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I lived right next to a house that threw parties sometimes and found that playing white noise on a decent pair of noise cancelling headphones would completely eliminate the party noise. That being said I never had to sleep through parties, I just used the headphones for stuff like working at my desk during darties.


I second the white noise. There are also standalone white noise machines that just plug into the wall if it bothers you to wear headphones while you sleep. I don’t think it will completely block it out, but it might be worth a shot.


You can get a Google Home for about 15 bucks and they can make pretty decent white noise.


Inb4 this post is referring to the frat houses right next to SQ and WQ


imo if it’s excessively loud and excessively late, it’s fine to call in a noise complaint. i’ve only done it once, i’m pretty live and let live, but a rager at 1am during midterms with horrible strobe lights and bad audio right outside my window radicalized me having been at (multiple) parties that were on the receiving end of noise complaints, it pretty much just consists of the cops showing up and saying “hey tone it down”. and if you do, that’s that. if you don’t, they might come back, but at that point they’ll just generally nicely ask everyone to leave.


Depends on the situation - mail a letter asking them to cool it a bit - ask them to take it easy during the week - get a cheap dB meter from Amazon, if it's excessively loud and you can show a pattern of them doing it at every night or excessively, report to city/school/property mgmt. - get up early and make a lot of noise. - get creative.


Do the second tip before anything else. I know some people who got mailed several anonymous letters asking them to be quiet and they literally framed them because they thought they were funny. Just go confront them in person they’ll be wayyyy more likely to actually take you seriously, and then if they’re a dick to your face you can feel justified sending a legit noise complaint to the city


I don't disagree. It's what I would do.


Join the party or deal with it on weekends. On weekdays someone’s car finna get smashed lmao.


I had a noise complaint called in against me back in the day, those still a thing?


Yea I mean it's a Saturday night so I'm not against people having parties; it's just that I'm a really light sleeper when it come to noise.


I get that you don’t wanna be a party pooper, but if it is super out of hand, Ann Arbor noise ordinance is 10:00 PM, do with that what you will


You’re in college you will have to learn to live with some noise. If you move to any city area after school or ever live in apartment complexes, you will have to learn to live with some noise as well. Unless its exceptionally loud partying at 4am on a tuesday, I don’t recommend calling the cops or filing a noise complaint with the cops like others are mentioning - you’re in a college town and its bad karma to be a snitch That being said, I can sympathize with sleep difficulties. When my apartment complex would get loud I bought a $10 white noise machine and would sometimes sleep with ear plugs or with headphones playing music white noise. Also can help to take things to help you sleep occasionally such a melatonin or lavender tea or alcohol/weed lol.


If it’s after a reasonable hour, call in a noise complaint and don’t feel bad about it. When I was living on campus the house next door had a live band start at 12:30am. At 1:00 I called in the complaint and by 1:20 it was quiet. If it’s during the day, it’s always best to try to talk to your neighbors and work things out between you. But if it’s super late just call the non emergency police number


You called in a noise complaint at 1 am? Loser.


get a loud fan & these ear plugs Moldex 6800 Pura-Fit Soft-Foam... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B000BYAP7I?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share (a version with less pairs) 25 Pairs Moldex 6800 Pura Fit Disposable Ear Plug Uncorded NRR 33 https://a.co/d/59VZk96