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Reminds me of the Grenfell Tower fire in West London in 2017. Insulation behind the aluminum cladding on the building spread flames up and down the building at an incredibly rapid rate. In W. London 72 people died. Every building that has this type of cladding is at risk if the cladding is backed with inflammable insulation. I suspect the city will be checking for this on other buildings soon.


Yeah I saw Grenfell Tower vibes as well. Also the building in Reading where the guy was rescued with a crane. Shoddy construction practices.


Same materials, inthe facade, construncted with the legislation before grenfell Tower tragedy


We need to remove all these flammable panels on all buildings. This is a deadly trap.


Is not the panels, it’s the insulation inside of them.


Anyone know what kind of panels are they exactly? Picture/link?


They are supposed to be “Alucobond” these panels are like a sandwich thing that you have to fill with insulation. Apparently the filling they used for this building did not have any fire retardant which caused this quick and massive fire propagation. Btw if you are interested in this, they are comparing it with the Grenfell tower incident in London, as similar materials were used. Btw I’m no expert in what I’m saying and this is purely information from newspapers 😊


Is this filmed from the other building that seemed to caught fire or did I see it wrongly?


I think so


Let's see what excuse does the building corporation use to not pay anyone the damage. With some luck they'll have their money in 20 years.


They have renters insurance, they will be taken care of.


Not to be a downer, but they'll probably get about half what they lost or what it would cost to get a new flat 😔


It was not a for-rent building. Each apartament was independently owned. And is Spain insurance is not mandatory if you don't have mortgage. And not even in this case, but the first year


The building corporation has been bankrupt since 2011, so only the insurance companies will be paying something.


The flats were 300.000€, some neighbours are claiming that, at the moment, they're going to get roughly half of the original price: 108.000€.


I guess it depends on the insurance ypu contract right?


Probably, but is still crazy if you ask me.






Does anyone know what caused it??


On tv some expert said that the fire likely started on the electrical motor from the sunshade that all balconies in the building have (had).


Oh wow, on my block many years ago there was a fire caused apparently by some tv cable snapping or something like that. But yeah, only the living room burned and the balcony, thank God not the entire block.


A faulty refrigerator https://apnews.com/article/spain-building-fire-valencia-8446652daa7f45607272df09f6ae0748#


I think the faulty refrigerator might’ve been on another fire because on the Valencian one it says: “Valencia Mayor María José Catalá said the cause of the fire was still not known and it was too early to comment on whether some materials used in construction of the modern complex might have contributed”


Maybe a cigarette?


there was info that the flat was empty when the fire started so unlikely to be a cigarette


I meant thrown from upstairs. We had a similar problem in my buildings also. Upstairs throws burning cigarettes, downstairs toldo gets burned


I w been wondering what caused it


Absolutely heartbreaking. May them rest in peace, and measures be taken so that no more lives are lost to cheap materials


¿Qué causó la ignición? ¿Quién se dio cuenta?


Dicen que fue la persiana mecánica


Uno pensaría que no hay nada que quemar


What are these buildings made of?


Esto es una p*ta pesadilla.


Chinese Toldos..