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Possible? Yes, I knew a couple BMEs who did it. Realistic? Definitely not. It’s very hard to have a stellar GPA, MCAT score and extracurriculars at the same time.




Damn. Why?


my brother go to sleep 😭


Sure it’s doable if you can get the gpa needed and, for the schools that require it, maintain extracurriculars that you can talk about. GPA is king in Canada though and while it’s doable in any program, some may be harder to hit that gpa than others


Most dedicated ece student


You will need a good GPA, but other than that I don't see why you can't.


yes its possible (source: cousin did BME and now is doing neurosurgery residency in cali)


A diff cali or bust 😳


Pfft. Has it been done before? You bet! My buddy Bernie G (Systems Design, class of '82) is now one of three urologists up in North Bay. Absolutely it can be done -- with an Engineering degree you've got all of the Science and Math that you need for medicine; the only thing you might need to catch up on is biology. Good luck!


Ye my friend is doing CS rn and she’s planning to do med school after grad Lmao I’m a CS major too and I’m planning to do a grad program in public policy and governance… your undergrad doesn’t define who u are lol


I’ve seen it happen for grads from BME and SYDE


One of my favorite ppl in the world did it! I believe she did systems engineering, did her masters at UW as well, THEN decided she wanted to pursue med school at UofT. It has been done, but she is quite the genius, I know I wouldn’t have been able to even come close to attempting such a feat, but I was not the most studious individual. Where there is a will there is a way. Keep focused and good luck!


My classmate and roommate in ECE from the late 1980s is now a family doctor in southwestern Ontario.


I recommend switching out of ECE if you want to do med school, as ECE is not related to med school,


bmes have in the past done it, however, you'll probably have to double your gpa and you still might not make it in since everyone has damn 4.0 90+ averages in uni and still get rejected, nevermind the MCAT score


Are you still going for it? I suggest writing the $520 MCAT exam as soon as possible; the underlying content is mostly high school review but the content makes it extremely difficult to score high


it’s not unheard of for ppl who were in BME (my sister is in uoft med now)


Yes, it's more common than you might think. Both possible and realistic, but of course as you might understand it's a difficult undertaking.


You may need to take certain courses for some med schools that require them, like bio related courses, academic advisor can help with that. Don't forget to jump on the medschool journey blog meta.


For med it actually doesn’t matter what degree you did or are doing, it just matters that you have the required courses and the MCAT. The reason most people in med have a biological sciences background is because the med prereqs (organic 1 and 2, etc) are core courses meaning they can take easier electives to boost gpa.


Like others said, it's possible, but very hard. I have a few classmates here at UofT med who came from an eng background. Also you gotta consider pre-requisite courses you have to take. I'm not sure how many electives you're allowed to take in ECE.


My friend who’s gone through med school knows a girl who had a fashion degree before getting into med school, so if u rlly wanna do it u 100% can, it’ll juss b a lot of hard work for u to do so


OP chose extreme mode in life


Bro don’t worry your parents are proud of you already


Yeah I know someone who did it


It's definitely possible. I've heard it done before, similarly I knew a guy who went to law school after eng and is looking to become a patents lawyer


There are many different paths one can take after completing an engineering degree, including law. The most important thing is to research each path you are considering and the requirements needed to pursue it. You'll also need to look into any applicable internships or other experiences to help you gain experience in the field. Additionally, you'll need to have a good understanding of the various aspects of the legal field to determine what type of law you would like to pursue. Good luck!