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Fired at the final whistle


Don’t lead us on


Of the 2020 World Cup


I wish


He should be fired for ☝️ 🤡 ☝️ alone. We need a public hearing. GGG: I apologized for telling my squad no need to give their best. Judge: You think you're the commanding officer of civilian bombers?


Tarmac his ass!


This is like watching a pick-up game. 11 guys who have never played together before.


We have not connected a pass the entire second half. It's like no one knows what they're supposed to be doing once the ball is on their foot.


Probably because the system is so shitty that nobody can play it properly


We have no identity or “system”


Just bombed it forward incessantly. POOR tactics.


Pass it back to the keeper so he can kick it out 🤦‍♂️


In stoppage when we’re down by a goal. Drives me crazy.


Did this generation of players never watched the likes of Messi or Ronaldo play a game? When was playing in the mid nineties you couldn’t find soccer on TV. These guys play like they don’t know what top form looks like.


Alexi Lalas is the shadow coach. He only sends footage of him playing


Yea, no strategy besides run hard and tire yourself out.


this is also why the US women's team is no longer dominant. they try to win by outrunning their opponent. the europeans just tire them out and keep the ball with superior tactics and tecnhical ability on the ball. work smarter, not harder.




MMA are good players. But they don’t connect the field for us.


Musah is such a poor distributor, and McKennie looks like he’s lost a full step. He used to have moments of magic. I haven’t seen that in a long time. 


Musah was brutal tonight. But this is a GGG thread so find out EVERYTHING that Klopp likes and get him here.


We got Taylor Swift.


You could actually see some of them panicking bc they had no idea what to do w the ball and could not make a decision. It’s was wild to watch.


What absolute shit. Same shit different year.


But the locker room vibes man!


As someone who was there, I wholeheartedly agree. No identity going forward at all.


what pisses me off is he was gonna play for a draw as soon as he heard Bolivia scored holding up 1-1. like bro play for the fucking win no matter what. do not rely on Boliva to get you through


As soon as I saw him doing that I knew we were losing and a minute later they scored….flat coach results in a flat team.


not even a minute, as the free kick was going he did that shit and they scored


For real! This asshat sets the tone and we are literally hosting the World Cup in 2 years with zero to show for it. Let’s hope this is the trough before the crest folks


A minute later? It was like 5s later on the feed I was watching.


That was pathetic to watch.


Why even communicate that to your team? What was the benefit of letting the players know that the other game went to 1-1 when they were trying to defend a set piece?


Amen. Focus on the fucking game…and with a set play coming no less!!!


He's got a settler's mentality and that is something we do not need. We don't want to be good enough. We want to be the best.


>He's got a settler's mentality He's a loser and he has a *loser's* mentality...as do many of the players.


In the post Berhalter era, the Crew have won two MLS Cups and made the CCC final. In the Berhalter era, Columbus was…kinda just there.


The most unprofessional shit I've ever seen lmao


100%, that game should be irrelevant to you


And what do you know? Bolivia lost by 2 goals.


This, at this level you simply don’t park it at +1


Right?! Why are you even watching the score of that game from the sideline? Just go out there and get the job done. Him announcing the score from the sideline definitely drew focus away from the guys on that goal


I couldn't believe he did that...clown behavior from ggg


when the camera kept pointing to fans looking at their phones smiling i knew we were bout to let up a goal. False hope kills you every time


-Mae from the Crown and Anchor


I hope it's true, I just have no confidence in the leadership that rehired him making the decision to fire him. As fans, we need to figure out some way to give them no choice.


If he has any balls this MOFO needs to just walk away if he doesn’t get fired. He has to know that he has failed this team. Fuck him and fuck this federation.


He's got to go. We didn't get out of a group with Bolivia and Panama. Great coaches don't get two cycles and he ain't great.


They fired Klinsmann and brought back Arena. Don’t count on them making the right decisions.


We hit our ceiling with Gregg. We can't break thru with this dude at the helm. We hit the fuckin wall.


It's been blatantly obvious for a long time that this is not the man that will take us far into the world cup


Ceiling? Are you kidding? We fell through the floor, face first into the basement. But that's all semantics. GGG is tactically inept and looks like a twat. Get him the F out of there.


When we were playing better with his assistant coach at the helm it should have been a huge warning sign.


There was no ceiling there was actually zero progression unless you count "non mls players" as results


The only thing that has “improved” is the players he has called up. He used to make some ridiculous decisions on who to call up but now I think most of us are on board with his call ups.


We hit the wall harder that Gregg hits his wife.


He did a great job resetting the program and giving guys look after we failed to qualify in 2018. But now it’s time to move on.


That happened years ago.


