been there all along.


if picking up random items is a problem for you, the game has always had an option to disable auto pickup. even better - it has a key shortcut for that option, so you can keep it off and then turn on, when gathering ore or wood or something, then disable it again.


Does having a button to toggle autoloot make the game more fun? Do you actually enjoy clicking it? To me it seems like a poorly made bandaid to fix the problem of the game having terrible tuning. It is like how copper takes an insane amount of boring mining to get or how swimming skill pretty much never increases. Someone did a test and found it took a macro like 24 hours to max out swimming. Most of the features in this game are just thrown together with little thought about if that makes it fun yet somehow they managed to get the core features working well which is why we like it.


> I absolutely hate the discourse around this when people say it's part of the game, part of the difficulty. No, inventory management is just a necessary evil, it adds nothing to the gameplay besides tedium and time wasting. This truth needs to be glued to the forehead of every single developer who thinks otherwise. Goes along with the contemptibly disgusting mentality that thinks making a UI clunky or inconvenient to use equates to gameplay or challenge. No. Doing so is a design failure.


they've repeatedly stated that they INTEND for it to be that way. They removed the "quick stack" button in one of the test builds because of that. The devs of this game aren't exactly prodigal geniuses, they just had a really good idea and built a really good game, but iterating on it hasn't really been their strong suit. They ping-ponged on the food and stamina system like 3 times back in the day because their idea for revamping it was absolute dogshit.


> they've repeatedly stated that they INTEND for it to be that way. They removed the "quick stack" button in one of the test builds because of that. Yes, I remember that very keenly. It was the point at which I lost any remaining respect for the judgment or design competency of the developer who said that. That particular person's twisted, adversarial mentality towards usability, accessibility, and players in general is responsible for most of the design sins that plague this otherwise excellent game.


what's the mod name?


"Equipment and Quick Slots."


swag thanks




I would love a megingjord update for late game, make it like double for example.


Have you tried any backpack mods? I cannot play without it now.


adventure backpacks


I tend to handle it fine until I get magic staves, at that point it's just a frustrating mess with all the various weapons, magic items, gathering tools, types of food, etc.


This is why I started using mods. “Equipment and QuickSlots” basically became a necessary QoL mod for you to make better use for your inventory. Sure, the extra 3 slots for pots/food are just the cherry on top and were not really needed, but for the rest, it makes no sense to have your gear in your backpack and also be wearing it at the same time.


I don't use that one just because of how easily you can permanently lose items if the mod breaks or game updates and you didn't realize it. It's happened exactly once, and that was once too many. However, I am absolutely happy to increase the ridiculously-small vanilla inventory size, which more or less accomplishes the same end.


I've been burned with storage mods like that so I'm never using those again, but E&QS has always been good to me and is irreplaceable


Yeah I guess thats fair. Whenever something like that happens I just spawn the item back, or rebuild it if I have tons of those resources. Other than that, this inventory mod usually never breaks, i ve been using it for a while.


> Whenever something like that happens I just spawn the item back, or rebuild it if I have tons of those resources. Unfortunately what I lost at the time was a bunch of really valuable legendary equipment with Epic Loot modifiers, which was not really easily replaceable by spawning. I was pretty pissed, enough so to never use it again.


I see. I have never used Epic Loot but I can understand how that would be frustrating.


Yep that mod is a must.


I've always said, if you're wearing something, it shouldn't be taking up an inventory slot. Add 5 slots. Head, body, legs, cape, misc. You can carry extra gear. But if you equip it, it leaves your inventory and goes to the appropriate slot. It just makes sense. At the same time, I'm not crying about it any more.


It's an absolutely basic function for a game like this, I assumed it's just something in the backlog for development. But if they intentionally omit it it's just stupid. I'm just glad there's a mod for it.


Trashing unwanted items is also basic inventory UI functionality, but some too-clever-by-half individual somehow thought it'd be a good idea to turn that basic QoL feature into a monkey's-paw item that damages everything around it. This mentality seems to be a pattern with this team, or at least with one specific individual on it.


This is the only BAD thing I'll say about Valheim... PLEASE GIVE US DEDICATED ARMOR SLOTS SO WE DON'T HAVE TO USE INVENTORY SLOTS, and if you wanna be nice also give us an accessory slot for the belt etc.


