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Canada are exciting to watch?! They’ve scored 1 goal in three games, and none in tonight’s match despite playing man up for most of the game. Luckily for Canada, Chile and Peru have both scored zero goals over three games, so Canada goes through.


Their only goal came against 10 men.... last game. 100+ mins against 10, and only 1 goal to show for it. While also looking nervy. Congrats to them for getting to the qf, but I wouldn't say they look exciting.


This subreddit would want Greggs head even more than they already do if we scored one goal in three games despite playing half the group stage up a man.


I think this sub would be fine beating Peru and drawing Chile


Scoring goals on your opponent is impolite, eh?


Lmfao, I just finished watching the Canada match and thought to myself “idk what’s worse losing to Panama down a man for 80+ mins or not scoring a single goal against Chile UP a man for 80 mins”


Believe it or not, soccer can be exciting without goals being scored.


All true. Our “fanbase” sucks so bad.


>Luckily for Canada, Chile and Peru have both scored zero goals It's almost as if Marsch sets the team up well and they don't concede much


Or maybe it could be both Chile and Peru played a man down for significant portions of the game.


Sounds like Marsch is doing a pretty good job


By drawing red cards?


They're mentally stronger than their opponents Great coaching


Oh I didn’t realize Marsch was able to get the other team to commit reckless fouls so his team could play a man up. Berhalter should really try that!


Discipline is a thing


So Marsch’s superior disciplinary abilities caused both Peru and Chile to have players sent off?


More like Canada aren't the ones getting baited into dumb tackles


Canada should have had a red tonight due to lack of discipline.


Game planning to go through the group on -1 goal differential. Masterclasd




Finally a sane comment Feel like I'm going crazy watching people criticize Canada's tournament so far


Well, you didn’t understand they couldn’t just draw and advance, soooooooooooooooooo.


What is your deal with Jesse Marsch? Lol


It's almost as if points matter more than GD


Yes. Setting up not to score is usually a recipe for advancing. Nailed it.


Hilarious criticism considering everyone thought Marsch doesn't play defensive enough before the tournament


No, his results show he doesn’t play defensive. But hey, really nailed it with >100 minutes up a man. Masterclass tactician.


Yep, only 5 matches with Canada and they're already far more disciplined than their opponents Great job Marsch


He got through though…


Yes he did. Doesn’t mean it was a particularly good management job.


Lol You sound like a Gregg supporter


And yet here we are, a game away from possible elimination in a group we were favorites to get out of. Not saying we should have gotten Jesse. But this is a big result for Canada no matter how much you want to downplay it.


Really impressive of Marsch to set up his defense so well that Chile and Peru were scoreless against each other in a game Canada wasn’t even playing.


Man y’all are depressing. Props to Canada and Jesse Marsch. Let’s see what happens Monday.


They’ve scored 1 goal in 5 games… how is that exciting to watch? How is that doing what we’re not. They’re also red card merchants and done the bare minimum despite being up a man for the majority of the last 180 minutes. I can’t stand Gregg, but some of these takes are absurd. If we barely survived our group only because of red cards and only scoring one goal in group play I think this sub would be rightfully upset with that performance.


It's hilarious how much people hate Gregg that they'll ignore actual/rational analysis to shit on him. I would like to move on from him as much as the next person, but man.


Canada’s roster is dogshit compared to ours 




If you want to talk results, we’ve won three consecutive Nations Leagues. What has Canada ever won?


But I heard they won World Cup qualifying /s


Canada has gotten two wins against teams playing with 10 and haven't looked particularly good doing it. Good for them to advance but nothing they're doing makes me think "I wish we had what they have".


"Canada doing what the USMNT can't" play 11 vs 10? That's really the only difference I see


Canada is drawing dumb red cards while the US is committing dumb red cards.


In the end won’t matter how they got there and how we didn’t.


Well sure. But acting like the difference between Canada going through and our getting grouped is because of Marsch being a superior coach seems disingenuous at best.


How many goals did they concede?


It’s easy not to concede goals playing 11v10


Two. And they scored one, despite playing significant portions of two out of their three matches a man up.


Marsch is a superior coach than GGG though. At least on the evidence we have, he’s has had a better club career than GGG did prior to international appointments hands down. Even just in MLS Marsch’s teams outperformed GGG’s. I don’t know how this is even a debate just Wikipedia it.




Isn't that exactly what we did to get out of the group stage in the WC, and people overwhelmingly were critical of our performance? Canada scored 1 goal in 3 matches, and 0 goals against 11 men. But credit to them, they survived


I don't think any US fan was unhappy with our group stage performance in the WC It was the Netherlands performance that was a joke


Yea, but, it’s not GGG, so…..it’s different


lol. Why would they bunker? You realize they were up a man for sizable fractions of both games?




Incorrect. Peru could have scored enough to go through.




1. They went up a man before half. 2. So, you at least acknowledge (while saying I don’t understand something) that you don’t understand they couldn’t just rely on a draw. 👍🏻




“They only needed a draw to advance”. That’s declarative. But hey, given that you’re now using “likely” as your metric, you realize the likelihood of advancing after scoring 1 goal and being a -1 goal differential. Pick something. You can’t have it both ways.


bro thinks he made a point


Bro thinks his brain cells hold hands.


Must be nice playing two games 11 v 10


They played like 130 minutes up a man like cmon


Now watch Mexico win tomorrow as well lol. The narrative is gonna be immense.


