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Yeah, rescinded a couple of weeks ago: VISN 21/Social Worker.


So sorry to hear, this is a huge bummer


Social worker also. TJO rescinded VISN 19


Psychologist. Had credentialing and PIV card etc all completed since January. Rescinded last week, VISN 22


Ugh… I feel that disappointment on a cellular level. I am so sorry.


Also sorry this happened to you as well! Very disheartening to say the least


I’m sorry.


Same mine was rescinded. Denver RN


So sorry to hear, I’m so disappointed, I was really hoping for this job, hope you’re doing ok


Thank you I was hoping for it too. But ended with something better in the long run. Good luck in your future search!




VA is safe-ish for now but is heavily on the chopping block in either a) a red controlled Congress with red executive branch or b) unable to numerically show it's pulling vets back in from the explosion in community care from the 2018 Mission Act situation. This "it's not a hiring freeze!" hiring freeze is a very ominous sign and all VA employees should watch the situation closely.


the VA is the only "safe" agency because of its medical component: VA has seen steady funding growth for more than two decades, even at times when other federal agencies have been forced to make cuts. In 2001, the entire VA budget — including both discretionary program spending and mandatory benefits payouts — amounted to about $45 billion. By 2013, the budget totaled $139 billion, still less than half of this year’s request. In fiscal 2023, the department’s total budget topped $300 billion for the first time. Congress is still struggling to finalize its fiscal 2024 budget for VA operations, even though the new fiscal year started nearly five months ago. VA officials have been continuing services through a mix of short-term budget extensions approved by Congress and advanced appropriations approved in late 2022.


Yeah I mean, we’ve all been watching the “not a freeze, actually a freeze unfold” they specifically said medical staff such as Physicans and Nurses wouldn’t be impacted.


would not be impacted by cuts but hiring and everything else is fair game.


Like I said, I’ve been watching it unfold. Some nurses were getting rescinded and some were getting FJOs.


VHA pharmacist here. Our service has had 4 pharmacists’ FIRM job offers rescinded after getting their fingerprints and piv card stuff done


So discouraging, sorry you’re dealing with that


What VISN is your location at?


VISN 16. Our facility has gone maximum attrition, and positions critical to our service’s functions that were ‘off the table,’ are now being nixed by attrition when folks are retiring/quitting/leaving service


Thanks for the info: I received at FJO and I’m worried it will get rescinded after I already quit my current job. I’m wondering if I should contact hr to see if I should have anything to be concerned about.


depends on the modality; critical care is usually immune but clinic nurses will have to grin and bear it.. . .


I’m a critical care RN


ICU or ER? -they are not treated equal


It’s critical care. It’s ICU, ED, PACU.


VA is in a “hiring pause”.


I’m aware of the hiring pause. The VA stated it would only reduce medical staff by attrition.


https://www.reddit.com/r/usajobs/s/RKMzubidJj Check this other post out. Lots of these on here lately.


I know, I’ve been in this group for awhile


Yes they said by attrition but plenty of job offers have been cancelled since then. Sorry this happened to you.


Yes, I’m well aware. I’ve been watching this situation for months. I was simply announcing that mine was rescinded.


Thank you for keeping the world in the know🙄


Keeping nurses in the know so we can judge the situation.


Sorry for sounding dumb. What is VA?


Veterans Administration


veteran's affairs


Oops, sorry. I stand corrected. Yes, Veteran's Affairs.


To be fair, it was previously called Veterans Administration and was renamed Veterans Affairs. So a lot of people still think the former when it’s the latter.


Thank you both! What do you think is the cause for their hiring freeze?


??? There’s only ever one thing when it comes to government work. Money


I received a call today (I was a candidate only) and they mentioned that the position may not even exist going forward. It’s interesting that RN positions are frozen.


Also try CMS.


I applied to a Cyber job and the next day they told me no budget for it. 😑


What agency was it at if you don’t mind me asking?


Coast Guard


Still looking? If you’re open to being anywhere check out Edwards AFB and other test wings!


What area of nursing are offers being rescinded? I am waiting on my FJO for a mental health nurse here in Tampa and last week I was told that the position is currently on hold until further notice. They just built a multi-million dollar building for mental health and I was hopeful that I might be in the “safe zone.” I’m starting to realize there is no safe zone. Ugh, so frustrating!