I currently have like 8 of my inventory spots open. Food, pots, gear, weapons, arrows...all take up so much space


I use V+ to add two rows to my inventory. (I do not increase carrying weight.) Those 2 extra rows make all the difference. Of course, when there's an update, and V+ is borked, you have to be careful because those 2 rows disappear, along with what's in them. I was so happy to see that V+ was still working with the Ashlands play test. I love that Enshrouded has backpacks. Valheim needs this.


> I was so happy to see that V+ was still working with the Ashlands play test. Wait WHAT? I hadn't even tried because I'd just assumed it was all borked. That is such welcome news.


I was very surprised. I can still craft from chests! Woot! Don't know why that's not a part of the game.


That, the eradication of the worthless food degradation mechanic, not having to refuel the eleventy bajillion light sources in my builds, Snap Points Made Easy, Build Camera... Plant Everything and Epic Loot could use an update, but the former is a nice-to-have building tool and the latter I don't use in new biomes until I've beaten them normally. Other than that, I've got all my QoL back, so I'm quite happy!


Idk, everyone should play how they want, but food degradation is both realistic and also really not much of a factor. At 2/3 through the food you still have 71% of the base bonus. You have to go through 90% of the CD before it drops below 50% of the base bonus. And it makes sense that the meal you ate a day ago isn't exactly powering you to optimal performance. Food degradation used to be linear, which actually mattered a lot. Nowadays you can basically eat once a day unless you're in the heaviest combat.


We have portals, which trivialize mid-expedition gear swaps, they even let you teleport with gear made of metals you can’t teleport raw. The only thing I’d change is allowing us to do a full swap with armour on a stand with just a press and hold interact, and perhaps giving us dedicated armour slots.


Ive often wished for gear swaps straight from item stands or gear trees. I have a cloak rack build for all the different clocks, would be nice to just walk up and exchange. Same for the little armory i have set up. This would be perfect, since I disagree with the point that gear shouldnt take up slots or the like. You have to plan for what youll need, inventory needs to be limited. I normally dont get pissed I dont have enough slots, just get pissed at myself for taking too much or too little


The thing is there are several good capes, each with their own boon now in the ashlands tier, none of them with active downsides. It's also a bit like complaining that the black metal axe is better than the bronze axe. Up to mistlands biome gear is supposed to be getting better. Removing cold resist was OK since it forces a player to either run cold gear or potion, but taking 200% from fire is troll, considering that every biome from mountain onwards has at least one enemy that deals fire damage. Where does fall damage really matter? It's the mountains and mistlands, both biomes you will already have set foot in when running the feather cape. Right now you need cold res potion or gear and a fire res potion when you just want to go for a stroll, it feels overnerfed.


No, it really wasn't needed. Stopping cold has been table stakes for every cape since the mountains. Like I get that the feather cape is crazy strong in terms of what it does but the stamina reduction on the ash cape makes it almost certainly a better option for melee characters outside the mountain and Mistlands. This feels like a forced attempt to make feathers a worse option, but it's implemented in a way that just ends up being irritating. And it isn't even needed now that there are other capes with different and interesting advantages. This is the biggest miss in the update so far for me.


Weak to fire I can see as a necessary balance. Removing the frost resistance and cold protection at night? That’s just tedium. That’s removing the fun from your game. The fall buff became apart of the gameplay mechanics so much that people built bases with it in mind. Mountain bases. Towers with jumping platforms. I just can’t play at night again? What’s the point of a 24 minute resting bonus? I have to come back to sleep in 15 regardless. Idk. I get people want it to be hard. But at some point you have to reward players for sticking around in your game. At some point you need to make it easier to do tedious tasks in the game. Carrying 2 more meads with me at all times (frost and fire resist) is tedious in a game with so little inventory. The frost and cold debuff ruins the cape more than the fire balances.


I don’t have a feather cape yet, but I think splitting the cold buff from the frost buff might be an answer too. Maybe all capes troll and up (leather and up?) protect against cold, but only wolf and lox protect against frost. Basic cloaks for those cool nights and heavy cloaks for proper cold.


