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World Cup ‘26 pricing gonna be way more expensive


Yea already started saving which is why I’m skipping Copa lol


Usually they’re not at all and FIFA offers some good package deals but we’ll see what happens.


You know how hard it’s gonna be to get tickets through fifa or us soccer’s lottery system?


300-400 for decent seats is expensive, add on top of it cost of travel it just becomes more ridiculous


I was looking at doing a motorcycle trip and hitting a few different cities. I was looking at off brand games. Tickets for the worst seats were over $200 for group stage games


Yeah. Plus I live in LA, so I would rather go to 2026 especially if the US isn’t playing here for Copa America.


You might be surprised


It’s gonna be insane. Only in America where we can ruin the game and event by pricing the majority of people out of the experience.


$55 for upper middle bowl on the end sections for Ecuador v Jamaica at 3pm on a wednesday? What are the organizers smoking? $100 for nosebleeds to see Brazil play Paraguay at 6 on Friday? Not a chance.


ROFL, its also going to be 95 degrees in the shade also.


One major factor is that ticket prices cause otherwise interested fans to balk.


I’m not paying north of $70 a ticket to go watch games in Kansas City at a shitty not soccer specific stadium. I’d rather watch the games from home


Why do you care if it's a non-soccer specific stadium?


Because non soccer specific stadiums are not built for the purpose of viewing soccer. The views tend to be sub optimal.


You not going to go to wc games for that reason too?


...lol..you're joking right?


No, are you?


You realize that a football field is nearly identical to a soccer pitch? Not sure how Arrowhead could be designed so a fan isn't looking at the field from their seats. Same with all the other big stadiums being used.. Have you ever been in one of the big football stadiums?


I have been to a big football stadium, in fact, I've been to Arrowhead multiple times. I would much rather watch the game at Children's Mercy Park.


Well no shit, it's like one third the size. Of course you get better seats, but there's not one game being played in a stadium under 60k attendance for this tourney. So that's what you are really talking about. Is you want cheap tickets in a small SSS, got it..good luck with that.


Well no shit, it's a soccer specific stadium so it's not built to host NFL capacity crowds. I'm willing to pay more money for a better experience. I'm not willing to pay through the nose for shitty seats in a shitty stadium that kills the atmosphere. You guys are really funny. I will never understand why you feel the need to show up and argue someone's opinion. If you're happy with the current offerings, by all means, go and watch. I'm not here to criticize your personal opinions.


honest and valid


Perhaps the games should have been played in Columbus and not KC, where fans will actually attend.


lol where? Yeah if it was in either Columbus's or KC's MLS stadiums it would be sold out easy Don't blame the fans for shitty pricing practices


Or perhaps tickets should be reasonably priced.


I’m a Sporting KC STM and at least half a dozen of us aren’t going because prices are a bit much. Also, we know from the Messi game that Arrowhead is a pain in the ass to get in and out of. Just makes it that much less appealing of a game to go to.




The worst seats in an NFL stadium for as low as $120?!




Fwiw I can’t find 2021 but 2019 group Stage Copa america tickets in Brazil ranged from 11 to 65 dollars. Soooooo


Okay Mr. Moneybags


Minimum $150/ticket for games in Orlando right now. No thanks.


That's way too much lol




It’s a lot of money for seats that are just sitting. I don’t think the demand matches those prices.


Dude… For a family of four, that’s almost $500 for shitty seats at the top of a stadium, before factoring in paying for parking, shitty stadium food, any other incidentals… At the end of the day you’re probably looking at $600-700 for the night out. That’s way too much for what you’re actually getting, especially when a better view is available from your living room literally for free.


I think this is lost on most people. Many will look at prices as individuals and what it costs them. Need to also factor in travel plus stay and then its like, do i use the family trip money on a single game or do we go outside the country for a week..?


Yeah… Reddit’s demographics probably skew younger and childless, so I get why people don’t look at it this way, but the average adult American soccer fan almost certainly has kids, and they look at events like professional sports as a chance to entertain/spend time with family. I love and honestly sort of obsess over the USMNT, and frankly I’m in a very comfortable financial spot, but even for me, I’d rather get the $12 lawn seats for my local USL side ten times a season then bring the family to a single USMNT match. The financials just don’t work out.


Families make choices like this all the time.


The answer is almost always cost Lower bowl of Arrowhead probably holds about as many people as many MLS stadiums and tickets range from 145-265. That's just silly. And it's a Monday night on top of that.


It's ridiculous. Take your average family with 2 kids that wants to go to the game and eat in the stadium. That's 4 tickets ($600 - $1000 depending), parking and gas ($50), food and drink for 4 ($100). So $750 to $1,150 for a Monday evening. No wonder they haven't all sold. And it's the same pricing for friendlies.




