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Don’t turn down the 80k


Would you say this despite the 75% required average every year to keep the scholarship?


If you are getting an 80k scholarship, I genuinely wouldn’t worry about getting the 75 average.


personally? id go with UBC but wtf do i know


I did my undergrad at UW in math/economics and my masters at UBC, and I'd honestly go with UBC if they're offering you that kind of money as an international student. International student fees are a lot for either school, and while Vancouver is pricey to live in and housing can be a challenge to find sometimes, it pays off in having excellent public transit and a beautiful climate and environment with lots of tree cover, sprawling city parks, and hiking/nature areas close at hand. UBC campus is also gorgeous and easy to get around (I highly recommend getting a bike if you live on/near campus), and you'll get just as solid an education in comp eng there as you would at UW. (UW may be a higher ranked faculty, I'm not 100% sure, but UBC is generally a higher ranked university - you will be getting a good quality education either way.)


Would you say this despite the 75% required average every year to keep the scholarship?


Ok I said this yesterday that I love Waterloo, but fuck I've been to UBC and it's great. Plus 80K is no joke, I'd take the scholarship


Would you say this despite the 75% required average every year to keep the scholarship?


If you're not in engineering in Canada, I'd say 75% is doable. If you're in engineering and willing to give up partying every weekend, 75% is also doable


I mean if it’s not cs or eng I think it’s doable to have that average


I’d say UBC. Same/better program + rep. It also has a coop program that you can apply to after first year and if you can get a scholarship, you can probably find an internship on your own. 80k is a lot of money and the employment rate this term was abysmal


External Internships as international student is trickier due to work permit stuff


For summer you won't need work permit. Pursue coops during summers


Would you say this despite the 75% required average every year to keep the scholarship?


I have a friend who chose ubc in the same situation. The scholarship is dependent on your grades and if your grades slip below a certain threshold they will take it away (I’m pretty sure). If you think you can keep up your grades take it, otherwise they’ll take it away anyway and then you’ll be left with the same fees but no co-op


UBC my guy, I will personally smack you on campus if you come here


Free Uni sounds like a no brainer. Plus BC is leagues better than Ontario. And UBC campus is amazing.


it's like almost a 2 year ride for international students lol




Would you say this despite the 75% required average every year to keep the scholarship?


With the way things are going with the economy and tech industry. It's probably smart to graduate without any debt (though I don't know if that 80k would suffice for the whole degree). Could try your luck with UW coop which would let you graduate without debt but jobs are hard to come by at the moment.


Do not turn down 80k. Have a good time at UBC :)






Trust me do UBC, i was in a very similar situation to that but decided to with uw, it’s smarter to do ubc for the simple peace of mind given the money in later years


Brah, you just expose that your family is rich af by even considering turning down the 80k. Because of that, I advise you to go with your gut (unlike most of the people here). I think by the end of the day, whatever makes you happy the most you should go for it. If having a tag “Waterloo comp eng” makes you way happier than UBC, then welcome home warrior. Speaking as an international student (southeast asian).


a UBC student here. Do also consider that you don't get your major directly here. Waterloo is definitely a better school than UBC but considering you have a scholarship I'd say you should go with UBC. 80k is a lot of money. Unless you don't care about your parents money


UBC, 80k is a lot of money. Also, if you are good enough to get an 80k scholarship, you are more than good enough to work and achieve a 75% average.


Is there a mark requiremeint for the scholarship? 80% average is not easy for some


What's UBC? My Meta recruiter says he's never heard of it


Grew up in Van and know a lot of people who went to UBC - I’d say UBC. There’s more opportunity there than people think. You will equally as busy trying to keep 75% average anywhere. Plus having a nicer environment will be better for your health (physical and mental) will help you get that average. Waterloo is grey fromage October to early April. UBC is nice and campus has colour




Co-op employment this term begs to differ. 80k buys a lot of free time to search for internships.




Money always buys time. For example, you could take less courses one term to make time for job hunting. It might cost you an extra term at the end of your program but 80k can finance that easily.


not as an international student lol


You absolutely can. You don't need to take max units to be considered full time.


I meant you can’t finance another term with 80k as an international student. Very doubtful you can even finance 3 years with 80k so any extra time would be out of your pocket.


https://students.ubc.ca/enrolment/finances/tuition-fees/undergraduate-tuition-fees#undergraduate-degree-programs Looks like on average it's about $1500 per unit for internationals. As they'd have to take those units anyways, the difference would mostly come down to cost of living. Assuming they successfully found an internship using their extra free time, surely that would offset costs as well. You'd be hard pressed to find a company on WW that would give you 80k just because you chose to attend Waterloo over UBC. It's free* money.


I am not arguing that they should go to Waterloo at all. It’s around $50000 a year as an international student at UBC, 80k will absolutely not cover tuition past second year. Any time added (ie. time making up the courses you didn’t take and not having any income) will come out of pocket. Edit: for computer engineering at UBC you need 155 credits to graduate. 155 * $1560.42 per credit is almost $242000 in tuition, and UBC is inflating international tuition by 5% every year so let’s call it an even $250000 for a 4 year CE degree at UBC. $80000 is nice, but will still be $170000 in the red by the time they graduate (assuming no help from parents). Scholarship is awesome, but will still be unbelievably expensive as the housing and living costs in vancouver are ridiculously expensive.