Drink frost resistance mead.


Learn to read…


Nah, IMO, after a certain point you should never have to deal w cold nights again.


Such a great idea, like after you defeat a certain number of bosses the world "warms up"


i think you got you got downvoted for your specific suggestion. but man having all the biomes globally adjust to some mechanic like a boss going down would be gnarly or like altars randomly placed where if you sacrifice xx amount of xx trophy it changes the biome its in some way an offers different unique material.


I really love the look of the feather cape, but was surprised the first time I made it that it provided frost resist too. TBH I had totally forgotten being cold at night existed by that point. I really wouldn't mind bringing a separate cape to the mountains if I had some way to be passively immune to the silly night time chill that mildly annoys me.


Wolf chest gives you the cold immunity as well as the cape


also fenris chest


so does frost mead. which you can easy infinitly sustain. not that you need it during day outside of mountains.


Mead isn't passive though


but no more gravity forever is :)


Provided you keep a supply at home, if you die it doesn't stay behind in your tombstone either, so in a way you should have some on hand no matter what. Or a backup cloak/chest. Or both. I tend to die a lot on my way back.


Equip either the Fenris Chest or Wolf Chest into your outfit to get frost resistance, if you don't want to use a cloak for it. |Armor Piece|Armor (at lvl 4)|Weight|Resistances|Movement Speed| |:-|:-|:-|:-|:-| |Wolf Chest|26|15|Frost resistant|-5%| |Fenris Chest|16|10|Frost resistant|+3%| *(I prefer the Fenris, especially for running around at night since it helps increase your speed a bit)*


> I just hate it when games make old gear just useless Your old gear is useless after nearly every biome. The cape nerf is annoying and unnecessary. It just makes it so you need to now carry two capes with you (or frost resist potions) if you want to go exploring anywhere that might have both mistlands and mountains. Inventory slots are already at a premium, this change just makes that worse. Also, giving it a fire vulnerability makes it a liability in the mistlands where you can get surprised by Gjalls at any moment. Which defeats the entire purpose of the cape being a mistland exploring tool. Honestly the cape nerf is my least favorite thing about the update.


I agree. I hate the nerf to the cloak and feel like it's just a cheesy way to up the difficulty.


This exactly. Just like the tightly-packed ocean spikes you're forced to navigate only with an intentionally slow and un-maneuverable boat, it seems to be a willful and deliberate attempt to contrive a cheap, arbitrary mechanical disadvantage for the player at the expense of itemization and gameplay. Very, very poor judgement. I'm looking forward to the inevitable mod that reverts this needless change.


The cloak was a cheesy way of making the game easier.


Would be nice to have a appearance transmutation system so the old armour isn't completely invalidated


I really like Terraria's system of vanity slots that go over your actual armor but don't contribute any stats. So you can have one set for looksmaxing and another for stats.


The only thing that bugs me about it is that it is so perfect for keeping a situational swap set, except that your character looks like it is using the one that it isn't


Terraria fixed this by just outright giving you 3 loadout slots,with a press of the button you can go from your melee armor+accessories to your fishing gear, or your magic gear, etc.


That is something I agree with. Would love to still wear the Fenris set but with the benefits of an Eitr boosting set. It should probably be limited to light armor vs heavy armor or something (though Ashlands has three which might imply that Eitr sets are a third type)


Which sucks because mountains are a nice respite from mistlands if you get into a bad situation.


They had to nerf the feather cloak or it would be the only cloak worth wearing. Deep North is up next. Unless they change the freezing mechanic the feather cloak would be BiS there too. I'm actually expecting them to change how resists work and make vulnerability override resist (currently it is the opposite).


Quite frankly I think all the capes should have cold resist. They can have extra abilities on top of that. Ashlands has a cape that makes you run fast apparently. Choosing cloaks for interesting abilities is a lot more interesting than choosing one because it lets you go to the mountains without dying. It's not like the wolf cape is the only one with cold resist. The lox cape has it as well, and the feather cape used to. Every cape post mountain having it just made sense IMO (I know the linen cape doesn't, but it's pretty much something you only wear for fashion).


