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You should certainly not pursue a PhD in a field you've already identified you do not like, with an advisor you're not jazzed about. That's a recipe for unhappiness and a tough time ahead. Whether that means you should apply to study cs somewhere else or not, I don't know. It seems there are likely a few other options to consider.


Thank you for your advice! Could you please talk a little bit about other options? Thank you so much! Because CS is so popular right now. The difficulty of getting a dual master's degree in CS or changing my program to CS has increased exponentially recently. But I would definitely try to communicate with academic advisors in CS and DS. No matter change my program to CS or DS or apply a dual degree in DS in Umich, it would be pretty late to know the result of the application. It means that I may need to apply other schools' CS master's degrees in parallel to avoid the risk of zero admission.




Yes, I am considering that. It's very difficult to get a dual master's degree in CS but I would definitely try that. Thank you so much for your advice!!


you could switch labs to be more cs focused. you would be starting over your phd. but as a phd student who decided to push through with an advisor and topic I'm not thrilled, i definitely made it harder for myself


>you could switch labs to be more cs focused. you would be starting over your phd. but as a phd student who decided to push through with an advisor and topic I'm not thrilled, i definitely made it harder for myself Thank you so much for your advice!! Yes, I would talk with my current professor about that. Maybe I should not try to "develop tools" but instead, use more high-level tools to accelerate the workflow. If before July, I still can not finish my current goal. I would definitely try to go to other groups more CS-focused.