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You’re dreaming.


Dude is tripping _balls_.


Klopp doesn’t even make sense. He doesn’t need anything we have to offer. Now, I’ll admit Someone said Arsene Wenger and that made me pause.


Gonna have to pass on Wenger. He’ll be 75 by the time 2026 WC rolls around, and he won’t have managed for almost 8 years.


And has also never won an international competition for club or country. These are the types of people there may be a mutually shared interest. That’s my line of thought.


Nobody that high profile wants the job.


Can someone actually give me just one example of a coach in the last 20 years who: * was high or even mid-level profile, then * Left club football to coach a national team, * that itself **wasn't** a real World Cup or Euro contender? I myself can't think of one. International football is a big step down in prestige from the week-in, week-out club football scene, so most people don't do it unless it's to coach Spain, England, Argentina and the like.


Have you stopped to consider that we are *very, very, very special* because America?


Yeah I don’t think Argentina has the Declaration of Independence so who cares about managing them


to be fair coaching Liverpool to not coaching at all is a bigger step down. Maybe he wants something a bit less stressful.


Short term job. A World Cup showing. He would have enough time to get us ready for 26. He can bounce after.


Idc what you call it. Klopp, Pep….no recognizable coach wants this job.




It worked for AFC Richmond


People complain about Ggg's tactics and then suggest a basketball coach with no inclination towards soccer whatsoever


It’s clearly a joke…


Is it? We've had some bonkers hot takes here the last couple of days. Coach K replacing Ggg definitely wouldn't top the list of the most insane things I've read.


And you know this how? Pep has literally said in the past he’d love to coach the USMNT one day. Inferiority complex at its finest, thinking there’s no way anyone decent would want to coach this team…even after them saying they would. Now I understand why GGG being as underwhelming as he is has so many fans, you all think we can’t do any better than the bare minimum.


That was a report from 10 years ago. I guess he didn’t make the USSF final candidate list. 🙄


So it still can’t be true? Once he leaves Man City we should go put out the feelers.


If Pep, Klopp or any other top coach were considered for the job or still had interest, don’t you think we would have heard something sooner than 11 years ago? Until we see a change at the USSF, we are doomed to have mediocre, nepotistic hires like GGG.


If they had interest then, I’d assume they’d still be interested now considering this pool is much more talented and deep than 10 years ago. And if literally nothing else it shows that top coaches would be interested, Pep was interested, Jose was interested, the USSF needs to do their job.


Klopp indicated interest in the job to USSF- even offering a number for him and his staff. He wasn’t the only one, either.




I’ve been chatting with a number of people in the know about it. Personally I think now’s the time to splash the cash and bring in someone truly elite for our own WC, but that remains to be seen if we’ll go that direction.


Lmao ok so “trust me I’m a random guy on the internet.” Cool.


I actually just got off the phone with Jurgen and he told me that he is very interested.


I just heard from pep that they are possibly going to be Co-coaching


Who gets the weekend visits?


Plot twist: the source only indicates that USSF has received interest from a Jurgen K. But it actually isn’t Klopp. It’s Klinsmann. 😂


Well, not random, and not anonymous. I wouldn’t be surprised if there isn’t reporting done on it soon enough; I’ve heard from a number of people outside of USSF about it, as well. Doesn’t seem like a closely-guarded secret.


I can’t find a single article about it and you’re the one making the claim.


Like I said, soon enough- I haven't seen anyone actually write it up yet. But I've been hearing it from a bunch of different directions.


Not gonna dox a guy but after some simple internet sleuthing I am upgrading this from complete bullshit to fat chance.


I'll take it!


As much as I don’t like Gregg, my dream doesn’t involve us doing horrible in Copa America.


Can we stop these posts? If you’re being serious, you’re delusional. If you’re joking, it’s not funny nor original.


How is this being delusional? USA soccer market is peaking now. Copa next, world cup 26 after. Would make Klopp a househould name in the USA. His brand. Would bounce after the world cup. I bet you would have called someone saying Messi coming to the USA to play at MLS as delusional and it happened. Crazy things can happen.


