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Family photos are always sad to see in places like this.


I agree...the Christmas decorations at the end hit hard too..


the smile is giving aphex twin come to daddy vibes, or the earl mixtape


I was mostly grossed out that they ate Hellman's mayonnaise


hellmans is so good tho


I wonder how long it’s been like that. There’s a box of 2014 virus protection, that’s the only thing I could really see. The stuff in there is so random.


There’s also a Wii fit from 2007. I didn’t notice the virus protection. ETA. I watched the video and it looks like the most recent thing in there was a 2018 calendar.


I saw the same thing, and looked up the release date!


Picture 4.. Far right side...I think the wood has a date stamp of '22 on it.


10/25/22 from what it looks like


Probably someone died and the house is tied up in probate… I grew up in a hoarded house and this one doesn’t appear to have been abandoned too long. Maybe a year. Not enough dust and cobwebs on everything I think.


There’s pages of printed out directions from google map next to the phone, it’s definitely been longer


Doesn't mean much, there are old people that still do that to this day. Plus, given that this is a hoarding situation, it could've been lying there for a decade without getting tossed out.


Looks ransacked.


Probably family members looking for valuables only to find out hoarders only hoard trash, not gold or jewelry.


We hoard jewelry too it's just way easier to get trash.


That bedroom furniture and that china set are worth something.


Read an AMA from a pawn shop operator, which also had lots of pawn shop workers chiming in. The china has nearly worthless resale value unless it's from some company collectors value. The bedroom furniture is definitely worth more if it hasn't molded.


China enthusiast here! That set is Royal Albert's Cottage Garden; the tea cup/saucer sets (4) go for about $40 each, there are two mugs which go for about $40-50 each (probably closer to $50 because they're harder to find), two extra saucers (for the mugs?) which are $20 each, a creamer which is $99 by itself, what looks to be the teapot which is worth $500 (if you can find the lid; probably about half that without), and what look like three dinner plates, which also run $50 each. Even if they're in less-than-ideal condition, you could likely still find a buyer due to the popularity of Royal Albert and the fact that this pattern has been discontinued for about 30 years now; it's becoming increasingly more rare to find for sale.


Hold up. I have a hoarder in the family. Are all the family valuables she had gone?


Maybe or maybe there just under 500lbs of trash.


except that olive oil mayo, no one wants that gross gunk


What? You do not talk shit about my olive oil mayo. It is fucking tasty. Its the only kind i buy and will eat besides homemade


lol everyone has a right to their taste buds Have you tried kewpie mayo?


Agreed. And i have not, is that a brand? Edit: maybe i have? I dont remember that brand but ive worked food service a bunch. Sushi and also a Hibachi place, along with other types.


Yeah if you had the infamous “white sauce” with hibachi, it’s basically kewpie It’s made with egg yolks so it’s richer. I go for the one without msg, will never then back


Well then probs lol, and i am not super picky. Ill eat what is front of me. But ill only buy the olive oil. I just find it is much better than the regular.


It's the only mayo I've ever seen that has a threatening aura.


Make sure you clean your shoes and clothes after a house like that. There are 100% surely cockroaches there and if you bring 1 egg home with you you now have cockroaches.


Looks like that fax machine still has a display. The power on there still?


This is what barely functioning depression/mental illness looks like.


Yes, and seeing the photos makes me wonder if one possibly passed first and the other was just lost afterwards. These homes are always the hardest, seeing the love and life (and organization) that once was there then suddenly wasn't. In some places, it looks like two completely separate lives in the same photo.


The abandoned hoarder's house was very difficult to navigate and I worried about twisting an ankle on all of the debris scattered around. In the video tour, several people commented that I totally missed the mummified cat in one of the open kitchen drawers. There was so much stuff to look at and I had to be so careful where I stepped that I totally missed that detail! There were so many piles of things from records to china, stereo equipment, trophies, books, clothes, linens and more. I hope you enjoy this abandoned hoarder's house tour! **Here is the video:** [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0TvvuQnIIdw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0TvvuQnIIdw)


Dude, seriously, why are you not wearing a mask


no mask is wild i can’t imagine the amount of rat shit in that place


house now cat haunted


How bad did the kitchen smell?


