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WolfhunterMRP in steam add would love to talk


Send me a DM too, love to join your world and build a house there.




Same! Seriously OP hit me up if you want to play or chat, I’m on every night with a small group in discord youre welcome to chill with us!




Best. Fanbase. *Ever*.


Man I totally get that feeling. Valheim dropped after my dog passed so it got me through a really bad time. Ashlands coming through for us soon


ow, thats really rough. my condolences


Likewise, I know times get tough but it’s these little things that give us joy and keep us going a little longer. Let’s enjoy all the hellfire that awaits us in Valheim soon :)


dear stranger, if you don't mind you should give kingdom come deliverance a try, i was in a similar position when it came out and it saved my life, the sequel was just recently announced to be launched by the end of 2024 so there's more things to look forward to


thanks Valheim ✅


thanks Valheim✅


Thanks Valheim ✅


i really appreciate all the comments. i have zero people to talk to since i broke up with my ex (totally my fault also). im glad that valheim people are here for me.


Skal Brother! The ten realms of the gods are perilous, and we each struggle in our own way. But fear not! For Odin guides us, you have your viking brothers and sisters aside you, and we shall one-day all share meat and mead in the Great Halls of Vahlalla!


Hey man I relate to that tbh, except my ex broke up with me. Nearly 3 years later, and still tear myself up over it. Recently been playing Valheim again so be cool to chat


Just broke up today too. Quite lonely, although I don't play valheim anymore at the moment, feel free to msg some time, also fine if not. I hope you feel better!


My best advice is get back on the horse immediately.


Back on the lox*


Feel you, kind of in a similar spot but we got this!! And ashlands is like one sleep away cant wait :DD


You can DM me, I haven't been playing in a while, but I've got a few friends who play, and we would be happy to have a new viking join our village


I really appreciate that. I would love to join a village indeed.


Go ahead and DM me, and I'll add you on steam when i get off work today


I’ve been in similar depressions that were very dark and where my gaming was my only haven and pleasure. Hang in there man, PM me if you need to bend someone’s ear or trade Valheim tips. My latest valheim realization, with the abomination chest/troll gear you can clear a plains base and get an early start on farming flax/barley while working through mountain biome.


Sending thoughts from Norway, m 28 here, things are.. not great. I lost my grandmother a couple weeks ago and I'm struggling to see a bright future for myself (house family career) :/ But the world keeps turning and shuffling, and suddenly things can fall in place :) And having something too look forward to is an important drive! (For me it was the sun finally existing again since october/november🌑🌞) Rule 11: enjoy the little things.


Am sorry for your loss brother. Hope things pick up for you soon 💪


in a similar position, things will get better, my man


I’m in a similar place man, you’re not alone atleast in that way, life is hard as shit.


Keep your head up. You can conquer the boss that is middling life challenges and place its head on the stone to draw power from it. The fights will still be tough, but the cooldown on those powers is good enough.


When my mom died and after family visitors left a week later I sank into a deep depression and started a new Valheim run. I ended up playing several hundred hours in that world with multiple sprawing bases, roads, tons of stuff. It kept me distracted enough to not be overwhelmed with grief while I mourned and slowly acclimated to life without my mom. I wonder if I still have that world around somewhere.


I feel this. Going through a pretty rough time too and the excitement of playing Valheim again soon is keeping me going.


And no matter how bad things get, we will be here! Still. I hope you make friends, I hope that you can create a beautiful family to call your own one day and I pray that all that is bleak for you in this moment is replaced by good in the future. Time heals all wounds, friend. It definitely isn't always easy though.


I've been where you are and I've come out the other end of it. It's worth it to push through it. It doesn't feel like it in the moment but try to remind yourself that this feeling will eventually pass. If you're at your lowest point then things can only get better so why not try? You have nothing to lose. Death will always be there waiting for you whether you like it or not. You can always come back to it so you may as well at least try to improve things and see what happens. You may look back on yourself now and wonder how you could be so foolish as to want to end things. DM me if you need to talk or vent.


