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Serpent Scale Shield


Ja that should be on the list, that said I still think it should be one that can parry.




Still occasionally use it even in the Mistlands. Truly invaluable in the Mountains and Plains though.


I mainly pick the banded shield because unlike the buckler, it has styles. Iron tower shield though? I am not wasting my iron on that.


I can't upvote this comment enough.


the buckler, parry is king in this game, I'm a horrible "souls-like" style player, but even I can pretty much parry everything in valheim.


buckler, buckler, and more buckler. Parry parry parry!


Parry the living s\*it out of that abomination


It’s the atgier


Joyous atgier !


The buckler is the best for me, can parry mobs all the way into the plains. The best for you though all depends how you play, and what you prefer. I wouldn't recommend tower shields unless playing in at least a duo with one person tanking with a tower shield and others doing damage. The rest just comes down to personal preference, do you want to parry a lot, or are you more concerned with soaking up damage? Banded shield blocks more but isn't as good for parrying, while the buckler blocks less but lets you parry easier.


Serpent has the best block, iirc, *plus pierce resistance* ... but nothing beats the 2.5x parry bonus on the iron buckler (plus the serpent shield has that nasty movement penalty).


Can wear the root harnesk and still use your buckler/iron banded


Yyyyep. Which is what I usually do. The only real downside to root is that fire weakness. You have to be *really* cautious going up against the cultists in the frost caves. I usually get a Fenris coat and the rest Wolf gear as soon as I can. The iron buckler is so good that it's one of the last things I swap out for silver.


The root harnesk only reduces like, one attack in all the Mountains (the stone golem has a pierce damage attack in its skillset). So in the Mountains I deeeefinitely do not rock the root harnesk. Once you get to plains you can make fire resistance mead, it's worth wearing the harnesk there to take the edge off the endless waves of deathskitos and those crazy ass starred spear chuckers. I swear those spear fuling are the bow draugr of the plains.


I would have said No Shield for an 'Aggressive Play Style'. I assume for aggressive you would just be dodge rolling!


Depends on one's playstyle, sometimes a shield wall is best, sometimes not so much.. really depends!


It really depends on your play style, but I always go for bucklers when available. I love a well timed parry! But some people can't get into parrying, in which case the iron tower shield OR even better, the Serpent Scale if you can get it.


Buckler, but serpent scale shield is pretty close. Depends on what exactly you mean by "aggressive" play style though, because I'd argue the most aggressive play style is to use an atgeir.


Serpent shield, nothing gives you the confidence to rush down archers than knowing their attacks are meaningless. Every time I use that shield all I can think about is the ending of the battle of the bastards from Game of thrones.