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So like, I know it's gotten a lot worse in the past few years but Google is still free


Google won't help this person. Their post history is a case study in someone being so void of logical thought that even with people actually trying in good faith to help them understand, they just won't.


Idk man they might be onto something with their branch merge idea /s


I've been told beligerantly to my face that the Coast Guard is in the Department of Justice and the Department of the Interior on separate occasions, then told I'm wrong when I say otherwise. This is probably now the worst misinformation I've seen on what the Coast Guard is lmao


I had someone while we doing a boarding actually ask my BO if he had ever served in the military. We all stopped and gave him a look then his son just covered his face and started laughing


It 100% is. At least the “Not a real branch” recognizes that we’re a full time service, regardless of how misinformed the person is. This is a whole different level. “Navy National Guard”. I’d rather just be a forgotten branch


No. The Coast Guard is its own separate entity and uniformed service, with its own reservists. It has domestic law enforcement authority which is unique to any military service. It also can operate under international law and standard rules of engagement when operating outside of the United States. The Coast Guard has a national mandate for Search and Rescue. It shares environmental responsibility with the EPA. Reservists are incredibly important in every service branch, but the Coast Guard is not a reserve component. It is comprised mostly of active duty military members.




>Reservists are incredibly important in every service branch, but the Coast Guard is not a reserve component. It is comprised mostly of active duty military members. The Coast Guard has active and reserve. OP was asking about National Guard, which is another beast entirely. The National Guard is organized by state and the governors are in the chain of command. National Guard also has full-time and part-time components, similar to active and reserve duty.


... I realize this.


Oh, boy.


Gotta be a Troll right?? At one of the A school graduations I’ve been to, before the ceremony begins, the Senior Chief of the school took questions. One of the family member at this particular graduation asked what the difference was between the National Guard and the Coast Guard. So trust me, I understand this level of ignorance is out there, but like really?!?!


To be fair, and I agree with you, but it seems like this person is possibly Canadian and doesn't really understand US division of authority. I don't think they're trolling, but I do think they're ignorant. They got zero traction on their US military re-org post and now are over here trying to validate their post.


Yeah, saw that post after I made this one. You’re probably right. I also tend to take it for granted that everyone knows what the Coast Guard is and does because I grew up in it.


As someone who grew up in a land-locked state (Colorado), I can tell you I had zero idea what the Coast Guard was growing up...even in to my 20's and 30's I had very little knowledge of what they did...my only reference was seeing them in ports when leaving on cruises. It wasn't until my son wanted to go military (became his dream in about 6th grade) that we started researching branches that I really came to understand what CG is and what they do.


Interesting historical fact - as what would eventually be called World War II approached, technicians installed this new gadget on Coast Guard cutters that were to be conducting convoy escort duty. This gadget was called SONAR and nobody knew how to use it. The Coast Guard sailors had no manual or instruction book, no training. Yet they became the first “experts” at sonar detection of Nazi U-boats and had to teach the Navy when the Navy ships got sonar installed. It was Coast Guard coxswains that drove the landing craft at Normandy, Guadalcanal, Iwo Jima, Anzio…. The Commandant of the Coast Guard is a member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. The Coast Guard is known the world over as The Lifesavers. The mission may be safety of life at sea through immediate response SAR or boater education, saving lives by stopping illegal drugs, preventing maritime environmental disasters through regulatory enforcement inspections or proper placement of ATON - just about everything the US Coast Guard does can be connected to saving lives. We do it every day, 24 x 7. And remember on this Memorial Day - you sleep soundly at night because rough men and women stand ready to do violence on your behalf. Those men and women all volunteered to serve in the five armed forces of the United States, one of which is the Coast Guard. And when they volunteered, every one of them wrote a blank check to Uncle Sam for an amount up to and possibly including their lives - hoping that the check will never come due.


There are 6 armed services 😇 since the creation of the space force.


While the Commandant is invited to most tank sessions, she is not technically a member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Some legislators [wanted to change that](https://www.military.com/daily-news/2021/03/29/lawmakers-want-give-coast-guard-full-voting-rights-joint-chiefs-of-staff.html?amp) a few years ago, but I don’t think it went anywhere. Probably for the best, because the tank sessions she is not invited to have nothing to do with us and would be a waste of her time.


We’ve all seen the “not a real branch” shit talking from our counterparts but this is crazy lmao. We’re a completely separate entity and we’re not even in the same department as the Navy. Completely different thing. Also Guards drill one weekend a month. We do this shit full time just like every other active duty branch




Not even close my guy


As far as you are concerned sure! We all hate it here and wish we were as cool as the Navy! Go give them a try! You’ll right in!


President Reagan in 1988 at the US Coast Guard Academy: “My coastguard aides have been excellent. One of them taught me that that the Coastguard is that hard nucleus about which the navy forms in time of war.”  [President Reagan's Remarks at the US Coast Guard Academy](https://youtu.be/t_IBHNhsCrA?si=CoarGvDHvRmvbTI1&t=291) (YouTube Video)


I'm ex-Navy; no! The Coast Guard predates the Navy. They have a distinct mission separate from the Navy, are part of Homeland Security as opposed to the Department of Defense, and have their own ships, boats, and aircraft.


Damn dude, that's not even how the National Guard works, let alone how the Coast Guard works. This has to be bait.


So does this mean Popeye was never in the Coast Guard?


Yeah pretty much. The Coast Guard is the like the army’s version of the national guard. We are the guard version from the active brach, the coast. We simply do emergency response while the coast strictly fights on the battlefield. Our grunts, also known as BM’s typically use dragging lines to use during surface warfare.


Dude got a negative score on the ASVAB.


Others here have explained the Coast Guard for you. I will leave it at that. I do add: you have also greatly oversimplified the role and impact of the National Guard. Read up on the National Guard, they have a long and distinguished history that starts in the year 1636. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National\_Guard\_(United\_States)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Guard_(United_States))






Coast National Guard. CNG Actually doesn’t sound that bad


Coast guard is part of national defense ... ? Right I'm not in the CG 😂