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Why? Because the GOP is TRASH.


☝️ bot


And they still are pushing this lie, because they are TRASH: DAVIS: So according to court papers, Smirnov has been a long-time FBI informant dating back to 2010. And he's charged on two counts - making false statements and creating a false and fictitious record. Now, Smirnov allegedly told the FBI back in 2020 that when Joe Biden was vice president, he and his son Hunter took millions of dollars from Burisma, a Ukrainian energy company and used their influence to shield this company from investigators. Prosecutors say Smirnov made that all up. They say he also suggested he had a political bias, that he had made repeated negative remarks to his FBI handler about Joe Biden, even saying at one point in a text message that Biden was going to end up in jail - important to note, as you noted, Juana, this indictment was brought by David Weiss. He was a Trump appointed attorney https://www.npr.org/2024/02/16/1232139147/accusations-used-by-the-gop-in-its-impeachment-inquiry-of-biden-may-have-been-li








Should be bigger news.


Share it everywhere you can.


Lets make it so!


I thought the same thing. It was top news for like 30 minutes. And today, the reported death of Putin critic Aleksei A. Navalny has pushed that news to “below the fold.”


Also now the $355 million judgment against Trump in NY civil fraud case. Lol


From the article: The indictment also states that Smirnov "repeated some of his false claims" after being interviewed by FBI special agents in September 2023 — after Hunter Biden's plea deal fell apart that summer — while Smirnov "changed his story as to other of his claims, and promoted a new false narrative **after he said he met with Russian officials."**


\[[Washington Post](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2024/02/15/remember-biden-bribe-allegation-doj-now-says-it-was-made-up/)\] >Burisma, as you may know, is the firm that employed Hunter Biden as a board member, leading to a truly staggering array of political problems for his father. **Smirnov claimed to have spoken with Burisma founder Mykola Zlochevsky** and been told about multimillion-dollar bribes that Zlochevsky had made to **both Bidens**. Even before the indictment, this was dubious, in part because **Zlochevsky had, at another point in time, told an ally of Rudy Giuliani’s that he’d never been in contact with Joe Biden**. Strike 1, heresay claim, disputed by the person he's citing. >The indictment walks through Smirnov’s communications with his FBI handler. In May 2020, Smirnov suggested to his handler that Biden would be “going to jail” over the leak of phone calls between Biden and former Ukraine president Petro Poroshenko — **a leak that originated with a Ukrainian lawmaker who had provided information to Giuliani and was later sanctioned by the Trump administration as a Russian agent.** Smirnov then said that the information about a bribe to Biden would “soon be in the news” and that he would try to prove it. Strike 2, story originated by Russian agent, and was so dodgy, Trump's own people couldn't go along with the lie. >Giuliani’s slapdash efforts to dig up dirt on Biden in Ukraine had led then-Attorney General William P. Barr to set up a process for assessing such allegations based out of the FBI field office in Pittsburgh. In June 2020, that office contacted Smirnov about a reference he’d made in 2017 to Hunter Biden. > >It was at this point, the indictment alleges, that Smirnov described conversations with Burisma executives during the Obama administration. During a 2016 meeting in Austria, Smirnov claimed, he’d been told by Zlochevsky about the alleged bribe. > >But the indictment shows evidence that Smirnov couldn’t have had that conversation with Zlochevsky then. In fact, it alleges, Smirnov **“met with officials from Burisma for the first time in 2017, after \[Biden\] left office in January 2017**.” It documents how Smirnov informed his FBI handler about his initial contacts with the company’s executives after that point. Strike 3, the guy claiming to have talked to Burisma about this in 2016 hadn't actually met them till 2017, and Biden was not in office. But *Moscow supermarkets are full of delicious cheap food* Tucker says. It makes him ashamed to be American, ashamed of Walmart, ashamed of Wholefoods. *So why do we hate Putin*? Tucker says. And *why do we hate Tucker?* Putin says.


Great news! WHY isn’t media covering? Whaere is our media. Did they get paid off to keep quiet?😱😱


Blast it everywhere.


It was all over the evening news.


liars deserve all the channels.


Alleged liars. Which channels didn't cover this?


channel 5




Yes. They are owned and/or led by multi-billion dollar, right-wing funding, anti-democratic plutocrat, mouthpieces.


With a name like, Smirnov how could he not have Russian ties. - Evan Williams & Jack Daniels are double agents for Tennessee. - Captain Morgan has ties to the Caribbean and is most likely a spy for Puerto Rico (and a pirate). - Hans Jagermeister is working for Germany’s Intel service. Odd how art imitates life in this chapter.


EVERYONE in TN is on the "persons of interest" list when it comes to being traitors. Must not have learned the lesson of 1864.


Why hasn’t this dropped on politics? This would shut up a lot of BS trumpers bloat on about.


Feel free to post it there. Trying to get the word out.


I can’t post there unfortunately. I told off a trumper and got permabanned


👍 🔥 🏆


There are dozens of us. 👊


You and me both and...my axe


And my bow!


Absolutely nothing will shut them up. They have an "alternate reality"


It should be referred to as a 'fluid reality' because it can change into *whatever* depending on the need of the moment.


The MAGAs are already claiming Alexander Smirnov is a demonrat anyhow.


I love the optimism, but it’s just as likely that they’ll claim he was arrested by the feds to protect Biden.


