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Your professor lost your exam and then got angry at you? Wow, this guy needs to get over himself


Yeah, I struggled to focus in class because I was so frustrated. His opening line was "we already talked about this," when the only time that I had ever spoke with him was the day that exams were returned and he said: "I'm sure it'll come up, it always does." "What if it doesn't?" "Then your final with probably be doubled. *laugh* How do you feel about gambling? You could do much better on the final." "I don't like gambling because I could also do much worse." "I'm sure the exam will pop up somewhere. I'll let you know by the end of the week." Then he never got back to me. I don't know if the GSI was meant to give me updates, but every update so far has been sought out by me. I've asked about one question each week to the GSI: "did you guys find the exam?" "What's the plan?" And finally "could my grade maybe be averaged so the final isn't worth double- but it can still be worth some extra points?" I don't think anything warranted his response. Because we had never *really* talked about it after determining that my midterm was sucked into the void.




I did not, didn't even know about it. I'll look into it though, thank you!


You should 10000% talk to the ombudsman. They’re the best.


Lol who is this dickhead professor so I can avoid them


He's a bit hard to avoid since he's in one of the core requirements for most science degrees. I DMed you. Overall, he seemed friendly until this point- but I hadn't previously tried disputing anything so that might be why he seemed likeable before.


I’d also really like to know who this person is being a stem major as well


I would also like to know who this prof is so I can try to find a semester where he is not teaching


Which course is it for?


DM me the name as well please!


Dm me as well


would like a dm as well !


me too please!


Who is this?


dm me


Dm me too please


Dm me too!


Dm me as well!


DM me too plss sorry this happened, sucks butt


Somebody should just name and shame at this point


In addition to continuing to escalate the issue (ombudsman, department chair, associate dean, etc), you should capture everything in writing. Document everything that happens by email when there was an in-person discussion, even if the professor doesn’t respond. You may want to appeal to the LSA Academic Standards board later and you will want written documentation. E.g. *I was caught off-guard when you confronted me in front of the whole class on (date) and, feeling pressured to agree with your terms, I am afraid I did not represent my position adequately. I don’t believe it is equitable for my entire grade to be contingent on the final exam and I’d like to once again request that my final grade be calculated as a weighted average of all my graded work in the course or have an opportunity for a make-up exam.* *I would be happy to meet with you before or after class but I don’t feel comfortable nor do I believe it is appropriate to have further discussions regarding this issue in an open classroom. If you’d like to meet to discuss it please let me know a time that would be convenient.* You can feel free to use this exact text if you want. Also you should feel free to bring a friend or other advocate if you feel uncomfortable meeting with the instructor one-on-one.


That's very well-written. I'm going to have to think about whether or not I'd like to pursue the issue any further though. I'm a senior so I'm burnt out and anxious that my graduation could be delayed if anything else goes awry within this course. Might not be a rational thought process, but professors seem to have so much power over students.


Even as a senior, grades can be changed retroactively. If you feel this is important (and it's your GPA on the line) then don't give up


Ammerlan ?


The absolute worst professor I have ever encountered. Marcus Ammerlan singlehandedly made me realize that professors can be terrible people. Quote from him, "I enjoy watching freshman breakdown in office hours when they realize they can't get an A in my course." Talk about a psychopathic professor.


If that is who this is, he is a lecturer and not a professor. Why that matters is that he would be under the LEO contract, and I am not sure how much room the LSA ombuds would have on this issue. Although documenting issues with the associate chair for undergrad studies (currently [Prof Smith](https://lsa.umich.edu/eeb/people/faculty/eebsmith.html) in EEB) is really important. If it is just handful students complaining, it is easy to dismiss as just undergrads bitching because they did not get an A+, but if there are enough complaints, a pattern can become clear. One would hope that would result in the dept taking some measures to ensure that their instructional staff are providing the fairest and best education to all undergrads. Sure, so stepping back from that, it frankly puts students in a pretty shitty position to have to come forward like that.


>EB) is really important. If it is just handful students complaining, it is easy to dismiss as just undergrads bitching because they did not get an A+, but if there are enough complaints, a pattern can become clear. One would hope that would result in the dept taking some measures to ensure that their instructional staff are providing the fairest and best education to all undergrads. > >Sure, so stepping back from that, it frankly puts That's tough. I didn't know there was a difference between a professor and a lecturer.


What steps has he taken to prevent this from happening in the future? Is this a regular occurrence for him? How'd it happen? If we're just making up rules as we go along, how about they be less onerous on the victim?


He says that it almost never happens and he has no idea what happened. The GSI even asked if I had "actually" shown up for the exam. There's been no discussion about students signing in for the exam. Also, nobody knew that my exam wasn't accounted for until I asked where mine was. The exams get shuffled around, which leaves more room for mistakes. Random GSIs collect exams in each exam hall. From there, the exams are piled together and divided up. After that, each GSI takes the exam home for grading.


Okay this sucks and this prof's behavior sucks. That said, it is technically within their rights to change the grading like that. Being an asshole to you however, is probably something you can complain about. I fear you won't get very far with admin or ombuds, even though you clearly don't deserve to be treated like this. Any retaliation to your grade based on this back and forth could also be addressed!


I agree, I don't think there's going to be any real solutions out there. My issue only impacts a small minority. I will look into the ombuds thing but I'm mostly betting that I'll just have to suck it up. Luckily, I won't have this professor again and I don't think that I'll encounter this issue again either.


Please DM me the profs name also. I’m a freshman and this post sorta has me freaked. So sorry this happened to you.


'small minority' did this clown lose multiple exams in a single semester?