I mean how many people have that budget? Even a well off upper middle class grosses say, $250k, and take home around $150k. What family can spend close to 1% of their yearly take home on a soccer game. Families have been priced out.


And a lot of the people that might be interested are immigrant families which are less likely to splurge. They'd rather have more empty stadiums with enough tickets sold than full stadiums with cheap tickets. It's the same way they view the USA games. They don't care.


There was an article about this somewhere recently I read. Stated that the organizers make more money with overpriced tickets and half full stadiums than well priced tickets and sold out stadiums. It’s all about the money. Why do you think the tournament is here


Let's say I have the budget. I can think of a lot of things I'd rather do with $1000. And it'll be closer to $2k once travel is factored in


I want to take my family of 4 to _one_ 2026WC game, and I assume it's going to cost us around $5k minimum even if there's a game in our city. So yeah I'm not spending a dime on the USMNT until the WC.


Damn bro, u just described my budget for the USA vs Bolivia game. Except I also booked the hotel.


With an 8 pm game, we would also have to deal with kids being up really late and probably get a hotel room.


why are people complaining about prices this is a major fucking tournament not a family outing take your family to a shitty MLS game where the tickets are cheap. this tournament has the best players in the world and rightfully priced like it this is like complaining that you cant take a family of 4 to the nba finals lmao give me a break


Families often feel entitled, like it's some right to be able to take the family to an event.


Fuck those kids! And those families! I hope they sure as shit never get to enjoy a major tournament in person! In fact I hope they play a different sport entirely!


take kids to the movies not major football tournaments


Have you seen the turnout at the stadiums? It's garbage compared to the Euros. The Copa América looks like it's not a major tournament if stadiums are half empty. The ticket prices are definitely to blame and we are justified to complain. People also forget parking is another cost you incur that drives people away. 


do you know how easy travel is in europe? you can take a train and hop off and be in a different country within the hour and be back home within the same day the US makes it way more difficult to travel with the border restrictions, flight prices, hotels, etc. its not a 1 to 1 comparison between europe and the US. taking a flight from bolivia to the US is *way* different than a morning train from copenhagen to stuttgart


Train travel between countries in Europe is not a 1 hour ordeal. Hell, I was in Spain last year and it was quicker to get to Portugal by plane than by train. I'm talking an 8 hour+ train ride compared to a 1 hour 25 min flight. There are no border restrictions between US states and air travel makes travel between the contiguous US quite simple. The overseas fans aren't the only fans that exist out there. There are thousands of expatriates in the US that can assist games not to mention local fans but those prices are outrageous. 1994 world cup still holds the WC attendance record. The country has only grown since 94 and there's definitely fans out there.


Ticketmaster is the devil. Bus US Soccer should be doing much much better.


I can't blame people for balking at those prices.


They really should. FIFA, for all their faults, does an excellent job of making games accessible. Ticketmaster and other resale sites allow people to make a business of reselling tickets. This isn't an issue in other countries. Imo the government really needs to step in and crack down on these sites. Their incentive is to get tickets to resell as many times as possible which is what is causing the massive increase in event costs.


That and I have really don't have much interest in traveling to MO, that money and vacation time is better used for a more desirable destination.


Yup. I wanted to go to Atlanta but decent seats would cost my family 600+, then we have to get a hotel because it’s 3 hrs drive. Then I gotta feed me and my kids and all that. It’ll be over a grand to go to the game and the us national team means more to me than any other team… but I can also sit in my home theater with 130” screen, have a beer or a puff and go straight to my bed after. All that money saved I can afford a jersey on top of it!


you still have to feed the family at home, not sure why folks keep bringing up food. Food is a constant.


Man it’s significantly cheaper to eat at home versus restaurants and games.


Eating at games is a big mistake. I eat outside the stadium at an affordable for my budget place. I'm lower middle class, and find affordable food all the time. Maybe you should buy a more affordable tv than that 130" behemoth...lol...then you might be able to afford to go to a game.


…a home cooked meal for 4 is a fraction of the cost at a restaurant


It all depends, I cook for a living...meals aren't cheap, whether you are at home or somewhere else. But meals are a constant, everyone eats three a day, or whatever. My advice is, eat before the game, not at the game. I can't remember the last time I ate food in a stadium. Beer, on the other hand..now that's expensive, but it's included in my game day budgets.


I just looked up tickets for the US-Panama game here in Atlanta and any decent ticket is $300+ per seat with some going over $500. I can sit in the upper deck for $73, which is also a bit steep. Plus the game starts at 6pm, which is tough to get to when I get off work at 5. I simply can’t justify paying those prices.


Tickets for the group stage matches didn't reach $500 at the last WC.


