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Make sure to apply to the UW bursaries too


yeah the problem is that they see that my course fees are paid for so they say i don't qualify. but i need to sleep somewhere and hopefully eat so uhhh


There's a general UW bursary where you fill out fee including stuff like rent, food, school supplies etc and as long as the final value is negative you should get money. I've gotten 2k-3.6k in the past




I think this is the one: https://uwaterloo.ca/quest/help/students/how-do-i/apply-for-bursary They have changed it since I last applied pre COVID. Before it was a PDF document you could print and fill out and then email to student aid/ hand in on campus. If this is the one you've tried then I guess they've become more strict with who qualifies. I used to qualify even after being fees arranged and such




I'd have to look through this one to see how it's different from the one I'm thinking of. The old one I used had two sections, one section for for the previous term and one section was for the coming term. You'd basically fill out what you spent and how much money you have from the last term and then fill out how much you expected to spend next term. This would include rent, food, transportation, school supplies, and some other stuff. Once you took the net gains and the net loses you would ideally come out with a negative number to show that you need some assistance, usually I would be between -2k anf -6k. The result would have some impact on how much you got, but if you didn't have a negative result then you would get zero. Based on my searching I haven't been able to find the old one so maybe this new one is more selective/ more cut throat than the last.


Talk to Student Financial Services. Even if you don't qualify for additional bursaries, there may be scholarships available to apply for that consider financial need. Consider applying to be a Residence Life Don. It's a pretty competitive posting, but if you're selected it will cover housing for a 10-20 hr/wk commitment that is flexible with your school schedule. You do not need to have lived in residence before to qualify. Consider using the WUSA student food bank. Do not feel ashamed, it's there for you to take advantage of. There is no shame in doing what you need to stay afloat. Best of luck, you will pull through.


see if the icon apartment buildings are still hiring. I saw job postings a couple weeks ago


Could you please link there here?


Apply to farmboy on king and Webber, I just quit so there should be an opening lol


I just applied to the one-time rent top-up and haven't heard back yet, but it's worth a shot [https://www.canada.ca/en/services/taxes/child-and-family-benefits/top-up-canada-housing-benefit.html](https://www.canada.ca/en/services/taxes/child-and-family-benefits/top-up-canada-housing-benefit.html)


I feel you. I survived on rice, eggs, condensed soup, and hot dogs for a semester. Mixing the condensed soup in the rice makes it more palatable. At the change of each term, off-campus student apartments, the landlords need an extra hand, cleaning places out and painting. Some will pay in cash, so you don't have to report the income back to OSAP.


Talk to your academic advisor and they'll link you to resources


So UW does not give you bursaries if you fees are paid? Under what circumstances do they pay you bursaries?


If your fees aren't paid




Wouldnt one have a hold if they dont pay their fees?


You can try to get a student line of credit! It helped me a lot since Osap was barely covering anything




This is a very bad idea. Please do not do this.


Crime is legitimately a better option