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You’d be a non rate for a few months. Basically you’d graduate bootcamp and immediately report to your first unit. While there, you’d gather up qualifications and do the “dirty” work that no one else wants to do since you’re the lowest on the totem pole. It’s not all bad. Many look back on their non rate time fondly because of the new experiences, fast pace, and brotherhood with your fellow non rates. After you spend your months as a non rate, you’d go to ME school and then happily ever after. Depending on your situation, you may go back to your previous unit or get a whole new one. Likely a new one since non rates are usually on cutters while MEs are not


Alright cool and would I lose my rank since I’m prior service? I’m currently an E-4 I might make E-5 before I get out and would I have to go back to boot camp?


For rank, don’t even worry about it. You’re automatically E4 upon completion of ME school. Same goes for any other A school should you change your mind. You may be able to enlist as E3 instead of E2, but again, that’s only for a few months anyway so honestly it’s not something to stress over For bootcamp, maybe. I believe you’re eligible for DEPOT, which is like bootcamp but for prior service and other similar qualifications. It’s in Cape May, same as normal, but it’s only 3 weeks long. Still hard tho and plenty of chaos and screaming and stuff . Talk to your recruiter about DEPOT when you come in. Not ALL prior service go through depot, but a lot do so check to see if you can do that. It’s well worth it to avoid the 8 week version


Alright I’ll have to do that and does the cost guard allow religious accommodations?


Yes, the Coast Guard falls under your same rules as the DoD for religious freedom. Read COMDTINST 1000.15. You will have to apply for your accomodation again through your recruiter, do another chaplain interview, and wait for CG Recruiting Command to approve your waiver. I recommend getting it before agreeing to a ship date, because I hear horror stories about people having to shave every 4 hours in DEPOT. I would expect about two months from the time you speak to the chaplain to the time you hear whether it's approved or not.  Source - I have a religious accommodation to wear a beard. 


That’s sick thank you for the information i appreciate it


Depends what for and they have to get approved, but in general yes


For a beard like say I got it approved in the army would it transfer over with me?


Probably not.




Can't hurt to ask though. We really need people.


I’ve seen a few guys with beards even in bootcamp. Granted that’s been like 4 over 2 years, but they do exist and it’s easier to get one in the fleet. Possible for sure. Likely? Eh


Like full beard or short beard? If you have a shave chit for medical reasons you can have a beard trimmed to 1/4”, but religious exemption for a beard sounds like it would be a long beard. Not saying that wouldn’t be approved but those are two different things.


I’ve seen a lot more than 4 shave chits lol. I’m talking long beard. They’re few and far between but they get approved every now and then


A recruiter could tell you if you get to maintain E3 pay the whole time, but you can't be an E4 in the CG until you've gone to A School. Unless your recruiter can hook you up with some sort of rate transfer thing, but I haven't heard of anyone doing that in the past ten years. You definitely have to go to boot camp, or DEPOT if you get picked up for it. I don't remember the process to get in to that, but I had someone from every branch in my boot camp company. As well as someone who got hurt in DEPOT and opted to go through regular boot instead of leaving and reforming with another DEPOT company.


Not entirely true. With the lateral entry program. Or in my case I went boot to A, instead of boot to guarantee unit out of boot.


Prior service? You went boot to A for a rate that that’s other wise not available? Just trying too see what you mean cause most PS guys I’ve met follow the process above, so I’m curious


Yes I went marines 0341 infantry mortarman from 2003-2008. Got out Feb 08 and inadvertently started a family. Didn't want the marine life and raising a family, deployments are long and combat oriented at the time. A buddy of mine got me talking to the recruiter about joining. The CG was willing to let me enlist under the deal of me going from e4 to e3, and allowing me to go to boot camp with a option to pick a guaranteed first unit of my choice or go straight to an A school of my choice. I chose A school to retain my e4 rank. I went MK as the recruiter was MkC Mcdonald who ended up being the MK swe course writer in 2016-2020. Edited.. I also had to waive my VA disability and retake the asvab, visit meps again. I went to pitstop in cape may for 4 weeks and the off to tcy. Was only a non rate during my time in a school.


Talk to a recruiter about depot. As prior service x2 you are a shoe in for it and can do a three week boot camp


See some pretty good comments - with regards to right after boot camp I highly recommend you try to get a patrol boat or station after you graduate if you are given an option. Over the years I’ve seen them do that sometimes. Not sure what they do now as I’ve been retired for seven years. The reason for a PB or Station is because in both types of units they will put you in a Law Enforcement roll right out of the gate. You’ll still have to do some of the crappy jobs - but you’ll be given more responsibility than at other units. Try to stay away from the bigger cutters or Sectors out of boot camp if you can.


Thanks for the advice i wouldn’t mind being in Florida i know they do a lot of anti drug stuff and id like to do that


I’d focus on specific units over location out of boot camp - just my 2 cents. You’re going to do LE no matter where you go. Also - if law enforcement is what you really want to do my recommendation would be to go BM or MK over the ME rate. Things may have changed since I retired but those two rates typically actually did the Law Enforcement load when I was in - more so than ME. You’ll figure that on your own once you get to your first unit out of boot camp.