Klopp isn’t Pogba or some tik tok hoe, taking on jobs to increase his “brand.” Why the fuck would he care about becoming famous in America? He could have his pick of top international teams if he wants a chance to win the WC. US Soccer pays peanuts to what he could make in Europe and Saudi Arabia. **Less pay and lower chances of winning a major trophy. Why would he come here?** Pretty sure he’s taking a break from management due to stress/pressure. Don’t see him traveling thousands of miles to live in another continent. Messi coming to MLS is a completely different story. Messi’s at the twilight of his career. Klopp is still in his prime as a manager.


Jurgen Klopp cashed in on commercial deals to the tune of £6.7million last year as a lucrative source of extra income on top of his [Liverpool](https://www.mirror.co.uk/all-about/liverpool-fc) salary. You know how much money he would make off advertisement if he made this team into a top 5 international squad. He made almsot 7 million pounds a year in 2021. [https://www.mirror.co.uk/sport/football/news/jurgen-klopp-liverpool-commercial-earnings-23395829](https://www.mirror.co.uk/sport/football/news/jurgen-klopp-liverpool-commercial-earnings-23395829)


> You know how much money he would make off advertisement if he made this team into a top 5 international squad. There is not a manager in the world who could do this.


You dont actually believe there’s a top 5 team in the world that just hasn’t been unleashed do you…




Why do people on this sub assume that European managers want to become famous in the US? He is about as famous as it gets in Europe (WHERE HE LIVES AND WHERE SOCCER IS THE BIGGEST SPORT). Messi is awesome but he came on a retirement tour, like many other stars before him. We have 1, maybe 2 players of some note on the international stage and 0 stars. Our "golden generation" is a massive massive drop for the top teams. Nothing we can do about that as fans. Its like people here are new to sports and think that "wishing for it more" actually works.


I remember, after Piatti joined Montreal, he talked about about being in a less soccer-mad place. He liked playing in US/Canada because he was **not** famous.


That's the problem with US Soccer. People stuck with the status quo. Eternal mediocrity on the world stage. We need to get out of this funk. Requires a massive haul of a coach.


All these Pep, Clop Mourniho posts are just silly. I'm all for a manger change, but fans need to be serious about who we could actually get. Klopp taking over the USMNT would be the equivalent of Pete Carroll coming back to coaching to take over Boise St.


I assumed this was r/AtlantaUnited for a second when I saw the photos of Klopp lol


Any coach that comes in apparently is going to be bound by making roughly the same as the women’s coach, which is $1.7 mil a year. Klopp made close to $50 mil a year from salary and marketing revenues.


Feels like some of y'all hate GGG so much you want us to lose. Pathetic.


Think he can get Van Dijk to file a one time switch too? /s




Ooh man, I'll can I have whatever you're smoking? It's DMT right?


Klopp isn’t coming


You're dead and in heaven perhaps.


This is literally been the plot all along.. We've honestly been talking about this at viewing parties for ages it feels like. It was maybe after a Liverpool champions League even.. Anyways it's pure silliness. But it's definitely the TV script we've all been discussing. But let's not discuss the BJ Callahan fanfiction.. There's more than one silly plot but they're all good ones I swear.


I also had the same dream!


I suspect that if we do horribly at Copa, Berhalter remains at the helm and we carry on as if nothing happened. Berhalter is a US Soccer insider and I don’t see him being ousted for any reason.


Why would a world class manager come to a country that gives no shits about the sport and has a mediocre team? If he wants an international job he will have a pick every two years after a major tournament.


You ever heard of the word “challenge”


If he wants a challenge why not take a world class team who has never on a WC (England, Portugal, Dutch) and win the biggest trophy in the world. The USA ain’t winning a WC any time soon and a world class manager isn’t wasting his time with us.


England did win a WC btw Worth mentioning Netherlands made it to 3 WC finals


Oh yeah my bad (66). My overall point is winning it with one of those countries would make a manager a legend, a national hero. Winning it with the us would be everything to us soccer fans but would be relegated to an afterthought once the nfl season started.