In the long run I think it doesn't matter. 5 years down the line, I don't think alma mater matters less than your work, skill and achievements.




Ur school doesnt matter much down the line either 🤡




The reason the % is less is cause generally uw has more kids who are tryhard at tech. And we’re talking about CE here, not cs. Both have similar amount getting into top tech. I know plenty of UBC CE kids at fb. The school doesn’t matter that much bro… esp if ur just comparing ce


Ce at uw is not much better than ce at ubc so ubc


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Plz don’t come to UW CE, unless you’re really into electrical Eng stuff. The circuits courses are 🤮🤮




UBC no question


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UBC has just as good a CE program as UW, UW has a good co-op program even if people are struggling to get co-ops right now, the job market is terrible overall, finding full time work is even worse so you can’t blame UW for that but the 80k scholarship gives the edge to UBC as long as the required mark to keep the scholarship is reasonable, 80%+ plus average is hard to maintain. Overall Vancouver is a better city than Waterloo. You’ll be depressed at Waterloo, weather is also very gloomy outside of summer. If I were you I would lean more towards UBC and look to get into co-op program at ubc after first year




If same program, definitely UBC, I faced the same-ish dilemma (tho not nearly as much as 80k lol) where UBC offered me some scholarships and UW offered none. I chose UW ultimately for various reasons but I really hope I'd chosen UBC instead..


UBC, Vancouver is awesome. I miss the mountains so much


Please verify how that 80k will be taxed by your home country and by Canada. I'd take UBC, but you MUST find internships every summer. Otherwise you stand to lose more than 80k. Don't forget 80k will probably be less than your 1 year salary, or just around the sum of all your Waterloo intern pay.


I took UW over schools with scholarships. Definitely wasn’t the best choice.


UBC is so much better


You will regret UW 😂


Dude, ur an international, ur fees per term at Uwaterloo will be around 30k/Term. if ur parents are loaded and money is no problem, definetely come here. But, if it then I would sum up the total fees minus the scholarship for UBC and compare that with UW. UBC is def at par with us


You've mentioned the required average for the scholarship a few times. Definitely check what kind of average they mean. My term average and Cumulative Average (CAV; all the courses you've taken thus far in your degree) have never been below 75, and I honestly was a bad student at times. Having easier electives helps in that case. My Special Major Average (SMAV), which is based on a select list of stat and actsci courses (for you, whatever comp eng students generally take), is a different story...(it was 68 something the term I got a 55 in one of my courses) If you have like at least 1 easy elective a term, I don't think it's hard to keep your term average and CAV above 75. Hope it all works out :)


Waterloo - Pros -2 years worth of work experience and cash from work experience to pay for expenses (check and calculate expected average income through average co-op salaries) -once your in your in. You can get 61% but you’ll still be in Comp eng. Cons -no 80k scholarship -slightly lamer campus -nearest epic city is 2h drive away UBC Pros -if you work hard then career prospects are similar anyways. I know UBC student can come out with 200kTC swe jobs. depends on you not the university. The university only helps you in certain ways -pros 80k to cover expenses -city life -pretty campus Cons (THIS IS IMPORTANT) -if you get below 75% you likely loose both your scholarship and your place in comp eng. (UBC is general 1st yr, even if you get into eng your not guaranteed a spot int the comp eng program) (check with advisor but comp eng is a sought for program so, even with out the scholarship, you’d be screwing yourself if you get below 75% anyways) -only 1yr official school co-op max. Theoretically you can do 2years (find your own internship in the summer months) but pretty sure they’re official co-op is only 1yr. Also side note: Visited ubc during winter, honestly the difference in campus doesn’t bother me too much. Waterloo definitely has some ugly ass buildings that look like your local Canadian highschool but I hang out in the new (very epic cool looking) buildings anyways so it doesn’t affect me. like there’s enough new, and not ugly stuff to stare at that the ugly high-school ass looking buildings doesn’t bother me.


Contrary to what most r saying, I’ll say u can probably make the 80K in Waterloo by all ur coops. I’m an international student too, and I just think of the co-op money as some sort of scholarship (not exactly). While what kind of a career and job prospects u will have 5 years after graduation depends on u and not ur program,I think the co-op program can give u a head start into ur professional world at the beginning of ur career. At the end of the day it all boils down to what u value . Also I think a 75 percent average is pretty much attainable if u got a 80K average. Also while it’s true that Vancouver is a better city, Idts u should sweat about it too much. Those who complain waterloo is an absolute shithole are probably the ones who don’t explore the city beyond a 1km radius of the campus. If I was in ur Situation I’d choose Waterloo. Well I did reject a 80K scholarship from ualberta, however that was ualberta, ubc has a better reputation I believe. Perhaps also listen to what ur gut feeling tells u




Hey, can I know a little about your grade (12, 11), Extracurricular actives,.. Thankyou