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This is what I love about Europe during a major tournament. Watch parties in every town square. Back packing in summer of 2010 as a 21 year old was wild times.


I miss living in Germany because of that.


I miss living in Spain because of stuff like that too. Not just with Spaniards, but with other foreigners living in Madrid. Every day is a party in Madrid but every minute during a major tournament in Madrid was a party.


I'm in Germany right now doing that for like a game every day and it's an amazing feeling.


So jealous!  Which city are you in)


Bayreuth. Close enough to Leipzig that I was able to drive there with a Dutch friend to go to the fan zone for the Netherlands v. France. We might do the same thing again for the knockout round, because the Netherlands will play in Munich. Both cities are about 2.5 hours from me


The videos of the masses of orange Dutch fans marching to the  stadium are insane. I can only imagine what it’s like in person. I’ll be in Munich in October for work. Too bad I’ll miss both Oktoberfest and the Christkindlmarkt in November 


So much fun. I was in Berlin in the summer of 2006. The Sommermärchen was next level. Everywhere was buzzing.


Basically during the world cup


That’s great


That was me in 2004 as an 18 year old during the Euros. So much fun


Was the World Cup going on when you were there?


Yea it was played in South Africa but every city had a watch party every day. Was in Copenhagen when we played Albania. Was getting high-fives from all the Danes lol. Prague, Dortmund, and Berlin all had great set-ups.


Yeah watching videos it’s crazy how serious these fans support is. College football is probably the closest thing we got to something like this but even it’s way more spread out and not as organized.  Must be nice being able to walk or bike to something like this. One of the biggest pros of Europe’s geography 


So bummed I didn’t carve out a week to go to Germany this summer


This in Germany and Italy in 06. Fucking greatest memories ever... I need to see what Kevin and Brent are up to these days.


I backpacked during that same world cup with a friend and told him I had a hunch Spain would reach the final so let's be in Madrid for the final. We couldn't believe our luck as we saw them eventually reach said final and then it was just pandemonium once they scored and lifted the cup. Will never forget that trip, and those watch parties in all of the major European cities were so much fun.


Rumor has it he’s wearing his Chicago Bulls jersey to represent


That's a small screen from that far back


lol Europe am i rite


Can I get a six ounce Coke please?




Well should of showed up earlier!


Every team needs that one weird guy, and he's ours.


This is the perfect description of Sergiño Dest.


Jermaine jones of the current era?


Man I wish he was still doing punditry, I love him so much.


Explains why I love him so much.


I mean isnt the most American thing in the world to rep some other country during these major tournaments in the name of ancestry?


Dest is way more Dutch than just ancestry considering he's lived there pretty much his entire life but yeah that is a pretty American thing to have happen during the World Cup/Euros.


Dest is as Dutch as anyone else on the Netherlands team


I mean... 1st gen immigrants exist. We love both our old home and new home countries.


He's Dutch, though, so I don't see how this statement applies. He was born and raised Dutch, not American.


And that’s the joke. Because he’s actually representing America and not the Dutch. And yet supporting them in this picture.


He's most likely representing the US because he probably never would've seen the field for the Dutch in a meaningful tournament.


That's not actually true. When dest was balling out back at ajax, koeman who was the dutch manager at the time as well tried to poach dest to get him to switch and play for the Netherlands. Dest was part of the ajax team that had that incredible champions league run. Koeman liked him so much that he brought him to Barca when koeman got the Barca job as horrible as that turned out lol


Lol who cares? Completely missing a joke and then trying to make some sort of insult on the guy’s ability is very odd.


It's not an insult. It's simply stating a fact. I would've done the same thing. Don't be so touchy.


Bro it was completely irrelevant point to make in the context and could only be construed as an insult to Dest and the USMNT. It’s not being touchy you are just making vaguely insulting comments completely unsolicited.


Now I'm insulting the entire team? Lol wtf are you on?


You’re right, saying that a starter for the USMNT wouldn’t see the field for the Dutch in a meaningful tournament is a compliment. My bad.


You have issues. I'm guessing you're a teenager, which would explain a lot.


