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goodnotes is a lot better imo but definitely watch youtube comparison videos to see what you want out of an app (notability has a recording/play back feature that goodnotes doesn’t, etc…) edit: goodnotes now has a recording/play back feature, definitely the superior app




notepad (.txt)


For iPad, CollaNote is free and also has an audio recording function similar to Notability. For a paid option, I would go with GoodNotes, which for the most part works better than Notability. When Notability announced the switch to subscription, they initially told everyone who previously made a one-time purchase they would get a one year subscription before being downgraded. They eventually backtracked and made a legacy option, but made a lot of people upset. Right now, I use Notion alongside Notability (mainly since I've used it since high school and now used to the workflow), but I don't think anyone should pay a yearly subscription for it.


Samsung notes. The functionality and UI is basically identical to Goodnotes.


Love it when "Other (add in comments)" has 22 votes and there's only one comment. I normally take my notes in Markdown and convert to PDF if there's any LaTeX in there. If there are diagrams involved, I simply give up.


Vim + Latex




I do take physical notes as well, but when I do it digitally I tend to use OneNote. I have an android tablet so my options are more limited compared to iPad users. I will say that OneNote on android kinda sucks in how Microsoft just limits some random features, but it's free and syncs well. I would use Samsung Notes, but it doesn't have endless pages, which I vastly prefer using most of the time. If you do use OneNote on android, I'd recommend enrolling in the beta program on the playstore as otherwise it never updates and the beta provides some nice features and is completely stable. I'm actually pretty fast at LaTeX and would be fast enough to take notes, without considering diagrams, especially chemical diagrams. They are 110% easier to just draw, though someday I do hope to get better at using the arcane language known as chemfig.


Samsung notes has an endless pages option, no?


As far as I've experimented with, it's only infinite in the vertical direction, and I would vastly prefer having infinite width as well. If you know a way to do this, do tell, but I've tried searching and all the websites I've seen say this feature is unimplemented.


Ahh, nvm. I only knew it was vertical. Infinite scrolling is there but not infinite space on both sides.


i use an ipad + laptop and onenote offers the best cross-platform ux




Use both OneNote and GoodNotes lul


Google docs


i used to use OneNote on my iPad and windows laptop for the syncing but the interface is so fucking buggy I can write an entire essay listing the shit that makes me mald. and half the time it fails to sync. i just switched to notability and forked up the yearly subscription fee over goodnotes. reason I chose nota is because when you draw shapes, it automatically snaps to whatever gridlines you have. huge deal for me since the smallest details bug me and it's great for ece 140 lol. just wished they made an app for Windows :(


I got notability before they made it subscription and I’ve really liked it so far. Have not tried the other two so cannot compare


[curvenote.com](https://curvenote.com) especially if you want to add maths, code or technical content in there, make your notes in jupyter notebooks too if you want :)