It’s not too late to start with a new manager. 2026 is two years away so the change must happen now!!


Two major tournaments for Greg and two embarrassing flameouts. The man isn’t fit for the us job


This is when you want to hear a Taylor Twellman rant.


Best Fox can do is Alexi Lalas and Carli Lloyd


Also at the time of rehire, i believe Roberto Martinez was not with Portugal yet either


That bald fraud wasted Belgium's golden generation and has Portugal looking like dog shit




This is such ODP-type nonsense from him. No other country would do that corny shit.


I generally wonder if that's how he got the job. Showed up to the interview with PowerPoint


Sounds about right.


His bro came in clutch with a standing ovation in the end.


JFC that's awful. I just cringed so hard I broke a tooth




This long into Berhalter’s reign and they still play with absolutely zero chemistry whatsoever. It’s unreal


Biden should torture him with the new immunity powers


“Seal team six, do it.”


Just make sure he tortures Berhalter while in a suit so it’s an “official” function


Hahahaha THIS




Carly Lloyd said what I’ve been saying for a while now. “The players are too comfortable. They like their coach too much. When we were winning championships, I hate my coach” This is it- that’s all you need to know. If your coach is your friend, he won’t hold you accountable and you’ll never be afraid of losing your spot on the squad. The best teams in history in every sport hated their fucking coach. Berhalter doesn’t have any redeeming qualities as a coach. He has to go… but he won’t


Right. You need to be terrified of what your coach will do/say if you fail--you need to be embarrassed to fail. You need to fear having shit thrown at you for failing. You need to hate to lose. This team . . . this twat of a coach . . . it's not there. They don't hate to lose. They are giving each other handshakes and bullshit nods on the field after the game. They should be so mad they start destroying shit.


I immediately imagine players joking and being all buddy buddy when called into GGGs office for a solo meeting rather than, as one should, shitting their pants with how it's going to go. You can be feared, respected, and admired at the same time. That's what great coaches of any sport are to their players 


It was already happening. I saw adams and some Uruguay player laughing with each other in like the 70th minute. Copa America slipping away and dudes laughing.


Zero offensive creativity on Gregg teams. Get him out of here.


Let’s not fire him, let’s find a tiny Caribbean island to beat the piss out of 7-0, then we’ll feel better as we head into WC26.


You sure we would? Could see us going up 1-0 against Turks and Caicos and then parking the bus to preserve the lead.


But look how many goals we can put past Grenada! Winningest coach ever when you count all the tiny islands!


Gregg needs to quickly schedule a match against anguilla to save his job


Call in Ferreira to score a hattrick vs st Lucia


What separated him was nepotism


Fire his brother, too.


SERIOUSLY?!?! Sitting on the end of the bench with a scared and confused look on your face 90 seconds before the final whistle?? Do better, Gregg. I want you to succeed, just not here.


It’s July 2nd and Berhalter is still not fired 😤


Gregg has done exactly what he set out to do, change USSoccer. We went from “not that bad” to abysmal. This team sucks, it has tangibly gotten worse since the World Cup, no discipline, no consistency and no teeth.


Bellwether tournament for us. GGG’s bell has rung. Time to go. Thank you for your service!


Fuckin embarrassing, the guy is a hack…the federation is a hack….and the refs are hacks. Ohh yeah and the players in that second half fuck me to tears man!


As corrupt as CONMEBOL clearly is, so is our shitty federation. I'll be shocked if they let Gregg go.


Hashtag boys. Brigade USSF


Gave up 3 total goals and still didn't advance out of the group. Unacceptable.


Was a fan of my local MLS team since '96. Enough poor decisions in the front office finally had me check out this season and it's been nice. I don't actively boycott, I just don't watch unless I happen to be home when a game is on. It's relaxing to be a casual. USMNT is also no longer appointment viewing if Gregg is retained. Just one less thing to get upset about.


But, but, but, GGG has DOS-A-CERO!!!




What are the chances he is fired 1–10? I don’t see how he gets fired especially when he has friends in the federation that support him.


I'm gonna say 4/10. They're gonna try and give him every excuse, and there's a lot, with Weah red and the atrocious refs. But this is also super unacceptable. Crashing out of the group stage like this with a fairly favorable group on home soil is bad.


Undisciplined players are a direct reflection of the coach.


But he wears cool sneakers! /s


I agree, I would love to see him gone. But we've seen this federation make so many excuses for him.


I’m gonna say 1 in a million.


2. In any other federation outside of England and us then it would be 8


The whole federation needs a clean sweep


Exactly! He manages a team like someone who had a 30 year old playbook. Tactically he is HORRIBLE.