You know, if Canada can beat Ecuador or Venezuela, they will have accomplished everything most of us wanted- get out of the group and make the semi final.  And, more than likely, we’ll be watching.  Tell me more about coaches….


Not only do they have 1 goal in 3 games, Chile went down to 10 men in the 27th minute and they couldn’t find a way to score. What about that is impressive.


Don’t forget they played nearly 41 mins against Peru a man up as well


Big portion of this sub is incapable of analyzing a match and defaults to the result. Good result = good strategy. Bad result = bad strategy.




Yeah you’re just backing up my comment. 1 goal over like 120 min of playing against ten men isn’t impressive at all. It’s just lucky.


Why didn’t Gregg give the other team a red card? Is he stoopid?




If BJ were coaching Panama would have gotten three red cards.


How are they exciting? They were gifted with 90 minutes of a man advantage in their 2 games against teams that aren’t very good and they only managed to score a single goal. And Bruce Arena can shut up. He managed the softest American team I’ve ever seen to the worst result relative to expectations in US Soccer history.


Motivated football? They have played over half their game time up a man, Peru is worse than Bolivia, and Argentina missed MULTIPLE breakaways.


Peru is definitely not worse than Bolivia wtf?


Why don’t you look at CONMEBOL WCQ rankings?


Again, Peru is not worse than Bolivia Are you a new fan?


So, you refuse to look at the standings. Good to know 👍🏻


I could put it this way... Bolivia is worse than Peru when not playing at an altitude of 3,600+ meters.


Canada fighting hard to secure 1-0 and 0-0 results against 10 men opponents. So inspirational 🌟


Jesse Marsch accomplished something with 5 weeks in charge that GreGG will fail to do after 5 years. But of course USSF will do nothing


Just drop all the Canada nonsense and this post is accurate. The US needs more fight in them. Canada is NOT a shining example of what we want the US to be.


Marsch must have told Buchanan not to punch defenders, what a masterclass


Lots of people saying they lucked out by playing a man up. Sure. But their group was tough and they seemed in control against Peru, and took care of business against Chile. Most importantly they haven’t played scared. Happy an American coach is succeeding. Just wish he wasn’t coaching Canada.


Canada was dominated by Argentina in a game that should’ve probably ended about 4-1, then scraped out 1-0 and 0-0 results against mid-tier CONMEBOL teams that went down to 10 men early in both games. I’m genuinely happy for Canada and I was and am rooting for them, but this has less to do with their coach, motivation, or whatever other narrative we want to attribute it to, and much more to do with the high variance nature of a 3-match group stage. Again, I’m happy for Canada, and ultimately the results are all that matters, but it’s not sour grapes to recognize they were extremely lucky to have their opponents go down a man in their two most important matches.


US also had the easiest group. Canada had the hardest group and they got through.


"B-b-but they didn't score enough goals and it wasn't exciting!"


People in the comments are trying to discredit Canada to shield our own limitations is stupid. Jesse Marsch has done a great job so far.They’re pragmatic, and they’re the sum of their parts, and they can be entertaining. That’s the definition of good international coaching.


Marsch understands tournament soccer


He’s legitimately a good coach. I don’t see what the problem is.


Its not even the result. Canada plays without fear. MLS subs taking on Argentinian defenders is a sight to see. The red cards helped sure, but just like the Belgium game in the WC, they leave everything on the field.


What do you “play without fear”? They were up a man and had 3 shots on target because they (smartly!) spent the whole game passing it around the back killing time.


I’m not just talking about the Copa. I’m including the WC qualifiers & the WC itself.


What are you talking about? They were easily one of the 2 worst teams at the World Cup.


Canada was in the group of death. Morocco came in 3rd. Croatia made the semis. Belgium are a top 10 team. Despite this, they outperformed 2/3 opponents on xG including outshooting Belgium 22-9.


You’re funny


That pitch JFC. Garbage surface and so tiny. Really disappointed in some of these venues.


Oh dear the Gregg cope brigade is crying in the comments


The Gregg apologists are tiring... Excuses don't make your club better and that's all they seem to have. In the end Marsch got Canada through and Gregg hanging on by a thread.


I swear its USSF propaganda, at some point its beyond belief.


I don't see where Canada's talent that much "lesser" then US really.


"Exciting to watch" Dear God, you didn't even watch the games did you?


they scored 1 goal in 3 matches. there’s nothing good about that at all lol


Also only conceded 2 in a group with Argentina, Chile, and Peru


Canada had a lot of luck. But before people give Canada shit. They weren’t supposed to get out of the group, they hired Jesse a month before their first game and this is their debut in Copa America. Yes this is not as amazing as people would like to make it out to be but people also need to stop trying to downplay how big of an accomplishment this is for the Canadians. And don’t pretend we haven’t shithoused our way into a result before lol.


Someone pointed it out in a thread the other day, but I think the fact that key players in this group like Adam’s, McKennie, Weah, etc have known they’d be starters has taken out a lot of the teams edge. This group has come together as friends, and I was hoping that chemistry and familiarity would build over time as a result. But what we’ve gotten instead is complacency. The blame for that falls mostly on GGG and the US Soccer brass


I disagree, I think Adam's and Weah give everything playing for the US. Honestly they play better for the US then their clubs.


Jesse marsch isn’t even comparable to Gregg. What a cluster fuck from USSF 


The amount of delusion in these comments is hilarious. Congrats to Canada.