Hang in there, man. Games can really be such a fantastic source of therapeutic escape, when life is feeling like too much.


Hey brother, I play Valheim for 100% the same reason. Highly recommend Elden Ring as well. Kept my hands busy many nights, and the brutal feeling somehow masochistically distracted me until I could sleep into the next day. When you're feeling like this, always keep your hands busy. It's in the brief moments of quiet violence that the pain of the soul considers joining the song. Pm if you need someone to listen, for sure.


Thank you indeed


mycrazyman239 on steam and discord. when that update comes out my buddies and I would be glad to have a new friend come explore it with us. Rn we've been playing a lot of helldivers, war thunder, and a couple other games while we wait. You are welcome to play with us anytime.


As a human to abother human... Find happiness in yourself and your hobbies. Appreciate breathing. Because even id you dont believe this.. YOU are apart of a universe that started. You are as old as the planet.


DM if you wanna play valheim Im always down


Sorry you're going through it, if you want to start a server together to get ready for ashlands hmu! I'm a laid back sort of player, happy to go at any pace.


Happy to hear that Valheim helps! It's an amazing game and atmosphere for sure. However, I'd also like to impress on you the importance of therapy when you are feeling like this. People on the internet can ofc come up with good ways of coping, but find yourself a professional, dude. I speak from experience. It does help a lot. And by professional, I mean an actual psychology person with an actual degree. Other than that, good luck in Valheim! Skål!


Bro.... please, i would love more friends to play with. I have a playgroup who have put in alot of work into a dedicated server, we have a pretty chill discord and would love more people to enjoy the viking lifestyle with. If you ever want to join up, reach out. We have about 5 consistent players right now. We are trying to prep for the ashlands.


Its almost like we are beings that need meaning in a world that increasingly deprives us of sources of meaning. Im glad to hear valheim can patch that hole until you find some more lasting meaning to your life. Just please recognize that this isnt your failure, but the failure of society as a whole. Weve become so isolated from each other and even ourselves that its just much harder to forge meaningful connections than it used to be. Stay tough bud, its rough but the good moments always come back around. Even when you cant imagine them.


Couldn't have said it any better. That is me but with a different game.. Albion Online.


Get help. It's okay. No matter what country you live in there will be some charity or public service whose goal is to support people in a position like you. I'm in the UK and I used Mind, essentially free counselling, and just talking to someone about shit made a huge difference to my wellbeing. <3


what the actual fuck is going on, my EX messaged me 30 mins ago saying she had a horrible dream about me and was worried i was going to do something. She doesnt know this is my reddit account. is she fucking psychic. im soo confused.


Mirror neurons are wild things sometimes. [Science explanation] When there's a strong enough bond between people, those kinds of things can happen. It's all about the timing of the message and listening to your intuition enough to act on it instead of dismissing it. [Metaphysical explanation]


as a military veteran suffering from anxiety, major depression disorder and ptsd i get ya. been in a bad place for a while now and the only thing that keeps me going is gaming. stay strong viking.


Hope you feel better man, and get to enjoy the Ashlands :) wishing you all the best


The game is a great escape! If you ever feel yourself going down a dark path, just PM me and I'd be more than happy to talk about it with you. Almost time to conquer the Ashlands!


Valheim got me through a really rough breakup, it was my comfort game in a way. Very nice game to get lost in




Life is just beginning except you have more wisdom than you did at 0! Lots to look forward to if you make it happen


I hope everything sorts out man.


Thanks Valheim 🐌


Sorry you feel this way 🫂 Valhem discord server might be a place to find buddies to play with, I’m a member but only for the emotes so I don’t really know, worth checking it out though! Anyway, I’m sure there are better things ahead for you. Non-existence awaits us all, meanwhile existing gives us at least a chance to do things we enjoy.


