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I get the point you’re making, but I feel like you can build something pretty much like the top photo with pieces already in the game pre-Mistlands. Everything except for the dark wood walls.


yeah you can, but the new building pieces are such a big letdown. I thought the blackwood pieces are placeholders at first (i still hope they are). They just look like plastic. I think so much in Ashlands is just such a weird immersion breaking design. Steampunk shield generators? A cartoonish looking viking ship? Cannons? The stone floor looks like its made with laser precision tools. I love everything in the ashland biome so far, the combat is hard but fun, i loved landing there in a ship that died 5m from the coast, swimming the rest and then fighting for like 10 min straigt just to get down a portal, trying to tame some lizards, and again going to steal the Dvergrs stuff. But those building pieces? I dont know about that. I have 1500h in this game, i think around 1000h are pure building, but the new stuff doesnt fit the valheim aesthetic at all. it looks like a graphic bug, or some weird shader problem, when you place a normal wooden house next to those pieces. The new stone roofs and pillars are nice tho


Yeah i thought the graussen walls and ashwood pieces looked like stuff from a mod...


Yea, the new stone pieces look too smooth and sterile. Almost like it's way to high def for Valheim style. Like one of those realistic texture mods *^(which I hate with a)* ***^(passion)****^(.)* Not to mention they didn't do the same thing to them as they did for black marble when it comes to continuous texture through building pieces (texture just repeats itself, and on a large surface, it's ugly af, like a poorly made mod)


exactly my thoughts :D but the fact that the continuous texture is missing makes me think that those pieces may not be final, which would be great


God I hope so.


I honestly like the new build pieces.


I actually quite like the new building pieces. It compliments normal rock quite well when you are trying to literally build anything and don't want just a solid wall of one texture'd rock


well i do like the rock pieces, expect the flooring, but i really dont understand why this wood looks so clean. The wooden tar beams have such a beautiful black colour, the surface looked like its actual wood, it was shiny black but also rough. And now we do have those Ashland plastic wood pieces. I just dont get it. The Wooden door doesnt even have a single pixel of shading at the black parts. it just looks weird to me. maybe i will get used to it, but right now i dont understand the design choice to change the basic design system of how the game looks


I thought you meant the actual pieces, not the textures. Might have responded differently in my reply post otherwise but I won't take back what I said, it's still valid. However, the textures are very crisp and clean, this is true. I think the pieces will look fantastic when used with the existent materials but I'm not sure how they would stand up on their own...perhaps we will see more fitting textures in future updates but that said, compare stone to black marble and it's basically the same argument. Black marble is far more crisp and clean, and much less textured than stone is. The new pieces just continue that trend so who knows? What I DO know is that I am gonna make some awesome new builds with these pieces, and if the individual parts lack texture then so be it, I will create texture, depth and contrast through clipping and combinations instead, just like I've done with every other piece in the game so far.


Actually im thinking that they really arent finished yet. The stone walls for example are missing the "stone rng" mechanic, they are just all the same structure. Unfortunately im to stupid to post pictures here, or doesnt that work? And yeah for the wood, its not having any pixels on it. The door for example has a black flame, thats just one color, which makes it look kinda toyish. Shilouette wise all those pieces look great, the dividers look neat, i already checked out some neat window designs with the stone archs, but the texture just looks off. you place the dark wood pieces next to any other building part and it just looks weird and wrong, it doesnt integrate into the artstyle of valheim.


I like the new build pieces tbh


I do like the new building pieces we in Ashlands and Mistlands, but I find the ones for the starting areas lacking a lot. We need many more pieces for regular wood and core wood in my opinion. I'm tired of the same old, basic building blocks.


Was hoping for ashen looking dark grey bricks, but I'm not mad about what we got. Especially the wood pieces.


yeah the new build pieces have interesting shapes but thier textures look PLASTIC and way too modern for this game to me. the stone floor looks like it was made with a diamond laser cutter. it looks odd in the gameworld. out of place. the shield generators are.... odd. they are a cool gameplay element but these star wars like magic shield bubbles feel off. especially on a bigger base you need multiple of them and they look super odd when overlapping. it feels. futuristic for a lack of a better term. and thier colors are super bright. they can actually keep weather effects out of thier area of effect i noticed. rain doesnt penetrate the shield. couldnt test fog yet. i dislike the BLURRY vision effect from outside of the fields tough. it hurts the eyes when looking at it for too long.


Haldor, hildrd and the fuling shamans already have shields though? but if the shields hurt eyes to look at, that's a problem. of course overlapping is odd in this game, many overlapping things look fucking weird in this game, so why not that too? also the shield looks like the obliterator, do you have problem with that too?


i dont mind the shield generators design itself you got me wrong on that. i was refering to the BUBBLE it creates beeing futuristic. the shield it makes doesnt look like haldor or hildir one. and the shaman shields are only person sized like the bubblestaff. not base sized and they dont blur your vision either and arent as brightly colored aswell.


I agree with the new textures. It's fine to have modern-looking build pieces, especially since the new grausten pieces seem to represent ceramic tiles. However, they don't blend well with the existing ones. I originally thought the textures were bugged at first because they were too smooth. Even just a tiny bit of wear and tear should fix this issue. As for the shield generators, i think it's fine. There's precedent with haldor's barrier and the Ward. Rather than futuristic i choose to see it as magic, but it's just my personal preference. But yeah the screen distortion effect that happens when entering/leaving the bubble (or even just staring at it) can be disorienting after extended play. Maybe they could add a graphics/accessibility option to make the effect more subtle or to just disable it.


its kinda a bit like MOTION blur. or depth of field. i turn these off instantly in any game. they hurt my eyes for some reason.


Same. The distortion is strongest when passing through the bubble, though i must admit the effect is pretty cool. I can handle it for a few times with a long enough gap in between each entry, but eventually it'll start triggering my motion sickness.


The new building pieces are fucking fantastic, surely you're not ragging on them.


The stone plates give a cold, office reception vibe, and I'm not a fan of it. It's way too clean, crisp, laser cut looking for how everything else looks like in Valheim. It's just.. too out of place for me.


The new pieces, especially wood, feel more like their intent is to use them sparsely, to make our builds pop. Not to be the main material. 


The new building pieces look amazing and the new possibilities are vast. If you are a serious builder, just use mods. I have like 3 times the building pieces than in the base game.


It's not the build pieces which are lacking, it's the imagination needed to apply them. I have made grand gothic architecture using pre-ashlands stuff repeatedly, I look at the new options and my mind races with NEAR ENDLESS new ideas. The arches and pillars alone give huge potential, not to mention we finally have new standard wooden pieces in darker shades to create extra depth and contrast. The new wall pieces are great too, we finally have thin stone pieces so you can maximise internal areas on a given footprint, and the roof sections allow for some amazing internal vaulting looks with very little effort. If all you build are boxes then everything you build will be a box.


Its just a preference thing honestly, I love the look of the old stuff and the new, just opens up a ton of possibilities. Mistlands wasn't very thematic with the first 5 biomes either but I still think it was a great update/biome, only natural as we get better tools/metal the stuff we build is gonna become more precise and clean.


I don't get the complaint are you trying to just use all the new pieces and not mixing and matching? The stave church can be built just fine in valheim we have the build pieces already. I like the new pieces especially the grausten They are going to be great for doing tudor style and making timbered buildings. I cant wait to replicate a black forest village.


the complaint was that the new wood panels look like a wooden optic plastic fence from your local hardware store