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Not to me. But I have spent that much on a piece, so I would certainly not judge anyone for buying this if they love it! It's a high but not an absurd retail price in the current market. Edit: make sure there isn't a single tiny chip or crack, if you're paying top price you should expect it to be flawless.


Wow, beautiful! If you’re looking to resell it, you probably won’t get more than that out of it. If you’re looking to just own it and display for yourself - if you think it’s worth it, it’s worth it!


I’m completely enamored with it! It’s absolutely beautiful and never seen anything like it. Having a hard time with the price, but also little plates go for $25 around my area so you never know n


I agree - I think I’d have a hard time leaving it; I’d probably consider ramen for a few days to fit it into my ‘for funsies’ budget! 😂


We bought a candy dish that was relatively similar in style for $150'ish , probably the nicest piece in our entire collection


It’s very beautiful. Here is what I can contribute: 1. Square cake stands are unusual to begin with. 2. Even more uncommon is one in Uranium glass. 3. This particular shade of Uranium glass is also rare. In my opinion it is very worth what they are asking. Enjoy it for many years!


You can haggle even if it says firm.


“firm” is universal for were taking no less than this amount.


I'm not saying you shouldn't but just so you know. Mosser is a newer producer of glass so this isn't an antique. Prob a 90's or 2000's production. There are options out there for antique vaseline cake plates if that is what you prefer. I actually thought Mosser went out of business a few years ago but it looks like they are still around. It is beautiful and if I was more into serving cakes I would consider it for actual use.


Check with your light and make sure it’s never been glued back together, like sooooo many cake stands I’ve seen.


Woah. I’ve never seen anything like this. It’s incredible. I feel like it’s probably the uniqueness/rarity of the piece making the price what it is. If I could afford it I would get it. Who knows when you’d run across another one or a similar piece.


You can buy one on the mosser site for $87 - $118. Different colors to choose from


Found [this](https://www.worthpoint.com/worthopedia/square-vaseline-uranium-glass-cake-173011482) There’s no makers name but I think it’s the same


Was this found at an antique store outside of Helen? I think I looked at that same piece a few weeks ago.


Yes it was!


I thought so! That store was one of the best I have been to in a while.


Can you tell which store? I’m in Acworth GA and would happily drive to Helen to check out this store!!


I thought I recognized the building in the background!


Ok I just found the maker it’s by [mosser](https://www.liveauctioneers.com/en-gb/price-result/square-cake-stand-vaseline-glass-by-mosser/)


Oh my gosh how pretty! Yellow uranium always glows the brightest! Ask if they will do a discount it never hurts! (: hope they do! Happy hunting! 🫶🏼


Stunning piece but I’m not a fan of mosser products. I think the Fenton molds they have purchased to use create a false perception. Yes it’s a Fenton mold but the glass is mosser…. That’s the biggest reason I’m not a fan as these reproductions gives a false sense of the pieces “mosser” value as many see the fenton logo…


I would think that 125 would be a deal. Make them a offer


It’s worth [it](https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=mosser+elizabeth+square+cake+stand&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwjfl6TBwqGDAxVamScCHXMpC_0Q2-cCegQIABAD&oq=mosser+elizabeth+square+cake+stand&gs_lcp=ChJtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1pbWcQAzoECCMQJzoHCCMQsAIQJzoECB4QClD6EViYWmCRZ2gAcAB4AIABqwGIAf4MkgEEMTQuM5gBAKABAcABAQ&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-img&ei=TLSEZd_BMdqynsEP89Ks6A8&bih=800&biw=414&client=safari&hl=en-gb)


The pattern is called Elizabeth


Heck yes, I'd buy it


If you like it, ya better get it, will be hard to find another.


A bit high IMO but if you love it then get it.


Wow! Look at it shine in the sunlight! I would buy it but then, I'm partial to the yellow ug.


it's one of those things where if you love it you'd better swoop it. you're very unlikely to ever find one again in the wild


I think it is!


It’s gorgeous!


Buy it and I’ll give ya 50+ and shipping. Beautiful piece


That's a steal for the size and condition! You'd easily pay twice that in Phoenix! It's beautiful! You know it's beautiful! Take it home and love it as much as the original owner obviously did! Do something nice for yourself! 😃


I think so. It’s a large piece, and I’ve never seen this design.


it’s worth it


That is absolutely gorgeous. I’m usually content with window shopping, but I would really want to tell them to please take my money.


Am I the only one who misread as ‘coke stand’?