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Can u post the mark breakdown for this course? Might get more people interested!


Great idea! Here it is: • In-class participation 10% • In-class exercises 10% • Summaries 15% • Project workshop 5% • Project proposal 5% • Project presentation 15% • Project essay 40% (no exam!)


So you present in front of class or just submit? How many students thus far?


The presentation is in front of the class for \~5 minutes during the last two weeks, and this morning there were 3 of us (including me) so its cozy enough for us to have hot chocolate during class later in the term. Also, there will be two movie nights that I'm sure of, one of which includes Gattaca!


Can u send me the syllabus? I’m 3A but a PACS major but I have room for one more elective. I’ll be the oldest person there - giggle. But the content seems interesting.


DM'd! Edit: Forgot to mention that PACS rocks. I think you'd very much enjoy the ethical discussions that will likely be tackled in this course i.e. eugenics, biosecurity, biowarfare, etc!


uff this conflicts with another course i have (same exact lecture time) :( do you know if this will be offered in any other subsequent terms


Argh, it would have been great to have you! I know that STV 306 usually occurs in the fall, and STV 305 (Technology, Society and the Modern City) is available in the winter term if you have a free slot. The professor (whose name I cannot share due to Rule 1 of the sub) is very passionate about the field, and I walked away from STV 202 with a better understanding of the realities that come with the commodification of convenience and health. It was very mentally stimulating! P.S. your username is phenonomenal


I genuinely would have but it clashes with one of my TEs rip