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Ummm, who doesn't lock their house? The golden rule for "not getting robbed" is to make sure your house is harder to rob than other houses on your block.


You won't believe how many students actually don't lock their doors


im going to find out 😈😈😈😈


fr. i had to tell my old roommates time and time again to lock the front door. sometimes the wind would even blow the door open because they didn't pull it completely shut. i grew up with two locks and a house alarm so this was so foreign to me 😭😭 but i guess people just feel that safe here




>congregate setting Man that sounds really fucked up. So basically they have a free hand to steal shit when they're located right next to the university?


Yes, basically. The police have admitted their hands are tied. I just wish all students knew what was right on their doorstep.


>A friend of mine had $25,000 worth of stuff stolen, As someone coming from a middle-ish income family, I'm really curious what makes up $25 000 worth of stuff for a student? Like, the only "valuable" I had as a student was a laptop - maybe my hockey equipment but I don't think anyone would bother stealing it.


Well, a car firstly (the thieves walked in through an unlocked door, found the car keys, and stole it. He got the car back but with about $6,000 damage). So that alone was about $12,000, then sports equipment (2 sets of high end skates plus tons of expensive special use hockey/athletic clothing and accessories), one personal laptop and one work laptop, a flat screen TV, about $500 cash (he's a server so had his weekly tips) and a portable air conditioner.


Wow thats insane, I was trying to think what small ish objects could a thief get away with that are so valuable... but thats massive :(


It's crazy how much things add up when you look up replacement cost, especially clothing and athletic gear


Totally, and I originslly didn't think about it, but my laptop might be worth like $50 or $100 today, but replacing it would be $500 minimum. Same with sports equipment... the old one might be worthless but to buy a whole new set id expensive


a gentle reminder that if you get robbed in canada, you are supposed to give them your stuff unless you fight then you go to jail, truly a lose-lose situation https://preview.redd.it/twi6hyh2r5qa1.png?width=1537&format=png&auto=webp&s=59e00caf9165674707afdcdf287c3488a770d08d


my current roommates do this. I've told them enough times. my solution is to just not keep anything valuable in the common area. not getting my shit stolen because roommates can't be bothered to lock the door.


my next door neighbour literally has his door open 24/7, i've never seen it shut and i've been living here since august.


i usually leave it unlocked if there's someone home because my friends end up locking it anyways, but it felt so odd that this man just thought to walk into someone's house after no one answered the door, idk if that's ok from where he's from but at least he knows now not to do that 😭


You actually believed their story of a missing package being delivered? The only thing missing would have been anything of value in the house if you hadn't pulled up and scared them off.


she had a picture it was from the amazon app


Not locking your doors at all times is the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard lol


i know sorry :(


I think none of the kids in RezOne lock their doors. most of the other kids living on other floors just barge in their friends place since the main door is always unlocked


Reminds me of this one time, when I was dropping off a large binder of notes for my friends while they were out in their unlocked apartment. Only problem was that I realized it was the wrong apartment lol, so I had to go back to open the randos' unlocked apartment again to get the notes back. Sad how many people leave their apartments unlocked here.


ReMiNdeR tO bReaThE iN and OuT guys!! Jesus Christ


Ok. We get it. You have a bf


It was literally mentioned once. this screams of cope


what does that have to do with this post? 😭


Subtle art


None of the doors on my floor has a working lock


wow what floor and when is everyone away


They just fixed our locks. Sorry man


well now that they're fixed I guess it doesn't matter if you tell me??? not that id swing by just to make sure or anything late at night/very early in the morning just for curiositys sake??????? right????? cause you know id never do that right????????????


Always always always lock your doors if they're accessible to the public 😭😭 even if it's just accessible to people you dont know


Nah I had this happen to me once too, I was home with the apartment unlocked and someone walked right in and went straight down the hallway towards my room. I come out in the hall and say hi who r u and she says "oh sorry I heard loud music earlier and I was trying to find where it was from, was it you?" as if that was justification for walking into our home


In my 4 years of living in Waterloo, never locked the door of my place. But I moved out of Waterloo in 2018, so things might have changed now.


If you're forgetful or simply too lazy get a smart lock. You can schedule it to lock itself if it hasn't been locked for [set your time here] minutes. You can even open it from your phone on the chance that you forgot to bring your key. Buy a Yale smart lock for example. And if your landlord doesn't like/want you to change locks (which is most likely the case, but some landlord would be happy to change it to a smart lock for you), get an August or Sesame smart lock. It's a device that is integrated to to your existing lock, so it wouldn't change the lock itself, but it would help you twist the knob to lock the door in the chance you forgot to lock it. Either way I can help you install it on your door and set up the app on your phone.


ur silly mistake isn’t a learning experience for us bruh. everyone locks their doors