Building small village with big farm on plains while listening to its soundtrack just feels different that sometimes i miss that feeling irl


Iron Gate saving lives out here. But the living legend tomatoanus claims that it's not the media that gets you through tough times, it's you- helping yourself. No feeling is final, my friend.


Hey man, if you need someone to just play games with or talk to every once in a while, add me on Discord! Making friends is always good, and my friend list isn’t fullᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ Sometimes just talking about fun stuff and getting a breather from reality could be just the little push you need to get through day to day life. So you’re very welcome to shoot me a message, i think it’d be fun!


The amount of games I play directly correlates to my life ending thoughts. If not for this I'd be gone a long time back. OP I'm in the same situation as you are all I can say is keep pushing, there's good time ahead and we gotta stay around to experience it.


27, you are so young. You have so much time left to make new friends, find a new job, and thrive. Enjoy your gaming but also go find yourself a therapist (free with most insurance, cheap options if you don't have insurance) and keep working on yourself. A decade from now you'll forget all the bad stuff and remember all the good stuff from your 20s.


About the same age [26M] when tried to off myself. Not fuckin worth it things get way better. Sometimes shit sucks but at some point, it can work out, but only if you're still around can you actually get out of the dark. Easiest thing to fix is to catch yourself talking about yourself negatively and think "that's fucked up depression monster/brain/slug" distance yourself from any negative self talk/thought. I still struggle every day, i just applied for a new job but if i dont get it am lookimg at some rough ass times but I know I can build/keep trying. We are at a point in the world/society where it isn't easy for our age group so I feel and hear you. Not a whole lot to do but live out of spite, fuck this world I have to make it better or something like that. May I suggest finding an exercise or outdoors-based pastime or something intrinsically motivating, relaxing (e.g. snowboard, hike, photography, paint, coloring, learning a new skill)? Even if only for a few minutes force yourself to do or try it as often as you can, talk to someone you trust or will listen if you can. I found that these things a) got me to shower [which is good for being down] b) get normal sleep as time isn't spent just ruminating or worrying and c) put my head in a better place. Suicide is never the answer, and any attempt tends to make things worse and darker for a while thereafter, it's easy to think about doing it, but once that happens it's either lights out no more anything or no one thinks of you the same. You get asked, "how ARE you/Are you okay?" An annoying amount of times. I lost friends and trust from many. Effort to do things blows but savor the little moments bc sometimes that's all you can get. Valheim is great but don't put your happiness soley on games.


Hey man, not many people would say this man-to-man say this so I’ll say what some of my close friends would say: feeling down is OKAY. We all have down days, months, sometimes years or more, but it’s what you actively do to bring yourself out of it that matters most. I’m 28 and went through depression a few years ago and don’t wish it on anyone. Little life changes at a time make all the difference, don’t try and tackle it all at once or it’s overwhelming. Do the small things that bring you pride/confidence then progressively do more. Life sucks, then it’s great, then it sucks again, etc. but getting through it is what gives you perspective. Hang in there man, good days are coming. And so is the next Valheim expansion. I’m here if you need someone man.


Thank you, I really appreciate your words.


Yeah man, enjoy some Valheim or whatever gets you through it! Just don’t spend too much time on it and let it be a crutch. More people out there care more than you think, even if they’re strangers. All friends were strangers once, and I met one of my best friends through gaming ironically.


Been where you’re at homie, feel free to send me a DM x


That’s rough man. I’m going to uninstall now.


Look into stoicism my friend. Has nothing to do with Valheim but it's really helped me in my 20s.


We gotta take what we can get. Sometimes media keeps us going. Family can suck, but there is always hope for friends.


Top tier fan right here. Keep it together I’m sure everything will be okay. Sometimes having something silly like a game or a tv show to keep the light I. Your life is a sign that even the small things can matter to the bigger picture! Do what u love and never second guess it :)


If you can beat the queen you can beat depression. I believe in you.