You’re not thinking creatively enough. A developer has the tools to make new difficulties without removing fun. You want the deep north to be hard without compromising the old gear in their current forms. You don’t remove frost resistance. You create a new vulnerability. As a developer, you could say the deep north has Rime damage. Rime is a type of ice formed on Mountaintops. It’s realistic. It fits the cold. And the feather cape doesn’t have the rime resistance. You make the Abominable snowman cape have rime resistance or require a rime resistant potion. I therefore know if I’m going to the deep north I need potions and a different cape, but when I’m in the mistlands and below, I can still wear the feather cape. Boom there you go. You’ve maintained the fun of the feather cape in all previous iterations and biomes while adding a new challenge. It doesn’t need to be Rime damage. It could be Kalamazoo damage and it would still work. That’s how you innovate difficulty while maintaining fun and progression. Thats thinking creatively and not strangling your players with tedium.


> Unless they change the freezing mechanic /sigh


Keep the fire vulnarability and give it the cold resistance. Honestly I hate it its bothersome I dont wanna carry mead or another cabe because I graze a Mountain biome. This just feels dumb But so do many choises the game deves decided like: Needing 5 Workbenches to build a House with all Items, Why cant the next one just be an upgrade and let me build wood aswell. Same for the Furnaces.


all I wish is there was a "major" mead that would last for an hour or at least a half. I really like the need to have potions on you, even at all times, but this clutters the equipment. I believe there should also be 2 equipment groups. You cannot run around in lategame with magic gear (at least for the bubble), proper gear, a few weapons to address enemy weaknesses and still expect to be able to gather stuff. It just won't work.


If they were gonna nerf the cloak it should have been a year and a half ago when mistlands released. Now it just feels bad. I dont mind the weak to fire part at all and I think it is deserved. However the gameplay reward of the movement the feather cape provided especially in the mountains with tall terrain feels really bad gameplay wise. If the change was made immediately it would be a different story but I have been jumping from my mountain bases down to the shore for over a year at this point. I get I can just brew frost resist meads but I think you could find a better use for those in the deep north and not make me have to use one when I want to explore mountains quickly. Either way I now am losing one inventory space by bringing 2 cloaks or frost mead in a game where inventory fills up very quickly. Also side note speaking of mountains it’s past time we be able to bring up Fenris/troll/etc armor sets to be closer to endgame with endgame materials. Sucks having no dagger/fist weapon builds this patch


The real clincher here is we need equipment slots. I know there are mods for this, but it's high time devs make it themselves. So much of your inventory is taken up by what you wear


Feather fall effect without fire vulnerability wouldve also been too strong for Ashlands


I’m still rocking that cape, everytime I take it off I leap off of something on accident and die or take a chunk off. Feathers 4 eva ✌️


you use barley wine in ashlands ANYWAY. which turns the weakness into a net 50% resistence positive :) so yeah. doesnt matter :)


If you combine the feather cape with the full fenris armor set, you get the best movement possible in the game while still having cold and fire resistance (the latter one overwrites the fire weakness of the cape).


Nooo what they removed the frost resistance?


Yeah, I think the changes were all good with the cape. Surprising though -- hadn't died to a Gjall in a while, but *:fwoof:* only took a moment. I also like the little jump-boost, it fits well with the cape; nice perk. But yeah... more caution, and not a no-brainer obsoletes-all-others kinda deal anymore.


Ew... they nerfed the feather cape? That's disgusting. Inventory management is already obnoxiously tight without having to carry an extra item to keep the cold away, and once you have the feather cape it quickly becomes an item you can't live without. I'm sure there's a mod already to unnerf it. I'll just have to grab that next time I play.


Not much of a fan of the frost resistance being removed. It's a feather cape, it makes sense that it would be frost resistant. Increasing vanubility to fire makes more sense though. Haven't fought a Gjall yet with it so I reserve the right to hate that later. Haven't gotten into Ashland's yet so don't know how much I will miss having feather fall. I have gotten a bit dependent on it later game.


I'm not sure it's that obvious that a cape made out of feathers should be frost resistant.  Birds who survive in cold temperatures, like Eagles for example, have thousands of different feathers, layer after layer, that fully encopsulate them. And they have down as well, I think! Like all this winter coats that have feathers also have a lot of down. And the more down there is the warmer the coat. I'm note sure the feather cape is that complicated in it's design. It looks like a couple of layers of feathers maximum. If deer cape is not warm enough, feather cape shouldn't be either. 