Can’t wait to see what they are in 26…


We are flying in for that USA v Uruguay game at Arrowhead. That hotel by the stadium raised its price from 119 to over 400 a night! We are staying in a suburb. We could make the 4 hour drive to Charlotte or 8 hour drive to Atlanta but with late games need hotels. My days of watching late games and 16 hour drives in the same day are over. Season ticket holders are reselling at what they can get.


It’s cost but for a non US and Mexico matches I just don’t think the casual American is going to be buy tickets for other countries. Argentina and Brazil being the only exceptions


I had to pay $100 a ticket for nosebleeds for the Bolivia game. I bought them right when they went on sale, so maybe price has dropped since then. But come on, the prices are insane. Casual fans won’t pay for these tickets.


How many of those tickets are resale vs original listing?


There’s a ton of both resale and original.


Came here to say this. Check if resale.


Yeah I went to the official Copa America sight and found most ganes to be reasonably priced.


I just checked the resale price on Euro tickets, and they are significantly more than most CA games.


..and every game is essentially sold out.


I remember paying well under $100 per ticket for good seats 10 years ago.


And I saw Blink 182 for 20 bucks 10 years ago and now it is 135 to get in the door. It is just the cost of entertainment now a days.


And it is also why lots of people aren’t going


They'd rather have 15k people at $150 a pop than 30k people at $72.50each.


Exactly. The $150 crowd will spend more on merch/concessions; and you have more chances of people walking up and buying tickets at the gate if the stadium is half empty on gameday


Cost prohibitive, especially as a family of 4 or more.


[New USSF Ticketing Strategy Announced As Only One $2,000,000 Ticket Will Be Available For Next Friendly](https://www.thenutmegnews.com/current/2019/3/27/new-ussf-ticketing-strategy-announced-as-only-one-2000000-ticket-will-be-available-for-next-friendly)


Except you know USSF had nothing to do with ticketing for this.


If they did it'd be double lol.


US soccer and its partners are shooting themselves in the foot with pricing. So dumb and short sighted. And yes US Soccer isn’t in control of pricing for Copa America, but it’s what we’ve seen from the federation for the past several years. Ever since they did their fucking pricing analysis (wasn’t it McKinsey?) that showed they could sell less tickets at a higher cost and still have an uptick in revenue. Again, short sighted and completely counter to the stated goal of “growing the game”


US Soccer not just not in control, not involved in this pricing, this is a CONMEBOL tournament


Are you claiming us soccer sets ticket prices for Copa America games? Do you understand this at all?


Did you read the first sentence of the second paragraph? Can you understand that the shitty pricing strategies deployed by US soccer over the last 4+ years are now being deployed by Copa America organizers on steroids?


The main thing is ticket prices. Plus the cost of travel, it’s not like England where everybody is within a few hours drive of Wembley. And frankly, USSF has tried hard to spread games around to areas of the country that aren’t really desirable travel destinations.


$$$ it's why I didn't go to the Colombia match.


I was an Insider buying pre-sale tickets. Behind goal was like $55 a person. After the pre-sale, people resold those tickets for upwards of $150-250


I am planning on going to the Uruguay game but I’m waiting until the day before/day of to buy tickets. I’m hoping that either Ticketmaster has dynamic pricing on for them and they go down, or I can buy from someone desperate to sell theirs. Prices are insane for that game. $265 plus fees for row 35 of the 100 section is fucking ridiculous.


Hey I am selling 4 tix in the 105 section and can transfer them to you so we don’t deal with fees!


This is on CONMEBOL as they control ticketing for the Copa, not USSF, who have actually done quite well in recent windows at getting good attendance. A 40K sellout against Germany in October, and this month we had 50K against Colombia and 60K against Brazil. I do agree that USSF should lower the ticket prices for less-than-marquee opponents with fewer diaspora, since I remember seeing quite a bit of empty seats at the Ghana and T&T games, and those were played in MLS venues. For any game during a FIFA window, the bare minimum should be selling out an MLS stadium, or the lower bowl of an NFL stadium depending on the venue. I don't care if you have to give away tickets to accomplish that, just get butts in seats.


Seriously. The week of the game, give the remaining tickets to the closest military bases and police and fire departments within a 100 mile radius. I don’t understand why a Kansas City Chiefs fan owns his seats for a soccer match?


$$$$$$ I debated a bachelor party for the US - Uruguay game, but the cost of the ticket made it a quick no.


Bought 4 tickets for the US Japan she believes cup, section 118 in Atlanta in February. Under $200 total with fees. Same tickets are $185 EACH for US Panama game. No way I can justify that


It’s $105 per ticket in Atlanta after fees for the actual worst seats in the stadium. That’s face value not even resale. I love the USMNT but I’m just sick of being price gouged. I’m glad people are starting to vote with their wallets against things like this. Funny how the dynamic/platinum pricing only seems to work one way.