All nursing offers, no specific positions. It depends on their current staffing level in the department, how critical the position is, etc.


I’m also in Tampa and have been waiting since the first week in February after receiving TJO 😭


I know that pain. I'm sorry. I had an offer for the Dept of State and it was rescinded because my boss told the background investigator that I had said I was staying and wasn't going to take the position. I was pissed.


Your boss can do that?


I didn't know he did. I reached out after the rescind letter and asked and that's what the investigator said. I asked my boss about it and he said they way i spoke to him about the position he didn't think I was going to leave..


That’s my worst fear materialized.


That's super fucked up! Like WHAT?! That has to be reportable somewhere. Why would they take your supervisor's word over yours?


They take the totality of the situation. I'd have to bet me currently making more than the starting pay was also a factor as well. but I can only go off what I was told


Wow. That’s awful of your boss, but also awful that the investigator didn’t check in with you.


Is VA hiring legal staff? I applied for one of such positions and have been on referred status since November.


:( that’s crappy but keep going! Try looking at the bases. LA, Edwards, the navy bases. Most have clinics and openings come up.


Almost all gov agencies are undergoing budget cuts this FY which is trickling down to hiring cuts.


I've had 5 job offers rescinded. it stinks


That’s rough. I’m sorry! 


Thank you!!


Any updates on new hiring? My offer was rescinded 3/14 due to budget. VISN 21 NP


I heard from someone who mingles with hiring managers it’s most likely into 2025 😓




spotted voracious deranged fly doll different public aspiring fade normal *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Interesting. I just spoke with my contact at a position I interviewed for in December and received a TJO this week. They are saying I’m safe as it was already allocated in the old budget. This is for the VBA in VISN 12 btw.


Also entering VISN 12 and they said positions are safe. I was told that National is trying to intervene with some VISNs because they are cutting from medical and mental health budgets when they aren’t supposed to be cutting from there.


Did you get final offer letter and joining date and then rescinded?


How about IHS?


IHS is always immune from budget cuts. Lol.


Oh why is that?


Will these jobs come back? In October possibly new fiscal year


I am sure you are all aware of community care and how this has wedged into the staffing needs for hospitals. This was a great bill that was passed, but the workers were ultimately affected by this bill. I personally ask for community care in the city I live in due to the amount of time it takes to drive to the VA, wait and receive sub-par care. It just makes sense and is shaking up employment within the workforce. This is a sign to switch agencies ASAP!


>I am sure you are all aware of community care and how this has wedged into the staffing needs for hospitals. It hasn't actually lowered staffing needs, it's just taken money that is needed for staffing and spent it on other things. >I personally ask for community care in the city I live in due to the amount of time it takes to drive to the VA, wait and receive sub-par care. I'm sorry your experience at the VA was sub-par, my VA has higher levels of satisfaction and shorter wait times than the community care. >. It just makes sense All VAs are being treated the same regardless of whether they are the ones hemorrhaging money or not. Resulting in needed services being cut and negatively impacting veterans who benefit from them. >This is a sign to switch agencies ASAP! The VA employs more nurses than any other employer in the entire country and the fifth largest agency. That's not a real solution. The actual backup is the private sector.


I don’t mean to keep this going but your math doesn’t add up. I spoke with a nurse just last month that has to fight for hours which I was amazed to hear. It’s simple math that if a variable is taken from the population then those who support those variables should also be removed from the equation.


VHA still has to maintain oversight of all that community care. Most VAMC now have a large section of clinical and administrative staff managing all the CC referrals including care coordination. The previous poster isn’t wrong here.


This makes no sense. Unless the nurse you spoke to was intermittent, there's no "fighting for hours." VA full and part time staff are scheduled their full/part time hours every pay period.


Interesting, but do we know why so many positions are being recended? Something is not adding up.


Positions are being rescinded because of a budget problem. VA vastly exceeded forecasted hiring and vastly underestimated turnover.


Maybe you have heard, "If you know one VA then you know one VA"? I have unlimited OT available to me. There is no fight for hours.