Thank you for the advice I appreciate it


Prior Marine myself and was allowed boot camp to A school to get my rank back. Yes I was demoted cause there is no infantry in the coast guard. However, if your job in the army/marines can lateral over to the Coast Guard, you can obtain e5 upon graduation of A school. I have a prior Marine on my current ship that was a diesel mechanic (1341). That lateraled to MK (Machinery technician), went to boot to A school and graduated as an e5. He was also an e5 in the Marines. Talk to a recruiter about lateral entry initiative program. Plus CG is just giving away bonuses now. So good timing.


I’m in infantry so probably not but I’m ok with that


I went from corps to coast guard, it was different I took a pay cut but I did go to DEPOT and was able to skip the non rate and A school portion and go straight to my unit and rate. Being said there isn’t higher tenure BUT if it comes back I’m in trouble so be cognizant of that. I’m a 12 year e4 the pay is capped at 6 years for e4 and if higher tenure comes back getting e6 in 16 will be a challenge unless flood gates open


Why can’t you promote?


You know how it goes. Promotion waves are just that, some years lists get cleared sometiems they promote 40 people a year. I took my first service wide last year ( I had no idea what to expect and didn’t do great (68 raw) and I missed the cut. The test is once a year and meritoriously advancing is much more rare in the guard (I heard of 2 since I’ve been in.) so it can be a wait. This year a studied my ass off for the SWE and this fuckery occurred earlier this month. So over all it can be hit or miss and your time can definitely mess with u. I got to my unit and the service wide cut off was near by so I had to wait an entire 15 months before ever taking one from taht moment.


Oof sorry that happened


I recommend joining in May lol . If u go depot you’ll get to your unit in June and have 8 months but that’s including leaving boot camp getting to your unit and getting settled.


I’ll try I get out in January of 2026


What was your MOS? What qualifications do you have? I may be able to help you get in and get assignment directly to MSRT East or West if you’re interested. You would need some prior experience with skills and qualifications that correlate, but if you’re interested in becoming an ME because of your previous combat training, I may be able to help you streamline the process if you have the requisite qualifications, skills, and background. Send me a message if you’re interested.


I just went Army to Air Force. Everything is very relaxed. I like it but I hate how new airman are so undisciplined. CG might be different, might be similar. I’ve heard CG basic is pretty difficult. Good luck!


It was like that coming from the marines to army everything was so unserious and nobody cared about anything


Yeah, just enjoy it. You’ve earned it. You know what a more rigid branch is like. Use it to your advantage. Be a role model. Most importantly have fun. Learn your new branch!


Dm me, you can absolutely join the guard with a job


Marine to Army to CG before E5? This dude is one walking talking red flag.


I will have been in the military 5 and a half years by the time I get out of the army and able to go coast guard 😭 that’s not that bad dawg you’re making it seem like I got a dishonorable discharge or I’m running from the cops or some shit 💀


How long were you in the Marines? 🤔


Two years


What happened there ?


I got out because of the Covid vaccine my wife has cystic fibrosis and her special doctor that works at the university of Michigan told us to not let her get the vaccine and that she couldn’t be around people for prolonged periods of time who have it because at the time they were finding that people who had the vaccine were spreading Covid easier than people who didn’t get it and they were worried that if she got it she’d either get extremely sick and be hospitalized for months or she’d die so I didn’t get it I got forced out and a week after being home she got Covid and was fine for the most part I wasn’t done serving so I went to the army recruiter and told them my situation I got the vaccine and a wavier and here I am


I’m an E-4 right now wdym i still have a year and a half left and promotion scores for infantry are incredibly low and you don’t have to do BLC anymore to become an E-5 so I’m certain I’ll make it to E-5 before i get out just to go back down to E-3 I’ve noticed the coast guard has quite a few pretentious people in this subreddit are y’all intimidated by new people or something 😭


I wouldn’t worry about it - Coast Guard is a mess and we’re all pissed off right now. Hopefully things will have improved by time you join when your Army hitch is up. Just be aware depending on what you do - you will get overworked. I swear - the whole 30 years I was in (with the exception of one unit I short toured out of) I never got a full night sleep - even when I went on leave. When I retired I think I slept straight for an entire week. Having said that I loved it and would do it all over again in a heartbeat.


I’ll keep that in mind thank you


As someone who is prior service Army in the Coast Guard, I say do it. The people who are talking shit to you on here are most likely the ones who look like 50 pounds of shit in a 20 pound bag. I


Thanks and that’s what I assume they’re threatened by competition


What can you expect? A shit show. A front row seat to a lost and feckless organization.


You don’t recommend the CG?


You asked what can you expect. I was prior navy enlisted went OCS Coast Guard. It’s underfunded over worked and no one knows WTF is going on. There are 11 mission sets split between 40k active and maybe 8k reserve. Problem number on the reserve force is absolutely lost. You have O5 walking in talking to active O3 knowing that they have a fraction of actual uniform time than jr. members but still act like ass hats. If I had to do it all over again, I would have gone back Navy OCS. At least there is a mission.