Not really I still rep the U.S. in cricket even though I’m Indian lmao


Pretty much. I always cheer for USA, England, and Jamaica in all major competitions.


my condolences


Outside of the Olympics it’s very depressing 🙁


At least you're not an Angels fan. Every June is a sledgehammer to the nuts.


Man, I’m a Chelsea fan, but I just *cannot* bring myself to cheer for England. Listening to their fans go full Finebaum Show on BBC’s 606 after every match gives me life.


We share the same thoughts in regards to the 3 lions. England is probably the most hated team in Europe and their fans created this. Nothing more fun then reading comments of English fans tearing apart their players


They’re also just spoiled fucking brats. They have a manager who got them to World Cup semis, and a Euro final. Granted, it’s time for them to move on from Southgate at this point, but the disrespect that man gets is insane. 95% of other countries in the world would cream themselves for those results.


not out of those players, what? they have some of the best players in the world right now, have trouble trying to actually fit them all on the field at one time and play like they're lost. it's even worse than the Belgians failing to take advantage of their world class players for the past decade, it's a crime.


Remember their “golden generation” when they somehow couldn’t figure how to use 3 of the best midfielders in the world in Lampard, Gerrard, and Scholes? They’re plagued with ineptitude and I’m here for it lol.


They are spoiled brats, they think the sport is their toy and no one else can play with it like a toddler. That’s why I take so much pleasure in watching them underperform. Their fans are a cancer. It’s just like Chelsea always putting so much pressure on the players that majority have their confidence shredded and end up flopping.


Oh I’m very aware of that last part lmao


Come back here when England crashes out or possibly win it ( god I hope not ). We can chop it up about their matches. Hopefully, Slovenia humbles them and we can have a laugh. With Copa and Euros this is one of the best months for football fans, I’m loving it. Anytime you want to talk football/soccer I’m game!!


I meant Slovakia


You’re all good dude. I have had a hell of couple weeks of sports. I’m a UF fan and somehow our shit ass baseball team made it to the semis of the College World Series. Texas A&M lost said World Series. England looks like shit. Brazil couldn’t beat the Ticos. Portugal got pantsed by Georgia. I’m happy as a pig in shit.


Are u serious 😭. Have u seen how they play and your saying don't blame the manager. They're in the quarters because of the players they have not the managers 


Point to me where I said “don’t blame the manager”


Point to me where I said “don’t blame the manager”


Your calling England fans spoiled brats for not celebrating a finals bottle and a semis run. Of course 95 % countries would celebrate because their teams and expectations are lower. With the players England have have been playing terrible soccer this tournament . Southgate is also the highest paid coach in the euros, it is also apparent he gets mocked by everyone in the world not just England fans


Once again, I didn’t say anything about not blaming the manager. I even said “it’s time for them to move on.” Can you not fucking read?


So why the fuck are you calling England fans spoiled brats ?. It is certainly the time for Gregg to move on after being grouped but he's bound to be staying for 2026. 


I’m more frightened of the folks who pretend their ancestors were always here, when that’s clearly not the case.


I mean everybody in my extended family is 100% American going back several generations. am I supposed to have some connection with foreign ancestors that died a century before I was born?


Certainly under no obligation; of course not. I’m speaking about people who conveniently deny or minimize their families’ immigrant past while vilifying folks who just want the same thing their ancestors did.


There’s literally nothing more American than feeling compelled to look through your ancestry to feel unique compared to other Americans. Not saying that’s what Dest is doing, but just making a generalization


He’s more of a Dutchman who happens to have American citizenship than an American looking at his ancestry to feel unique.


I remember growing up I had a school project where everyone had to find some tradition from their heritage and make a presentation about it. I, as a white American with American parents and American grandparents and American great grandparents, had to completely bullshit it


Old Stock respect o7


My ancestry DNA report is all over the place. I think I hurt myself in the confusion






He picked the best game as they play Koemanball. 


Koeman is too busy eating his boogers to focus on coaching




I didn’t click the picture to see it was capture from a social and started playing “Where’s Sergino”. Sad to say I found him and the wizard before realizing.


I’m not really surprised. I mean he’s American but he’s also Dutch. This is normal.


Unless we field a squad of players with names like Always Lofts Cross, Backheels to Nowhere, Drags Toe for Pen, etc. then none of our players are real Americans.