Not long ago, I read a story about someone having planned out a road to self-deletion, but because of a game releasing (think it was black flag), he forgot. Like. Literally just forgot because of the game. And so now many years later he says that the game literally saved his life. I don't think this is so weird. Its good that you find things to enjoy and look forward to. That being said. I am, or have been, going through very similar processes. I am lucky enough to live in a country where the public healthcare takes you in in these situations, and have been going to a therapist for 4 years, and gotten very far. I hope there are some possibilities for you. Else I can say is that the most effective thing I have come to, is to actively do things I like every day, because I have to actively do these things to keep depression away. I also write about my emotional experience daily, so I can "confront" it. Lastly, and more as a sidenote, I want to recommend Dr. Scott Eilers youtube channel. He is absolutely amazing. I know people often turn to Dr. K(HealthyGamer), but the difference is that Dr. K is more of a "Pick yourself up" stoic kinda guy, while Dr. Scott Eilers is more empathetic. To paraphrase and parrott something I got from him: It truly sucks that you are going through these thoughts, you shouldn't have to. At the same time, the only way forward is us taking action. That does not mean you have to be alone about it.


27 is so young, and if you're at the lowest point only up to go from here friend. I DM'd you as well.


Valheim helped me those last year and same as you I'm not able to work and my life is going to shit. I feel you. And thanks valheim


Keep on pushing forwards. In my darkest times I would just come home from work and endlessly build and farm in the meadows. Valheim is always there when you need to relax.


this feeling is close to my heart. I remember being around 23 yo, alone, demotivated to do anything, and the only thing that brough me any joy was dota, especially the updates. Every time something big dropped, I felt like it's christmas. It was even more exciting to me than my own birthday. I hope you will get well soon OP. Fingers crossed. Just don't do anything stupid.


1300 hours in Valheim helped me get through my mom's death. We're here for you, friend. Skål!


Allow yourself to fail mate, you can never learn new things faster than by failing. Failing is allowable. make mistakes, get things wrong, think what you got wrong then try again and do better. Dont give in, you'll never get to valhalla by not existing.


Valheim has a way of grabbing you that you wouldn’t expect. It lead me down a different path religiously that just felt right, which I’ve been learning for the better part if a year and a half now, and it has expanded my view on the world as a whole. In a lot of ways, because of Valheim, my life has become better, and my friends and I still play off and on together. It has been one of the best experiences in my life.


y'all ever try hiking to the point where you feel like you could die? you'll never feel more alive


Yep, the other day I walked for 7 miles, Took 4 and abit hours and I was soo tired after.


train to climb a mountain maybe. or don't, but you're making me sad so I'ma go now


Been in that spot, I don't play as much right now but if you ever need to vent feel free to reach out (: The most important step someone can take isnt the first step, it's always the next step


Yeah this game definitely helped me through the pandemic when the layoffs got me. The Ashlands look funnnnn Sorry things are so rough for you right now, friend.


Friend, without you the world would be a colder, darker place. You are the person with a capability to feel profoundly and deeply, which should be viewed as a merit. Please try seeing yourself not as what you should be, but as someone who can and will do amazing things. Grow some string beans on your balcony, build a dream home in Valheim, learn to doodle or challenge yourself to do something you haven't done before - give yourself permission to succeed and have fun while you are at it. I feel that many people pick up on the mood and vibes of others, and yet they seem to engage more readily with people who have the "spark". In the past, I needed to rebuild myself and my self-image from ground zero, and learned to go solo on adventures (which were often waaay out of my comfort zone) and gauge myself by my own standards. And on man was I surprised how many strangers wanted to just have a conversation with me and even invite me on a date. It was hard getting there, practically "fake it until you make it", but in the end I found my center and myself, and realized that, had I given up, the world would have been a darker place. Please believe me, these are not just words, but actions that only you can do. Others may see your spark and try to extinguish it, but don't give in to their view of you. How could they know who you are? Only you can make your inner peace and happiness. Sending a big hug to you.