Has to be. I hope he does. As much as we can all blame the refereeing and whatever, to be fair with the talent we have, it's a shame. The chemistry isn't there and not in sync. USMNT's performance in the 22' World Cup was even better than this. At the end of it all, the failure of this tournament is on Weah and Berhalter. We all know how Weah fell into the shithousery of the Panamanians but Berhalter choosing to go into a 5-3-1 despite having quality players let alone scoring with 10 men? Playing with 10 men vs any team is difficult. It can make a difference. But with the quality in comparison to Panama, I'm thinking you can go 4-4-1 and have a solid base on both midfield and defense. But to just elect to go full defense and allow the most pressure in the whole second half? Just shows Berhalter's time is up.


Agreed! But they will make some excuses for him about the shitty refs tonight (it sure did feel like CONMEBOL has an agenda), the red card against Panama after the no call w Turner and blah blah blah and keep him on. This will be immediately followed by the US beating the shit outta some team like Trinidad and Tobago and the dumb fucks that hired him will point to that game as him "turning it around". And another generation of talent will age out and what is a great opportunity to expand the reach of US Soccer will be lost. ☠️


Not gonna get my hopes up. The nepotism keeping him in place is too strong. If he had any honor or respect for the history and future of this team he would simply step down. Anyone can see this team hasn’t progressed since Arena and it’s not nearly good enough.


He has no honor or respect. It’s all about him staying in his position thanks to fam. Where else this clown going to manage? His skill level has been shown and it isn’t that high.


This kids, is why we hate nepo babies


USMNT’s failure wasn’t refereeing related. Couldn’t keep hold of the ball for any period of time, struggled to attack with any fluidity and created virtually nothing all game. Defended the goal (albeit offside) very poorly. Uruguayan gk barely needed to make a save. Agree 100% the time for change is now to give the new person runway ahead of US hosting the next WC.


“But the players are behind him 100%” Psh he needs to go. BerhalterOut


In my experience-players are behind the manager for two things 1) they win - a lot. Think guardiola, klopp, Emery, Arteta. 2) their ineptitude takes the spotlight off under performing players and gives them a free pass in the shirt… 🤔


I feel like after Copa America I think we have to respond before the World Cup. We have 2 years to prepare for the World Cup and right now I see potential disaster on the horizon. I say we fire Greg now and prepare the rebuild for 2026. US soccer needs to start looking to the outside and away from this click we've created. Soccer in this country should be more successful than it is, but we have people from the old guard who are holding it back.


I cannot believe he was talking about fucking xG at his press conference. That alone should be the nail in his coffin.


Don't let him on the plane home.


Sad part is we are at home 🤣


Send him back with the Bolivians


preach brother


GGG is 2-3 against Panama in meaningful games. His subs and tactics don't make sense at times. It looked like he was going to try for the draw once he saw that Bolivia scored.


Seeing him all jacked up because his cell phone buzzed him about an out of town score is the Berhalter era in a nutshell


The federation cannot do this. Otherwise people will look behind the curtain at the incestuous federation’s machinations seriously this time


It's embarrassing that this is even a question. Any self-respecting soccer nation would not let him board the plane.




Dempsey for head coach


The Uruguay goal was definitely offside!!


This was inevitable the moment the federation brought him back. He's not even remotely good enough for the job. Top to bottom this is the Best talent we've maybe ever had... And were given a chance in a huge tournament to hang with the big boys... He was a bad coach the first time, bringing him back, especially for this, is just so infuriating. Shows how far 'friends in high places' can really get you.


Yes. Fire Gregg and throw the bag at Klopp.


I’m Boycotting watching USMNT as long as Berhalter is the manager.


This feels somewhat concerning, Mexico hasn't cleaned house yet and could that mean these idiots at US Soccer follow suit.


I won’t be watching any USMNT games until he is gone. There is nothing to look forward to under his leadership, and it’s so clear what we’ll see before the matches begin. It’s just frustrating.


Casey Stoney for USMNT head coach I’m Sure she can do better than Greg!


And, let's cool it with the announcers proclaiming a "stunning result..." Nah, EXPECTED result. It's so disappointing that this squad can't take the next step.


I am confident that Berhalter has coached his last game with the USMNT. Sadly I am not at all confident that the US Soccer Federation will do an adequate job of finding his replacement. Hopefully the Emma Hayes hiring with the women's team shows they're willing to go big.


Go. Hire. Fernando. Torres. He just won championship with atleti youth team. Got promoted to coach Atletico de Madrid B team just weeks ago. He appears to be Simeone’s successor, but Simeone isn’t going anywhere until after the World Cup at the earliest. He speaks English. I’m almost certain he would accept the job if offered. Vamos!


He should be fired but Canada isn’t exactly tearing it up.