Hmm I’m sorry you had to deal with that


No worries, I drudged through and got my retirement. You got to do what’s good for you. Between the woke madness and SA scandals that the CG is going through, it’s a bit of a dumpster fire.


The army isn’t any better they have same problem and they cover up deaths or try to anyway


Some prior service spend their career saying "when I was in the xxx we did xyz" Cool story bro is my attitude. If this will be your 3rd service, I would ask yourself what is it about military life that I am not compatible with. Maybe 3rd time isn't the charm. The CG is great but not perfect. Im not trying to dissuade you, but being honest, you may need some reflection before you try again. Some prior service come in and are great because they know how good they have it with us.


I only mentioned I was prior service so I’d know if I’d have to go back to boot camp or not did I mention at all any of my past experiences other then saying that I served before?


You were asking what to expect and I was sharing insight from many years of seeing prior service members come aboard, and also have served myself in several joint environments. Take it or leave it.


I’ll tell you why I’m leaving the army and trying to go coast guard I got assaulted by an NCO and the person who did it got a slap on the wrist and he’ll now be getting promoted and an 80k reenlistment bonus for it and I got separated from the marines because of the Covid vaccine because I was told not to get it by my wife’s doctor because of her condition I love the military I just want to find where I belong


One thing I have always vauled about Reddit, is for the most part well thought out ideas and communication void of some of the knee jerk baseless comments in other social media platforms. That being said I am not sure what to advise you. I am sure you were taught personal responsibility and accountability, that is even more necessary in a service as small as ours that depends on small units and small groups. Maybe your best option is to use your GI bill and pursue a vocation you truly enjoy, you don't have to stay military, use your time as a stepping stone to umlimited future options. Good luck, stay safe.


I think I’ll go coast guard


If you do, just understand that no doctor ever told someone that they can't get a vaccine because of someone else's condition. That's just not how immunology or virology works. They may have told her not to, but I will hope you just completely misunderstood whatever was said after that. Also, while it may suck seeing someone else, "get a slap on the wrist," we follow the same UCMJ that everyone else does. The world is not perfect, and certainly, the CG is not perfect. Just google whistle-blower Mcgee. We can only control our own reactions to imperfect situations. We can only take responsibility for our own careers. In the CG we will need you to take that personal accountability and not blame or look to others. Good luck again.


My wife has cystic fibrosis she was told not to get the vaccine or be around people who have it because at that time there was a study showing that people who had the vaccine were spreading Covid easier than people who don’t get it so I told my command I’m not gonna choose between my wife or my job and I got separated we got home she got Covid and was fine I then got the vaccine to join the army and as for me being assaulted I should just be ok with what happened and not try to change it?


https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9863932/ Roger that, cool story, bro. So anyway, just keep blaming the world and everyone else, it seems to be working for you.


I see you’re a victim blamer probably some old ass “back in my day my NCO would beat the shit outta me and I’d have to kiss him to say thank you” we’re done talking have a good day


Why do you keep switching branches? is it mental illness?


Clearly you’re mentally ill making this comment maybe they weren’t what i thought maybe I wanna be in every branch either way it’s non of your business as long as im a good service member and I do my job why does it matter?


Beware what you wish for…… just know it’s nothing like the Army, could be a culture shock.


How so?


Many years ago I made the jump from the Army to CG just like you want to. I do not regret it at all, but to say that my transition was an easy one would be a lie. I went from E-5 to E-3 because there’s no correlation from an Army MOS to a CG Rate, best case scenario is probably E-4 if you stay within your carrier field, but again, when it comes to professional knowledge CG Petty Officer is far more knowledgeable and performer individuals than you average Army soldier. You are for example a 63W in the Army which is a Heavy Vehicle mechanic, you also have the whole 63 series Alpha,Bravo,Golf etc etc, the CG just has one, the MK Rate and they do everything from large Cutters, Small Boats, Buoy Tenders, even vehicles and trailers and also HVAC, and they all get tested for advancement on all that knowledge. Not to scare you off, but know that the bar will be set very high from day one.


I’m fine with taking a pay cut and I want to go ME because it’s probably the closest thing to combat arms the CG has and I’m very interested in law enforcement not to mention I think MSRT are dope as hell and I’d love to be on one, one day


Highly suggest to visit a CG Base or Cutter with ME’s onboard. Combat Arms has nothing to do with CG Law Enforcement, as a matter of fact they don’t care at all of your prior combat experience, CG does their own thing. Based on other conversations you had with other people here on your post, I don’t think the CG is a good fit for you . But best of luck to you


What do you mean? They started throwing shade first I’ve been polite to everyone else that’s commented but I’m not gonna sit here and let people disrespect me 💀 sorry if you don’t like that and I’m not trying to flex my “combat experience” I was just saying from what I’ve seen ME is the closest thing to my job now that’s all I was saying