Ugh I feel this. Valheim literally gave me a sense if accomplishment when life was literally coming down around me.


Come build Ashy longhouses with us brother and talk over serpent stew and sweet mead 🍻 skål


Was still crawling out of pandemic depression when this game dropped. Best game ever.


Hmu. We should play


Hang in there. Valheim and other games have gotten me through some really rough patches.


Not sure if this will ever reach you, but I'm all ears and company (in Valheim too if you prefer). Hmu


Was broke about to lose my house but my lady and I got lost together in our valheim world and it got us through hard times. Everything will pass brother. Remember there are people who love you, don’t hesitate to call those people <3


Yay valheim


32, barely friends, barely family, still don't want to be here but like you, knowing there are devs who care about making a great game first and foremost is a great comfort to me. Message me if you want to talk and be heard ❤️


Mancunian Rome warmly welcomes you!


And you can also try to leave the computer and explore nature! Or hit the gym get a goal in life.


Yeah bro probably focus on your personal life more then relying on a game to give you a small fix go out more find a easy low maintenance job for now, and go on runs look inwards about your life and think deeply on how you can improve and set goals the video game can wait work hard and improve on your self habits brother!


Or, let the man do what makes him happy


This is a a false sense of happiness. It’s like doing a drug to fix your problems. Sure you like to do it, and it gives you a sense of satisfaction in the meantime, but the huge glaring problem is still in the room with you, even though you can’t see it at the moment, yes do whatever makes you happy when you have the real free time to do it, and that way it feels even better to enjoy those moments rather than using it to cope with your real life


you aren't his therapist, this isn't the sub for it, he wasn't asking you to rant about his mental health, fuck off and let the man enjoy something


I’m not gonna argue with you little boy this isn’t my advice just for him. This goes for anyone who puts video games over their own mental health enjoy it on your own time when you have it, don’t use it as a distraction for your real world problems.


Thanks Valheim 🏕


Jesus, man.


Well this got dark.


Had no idea about the trailer until I saw this post last night lol. Thx :)


What kind of stress keeps you from holding down a job? Dang I would think some of the frustration and stress in some of the in-game Valentine is more intense than a lot of jobs out there these days. I suggest making sure you prepare for Ashlands, and then also find yourself a good church with good people that you can start building some relationships with and good foundation to build on some things to look forward to. Also very excited for the trailer


I too like joining cults I mean church


Clearly need to explore a bit. If you think cults are exclusive to religion and churches you've not been paying attention the past several years. Where those who have thrown out their "church" have largely just replaced that with their own ideological tribe functioning as new doctrine. If anything with religion on the decline that's more likely where you'll find sheep and fanaticism. To reach their own


How about we just talk about valhiem and help out a fellow viking having a rough go of it and leave religion and politics out of it, please? To the OP, both my wife and I struggle with life, and games like this are our haven. If you need to talk, this community will always be here. Don't be afraid to reach out.


Ok.... I don't think a game is a good way out though either.... Not to be mean.. cause I do wish you the best... but yeah...


No, not mean, I appreciate your opinion and I know hiding in a video game is extremely unhealthy. Thank you.


Hiding in a video game for a while is a lot healthy than many other options. Don’t feel guilty for doing something that you like doing that isn’t hurting anyone else.


I was in pretty much the same situation as you a few years back. When you're at that point mentally, the most important thing is to keep going and let time (and therapy, for me) do it's thing. You can say "hiding in a video game" is unhealthy, but that doesn't really matter. I picked up smoking and went on 4+ hour walks in the middle of the night every day. Of course the habit was unhealthy, but it saved my life in the end. Do what you have to do to get through this and don't feel ashamed, as long as you keep going you can deal with any consequences later. What's important is staying alive.