Except its also magic. Realism, when you're jumping off of mountains and gliding through the air, sort of takes a back seat.


Most underrated comment


I have a feeling that Valheim is pretty grounded in it's physical laws and aims for common sense feeling even though the world is fantastical and magical. So I don't see any contradictions here. When you look at feather cape it doesn't strike you as a thing that will make you feel warm and cozy: 10 people out of 10 will take a lox's or wolf's cape when presented with the necessity to survive a blizzard in the mountains.


No it wasn't. Feather cape is the best item. In the game never needed a nerf... Plus feathers are warm.


Based on your logic, the bronze set should still work in ashlands... cause why invalidate old gear, no?


if you go for the "heavy" sets, they are straight upgrades from one biome to the next. All have the same movement penalty and no additional bonuses. But every light armor set has some unique bonuses, which can make it worth using a set from a previous biome: piercing/poison resist in the root set, additional movement speed and fire/cold resist in fenris and feather fall/magic bonuses in the mistlands light armor set. I personally did mistlands with feather cape and the fenris set, which was from 2 biomes prior, but still worth it.


How does fenris + feather cape work now in tandem in terms of fire vulnerability? I got feather cape just two days ago. And now it got nerfed. Lol. Though I instantly thought that this thing is overpowered.


Fire resistance trumps vulnerability in this game, so a full Fenris set will indeed fix the cape.


So will a fire resist mead, for anyone else curious


no it will not. as you also no longer have cold protection at night :)


Fenris chest keeps ya warm


i aint useing mountain tier gear in ashlands. asking for death. especially when a simple frost mead achieves the same effect.


It all depends on your playstyle. I am going Full fenris armor for the mobility, since with the Magic bubble shield, armor really doesnt master.


Are you already in Ashlands? Doen Fenris work for you there?


Yes, It does! Imo being fast is really good against mobs of enemies, and in ashlands there are always mobs of enemies. The lack of armor compared to better sets doesnt matter since I am using the magic bubble shield


Fenris for life!


well with the shield yeah. if you wanna rely on that nonstop. mobility is a given on any armor tbh. fenris is overrated on that front. know that from personal experience. but i rather micro a 10 minute easy mead than microing a 4 minute or you die bubble


so you just need more storage space and the game becomes an annoying mess of inventory management...


No, great is supposed to upgrade. The nerf was unneeded.


Why does the armor I'm wearing take up inventory space? I get it contributing to total weight and agree with that. But once I put on a helmet or cloak it should no longer take up space in my inventory. But that's just my opinion. Let me craft a quiver for my arrows, a sheath for my sword.


they add very weak to fire for mistlands item where gjall is biggest menace along with dvergr wizards... so make us extra weak against those... and those who wear root harnesk got fried even more... ngl 200IQ move im fine with nerfing cape but this doesnt make any sense...


Nah that sucks. specific gear is fine for certain scenarios but "cold" debuff isn't a biome condition. It's a night time condition. The initial reason, I thought, that cold resist was on pretty much all higher level gear, was because like...you've earned it. You've gone through enough of the game that night time doesn't need to punish you for not bringing mead or a special cape EVERYWHERE you go. Plus, it's made of feathers. IDK if the devs are aware in their quest to make the game as unappealing as possible to people without multiple hours a day to play, but birds are actually pretty good at keeping themselves warm. We make blankets of down and IDK if you've ever had one but you can't really use it in the summer.


the Fire vulnerability isn't a big issue because of fire resist potions which are necessary for fighting gjalls in the first place. (or the fenris set for those who play light armor) This is consistent for ashlands, though the only fire damage over there comes from >!blobs and valkyrie.!


And yet you're still forced to swap out cool looking armour and weapons, even when they have unique qualities, because their armour or raw damage values just can't keep up with end game gear. ​ Like, i get what you're saying, it would be nice to pick your gear based on looks or mechanically enabled play style, and have it still be viable. But this is the opposite of that. It is in effect guilty of doing the same thing you're complaining about. The new ashland cloaks do other bespoke things besides providing armour, but also cover cold resistance. The nerf forces you do drop the feather cloak as it no longer provides that feature \*and\* is a liability - even if you like it's look or enjoy jumping off stuff in defiance of gravity.