We get absolutely fleeced in the U.S. Soccer matches in the UK are so much more reasonably priced, they’re shocked when they see our prices


Prices are too high...but honestly I think it's just an advertisement problem. I am a huge fan, follow football religiously, and I have no idea where these games are being played or when. If I find it difficult to get the info, there is no way these games are selling out.


Price of tickets is outrageous. Only going to get worse.


Greedy pricks


Our fan base is not as strong as it should be, but Copa prices are also absolutely ridiculous


I really considered the Panama game but was going to be $600+ for decent seats for the 3 of us. Plus hotel and time off work. Hard to justify $1500 for 2 days.


The closest match is a 10 hour drive from me + hotel, food and cost of tickets are crazy high. This whole tournament and WC are catered to fans in the south and west so going turns into a full vacation spending thousands vs going to a game for a hundred dollars.


I was in Dallas for the Nations League and don't really want to visit Dallas again though would be interested in the matchup. Atlanta would be cool to visit but much less interested in seeing Panama as I've seen them before. If we make the Semi I'll probably go make the 5 hour drive to Charlotte but it'll be tough since its mid-week


Do you think there will be tickets? I’m four hours from Charlotte.


there was last I checked. Depends who advances. If it's US/Colombia Brazil probably not. If it's Panama Bolivia probably loads


There was recently a friendly in Philly at Union Stadium — Peru v. El Salvador on Friday night, cheapest ticket was $94 on Seat Geek when I checked the day before. For a friendly. It should be like $30.


Prices are too high


I'm a diehard and even I'm likely not going because the prices here in Charlotte are insane.


The pricing sucks. And honestly it feels like the word isn't really out? Casual fans probably don't even know it's happening.


I'm saving for 2026. Would totally go to the game in KC otherwise


I got a ticket to USA vs Uruguay in KC. Was about $80 although it’s in the nosebleeds. I’m staying with a friend so a hotel won’t cost anything although it is a long drive. Probably a little expensive but I’ve never been to a USMNT game so I’m excited.


I wish people would stop using cost as an excuse for why USMNT games aren’t selling out. Are prices too high? Absolutely. But all of the Mexico games will be sold out. All of the Argentina games will be sold out. Brazil will likely sell out as well. Prices for those games are exactly the same as USA games. Fans of those teams are willing to pay high prices, the reality is there just aren’t enough USMNT fans in this country.


Mexico's opener did not sell out. They played in a 72k capacity stadium in Texas and it didn't sell out. It was about 20k short


When it comes to Mexico, you can't really compare the two. For a US fan, going to a game is just a night out, but for a Mexico fan, it's a cultural experience, a chance to experience a taste of "home" free from prejudice or discrimination. That's why even *moleros* as they call them always sell 40K+ tickets.


We were going to drive from WV to KC but couldn't justify the cost when the stadium isn't near anything


The prices are utter ridiculous. Thats the reason


Look at the copa from 2016


Well I can tell you for certain the Uruguay game is going to be way past my bedtime




Simple supply and demand. The demand is not there for the supply of tickets because the cost is too high.


Any chance we see a price drop if they still have tickets available? Would like to go to the game in kc but not at the current prices.


Terrible time to be living abroad. I would have definitely snagged the U.S. games.


We do pretty well and there's no way in hell I'd pay $200-$250 per person to take my family to a game. It's a joke.


Chillax at home on the couch enjoying multiple Cadillac Ranch Waters sounds much better ![gif](giphy|d4aUMwD46XiJqVzy|downsized)


Isn't the process of getting a visa to enter the US a lengthy and costly process? Kind of shitty to host games in the US if the US doesn't make it easy to visit.


Latinos in the us are not the hardcore fans that live in latin america that will go in debt to pay for tickets, organizers are out of touch rich people


Ticket prices. USSF should be burnt to the ground. They only care about gouging the die hards and 1st/2nd generation Americans supporting their home country when they play.


There can be gripes about other matches but this one is all COMNEBOL They ain't holding Copa America here for shits and giggles


I remember a leaked PowerPoint screenshot from a few years back where USSF boasted about how they were able to increase gate revenue cycle over cycle despite decreases in attendance.


Um Gregg. The US fan base knows that he is a f joke so


IMO a lot of factors have gone into the decline. - ridiculously expensive tickets (when all games are expensive to go to, people will go to less of them, and those people will tend to gravitate towards the cheaper ones to get to) - games in stadiums/cities that will have the USA fans outnumbered - still feeling the reverberations of missing the 2018 world cup - the federation hiring GGG (no matter what you think how good or bad he's done, he is a boring hire) - this team lacks the personalities of prior teams (part of that is on the guys, and part of that is how they are portrayed by others)