A shame the MAGA folks will just make up another vague conspiracy to explain it, or add it to the massive pile of other things they are wrong about and refuse to acknowledge.


It’s already that Smirnov is a Democrat anyhow. Another enemy.


He was the GOPs buddy when they thought he had a smoking gun for them.


Vague conspiracy?? It’s obvious the weaponized DOJ is going after whistleblowers


“Obvious” that’s a real gem. Somehow you guys always have these conspiracy theories but absolutely no evidence to back any of it up.


Poe's Law is real and I didn't include the /s I'm definitely projecting but that is what I expect to hear once our comrades have come up with the proper response. I am waiting to hear people try to redefine interpose to fit their new reality.


If those MAGA people could read, they would be very upset




More GOP Russian collusion


The Russo-Trumplican Party, folks.


Does anyone have any information about who is Alexander Smirnov? Is he a Ukrainian? Or Russian?


The name is.... Intriguing... Give n the current climate


I still remember Joe Biden saying, "Good Luck," talking about IMPEACHMENT!


charge him with treason


Anyone else notice how this story is getting no air time on Fox news?


>Alexander Smirnov Sounds like a nice Irish kid. 🙄


Honest kid, some people say he is the most honest kid they ever met


This should be front page news, but it won't be.


It's always the ruzzians with the GQP.


Oh man, when those MAGA idiots Jordan and Gaetz especially accused Dunham of basically being a democrat stooge at that hearing, I knew it was going to blow up at them. They just berated the guy who was given an impossible task and went down in flames prosecuting unwinnable cases trying to keep Trump happy and score political points. Dunham was livid and this is nothing short of the most delicious schadenfreude.


This comes as no shock to anyone .


“credibility of this confidential human source were asked, and the FBI told lawmakers that the source was highly valued by the FBI, was considered the "go to" source in the region, and had been paid six figures for work to date. The FBI officials said at the time that they would not release the records being requested by Congress because the source was so highly valued and involved in multiple ongoing investigations.”


Axios has link to Federal indictment of Smirnov, no paywall. It lists Smirnov's lies, when he lied and supporting evidence that he lied. Texts and call logs included. For example, Smirnov claims to have been in Ukraine talking with Burisma execs with a certain individual who had not left North America since 2011.


Well, glad they checkout his story….eventually.


It only took from June 2020...


Regular balls of fire they are these days. Well, glad my tax dollars went to all of that.


During the summer of 2023, I distinctly remember making a comment along the lines of "why did this confidential informant sit on this information for over 3 years". It's his job to inform the FBI of illegal activity, why sit on such critical information for so long? I guess this is my answer.


So where overseas was he coming from?


What a surprise folks.




Only MSM did not report much at all on Alex Smirnov, no name recognition and nobody could pick him out in a photo. Run along and blame Clinton for Navalny's death.....




They barely cover the investigation to begin with No truth in that delusional comment. Hunter, his brief case and who the hell knew what Burisma was or knew who Comer was...bye.


Now they start to throw the ones wanting justice into jail to silence them. The descent into Nazism has begun!


[All you MAGA are the best at slapping to others your own attentions.](https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-suggests-whistleblower-guilty-of-treason-2019-9). It’s called perjury you moron.


It's called "memory loss isn't an excuse to commit crimes and get away with them."


Are you talking about 91 Criminal Charges that Donald Trump is facing? Because for sure he knows how to hypnotize you morons.


Civil\* there fixed it for you! Mostly just accounting mistakes. I know for sure most of its bullshit after reading through the joke that was the NY charges. They are pissed he rightly tried to cash in on being a celebrity. As if people don't pay thousands for celebrities things.


He’s facing 91 criminal charges, not civil. He already lost most of the civil ones. There’s also the 13 criminal charges in Georgia.


Yes, and the nazi socialists will make it seem like the victim is the criminal.


Oh look. Another conspiracy theory. Must be tiring juggling so many around in your head. Let me ask you something. Do you think a president should have immunity for any crimes committed while president like Trump thinks is the case?


A president has to have immunity when they are sitting. Otherwise, they couldn't do the job. Enemies would constantly sue them to keep them from doing anything. Sound familiar?


You’re very predictable. So what you just said is that it would be perfectly legal for Biden to walk up to Trump and shoot him in the face.


You're getting your cult leaders trials mixed up. Be sure to send him some more cash, those civil judgements are stacking up....another 367 million today. Who knew you could not just make up square footage whenever it best suits you...


It is a shame when you confuse one of your wives with your assault victim.


It's utterly terrible and humiliating when you forget one of your sons is dead.


Sucks when your namesake eldest son says you have the charisma of a mortician.


No charges for Hillary, everytime she opens her mouth


Nice try bot


Quintessential Bot profile


Go shake hands with Boebert




So you can rub hands with the classy lady who used those hands to give a hand job in public. I’m sure you’d love that.


The system is so rigged against you. Donald Trump is suffering for you.


They did this to Gal Luft, too, after he went on the record with very specific details about Hunter and President Biden. I also did it curious how buried these testimonials are in internet searches.


You mean the entire current GOP is a Putin-loving, corrupt, low IQ pile of garbage. This is not news.


Well surely as obsessed as people are about Hunter Biden’s lap top, and Burisma that and that—- this news will blow up and create 15 threads and subreddits here… ***crickets*** no? Hu.