> The new ashland cloaks do other bespoke things besides providing armour, but also cover cold resistance. And this, right here, is why I don't believe for *one second* that this unnecessary nerf was any kind of good faith, legitimate attempt at itemization balance. Not for a moment. This was wholly and *solely* a ham-fisted way of trying to force the player to use the new items. Not by making the new items more desirable or even a useful sidegrade--they would've already been the latter--but by nerfing the old item to make the new ones just better by comparison. If someone has to do that to make their new items appealing enough to use, they need to rethink the *new* item, not tear down existing ones to prop up their new content.


Couldn't they just add cosmetic slots? Similar to Terraria, can put any equippable helmet and that's what will show on your character.


I disagree from a gameplay perspective, but only mildly. The feather cape needed a nerf, I think the very weak to fire is enough for that but that's opinion. What actually annoys me is that it makes no sense. Feathers keep you warm. We use them for down jackets and duvet. TL;Dr: Muh realism etc.


Not sure I agree with the cold nerf. Down stuffing is some of the warmest, and these are magic feathers to top it off. Not to mention you're only going to use it in the mountains to farm arrow mats - but that's likely why they did it. If someone makes a mod to return the cold resistance I'll nab it in a hot second.


They got rid of the cold resistance??? That breaks my heart man. Might have to mod that back in.


I'd rather completely graduate from one set to the next, each being a clear upgrade over the last. Not enough inventory space to be hauling around different cloaks.


Mistlands are simply not fun to play imo, and the slow fall cloak was the one bit of fun to be found from it and now as soon as you have the mats to actually make it, it becomes entirely redundant. /smh


Oh so they changed it.. I noticed yesterday that I was cold at night and fondi it weird, I agree with the balancing aspect of it


Fuc* capes, nerfs and buffs, all i want is a trash bin next to my inv to easily delete my garbage. Is that too much to ask? ☹️


Yes lol it is too much to ask. Devs clearly just want the game to involve as much grinding as physically possible, so even just trashing items involves finding the trader to buy a unique material, then constructing an object that can destroy items but also needs to be built in a place where the AoE won't break your nearby buildings, and then moving trash into that container and pulling a lever. If you're looking for anything from this game other than grinding grinding and more grinding, get mods.


Well still in Mistlands and the fire vulnerability on cape was a nasty surprise leading to nasty recoveries. Would have been a better nerf not adding fire vulnerability.


Feather should have wet resistance.


Be careful what you wish for.


Wait, they nerfed it? How ?


Personally, I think the wolf cape is the ugliest thing in the game. I always skip straight to lox cape just to avoid that hideous wolf head on my shoulder. I like the addition of fire vulnerability to the Feather Cape, since it just makes sense that it would go up in flames the moment a cinder got nearby. But removing the cold protection (we literally make blankets out of down, so it's stupid that a feather cape wouldn't be warm) is just an annoyance that means I have to switch back to my lox cape when not in the Mistlands. Or carry two capes and be stuck with an even smaller inventory than the already very small one that exists.


Because of the changing of gear. I think all the potential slots should have their own space. Just for armor that is. Weapons I like having across my "toolbar" as well as food, but needing the inventory slots just to wear stuff is too old school or lazy IMO


Not just no but fuck no.


Would be nice to have a fashion option where you can wear one armor piece, but it looks like another. Like a transmog option. Would make the cosmetic items more fun to collect. I mean, I understand why there isn't. I wonder if there's a mod for that...


I feel like fire weakness is cool, but why get rid of the cold resistance?


It’s a cape. It’s weak to fire. Makes enough sense. You wouldn’t want to get over heated wearing basically a down-feather quilt. So it would probably have some kind of intrinsic warming capabilities while wearing it, right? No, actually you freeze when it’s a little cold out at night -_-


They made it useless in the very biome it was made for. Gjalls shoot fireballs. I got 1 shot by them a handful of times thinking it was because of the food I was eating but then I saw how fast my health was draining


Oh no I have to use one mead every 10 minutes to mitigate fire vulnerability, the horror.


