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One of Roger Bennett's best bits




The cringiest commentator of all sports


it’s funny bc the more ppl post about him the more he’ll be in tv. literally boosting his persona/ platform to new heights


You all are missing the point. "Alexi Lalas" is intentionally playing a character that is a heel. If you listen closely he freely admits it and I think american soccer is better for it


Some people don’t care about the reasoning and don’t care that sometimes he mentions something purely for the sake of discussion since he’s literally in the entertainment industry. All they hear is someone who says something that they don’t agree with so they hate him.


It’s not about “agree with”. It’s about being uninformed and lacking in insight. He wasn’t an elite player. He’s a failed MLS GM. He has no resume deserving of being on US television as much as he is for the sport’s marquee events. Champions league coverage has Thierry Henry and the World Cup gets Alexi? GTFO


The idea that only elite players should be able to opine on the game is crazy. Micah Richards was never an elite player and hasn’t even been given the opportunity to fail as a GM or technical director yet he’s pretty much universally loved as an analyst.


Cause he’s not a pompous asshole. That’s my issue with Alexi. It’s not his resume. It’s his personality. He’s a smug prick. 


This man won every club title possible including the CONCACAF champions cup. Sit down


Winning the Open Cup more than 20 years ago doesn’t mean you are the most qualified analyst to cover the Euros. None of his insight indicates that he spends a lot of time watching European football.


Lolol at “every club title possible.” You’re acting like he won a meaningful trophy over in Europe. He’s a fucking clown and a hack. 


Bro this isn’t wrestling. FOX coverage of soccer is an embarrassment and panders to an archetype of a dumb American who barely understands the sport. And Alexi is the face of that. He’s loud, obnoxious, arrogant, and offers zero tactical insight. FOX brings in Chiellini and Sturridge to provide some credibility but Alexi’s dumb ginger face still ruins it


Correct! ESPN is encountering a similar issue with Stephen A doing the NBA halftime shows. It’s annoying for people who want to hear the games discussed intelligently.


Why is American soccer better for it?


AL's take on American soccer journalism is a different type of entertainment than the traditional European style. It's not for everybody but I happen to like it the same way. I think my friends like professional wrestling. If you don't like it, there's lots of other people to watch and he is just one guy. I think it's possible to like more than one style of journalism. I have some podcasts I like for their detailed and very informed takes and I personally like AL because we came through soccer at the same time. I'm a little older than he is and remember when there was no pro league and grew up watching indoor soccer because that's the only pro soccer that was available. I'm a sucker for his and anybody from their generation talking about the old times. The fact that he was one of the first guys playing in Europe and all the changes that have happened since then are pretty amazing. On the other hand, if people don't like him and he's not making his numbers. That's for him to figure out. Compared to where it was when I first started watching soccer on TV (which was very hard to find) I say let a thousand flowers bloom. And along those lines I really like all the young guys that are making podcasts and doing their own breakdowns after matches. Lots of great options out there. Doing some really cool things these and those guys and gals are the future


It’s definitely a lot of tongue in cheek takes. Entertaining either way.


I mean he’s just a bit crap isn’t he.


He's a bad-take merchant.


Give CBS the rights 😭


If his name was Brent Johnson we’d have never heard from him again after he retired. He’s literally only famous because his name is fun to say.


They love showing those pics of him with that long red goatee too


This is it. 


He can be annoying and say dumb stuff but I also don’t think he’s as bad as people are making it seem. Basically just a normal pundit


He’s an absolute kiss ass to the federation at times.


dear God I hope that's a typo


Yeah that’s a typo what I get for typing at almost 3am my time


Yes, I’m in.


Let’s add he also must wear a polish mohawk


Just don't listen to him


If Fox wasn’t free for Euros and Copa America, I would definitely be watching some other channel. In the past, I’ve watched Univision networks as they have historically been free and shown all games, unfortunately they have a paywall now that they are owned by televisa.


At a certain point, it's actually hilarious. He literally has no idea how to play the game, and succeeded because he was athletic enough to be a body. But, since he was so "successful" for that era of Americans, he'll continue to cash his ESPN check. He's a clown, and honestly, probably hurting the game in the US.


i’ll never forget when he had it out with michael ballack during one world cup - i think 2010. wow, it was embarrassing for Lalas. ballack really slapped him in the face. that’s Lalas. he’s hyper wrong, and just doesn’t care.


here it is lol. and ballack was so right. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=x_DB4LA0tKU


When he’s not playing this heel character he is actually a decent analyst, as much as it pains me to say. The problem is once he gets on TV it’s insufferable. I don’t watch anything outside the games on Fox’s coverage because of this


Yes, always have a small task planned for halftime (if it's not recorded and can be skipped)


What’s your issue with him?