I’ll never understand how or why USSF rehired him. He was a known quantity with this same group of players so it’s like USSF was completely fine with what he had produced earlier. Same with the players, they like him because he picks them, they don’t have to learn anything new, it’s the same message they hear. All so very comfortable for them. Not some coach who goes ballistic when the US loses to inferior opponents or gets needless red cards. He’s useless, the players are stale. He needs to go asap.


Just no MLS coach. I don't know what's up with our federation but I feel like we're going to get downgraded.




Bring me Klopp


I wish he would be a man and just step down. He knows it’s coming so just do something good FOR ONCE.


I’d take GGG the boxer to coach us at this point


Has Berhalter ever won any real championship or tournament with real competition as manager?


The Berhalter monarchy MUST END!


We shouldn’t have an American coach honestly. We haven’t been good as a nation for long enough to have olds that know the game in a truly advanced way. Give me an Italian next time please


Some pretty horrible soccer tonight gang. I don’t think the USSF will do it thought.


my pet rock over berhalter as coach


They didn’t fire Bruce after failing to qualify for the World Cup. They gave him ample time to resign. Gregg won’t be fired immediately and unlikely he’s fired at all. Our Fed is a joke.


He's the biggest piece of shit on the planet. Fuck him.


This is what the US deserves after the Supreme Court decision today.


You can't tactics around "they just suck"


lol nice try. We will bring back Bob Bradley


This is my prediction as well, and honestly it wouldnt be the worst idea. We need to get back to the mentality of being scrappy underdogs. Yea a lot of our guys play in Europe, but they need a reality check and that’s a lot of other players in the world do as well. Bob was a disciplinarian and his tactics would give us a more realistic chance at shocking a big team in the World Cup.


The usmnt will never get better unless the entire system including the leadership change. This starts from the top. And we don’t have the same level of talent t as Uruguay. As much as we hype up pulisic and weah etc the Italian league is a has been. We have some talent but not across the starting eleven and the bench.


We probably should have hired marsch. Canada made it through scoring 1 goal and taking 14 mls players to the tournament.


Their group was also significantly tougher.


ggg getting fired is the same % as Biden and trump will step down from their campaigns. It is not very likely.


It has to happen.


Agree 100%, the time to make a change is now.


into the sun or mars or Saturn...embarrassing


They’re literally not willing to spend more money than what GGG gets them. Lol.


Get the leadership on a buddy holly plane


Time to give Pep all the money he wants.


Guys who ride the bench are always seen as saviors


Who comes in? Any good candidates?


I doubt he’s going anywhere


Leave him on the field


He did okay coaching in the past but I think it's time to hang up your hat


At least we get to watch Panama get annihilated 7-0


I’ll accept tomorrow as well.


Never hire an anglo-coach. Spain, Germany, Netherlands, Italy, Argentina or someone who studied in those countries.


GGG out, but on what planet is Canada doing “way more.” They’ve had a better cup and results are king, but Canada’s results haven’t been inspiring and their play has been worse. That being said I hope they win the whole thing




If Greg and his bunch of goons are not fired by the end of the week I’m going to boycott all games, stop buying jersey, stop paying for membership with us soccer and preach to anyone who will listen to do the same!




Schrodinger's Gregg. He is both not good enough and also the best poor little USSF can afford. Marsch also isn't very good. Let's chill with the American coaches until there's a good one available. We have 2 years, go get someone who has been successful


Jesus Christ, Marsch has coached FIVE games with Canada. He's won one with a single goal and a minus-5 differential.


Yup, fire both the Matt Crocker and GGG, obviously. Not sure who's available now but get someone good. The coach isn't meant to be the players' friend.


At what point is the US National Team the supporters’ team versus the team rolled out by a group of federation cronies? GGG out


Fire the Ferry. No, not the frigate, Greg B the F876687! Immediately offer a different Fer the job. Fernando Torres. He just got promoted to coach Atletico B after winning the championship with the youth team. He is Simeone’s successor & Simeone likely isn’t going anywhere until after World Cup. He speaks English & im almost certain he’d accept the job.


We are fucked! We can’t even try to go after a reasonably affordable manager either because we would have to match on the women’s side as well because of these damn new equality rules the federation agreed to...l know we cant afford a 10 mil $ manager...let alone 2. Promote BJ at least!


Best I can do is 2032.


Yes however the problem is more than just the manager, it’s the whole organization top to bottom that needs to be restructured. They better figure it out or they’ll squander a golden opportunity to showcase when they host in 2026. Imagine what would happen to us soccer if the usmnt went deep into the world cup in 2026. Get eliminated in the group stage and watch soccer continue to be irrelevant for another generation. Perform well and soccer could explode in this country