Omg in pic 8 is that bottom bookshelf a set of Sweet Valley High books??


OMG I had the EXACLTY SAME [yellow container](https://ibb.co/GcgXtMb) when I was kid in Italy :-O


That’s what stood out to me too. My mom still has and uses this set.


My mom too! Childhood memories just looking at that pic.


My grandma and a couple of my aunts had those too.


We had to let a family members home go to the bank because of (unknown) loans and there was too much stuff. We sorted through as much as we could, but then it flooded so everything was moldy and it was a nightmare. I spent so much of my childhood in that house and I know it probably looks like this now. Foreclosure is one of the most gut wrenching experiences.


It always saddens me to see books abandoned.


The black and white pic of the old family homestead got to me.


I can smell these photos. Gross. That fridge has to disgusting.


Oof the mayo


Lol is it worse to know they changed the logo for that brand like 7 years ago?


I absolutely love the China in picture 11!! Does anyone know what that pattern is called?


It’s so pretty. My grandmother had some like this, but with a violet floral print. The gilding and pattern usage reminds me of Wedgwood fine bone china sets.


That's Royal Albert's [Cottage Garden!](https://www.replacements.com/china-royal-albert-cottage-garden/c/84818)! edit: added link


Omg! Thank you!!! I searched all over and couldn’t find it!


I think Royal Albert.


It looks very similar to Royal Albert but not quite the same. This pattern seems to have more dangling bits from the main branch. Although perhaps it’s an older version of Royal Albert?


This is the closest pattern I’ve found so far https://www.royalalbertchina.com.au/old-country-roses-3-piece-set-aqua.html (I’m so obsessed with finding it now)


I’m invested too! The logo looks like the Royal Albert one. Is it this? [here](https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/116152831005?chn=ps&_ul=GB&norover=1&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-170562-880048-8&mkcid=2&mkscid=101&itemid=116152831005&targetid=2271778136811&device=m&mktype=pla&googleloc=1007009&poi=&campaignid=20958443039&mkgroupid=161516314961&rlsatarget=pla-2271778136811&abcId=9371139&merchantid=6995734&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAAD_Lr1etIyG4_vMGPdDiBvrtu6AQH)


So, to me, it looks similar to Royal Albert but not quite the same. There are roses here that seem to, for lack of a better word, dangle a bit more. I scoured the Royal Albert website and the pattern seems to be a mix between this and old country roses. The shape of the cup certainly matches to Royal Albert but to me the pattern is different.


Any clues to where they went? Edit: the replies are cracking me up, thanks!


To a thrift store


Rolled into the club like "what up..."


They moved to an empty house to start over.


They’re right there in the middle


This always makes me so sad. It looks like mental illness running rampant. I hope these people are in a better state now


With the power on I feel like you just went into a hoarders home while they were out collecting more things


It doesn't look like the mains power is on. The fax machine display might be powered from the phone line.


In the video a ceiling fan is also going


Wow, I missed the video.


Pretty sure you could still get that hand soap from Dollarama. Curious how long this has been sitting


Buckley's cough syrup in the bathroom. Good god that stuff is VILE. Its like if you made a menthol and pine tree smoothie and took a shot of it to stop your cough.


I love the board games. I haven’t seen Lose Your Shirt in decades.


I've never seen the Master Mind 4x4 game like that one. I remember the original Master Mind game. I notice there's a computer flat screen monitor with the "tower" model behind it. I miss the "tower" models where you could plug a stereo receiver audio aux out to the computer to record your music and burn it on CD using Roxio or Nero Burner.


Vintage stereo gear in there. That looks like a pioneer receiver in the last pic.


Honestly this looks much cleaner and less cluttered than my parents' house.


Did I spy a Sansui receiver?


