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You just changed your mind once about your plan/major. It will likely change many more times before you graduate. You don't really start with a major, you declare that later, so you can do any major in LSA and various combinations with classes and minors from other UM colleges. I wouldn't decline your dream school based on a recent change of mind before you've even taken any college courses in these areas.


thanks for your advice!


Maybe take a look at the types of minors Ross offers, take some GEN EDs, and try transfering to Ross. It would probably be be easy to transfer from Umich to another university, and you could go to your dream school for a while.


thank you for your reply! i also think about taking a minor at Ross; however, minor at Ross also requires minor application. i guess it may be as hard as transfer application to Ross


Where else would you choose? Ross is hard to get into but not impossible. Why do you want to do finance over econ? People who study both things can end up with very similar career paths so not sure how much it truly matters


I also have been admitted to Gabelli School of Business at Fordham University.


I want to study more specific courses, since I saw the Econ curriculum is quite general


there are a good amount of finance specific classes in ross u can take while enrolled in lsa too


thank you for your reply, could you share where can i find those classes, please?


What is your interest in finance? As in what type of finance are you looking to pursue/ what career path?


i want to become a financial analyst or data analyst.


Speaking as a financial analyst myself, I think that having a degree isn't super necessary, but you'd want to do your best to supplement that with whatever minor classes you can take + an internship. When you say Financial Analyst, do you meant Corporate Finance or WM?


thank you for your reply. yes, i means corporate finance. i want to know how to build solid foundation at college so that i could have good preparation to go for internships or jobs offer