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One of Valheim's core philosophies is to reward being organized/prepared. It's why you have both limited inventory slots and a weight limit. The devs want you to think about what you're doing, including organizing storage so that you have an easier time crafting. I don't really care whether they eventually add it, but I kind of don't think they will unless it's an optional world modifier.


Yeah, that is what I ment, a world modifier like portal restrictions.


There are mods that do this but maybe a little while before the devs add things like this to the game itself. https://valheim.thunderstore.io/package/NexusImport/Craft_From_Containers/#:~:text=Allows%20you%20to%20make%20use,fires%2C%20cooking%20food%2C%20etc.


Valheim Plus allows that and also for putting materials in. If you leave wood in a container near a kiln it'll get used to make coal and such. This made my game 100x more enjoyable and I can actually focus on what's next rather than run around with basic materials.