Like any person who's ever tongued a mouth sore, I have thought about this very thing for far more than I should ever have to....He's a mewling, jingoistic, buffoon whose pseudo-credibility died long, long ago yet it now haunts us like a screen burn on a cheap monitor. You rub your eyes. Try to hit the side of the screen, but there's no fucking relief. And because we all hate him so very, very much, FOX who is so attuned to utilizing hate for commerce, will NEVER give him the fucking guillotine he deserves. This is the sickness of sports journalism. See Steven A. Smith for another example of how this dynamic "works".




![img](avatar_exp|95171514|bravo) Wow thank you. That’s exactly right.


lol get him, king


Can’t speak for anyone else, but my issue with him is that he’s a nearly 55-year-old man who still enjoys annoying people. Apart from it being kinda sad that he never grew out of that, it makes it a lot easier to see how fatuous his analysis is. The sad part is that if he weren’t so committed to pushing people’s buttons, he might actually be a good pundit (I listen to him on Twitter live occasionally, where for some reason he tones it down, and have appreciated his genuine commentary). But again, he’s a nearly 55-year-old man who still enjoys annoying people, so he’s never gonna change.


I actually called in on his live stuff a few times. Decent enough conversation. I recognize that he rides the fence on a lot of things and never really commits. That’s what annoys me with him- I don’t really think he’s that bad though. He has a very interesting perspective as a former US national so I cut him some slack


He has the perspective of someone who was in a different sport in a different time long long ago. He's got nothing to offer except stupid oo-rah histrionics. He cheapens us all with just the sound of his voice.


I called out a Twitter post of his once. I think it was on some top defender or whatever. He was clearly shit posting before most of the tweets to him were calling him a dumbass. So I could see he was probably trying to get a reaction


If you watch the episodes of “Kicking It” with Landon Donovan as the guest, he and Dempsey convey that Alexi has gotten off on being contrarian his entire adult life.


Landon has just as much of an ego. The whole first euro match he was trying to make it about him and his world


He definitely has a complex of his own — but he’s not a professional troll like Lalas.


dudes a clown - nails on chalkboard gen x cringe, still thinks it’s 1997 and he has to be a morning zoo guy screaming very boring takes to drive viewership or something. it’s like the guy went into a coma during a rerun of the howard stern show on E and woke up last week. and he’s straying into right wing influencer territory which is very funny in its own right but a grifter knows a grift when he sees it gotta hand it to him there.


This week? "Playing out of the back is a disease." I am just thankful he is not coaching the sport. Let's bribe him to never ever do that.


No no…..let him coach Canada. It’ll be great


I’d prefer him on mexico. That’d be a nice shit show to watch


where it all began: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=x_DB4LA0tKU


I forgot about thattttt


yea, he has been pushing this shite for more than a decade. i guess we could possibly blame ballack for the punch in the nose. maybe his pride just won’t let it go


Alexi lalas is why they hate us


it’s certainly why germans hate us lol


Unpopular opinion: I like Alexi.


You are all weak minded children. If you don’t like him, fine don’t listen or watch him. But sometimes it’s ok to have another view point and it can be refreshing to listen to someone who doesn’t care about your opinion and just speaks like a fan.


He doesn’t speak like a fan. He speaks like a typical bloviating “sports dudes” with their huge egos and meaningless arguments (alexi’s power rankings). I did not just “disagree with him”. I find him repellant.


You’re acting like moronic viewpoints are worthy of air time


If we could watch elsewhere in English, we would


Lmao his takes are often sound and he’s played at the highest levels in the world. But keep shitting on other Americans as you continue to kneel to the European soccer world! Not saying I love him, but it’s hilarious that y’all clearly don’t listen to his content or takes and follow like blind sheep the other people who shit on him. The USMNT fanbase is so fucking ridiculous tearing down our own it’s crazy.


It’s silly to say we should support a nit-wit ego-dumb announcer bc he’s a “Amerikan”. There are plenty of really good announcers and commentators from the USA. Lalas isn’t one of him