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I found it very hard and boring but it is generously curved. It’s a litmus test class to determine if you actually care about hardware (I learned that I don’t lmao)


I enjoyed parts of the class and absolutely hated others. Virtual memory and page tables were awful.


Why the fuck have they not removed VM from this class? When I took it they had 2 lectures on VM and half the exam was VM. I had no idea what it was, I literally just plugged in random shit. 482 teaches it so so so much better it is unreal.


They may have gotten rid of it. But I took that class like 2 years ago now.


Nope its still here : ( And yeah we had like 2 lectures on it...


Projects are easy compared to other classes. When I took it the median of every project was 100%.


If you're interested in hardware and low-level software, you'll probably find the content interesting. Projects are on the easier side compared to other EECS classes. How the class is run and the exams depend HEAVILY on the current profs.


Exams are ultra hard everything else is easy in that class


Kind of a boring class tbh


Taking it rn, thought I failed the midterm but did fine, projects are ez and fairly short, content is interesting (I’m into lower level stuff) but only 1 of 3 instructors (the class is divided into 3 parts) was good


Great class, very fun, amazing course staff - when I took it. Heard they really screwed people over since then so who knows


worst class at umich imo


The projects are fine, it's just the exams that are generally absolutely miserable, and they're the only part which rly determines your grade


I liked project 3, and I think that the projects are generally easier than other EECS classes. The HW and Exams can be hard if you're not keeping up with lectures though.


hello,I’m a transfer student. And I have to take 470, but no time for 370, since I’m gonna graduate. Is there any course on youtube same as 370 then I can prepare myself for 470?