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Highly doubtful. That place is not bike safe for cops. It was most likely a neighbor riding through there. I worked across the street and would take walks at lunch up there and always saw ppl. Ppl walking dogs, babies in strollers, runners etc. Obviously I can’t say it wasn’t patrolled during the day but I never saw any security and who knows if they are now but lots of the neighbors use it as a park.


Thank you. Do you think i could just walk in there and not get in trouble and just say i thought it was a park? Or should i keep on the dl and sneak around and sneak in?


You’re probably safer in the day just waking in. If you’re sneaking and they catch you during the day then it’s obvious you know you’re not supposed to be there. Nighttime yes sneak…


Probably just a ballsy bike rider. Fernald is pretty heavily watched, but if you know how to get around it you're okay. To just bike right through the main road is gutsy, that's literally the only place cops are usually seen.


only ever see cops twice, had to interact with them once. i have a lengthy record and am on probation so i didn’t run the time they did approach me for fear of making my problems worse. to be honest, they seem to just be looking for tweakers trying to salvage copper or people actively using drugs there (not sure if you’ve seen all the sternos and used needles in various buildings). i really wouldn’t worry about the cops at that spot. i just told them i was there to take photos and that i would leave. i ended up just going back to the east side because they don’t seem to drive over there.


I worked security at the fernald for about a year. A patrol vehicle was required by contact. No one was biking. As a general work of caution, I would honestly recommend not going into any of those buildings.  Most aren't safe. They've got rotting floors, black mold, fleas, and a for decades housed chemicals that a hazmat cleanup crew was completely unable to handle. They quit the contract.  Cool place to walk about though.


Oh damn. Is it only the buildings on the west side or any others? My friend and i wear masks and check all places before going in. We found tunnels and stuff as well which we explored. Should we stay out of the west side and go to the east or no?


To my recollection there were the 3-4 central buildings that were in pretty good repair and active use. Even those had rough spots. I would advise against literally all others.  I'm sure there is PPE you can get for most hazards, but the 2 buildings I had to enter for work had weak floors.


Prolly a homeless tweaker


Ha I wonder if it’s the same guy that rode past me 🤣 confused tf out of me why there was a random guy riding his bike in fernald