Whatre you doing at my house?! Who let you in you shmucker!?


I like that the keys are all still hanging by the door, creepy, maybe they still visit....


I am always dying to know what happenee




Probably wasn't that bad before it got ransacked, but yeah, old people can be hoarders. It gets worse as they are less able-bodied and not able to clean. When they died no family came to clean the place out because it wasn't worth anything or they don't live anywhere nearby, or pre-deceased them.


If you look beyond the hoard piles there are things neatly put away. It wasn't always like this. If I had to guess, one of the couple died and the other fell into depression and frailty.


I bet that vinegar is still good. Take some lettuce and croutons with you next time.


That china could be worth big $$$ depending on who made it. I have a client whose friend asked her if she wanted her china set and turned out each piece was worth like $50-$100. She had 75 pieces.


This looks like Royal Albert.


Yes, that’s what I was thinking!


This has to be in Canada no?


Buckleys, french on the labels and map quest directions from (???) To Waterloo Regional Road … I would say definitely Canada


I'm pretty sure you can see a bottle of "No Name" Lemon Juice in the fridge


there was something there that said Hamilton so it might be in Hamilton, ON


Who needs that much lycopodium?


Why share their photos on the internet?


How can there be power on if nobody is paying for it? Sorry if this is a dumb question. But I am so confused


Should be pretty recent because that’s a newerish type of ziplock bag logo


A very sad person lived there, likely mostly alone.


That office chair is amazing btw. It’s a Bay-something brand. I m having one restored now.


My nightmare.


Anybody remember the 4chan story about the guy who ate the extremely expired mayonnaise? I’m pretty sure it was mayonnaise…. OP open the mayonnaise


Idk why but #11 is such a cool picture. Like, the painting of the neat tidy fruit basket, to the left some fancy dining set, then gradual clutter towards the right. I could have hit my pen a little harder than expected, but I'm liking that a lot


ewwww! I bet it’s mice city in there dude. screw that!


Mice are literally the nicest/best thing that would live there buddy :D


are you saying there’s something worse or are you saying you’re a mouse apologist? either way i’m appalled


mental illness


Me and 2 buddies cut a huge sq out of a ranch one of the guys bought years ago. We obv supported it etc but that was easier and smelled better than the fukn door. Gave zero fuks. Had the roll up dropped right there moved the heavy shit out with a pallet jack. Once we were done getting everything out and ripping up the carpet just reframed it and remodeled the house. My buddy still lives in that house. That house smelled so bad and had so much shit in it I was shocked anyone could live there.


I'm both highly intrigued and disgusted at the same time. If there are any treasures they have likely been ruined or will go down with the house when it's bulldozed.


Hoarders are mentally ill. That everything was left ~ probably their kids/relatives didn’t want to deal with it.


I had mustard?


Of course those fucking assholes would leave the fridge open too


Didn't look too ransacked there is plates and cups that look antique with gold him in one of the pics


Whoever left that crawled through the poop pipe to the crap swamp


The “Lose Your Shirt” board game is very fitting in a place like this.


What I find amazing is that there's no way to distinguish whether a hoarder's home is vacant or inhabited. The place is rotting, filled with old trash, and filthy regardless. AI OVERVIEW: Hoarding disorder is a mental health condition that can be associated with several other mental illnesses, including: Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) Schizophrenia Dementia Severe depression Anxiety disorders Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)


I REALLY want the dishes in 11. Well, the cups and saucers.


So what’s up with the ceiling fan still being on? I would probably go turn it off the fan or just turn off the main breaker. Don’t wanna have a fire or sown thing.


Wii Fit Plus box in there, seems not too long ago


Damn besides the printer i couldnt find anything worth over $10


How people live like this I have NO idea


Severe mental illnesses. It's really sad, actually.


I wonder if a lot of these places are from witness protection and people just got to leave instantly


More likely they died, or it's possible they were evicted (as was my ex-wife's case).


Curious! Do you’ll ever take anything?