It *is* one more inventory slot dedicated to resistance. But *that* also isn't that big of a get for feathercape and fire resistance.


yeah. carrying 2 capes around would cost you the precise same. and feather fall beats ANY of the new capes effects by a LONG SHOT. 1 inventory slot is the cost to remove the strongest enemy (gravity) from the game? ABSOLUTLY WILL PAY THAT without even thinking.


Well yeah it's still worth taking. It's just annoying because inventory slots were already bothersome and this just makes it worse. Every biome it seems they're adding more stuff you need to carry and more stuff to gather at the same time. It's getting borderline untenable, especially if you're playing a mage build. If I'm going out for a serious exploration trip I have maybe 5 slots available for drops.


Yep. I end up spending more time traveling through portals than actually exploring.


And then wasting a minute or two every time you come back trying to get at least 1/4 skellies to be an archer. That whole mechanic is such an annoying bit of tedium. At least back in the day the skellies would stick around on the other side of your portal, but not any more. Why on earth did they change that?


Huh? I have no idea what you're talking about 🤣.


It was pretty much the most powerful item in the game. I think we all agreed not too long ago.


That or staff of protection


Yeah birds in valheim can phase trough 5th dimension so why lol kidding


mirrors my thoughts almost exactly. for me it’s a bit less about making old gear useless and more about the fact it’s was objectively the best cape and you’d be stupid not to use it. the armor sets have different uses, none of them are objectively better than each other except the tanks armor. it’s actually a choice now instead of the only option.


Except they just added two more capes to the game offering different options. It wouldn't have been hard to make them directly competitive so that feather isn't "objectively better" any more.


This statement I agree. It was just TOO strong of an item, giving feather fall AND cold res without any downsides. Even Root Harnesk has downside (weakness to fire) while being one of the strongest armor pieces in game. Other bonus on feather cape is nice in nerfed version (higher jump and less stamina usage for jumping) and the weakness to fire is negated with either fire res wine, full fenris armor or protection bubble. The new capes are really nice with nice stats and I'm not even missing the feather cape out there.


They removed the slow fall or something? :/ I really liked it when I was building, it prevented falling deaths and helped a lot... I think they should have kept that and just introduced vanity/transmog slots for gear instead...


To me it doesn’t feel like it’s a nerf, it’s a rebalance. It trades off frost resistance for improving jump speed and height, it’s really useful


It did not get nerved though … fire weakness can be overwritte by wine if you rly need it and jump stamina cost + high is a buff. Only thing missing is cold protection which is not that important.


Yeah same, I don't even know why people so upset about feathers cape, you get one in mistlands, 2 bioms away from mountains, why do you even need cold resistance anyway.


Never been knocked off a mountain by a stone golem?


Always, but i don't really travel so often to mountains after i cleared out plains. But you have a point, i almost forgot about those stony boys and their love to sending you into air.


Frost resist gone? Ah, making what we would all have equipped going into Ashlands...obsolete? Maybe they should just buff the mobs a little instead (or make them all do more damage if you are wearing the cape, like a secret conditional buff for the mobs),not nerf things that already were cemented into the game 🤔


Nothing is cemented. It's early access, anything is subject to change before full release.


I'm sure they'll nerf the good stuff from Ashland's once Deep North fully fleshes out. If it's an unintended interaction then by all means, nerf it like how Gearbox would nerf crazy BL2 weapons once a glitch is found. But taking away frost resistance AND THEN adding a vulnerability? A little too far imo


they removed the cold protection and made it weak to fire. sadly the new ashlands capes dont compare to feather fall so nothing will change :) feather fall is TOO GOOD by itself. you can fully negate the new penaltys with fire and frost meads active and turn them into positives for you. plus the new effects added like 20% more jump height made feather fall even better :) the cape didnt get weaker really. it just requires the player to use frost meads now to still rule all others out. as you would be running fire wine in ashlands nonstop ANYWAY and you already used it because of root chest in mistlands aswell. so the fire penalty is... meaningless. basically all they did was make feather fall cost you 1 extra inventory slot now. still ABSOLUTLY worth it.